Democrats are trying to deny their Russian Collusion Scandal

Most rank & file FBI agents would like to tell Ray to go fuck himself.
Wray was Chris Christie's attorney during the Bridgegate scandal & that pile of shit Trump hired him as FBI Director. He's only one of a select few who Trump surrounfed himself with who wasen's a criminal lowlife like Trump was & still is.
Ask Flynn why he pled guilty. Ask him to spare us his usual QANON bullshit. And why you're at it ask Manafort why a jury convicted his traitor ass & why that pile of shit Trump pardoned him.
Well documented.

Because they said if he didn’t they would go after his son, Moron.
The Durham report, four years in the writing revealed nothing, charged no one, and at the end of the day is making the same vague, insinuations and allegations which Republicans have been making for the past 30 years.

We’ve now had 30 years of allegations and insinuations by Republicans thst Democrats are criminals. What we don’t have is any evidence or charges to back up these allegations.

Show us the evidence and file the charges. Until you do, you have nothing but bullshit, accusations, and innuendo.

Durham spends 300 pages dressing his nothing burger up as something, but in the cold light of day it’s the same “nothing” that every other investigation of Democrats comes up with.
LOL, yea, I’m sure the corrupt FBI will want to charge themselves with crimes.

You really are a complete muppet.

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