Democrats are not even people

He's right because the Democrats can't behave like human beings. They behave like rabid dogs and should be classified as such. They gave up their humanity some time ago.
When you see a Republican complain about Democrat obstructionism, does the GOP relationship with Obama cross your mind at any point, or are you compartmentalizing the last eight years out of your thought process? Serious question.

The Republicans allowed more confirmations in Obama's first week than the Dems did in Trumps first 100 days.
How many did Obama appoint? How many did Trump appoint?
Agencies are getting peeved; he hasn't been appointing them.
He's right because the Democrats can't behave like human beings. They behave like rabid dogs and should be classified as such. They gave up their humanity some time ago.
When you see a Republican complain about Democrat obstructionism, does the GOP relationship with Obama cross your mind at any point, or are you compartmentalizing the last eight years out of your thought process? Serious question.

The Republicans allowed more confirmations in Obama's first week than the Dems did in Trumps first 100 days.
How many did Obama appoint? How many did Trump appoint?
Agencies are getting peeved; he hasn't been appointing them.

Flashback: Seven Of Obama’s Nominees Confirmed On First Day Of First Term
He's right because the Democrats can't behave like human beings. They behave like rabid dogs and should be classified as such. They gave up their humanity some time ago.
When you see a Republican complain about Democrat obstructionism, does the GOP relationship with Obama cross your mind at any point, or are you compartmentalizing the last eight years out of your thought process? Serious question.

The Republicans allowed more confirmations in Obama's first week than the Dems did in Trumps first 100 days.
How many did Obama appoint? How many did Trump appoint?
Agencies are getting peeved; he hasn't been appointing them.

Newsflash: Trump is considering not appointing anybody to unnecessary/redundant government positions. :eek:

Personally, I think it's a good thing.
hundreds if not thousands of potential terrorist murderers and thieves among our unsuspecting people,
Yeah, there's definitely no destabilizing partisan mischief in THAT statement.

Bush let in many of them as well, if that makes you feel any better.

This is not a Democrat vrs Republican problem, but an American people vrs Corporate Crony network problem.

Or else just remove our current political establishment entirely and replace it. ..............

If the political establishment is willing to risk grave harm to our people, what other choice do we have but to remove them?
I have not thought of Democrats as human beings for a long time. Long before Trump. I don't even think they are living entities. Their bodies appear to be empty shells animated by forces of evil.
I have not thought of Democrats as human beings for a long time. Long before Trump. I don't even think they are living entities. Their bodies appear to be empty shells animated by forces of evil.

And they think the same of conservatives, metaphorically, and hence the problem.
I have not thought of Democrats as human beings for a long time. Long before Trump. I don't even think they are living entities. Their bodies appear to be empty shells animated by forces of evil.

And they think the same of conservatives, metaphorically, and hence the problem.
That's why this will only end in a bloody civil war and the break up of the nation.
He's right because the Democrats can't behave like human beings. They behave like rabid dogs and should be classified as such. They gave up their humanity some time ago.
And you can say this shit with a straight face? Between that idiot in the white house and the morons that support this idiot in the white, your creds, your peeps are all considered NON MOTHERFUCKIN FACTORS!!... ya dig?

Don't you have a lovely, sparkling crack rock to be smoking, while you figure out new ways to defraud the welfare system? Why can't you African-Americans understand that you are humanity's most historically failed race and we "white devils" (& every other race on this planet) will NEVER, ever, ever, ever give a flying fuck what you Nike-Air-Jordan-Americans have to say? Why is that so difficult to accept?
Also, I DESPISE Afro-hair, it makes you black-crybabies heads look like giant microphones.
He's right because the Democrats can't behave like human beings. They behave like rabid dogs and should be classified as such. They gave up their humanity some time ago.
When you see a Republican complain about Democrat obstructionism, does the GOP relationship with Obama cross your mind at any point, or are you compartmentalizing the last eight years out of your thought process? Serious question.
I dont think a series of 'Well, you started it first!' recriminations are any sort of benefit to anyone. The levels of partisanship this country has reached are both cancerous and toxic and the political establishment that would normally be trying to reign all the hyperbole are feeling threatened and are thus engaging in the destabilizing mischief themselves.

When enemies of our President are willing to cripple the office of the President by subjecting his clear Constitutional authority to judicial review and allow in hundreds if not thousands of potential terrorist murderers and thieves among our unsuspecting people, you know this nations leadership has become dysfunctional and self destructive.

We must close ranks against the threats we face and stop allowing spoiled sports and loser crybabies to divide us while they are screaming that we will not be divided.

Or else just remove our current political establishment entirely and replace it.

I would disagree that the President has clear Constitutional authority. I believe in the checks and balances and it should exist to ensure that the mistreatment of Japanese Americans never happens again. A President is not a monarch. Checks and balances must exist to ensure that the awesome powers a President holds is not abused. You complain about partisanship yet you make a partisan argument about supposed terrorists when there is no proof of your statement.

When you talk about closing ranks, you talk about giving up our principles. Giving a President a free pass with no checks and balances. That is a anathema to the principles this country and our Constitution was based on. You are one side of the coin that is dividing this country.
I would disagree that the President has clear Constitutional authority. I believe in the checks and balances and it should exist to ensure that the mistreatment of Japanese Americans never happens again. A President is not a monarch.

Having the clear authority over immigration that the Constitution and duly passed law currently on the books does not make one a monarch, friend.

Checks and balances must exist to ensure that the awesome powers a President holds is not abused.

You mean like writing Executive Orders to bypass Congress? That kind of abuse?

You complain about partisanship yet you make a partisan argument about supposed terrorists when there is no proof of your statement.

You are unaware of terrorist attacks in this country by people who have immigrated into this country? Are you serious?

When you talk about closing ranks, you talk about giving up our principles. Giving a President a free pass with no checks and balances. That is a anathema to the principles this country and our Constitution was based on.

The specific power I was alluding to is specifically granted to the President by the Constitution and US Code of Law.

In the two world wars immense powers were granted to the President to achieve victory over the Central powers.

You seem to be short on some facts, friend.

You are one side of the coin that is dividing this country.

No, I am not. I do not make up my 'facts' out of thin air or some partisan talking point list.

I am speaking of Reality and you are repeating nonsense.

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