Democrats Are No Longer the Racist Party – If They Ever Really Were

What alternative reality are you living in......I ACKNOWLEDGED that the Dems were the racists. Is it a matter of reading comprehension or are you just that dishonest?
and the dance begins...the problem for you is that it really is a matter of reading your title and the first two paragraphs...this was a lame attempt by you to exempt the left of today from claims of racism, and like every racist before them it is necessary to be able for you to be both a party of racists and a party that rejects pretend you make sense and tell the truth when the words betray you, democrats were slave owning racists who must try to shed their image while retaining their need for minorities to go into the streets for them and be jailed or even killed while the white liberal makes an appearance on TV to condemn the use of force against the white liberals protest of the day and then eating a hot meal and sleeping in a warm bed while someone else does their time or worse...your not fooling anyone except those who for now are trusting you, but when minorities stop taking the heat for white liberals what are you going to do then? do it yourself? lol, no chance of that
What authority do I need to ask someone I don't recognize in my private community who they are there visiting?

What right did Trevon have to get violent just because someone who lived there asked him what he was doing creeping around at night?
So now it's just "someone" and not a "suspicious black guy"? What would you do if the person you're trying to confront and question felt threatened by you and stood their ground to not be intimidated by someone who they didn't know who had no authority to stop, let alone try to question them?

The following link is to some information I posted last week. The state of Florida's law regarding self-defense is very clear that one cannot be the aggressor in a situation, cannot essentially bait someone into an unruly or violent response and then use the pretext of "I was in fear for my life" in order to shoot and kill them.

Stalking someone from one side of the community to the other, confronting and attempting to question them as to what they're doing there is being the aggressor. The excuses being made for the execution of Martin are sickening.

The right's darling, George Zimmerman, is at it again
What alternative reality are you living in......I ACKNOWLEDGED that the Dems were the racists. Is it a matter of reading comprehension or are you just that dishonest?
and the dance begins...the problem for you is that it really is a matter of reading your title and the first two paragraphs...this was a lame attempt by you to exempt the left of today from claims of racism, and like every racist before them it is necessary to be able for you to be both a party of racists and a party that rejects pretend you make sense and tell the truth when the words betray you, democrats were slave owning racists who must try to shed their image while retaining their need for minorities to go into the streets for them and be jailed or even killed while the white liberal makes an appearance on TV to condemn the use of force against the white liberals protest of the day and then eating a hot meal and sleeping in a warm bed while someone else does their time or worse...your not fooling anyone except those who for now are trusting you, but when minorities stop taking the heat for white liberals what are you going to do then? do it yourself? lol, no chance of that
No I'm not dancing to the tune of your bizarre, inane and lying rant.
No I'm not dancing to the tune of your bizarre, inane and lying rant.
ok, I tend to skip the name calling portion of the liberal standard operating procedure in all debates/discussions...get them all out and then we'll continue
What name calling? Calling you a liar? That is just a statement of fact.

You lied by saying that that the Democrats of today are the racists

You lie by claiming that we deny the past racism of the Democrats

You lie when you suggest that white liberals use minorities to fight their battles

Until you stop lying, there is nothing to continue.
What name calling? Calling you a liar? That is just a statement of fact.

You lied by saying that that the Democrats of today are the racists

You lie by claiming that we deny the past racism of the Democrats

You lie when you suggest that white liberals use minorities to fight their battles

Until you stop lying, there is nothing to continue.
you tried to cover for racists, you're an apologist for them, now that you've been called out on it you see no need to continue...and you're right.
For me, it's not so much the idea of reparations that I'm against, it's the idea of holding all whites accountable for slavery and racism. It is simply not fair for those who had nothing to do with it to have their taxes used in such a way
So on one hand you state that you don't have anything against the concept of reparations but then you go on to say that it's not fair to have the tax dollars of whites go to paying them, correct?

First of all, I didn't say that I didn't have anything against the concept of reparations. I said "It's not so much..." I'm against reparations but it's the idea of holding all whites accountable for slavery and racism I have the biggest problem with. Do you think it's right or fair that Asian Americans should have their tax money spent to right a wrong that they had nothing to do with? Or Hispanics? Or Brazilians? Or Irish? Or Somalis?

Do you think before you post? Or do you think you can keep on repeating the same debunked stuff time after time.


And you continue paying for wrongs you did not do.

What did I say in this post that was debunked?
What name calling? Calling you a liar? That is just a statement of fact.

You lied by saying that that the Democrats of today are the racists

You lie by claiming that we deny the past racism of the Democrats

You lie when you suggest that white liberals use minorities to fight their battles

Until you stop lying, there is nothing to continue.
you tried to cover for racists, you're an apologist for them, now that you've been called out on it you see no need to continue...and you're right.

Still lying!
Show us the post(s) where I in any way made excuses for or denied the historic racism of the Democrats.

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First of all, I didn't say that I didn't have anything against the concept of reparations. I said "It's not so much..." I'm against reparations but it's the idea of holding all whites accountable for slavery and racism I have the biggest problem with. Do you think it's right or fair that Asian Americans should have their tax money spent to right a wrong that they had nothing to do with? Or Hispanics? Or Brazilians? Or Irish? Or Somalis?
So why don't you feel this way about the reparations that were paid to the Japanese American citizens that were interned during WWII by our government? Did not at least a portion of that money come from every single one of us?

Six times victims have received reparations
Japanese internment
The forced internment of 120,000 Japanese-Americans in camps during World War II resulted in about $3.1 billion in property loss and $6.4 billion in income loss, in 2014 dollars. If you account for the possibility that that money might have been invested and gotten above-inflation returns, the economic losses are even larger.

Congress made two attempts at reparations, the Japanese-American Claims Act of 1948 and the Civil Liberties Act of 1988. Between 1948 and 1965, the former authorized payments totaling $38 million (which comes to somewhere between $286 to $374 million in 2014 dollars), which didn't come close to matching the economic loss. The latter offered survivors $20,000 each in reparations. By 1998, 80,000 survivors had collected their share, for a total payout of $1.6 billion (between $2.3 billion and $3.2 billion today). There is no accounting by which either measure adequately repaid internees for their economic losses, let alone compensated for pain and suffering.

Forced sterilization
Most Americans states practiced one or another form of eugenics during the 20th century, with forced sterilizations of "unfit" people being a prime instrument. The targets were largely but by no means entirely mentally or developmentally disabled; poor black women on welfare were especially likely to be victimized in this manner. The Supreme Court gave the practice a green light with 1927's Buck v. Bell, and eventually 33 states adopted the practice, forcibly sterilizing about 65,000 people total through the 1970s. Oregon forcibly sterilized people as late as 1981, and its Board of Eugenics (renamed the "Board of Social Protection" in 1967) was only abolished in 1983.

Very few states have acknowledged or apologized for these policies, and only one, North Carolina, has set up a reparations program. The state sterilized about 7,600 people, most of whom are no longer living, but last year passed a $10 million reparations program that should give the more than 177 living victims somewhere in the range of $50,000 each. The payments should be made within a few years. Some victims have objected, saying this doesn't come close to remedying the injustice. As one victim, Elaine Riddick Jessie (who was sterilized at age 14 after being raped and giving the resulting son up for adoption), put it, "If I accepted it, what kind of value am I putting on my life?"

California, which sterilized by far the largest number of people of any state, has yet to pay out reparations.

Tuskegee experiment
After the end of the Tuskegee experiment — in which 399 black men with syphilis were left untreated to study the progression of the disease between 1932 and 1972 — the government reached a $10 million out of court settlement with the victims and their families in 1974, which included both monetary reparations (in 2014 dollars, $178,000 for men in the study who had syphilis, $72,000 for heirs, $77,000 for those in the control group and $24,000 for heirs of those in the control group) and a promise of lifelong medical treatment for both participants and their immediate families. According to the CDC, 15 descendants are still receiving treatment through the program today.

In 1923, the primarily black town of Rosewood on the Gulf Coast of Florida was destroyed in a race riot that, by official counts, killed at least six black residents and two whites (though some descendants of the town's residents have claimed many more were killed and dumped in mass graves). In 1994, the state of Florida agreed to a reparations package worth around $3.36 million in 2014 dollars, of which $2.4 million today would be set aside to compensate the 11 or so remaining survivors of the incident, $800,000 to compensate those who were forced to flee the town, and $160,000 would go to college scholarships primarily aimed at descendants​

I'm against it for the reason I stated but also because reparations to blacks would be a ridiculous amount of money. The government is already filching from Social Security to pay for things they can't afford so an amount of money commensurate with the current black population would leave us weaker in defense or infrastructure or whatever program they decide to cut back on.
I don’t know. But here’s a thought. Recently I’ve seen blacks acting out in public. Getting “uppity”. I think they’ve been emboldened by these incidences like Starbucks. Anyways, the one time it happened to me I didn’t argue back. I didn’t dare. Next thing you know their phone is out and they got you on good morning America.

So if I see a suspicious black guy walking around who I don’t recognize in my private condo community I can’t ask him who he’s visiting for fear of it seeming racist. This is going to give criminals an advantage

Have you lost your damn mind?

Don't worry. He is a liberal. This flash of sanity and clear perception, is likely a passing fluke.
And kate stevie wonders why I call you a collectivist.


No need to drag me into your response.

I clearly stated in this very thread, that I don't speak for all black people.

I speak only for myself.

But YOU stated that you believe that you speak for the "vast majority" of white people.

That sounds like a "collectivist" mindset to me.

And it is actually an insult to white people who are capable of speaking for themselves.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

It depends on the issue.

I certainly can't speak for the vast majority of white people, say on, Presidential Candidates.

But there are some issues, especially if backed by polls showing massive agreement, that I can.

I don't recall exactly which issue, I told you that I spoke for the "vast majority" of white people, but I am sure that I would not say that, unless I had good reason.

And no, that's not a collectivist mindset.

THIS is a collectivist mindset, defending the idea of being angry with individuals now, because of the past, often centuries ago, actions of a group.

"you think whites can do the things they have been doing and no body has the right to be angry with them "

Note the complete lack of any attempt to limit the anger to the individuals that DID the provocation.

Indeed, IM2, angrily rejects and dismisses that idea.
I’m right in between you two. That means I’m about as fair and balanced as you’re going to get. I see when im2 is right. He’s not 100% wrong you know.

It’s like the Jews and Palestinians. The Jews act like they are 100% in the right. As someone who’s not a Jew or Arab I can see they are not and neither are you

Have you read up on the studies challenging the normal narrative of the Southern Strategy?

Have you ever read up, and seriously questioned any of the arguments made in DEFENDING the claim of the Southern Strategy?
I hear the right wing spin on everything. Not buying it.

The link I posted on it, was to the New York TImes.

The academics that did the study, were not right wing.
No I'm not dancing to the tune of your bizarre, inane and lying rant.
ok, I tend to skip the name calling portion of the liberal standard operating procedure in all debates/discussions...get them all out and then we'll continue
What name calling? Calling you a liar? That is just a statement of fact.

You lied by saying that that the Democrats of today are the racists

You lie by claiming that we deny the past racism of the Democrats

You lie when you suggest that white liberals use minorities to fight their battles

Until you stop lying, there is nothing to continue.
It's not a lie. Demonrats today and yesterday are racists. Ya'll use it every time you need to promote illegal immigration. Anyone that opposes you is a "racist". Everyone that opposed Obama was a "racist". You know it, so why deny it. Be loud and proud of who you are.
First of all, I didn't say that I didn't have anything against the concept of reparations. I said "It's not so much..." I'm against reparations but it's the idea of holding all whites accountable for slavery and racism I have the biggest problem with. Do you think it's right or fair that Asian Americans should have their tax money spent to right a wrong that they had nothing to do with? Or Hispanics? Or Brazilians? Or Irish? Or Somalis?
The question was asked of you, "do you think it's fair that blacks have had their freedom and lives taken away by the government for centuries?"

You have not yet answered...why is this?

Because it's irrelevant and a non sequitur. That the government unfairly took the lives and freedom of blacks is not justification for punishing those who had nothing to do with it.
No I'm not dancing to the tune of your bizarre, inane and lying rant.
ok, I tend to skip the name calling portion of the liberal standard operating procedure in all debates/discussions...get them all out and then we'll continue
What name calling? Calling you a liar? That is just a statement of fact.

You lied by saying that that the Democrats of today are the racists

You lie by claiming that we deny the past racism of the Democrats

You lie when you suggest that white liberals use minorities to fight their battles

Until you stop lying, there is nothing to continue.
It's not a lie. Demonrats today and yesterday are racists. Ya'll use it every time you need to promote illegal immigration. Anyone that opposes you is a "racist". Everyone that opposed Obama was a "racist". You know it, so why deny it. Be loud and proud of who you are.
More of your moronic horseshit! Who is "promoting" illegal immigration? . Who, where and when is anybody calling everyone who opposes us for any reason "racist" How the fuck is the Democratic Party of today racist?
First of all, I didn't say that I didn't have anything against the concept of reparations. I said "It's not so much..." I'm against reparations but it's the idea of holding all whites accountable for slavery and racism I have the biggest problem with. Do you think it's right or fair that Asian Americans should have their tax money spent to right a wrong that they had nothing to do with? Or Hispanics? Or Brazilians? Or Irish? Or Somalis?
The question was asked of you, "do you think it's fair that blacks have had their freedom and lives taken away by the government for centuries?"

You have not yet answered...why is this?

Because it's irrelevant and a non sequitur. That the government unfairly took the lives and freedom of blacks is not justification for punishing those who had nothing to do with it.
The government is still unfairly taking away the lives and freedom of black people . Slavery didn't really end. It evolved into what is now the criminal justice system
No I'm not dancing to the tune of your bizarre, inane and lying rant.
ok, I tend to skip the name calling portion of the liberal standard operating procedure in all debates/discussions...get them all out and then we'll continue
What name calling? Calling you a liar? That is just a statement of fact.

You lied by saying that that the Democrats of today are the racists

You lie by claiming that we deny the past racism of the Democrats

You lie when you suggest that white liberals use minorities to fight their battles

Until you stop lying, there is nothing to continue.
It's not a lie. Demonrats today and yesterday are racists. Ya'll use it every time you need to promote illegal immigration. Anyone that opposes you is a "racist". Everyone that opposed Obama was a "racist". You know it, so why deny it. Be loud and proud of who you are.
More of your moronic horseshit! Who is "promoting" illegal immigration? . Who, where and when is anybody calling everyone who opposes us for any reason "racist" How the fuck is the Democratic Party of today racist?
Democrats are promoting illegal immigration. Nancy Pelosi is one of your leaders. Don't you read the news?
First of all, I didn't say that I didn't have anything against the concept of reparations. I said "It's not so much..." I'm against reparations but it's the idea of holding all whites accountable for slavery and racism I have the biggest problem with. Do you think it's right or fair that Asian Americans should have their tax money spent to right a wrong that they had nothing to do with? Or Hispanics? Or Brazilians? Or Irish? Or Somalis?
The question was asked of you, "do you think it's fair that blacks have had their freedom and lives taken away by the government for centuries?"

You have not yet answered...why is this?

Because it's irrelevant and a non sequitur. That the government unfairly took the lives and freedom of blacks is not justification for punishing those who had nothing to do with it.
The government is still unfairly taking away the lives and freedom of black people . Slavery didn't really end. It evolved into what is now the criminal justice system
The government will put you in jail if you commit a crime. Michael Brown is dead because he tried to take a cop's gun away from him. Trayvon Martin is dead because he assaulted an armed man. The Democrats made martyrs out of both of these thugs.

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