Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War

LOL I love these threads where "patriots" fantasize about mass murdering Americans over mere politics.
Mere politics?
China's Cultural Revolution: An estimated 500,000 to 2,000,000 were killed. Reason: Politics.
Russia's Revolution: An estimated 10,000,000 were killed. Reason: Politics.
U.S. Civil War: An estimated 620,000 were killed. Reason: Politics (the politics of states wanting slavery, but still politics).
Mere politics. Wars have started over less.
I only see conservatives start these threads.
Not to mention tossing out thinly-veiled threats that refer to guns.

This is just one of those obvious projection threads.

"I want YOU to come try to take my gun"

Bunch of lunatics just itching for an opportunity to murder people who disagree with them.
Or, a bunch of silly goofballs talking out of their ass to sound big. Not quite sure.
Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War
6 Dec 2019 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Civil war becomes likelier with every passing day.
With the failure of the doddering Mueller’s Democrat-inspired coup attempt, the disaster of Schiff’s impeachment hoax, and Nadler’s Wednesday hearing comprised of angry leftist academics, the country has learned a valuable lesson; the Democrats will never accept Trump as the duly elected president -- no matter how much of a landslide he wins by in 2020. And as Michael Walsh has pointed out. “They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.”
Unbridled hatred will do that.
When Trump wins reelection, look for the “smart” party -- “smart” like Fredo (both the mobster and the media moron) -- to redouble their efforts to depose the president. When the enemy stands between those with blinding hatred in their hearts and the power they crave, there is nowhere else for them to go but to war. There is just one problem with their strategy, Americans see what the Democrats have planned for them. Americans understand what is coming. The left’s tactics have changed, as we’ve seen in the recent actions in Virginia. The Democrats are opening a can of worms and they simply do not understand the consequences. At Nadler’s hearing on Wednesday, Jonathan Turley talked of “rage.” Democrats don’t understand what “rage” is, but they are about to learn.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe that this is just another conspiracy theory, they are wrong. They consider American citizens as sheep and lower in intelligence. They are the deplorables and the Left can manipulate them with the use of disinformation, lies and propaganda from their biased MSM. they the Left believes they are the future and the carnage and terrors of the 20th Century will be repeated if they're not stopped. Do they really want to disturb the sleeping dog?
Perhaps we should all go back and read the cases of the Civil War of 1865. Democrats were the cause and lost the war they tried to keep over 4,000,000 souls in bondage while wasting the lives of over 650,000 Americans both Blue and Grey. Now they're trying to starting another civil war to cover their decades of corruption (which was magnified ten fold under Obama/Biden) and remove a duly elected president they cannot defeat in a just contest before the American people.
Certainly those of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left will claim that those Democrats of the past are today Republicans. However, we all have to face the fact that the PMS/DSA were and still are the perpetrators of the past and present issues of unrest, violence and abject racism.
Fuck off russian peice of shit! Go start shit in your hell hole of russia. get the fuck out the US.
Only if we fight back. Unless we do FIGHT BACK conservatives are doomed.

We are on the path of the mao revolution style takeover of our culture.

History says we won't be fighting back cause we tend to be cowards.
LOL I love these threads where "patriots" fantasize about mass murdering Americans over mere politics.
Personally, it need not be mass murder. Just the coup plotters and planners and key figures "just following orders" and it all stops
LOL I love these threads where "patriots" fantasize about mass murdering Americans over mere politics.
Mere politics?
China's Cultural Revolution: An estimated 500,000 to 2,000,000 were killed. Reason: Politics.
Russia's Revolution: An estimated 10,000,000 were killed. Reason: Politics.
U.S. Civil War: An estimated 620,000 were killed. Reason: Politics (the politics of states wanting slavery, but still politics).
Mere politics. Wars have started over less.
It's not like the urge to bring murder into politics is a widespread phenomena. These fantasy confederates are cowardly and lazy losers who live in their own sad paranoid bubble. The kind of love and courage it takes to start an insurgency is just not in them.
Only if we fight back. Unless we do FIGHT BACK conservatives are doomed.

We are on the path of the mao revolution style takeover of our culture.

History says we won't be fighting back cause we tend to be cowards.
Fuck off russian peice of shit! Go start shit in your hell hole of russia. get the fuck out the US.
The Civil War is between Good (The Right) and Evil (The Left)
Rather two dimensional, the L & R have existed here over 2 centuries...

No such thing as a non-angry Trumpbot.

They are being coerced into anger, to target political opponents /opposition

The common tactic of lack luster leadership

They do try to turn us against each other but it wont work other than stirring up a few mentally disturbed people here and there who act out in violence.


Mere politics. Wars have started over less.

A study in of itself , if not grand thread fodder Duck

I'll wager that the majority were motivated by sheer economic distress, that that of political allegiance

A populace that watches it's children starve can be quite malleable ....

Using said comparison , we Americans are far too fat & happy to bust a move past the keyboards of the devil box

I only see conservatives start these threads.

Only a democrat could think they could hit & hit & hit and never get hit back.

If you don't see a civil war're as willfully blind as a democrat!

I have a saying. When you fire at me and I fire back, complaining about it is just bitching. Like I said, we are having an American style Revolution in November of 2020. You are invited to participate. But leave your gun in your car when you go to vote.
I doubt there is enough support for civil war to actually have one.
But if one does come I am going to become a war profiteer. I might start a few mobile whorehouses/Saloons and service both sides.

At first, you won't have any women working for you so you'll have to run the business by hand :beer:
Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War
6 Dec 2019 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Civil war becomes likelier with every passing day.
With the failure of the doddering Mueller’s Democrat-inspired coup attempt, the disaster of Schiff’s impeachment hoax, and Nadler’s Wednesday hearing comprised of angry leftist academics, the country has learned a valuable lesson; the Democrats will never accept Trump as the duly elected president -- no matter how much of a landslide he wins by in 2020. And as Michael Walsh has pointed out. “They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.”
Unbridled hatred will do that.
When Trump wins reelection, look for the “smart” party -- “smart” like Fredo (both the mobster and the media moron) -- to redouble their efforts to depose the president. When the enemy stands between those with blinding hatred in their hearts and the power they crave, there is nowhere else for them to go but to war. There is just one problem with their strategy, Americans see what the Democrats have planned for them. Americans understand what is coming. The left’s tactics have changed, as we’ve seen in the recent actions in Virginia. The Democrats are opening a can of worms and they simply do not understand the consequences. At Nadler’s hearing on Wednesday, Jonathan Turley talked of “rage.” Democrats don’t understand what “rage” is, but they are about to learn.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe that this is just another conspiracy theory, they are wrong. They consider American citizens as sheep and lower in intelligence. They are the deplorables and the Left can manipulate them with the use of disinformation, lies and propaganda from their biased MSM. they the Left believes they are the future and the carnage and terrors of the 20th Century will be repeated if they're not stopped. Do they really want to disturb the sleeping dog?
Perhaps we should all go back and read the cases of the Civil War of 1865. Democrats were the cause and lost the war they tried to keep over 4,000,000 souls in bondage while wasting the lives of over 650,000 Americans both Blue and Grey. Now they're trying to starting another civil war to cover their decades of corruption (which was magnified ten fold under Obama/Biden) and remove a duly elected president they cannot defeat in a just contest before the American people.
Certainly those of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left will claim that those Democrats of the past are today Republicans. However, we all have to face the fact that the PMS/DSA were and still are the perpetrators of the past and present issues of unrest, violence and abject racism.

Your implicit assumption that the Ds and Rs have equivalent levels of previous military service and have at least equal unit cohesion when called up and the corruption on both sides is about equal in size is an assumption I find dubious. I also doubt that the Ds can use their current political machines to achieve their goals.

Our goal is to have an American style Revolution November 2020. You will notice that we have one in 2018 like you had in 2016. And not a shot was fired.
Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War
6 Dec 2019 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Civil war becomes likelier with every passing day.
With the failure of the doddering Mueller’s Democrat-inspired coup attempt, the disaster of Schiff’s impeachment hoax, and Nadler’s Wednesday hearing comprised of angry leftist academics, the country has learned a valuable lesson; the Democrats will never accept Trump as the duly elected president -- no matter how much of a landslide he wins by in 2020. And as Michael Walsh has pointed out. “They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.”
Unbridled hatred will do that.
When Trump wins reelection, look for the “smart” party -- “smart” like Fredo (both the mobster and the media moron) -- to redouble their efforts to depose the president. When the enemy stands between those with blinding hatred in their hearts and the power they crave, there is nowhere else for them to go but to war. There is just one problem with their strategy, Americans see what the Democrats have planned for them. Americans understand what is coming. The left’s tactics have changed, as we’ve seen in the recent actions in Virginia. The Democrats are opening a can of worms and they simply do not understand the consequences. At Nadler’s hearing on Wednesday, Jonathan Turley talked of “rage.” Democrats don’t understand what “rage” is, but they are about to learn.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe that this is just another conspiracy theory, they are wrong. They consider American citizens as sheep and lower in intelligence. They are the deplorables and the Left can manipulate them with the use of disinformation, lies and propaganda from their biased MSM. they the Left believes they are the future and the carnage and terrors of the 20th Century will be repeated if they're not stopped. Do they really want to disturb the sleeping dog?
Perhaps we should all go back and read the cases of the Civil War of 1865. Democrats were the cause and lost the war they tried to keep over 4,000,000 souls in bondage while wasting the lives of over 650,000 Americans both Blue and Grey. Now they're trying to starting another civil war to cover their decades of corruption (which was magnified ten fold under Obama/Biden) and remove a duly elected president they cannot defeat in a just contest before the American people.
Certainly those of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left will claim that those Democrats of the past are today Republicans. However, we all have to face the fact that the PMS/DSA were and still are the perpetrators of the past and present issues of unrest, violence and abject racism.

We are headed for a Democratic/Republic Civil war, yes. It kicks off the first week of November, 2020. We have them every 2 to 4 years and sometimes we hold a special one. And since we put you rightwingnutjobs in your place, no guns allowed within 1000 feet of the polling and voting facilities unlike in the past. The only ones that keep saying that someone is pushing for a Civil war is you rightwingnutjobs.

All president since world War Two have been anti-Communist and anti-Russian,recognizing Russia as a danger to democracies world wide. Reagan was especially Anti-Russian.

Basically,Putin,using new technology,executed a Regime Change on America, and got elected the first 100% Russian friendly president. Trump adores Putin,and has never criticized Russia for anything,,concentrations camps, assassinations in England and Germany,etc.,and has said the people of Crimea wanted to be part of Russia-so that was his take on Russia stealing land from a democracy. One could see Trump as a sort of Benedict Arnold, or the 100% Anti-Reagan Conservative.

Putin,for little money got a pro-Russian president ,basically destroying NATO’s effectiveness,and opening up the Mid east to his, Putin’s influence.

I assume,after Trump leaves,we will go back to another long line of anti Russian he will go down in the history books as the one pro Russian president of modern times.

As well as the president who has said the most lies in office and done the most golfing.

And it is great to see US senators and Tucker Carlson of Fox,assisting the President in pushing Putin’s propaganda for him. As Hillary Clinton,noted.

And the irony of America ,for years,doing many regime changes in countries all over the world, and never expecting a regime change could happen here.
Do us coastal elites a favor:

If you're going to have your little civil war, please do it in flyover country so nothing important gets fucked up.

Thank you!

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