Democrats Are No Longer the Racist Party – If They Ever Really Were

First of all, I didn't say that I didn't have anything against the concept of reparations. I said "It's not so much..." I'm against reparations but it's the idea of holding all whites accountable for slavery and racism I have the biggest problem with. Do you think it's right or fair that Asian Americans should have their tax money spent to right a wrong that they had nothing to do with? Or Hispanics? Or Brazilians? Or Irish? Or Somalis?
The question was asked of you, "do you think it's fair that blacks have had their freedom and lives taken away by the government for centuries?"

You have not yet answered...why is this?
Notice you didn’t say rich black communities next to poor white communities?

Not that I saw, nor would expect.

What is your point?
I don’t know. But here’s a thought. Recently I’ve seen blacks acting out in public. Getting “uppity”. I think they’ve been emboldened by these incidences like Starbucks. Anyways, the one time it happened to me I didn’t argue back. I didn’t dare. Next thing you know their phone is out and they got you on good morning America.

So if I see a suspicious black guy walking around who I don’t recognize in my private condo community I can’t ask him who he’s visiting for fear of it seeming racist. This is going to give criminals an advantage

Have you lost your damn mind?
So I have a question and a comment. Are you intentionally making racist comments or racially charged comments? I ask because there is a poster here who is hypersensitive to being called a racist but makes comments of a nature similar to the ones you've made here. So while I won't assume that you are (some are proudly so) the use of the word "uppity" when referring to black people has a racist connotation since the original term was "uppity ******(s)".

As to my comment it has to do with you stating "if I see a suspicious black guy walking around who I don’t recognize in my private condo community I can’t ask him who he’s visiting for fear of it seeming racist". It is this mindset which led to Trayvon Martin's death at the hands of George Zimmerman yet every time I ask under what authority did Zimmerman follow (surveill / stalk) and then attempt to confront and question Martin (detain & interrogate) my inquiry is met with complete silence or deflection.

I already know the answer to the question, I'm just trying to see if anyone else does and so far it's not looking good.

What authority do I need to ask someone I don't recognize in my private community who they are there visiting?

What right did Trevon have to get violent just because someone who lived there asked him what he was doing creeping around at night?
Zimmerman had every right to ask him what he was doing ... when Treyvon starting acting up Zimmerman had no business pulling a gun on the kid... he was told by the 911 dispatcher not to get out of the car ... 2 knuckle heads Treyvon and Zimmerman, one had a gun who do you think won poor little treyvon he shoulda run .. then Obama and the race baiters couldn't have fun.... . son of a gun
Do you think before you post? Or do you think you can keep on repeating the same debunked stuff time after time.


And you continue paying for wrongs you did not do.
It's called Cognitive Dissonance.


Folk like ghost are chuck full of it.
What authority do I need to ask someone I don't recognize in my private community who they are there visiting?

What right did Trevon have to get violent just because someone who lived there asked him what he was doing creeping around at night?
How do you know for a fact that Trayvon Martin got violent "just because someone who lived there asked him what he was doing creeping around at night?"

Your entire post is steeped in bias.

What do you think happened? Explain it to me in detail how you believe it all went down. Are you suggesting Zimmerman walked up the Trevon, physically assaulted him first and that's what led to him getting beat up?

For some reason I have a hard time believing George touched him first.

To me it makes more sense that George pissed Trevon off and Trevon beat him up for disrespecting him and George shot him because he was now suddenly getting his ass whipped.

I'm not defending Zimmerman but if Trevon started beating him up just because he followed him then he gave Zimmerman the justification for shooting him. Sad but true.
What authority do I need to ask someone I don't recognize in my private community who they are there visiting?

What right did Trevon have to get violent just because someone who lived there asked him what he was doing creeping around at night?
How do you know for a fact that Trayvon Martin got violent "just because someone who lived there asked him what he was doing creeping around at night?"

Your entire post is steeped in bias.
How do you know the facts?
It is an opinion and an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy if you expect it to be taken as fact without explanation and documentation,
care to elaborate?...btw, george wallace was a democrat and robert byrd the man hillary referred to as a mentor was a member of the klan...white liberals are still using minorities for their own ends
This is the tripe that you offer to support you inane clap trap : "Travel the USA, you will see in a heart beat the blue state's are way more racist and segregated then the red state's in the year 2018 "

Yes Wallace was a racist, a southern Democrat like the ones that I spoke of. So what. Byrd made a bad choice by cavorting with the Klan as a young man and spent his entire professional life regretting it and apologizing for it. Surely you can do better? Maybe not.
What do you think happened? Explain it to me in detail how you believe it all went down. Are you suggesting Zimmerman walked up the Trevon, physically assaulted him first and that's what led to him getting beat up?

For some reason I have a hard time believing George touched him first.

To me it makes more sense that George pissed Trevon off and Trevon beat him up for disrespecting him and George shot him because he was now suddenly getting his ass whipped.

I'm not defending Zimmerman but if Trevon started beating him up just because he followed him then he gave Zimmerman the justification for shooting him. Sad but true.
I'm not even gonna justify your BS.

I'm simply going to point out the key words, from your own statements, that PROVE you're just pulling your "conclussions", from whole cloth, out of your ass.

What you think and/or thought has no value, merit or bearing on anything factual. BTW, do you know what "thought" made a man do...? Soil himself.


And that's exactly what you're doing every time you post such clap trap.
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This is the tripe that you offer to support you inane clap trap : "Travel the USA, you will see in a heart beat the blue state's are way more racist and segregated then the red state's in the year 2018 " cannot even get the simple facts of the day you are living in wonder you fall for the "racist democrats are not racist" propaganda...while the above statement you attribute to me is truer and more accurate than anything you have claimed it has nothing to do with me...good job

Yes Wallace was a racist, a southern Democrat like the ones that I spoke of. So what. Byrd made a bad choice by cavorting with the Klan as a young man and spent his entire professional life regretting it and apologizing for it. Surely you can do better? Maybe not.
even if the above racist excuse is true it proves your post claiming the democrats were not racist is a lie, if they weren't racist what was byrd apologizing for? it is the white liberals in the party that are the racists.
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What authority do I need to ask someone I don't recognize in my private community who they are there visiting?

What right did Trevon have to get violent just because someone who lived there asked him what he was doing creeping around at night?
How do you know for a fact that Trayvon Martin got violent "just because someone who lived there asked him what he was doing creeping around at night?"

Your entire post is steeped in bias.
How do you know the facts?
Do me a favor and point out where I stated, or suggested, that I did.
2.) In the second paragraph he claims that I said that blacks were more racist when that is not at all what I said.
I believe he was referring to an exchange between the two of you on the thread "Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes".

And? I didn't author the thread and I never said that in any case. What I told him was that some blacks are racist, that's it. I've had to correct him on this multiple times now.

You claimed black racism existed while denying any type of white racism. You claimed to have gone to a black school in the 1960s and blacks were racists.

This again? Jesus Christ when are you going to get it through your thick skull that I did not say I went to a black school? I've told you this twice already. It was either Correll or Humorme that told you that, not me.
The elementary school I went to had no blacks at all and the junior/senior high only had two black students; two girls that were sisters and a grade or two higher than me. Okay? Think you can remember that?

But you refused to even try to understand why that in the 1960's, blacks didn't like white people. You dismissed the lifetme of severe and overt white racism these people endured to call them racists. You claimed racism on a job where you were a supervisor of blacks because you got spit on by a black man. I'm not justifying what the mam did, you should have knocked his teeth out. But did he spit on you because you were white, or because you called him out in front of all the workers?

Didn't I already explain this to you too? Are you actually reading what I'm posting at all? I told you already that there were three people on shift at the time; me, him and a deckhand. The deckhand was working elsewhere so it was just me and him. I did not berate him, scold him, yell at him or belittle him in any way. I simply asked him if he shouldn't have gloves on for the work he was doing.

I sincerely hope I'm not going to have to tell this shit again.

You want me to say there are black racists when blacks have done nothing the likes of things whites have done and you want to take the anger blacks feel about what whites do and have done to cry abut blacks beg racists.

You don't get to have amnesia. You will face what whites have done. What you call racism by blacks is not racism. It is the angry reaction and response to the racism of whites. Surely you can't be sane and think that whites can do as they have consistently done to POC and logically expect that we all are just going to ignore it. And you can't understand how that kind of attitude can be called racist or white supremacist.

I don't get to have amnesia? I'm not the one forgetting everything. I've told you multiple times now that I did not say blacks were more racist, only that some were racist. I've had to reiterate the details of my story of getting spit on about three times now. I've had to tell you three or four times that I did not say I went to a black school.

I feel like I'm caught in a time loop or something. They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. In your case, insanity is saying the same things over and over again and forgetting the result.

You want me to say that there are black racists. But what you call black racism is not racism. It appears that you, like other whites here like you think whites can do the things they have been doing and no body has the right to be angry with them about it.

There's being angry and then there's being racist. A black man spitting on a white man for being white is racism. You can't just explain something like this away by citing more white racism.

If we are then we are racists. You said you were spit on. Why did that happen? You do have amnesia as you seen to have forgotten 241 years of white racism and that counts today as we near year 242 of white racism in America.

And there it is again, that perspective manipulation.
2.) In the second paragraph he claims that I said that blacks were more racist when that is not at all what I said.
I believe he was referring to an exchange between the two of you on the thread "Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes".

It's amazing the extent to which some of these people will lie.

What? You claimed I said that blacks were more racist. That was patently false and you know it.

You've said more than that.

What more I may have said is irrelevant. The fact remains I did not claim that blacks are more racist.
What do you think happened? Explain it to me in detail how you believe it all went down. Are you suggesting Zimmerman walked up the Trevon, physically assaulted him first and that's what led to him getting beat up?

For some reason I have a hard time believing George touched him first.

To me it makes more sense that George pissed Trevon off and Trevon beat him up for disrespecting him and George shot him because he was now suddenly getting his ass whipped.

I'm not defending Zimmerman but if Trevon started beating him up just because he followed him then he gave Zimmerman the justification for shooting him. Sad but true.
I'm not even gonna justify your BS.

I'm simply going to point out the key words, from your own statements, that PROVE you're just pulling your "conclussions", from whole cloth, out of your ass.

What you think and/or thought has no value, merit or bearing on anything factual. You know what "thought" made a man do...? Soil himself.


And that's exactly what you're doing every time you post such clap trap.
So you admit that the young brother felt disrespected and attacked Zimmerman! You can't do that. He should have used his words instead of his fists.

You can't even tell me your scenerio on how you think it went down because you know Zimmerman didn't touch Trevon first. He scarred the shit out of him. He pissed him off. But can you tell me you honestly believe Zimmerman put his hands on Trevon first?

I don't like what Zimmerman did either but what Trevon most likely did was wrong too. And if someone did what Zimmerman did to me, I'd want to beat him up too. But I wouldn't because I know the guys a nut and has a gun. Zimmerman should have used his brain. I feel like Zimmerman purposely antagonized the kid into getting physical. I think Zimmerman should have spent some time in jail based on all the facts. But stand your ground says you can shoot is someone is beating your ass.

Will you at least admit that if Trevon did attack George for stalking him then he in fact is guilty of battery and unfortunately under Florida stand your ground law battering someone can get you killed and the person who shoots you will walk.
What authority do I need to ask someone I don't recognize in my private community who they are there visiting?

What right did Trevon have to get violent just because someone who lived there asked him what he was doing creeping around at night?
How do you know for a fact that Trayvon Martin got violent "just because someone who lived there asked him what he was doing creeping around at night?"

Your entire post is steeped in bias.
How do you know the facts?
Do me a favor and point out where I stated, or suggested, that I did.

So you aren't sure if Zimmerman is guilty either? I think what he did was wrong and he should be negligible for that kids death but in criminal court he may have walked because Trevon decided he was going to give Zimmerman some street justice.
So you admit that the young brother felt disrespected and attacked Zimmerman! You can't do that. He should have used his words instead of his fists.

You can't even tell me your scenerio on how you think it went down because you know Zimmerman didn't touch Trevon first. He scarred the shit out of him. He pissed him off. But can you tell me you honestly believe Zimmerman put his hands on Trevon first?

I don't like what Zimmerman did either but what Trevon most likely did was wrong too. And if someone did what Zimmerman did to me, I'd want to beat him up too. But I wouldn't because I know the guys a nut and has a gun. Zimmerman should have used his brain. I feel like Zimmerman purposely antagonized the kid into getting physical. I think Zimmerman should have spent some time in jail based on all the facts. But stand your ground says you can shoot is someone is beating your ass.

Will you at least admit that if Trevon did attack George for stalking him then he in fact is guilty of battery and unfortunately under Florida stand your ground law battering someone can get you killed and the person who shoots you will walk.
Seems to me that you have not yet learned the simple axiom that when in a ditch you ought to stop digging.

And why are you continuing to spell Trayvon's name incorrectly? It's not TREvon, it's TRAYvon.
So you admit that the young brother felt disrespected and attacked Zimmerman! You can't do that. He should have used his words instead of his fists.

You can't even tell me your scenerio on how you think it went down because you know Zimmerman didn't touch Trevon first. He scarred the shit out of him. He pissed him off. But can you tell me you honestly believe Zimmerman put his hands on Trevon first?

I don't like what Zimmerman did either but what Trevon most likely did was wrong too. And if someone did what Zimmerman did to me, I'd want to beat him up too. But I wouldn't because I know the guys a nut and has a gun. Zimmerman should have used his brain. I feel like Zimmerman purposely antagonized the kid into getting physical. I think Zimmerman should have spent some time in jail based on all the facts. But stand your ground says you can shoot is someone is beating your ass.

Will you at least admit that if Trevon did attack George for stalking him then he in fact is guilty of battery and unfortunately under Florida stand your ground law battering someone can get you killed and the person who shoots you will walk.
Seems to me that you have not yet learned the simple axiom that when in a ditch you ought to stop digging.

And why are you continuing to spell Trayvon's name incorrectly? It's not TREvon, it's TRAYvon.

I'm assuming since you've repeatedly ignored my points that you get what I'm saying?

If I disrespect a black person in public, that does not give them the right to beat my ass. So, if a young black man gets followed by a neighborhood watch guy and he feels disrespected, he has to be able to use his words instead of his hands. Or run. George didn't shoot him in the back. He would have went to jail had he done that.

What would have been the right thing to do? Treyvon should have called the police himself. Or waited till they got there and pressed charges because Zimmerman pulled his gun on him. That's got to be illegal.

Trust me, I was the first person to think that George taunted Treyvon into attacking him with the hopes that he would so he could shoot him. Or I thought that's a possibility. I wanted Zimmerman to go to jail. I still do. Or I wish he owed the Martin's a million dollars. But young men have to learn it's a different time from when we grew up. When we were young you and I would have just fist fought. No weapons would have been involved. Now a days you don't know who's packing so kids today can't act the way I acted.

I could have been shot 100 times when I was young. I'm glad stand your ground wasn't around back then.
So you admit that the young brother felt disrespected and attacked Zimmerman! You can't do that. He should have used his words instead of his fists.

You can't even tell me your scenerio on how you think it went down because you know Zimmerman didn't touch Trevon first. He scarred the shit out of him. He pissed him off. But can you tell me you honestly believe Zimmerman put his hands on Trevon first?

I don't like what Zimmerman did either but what Trevon most likely did was wrong too. And if someone did what Zimmerman did to me, I'd want to beat him up too. But I wouldn't because I know the guys a nut and has a gun. Zimmerman should have used his brain. I feel like Zimmerman purposely antagonized the kid into getting physical. I think Zimmerman should have spent some time in jail based on all the facts. But stand your ground says you can shoot is someone is beating your ass.

Will you at least admit that if Trevon did attack George for stalking him then he in fact is guilty of battery and unfortunately under Florida stand your ground law battering someone can get you killed and the person who shoots you will walk.
Seems to me that you have not yet learned the simple axiom that when in a ditch you ought to stop digging.

And why are you continuing to spell Trayvon's name incorrectly? It's not TREvon, it's TRAYvon.

It all comes down to what I would believe as a juror. If you told me Zimmerman ran Treyvon down, physically assaulted him first and then shot him after he started to lose, I may not believe that as much as I would that he chased him down and then Treyvon felt disrespected and beat him up for following him. cannot even get the simple facts of the day you are living in wonder you fall for the "racist democrats are not racist" propaganda...while the above statement you attribute to me is truer and more accurate than anything you have claimed it has nothing to do with me...good job
You endorsed it. You said that it was "on point"
even if the above racist excuse is true it proves your post claiming the democrats were not racist is a lie, if they weren't racist what was byrd apologizing for? it is the white liberals in the party that are the racists.
What alternative reality are you living in......I ACKNOWLEDGED that the Dems were the racists. Is it a matter of reading comprehension or are you just that dishonest?

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