Democrats are trying to deny their Russian Collusion Scandal

That’s false. Durham actually went on a massive expedition to try to connect Papadopolous’s conversation with Joseph Misfud but couldn’t.

Furthermore, the supposed intelligence that Clinton was trying to frame up Trump is attributed to Russian intelligence and was never confirmed. This is stated in black and white page 81 of the report.

View attachment 786366

My God
You are simply Fucking Retarded

FBI Attorney Admits Altering Email Used for FISA Application During "Crossfire Hurricane" Investigation​

Former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith, 38, pleaded guilty today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to a false statement offense stemming from his altering of an email in connection with the submission of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA”) application, announced John H. Durham, Special Attorney to the Attorney General.

Pursuant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), the guilty plea proceeding occurred via videoconference before U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg.

According to court documents and statements made in court, between July 2015 and September 2019, Clinesmith was employed with the FBI as an Assistant General Counsel in the National Security and Cyber Law Branch of the FBI’s Office of General Counsel in Washington, D.C. On July 31, 2016, the FBI opened a Foreign Agents Registration Act investigation, known as “Crossfire Hurricane,” into whether individuals associated with the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign were coordinating activities with the Russian government. By August 16, 2016, the FBI had opened cases under the Crossfire Hurricane umbrella on four individuals, including an individual identified in this case as “Individual #1.”

FBI director admits: Yes, surveillance of Carter Page was illegal​

Secret Court: FBI Warrantless Searches Were Illegal​

Prove something isn’t in there? :cuckoo:

Holy fuck you are stupid.

Cut and paste where it says what you claim, liar.

My apologies, it was Christopher steal himself, who gave the information to the FBI prior in the summer of 2016.

Long before he provided his final report to Fusion GPS. It was at that time that the FBI started paying him for information as well. When he started giving interviews in his name hit the paper, they terminated the arrangement.

Hillary, Clinton and her campaign had nothing to do with giving this information to the FBI. She didn’t even know who is compiling the opposition research so there’s no way she could’ve ordered steel to do this.
My apologies, it was Christopher steal himself, who gave the information to the FBI prior in the summer of 2016.

Long before he provided his final report to Fusion GPS. It was at that time that the FBI started paying him for information as well. When he started giving interviews in his name hit the paper, they terminated the arrangement.

Hillary, Clinton and her campaign had nothing to do with giving this information to the FBI. She didn’t even know who is compiling the opposition research so there’s no way she could’ve ordered steel to do this.
The CIA Director briefed Obama, Biden, Comey er al that Hillary was going to concoct a Russia collusion story to use against Trump.

Hitlery paid a million dollars for the fake dossier. You don’t give thatbinfo to anyone without her knowledge and approval

Your ignorance is simply amazing.
The Reporters are afraid to ask Hillary about the Steele Dossier because they know that it would be risking their lives.
The CIA Director briefed Obama, Biden, Comey er al that Hillary was going to concoct a Russia collusion story to use against Trump.

Hitlery paid a million dollars for the fake dossier. You don’t give thatbinfo to anyone without her knowledge and approval

Your ignorance is simply amazing.

It's Dragonlady.
Democrats aren’t buying a yearslong, independent investigation’s findings that the FBI lacked “actual evidence” to justify its probe into whether Donald Trump colluded with Russians to win the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats on Capitol Hill said Tuesday that the report by special counsel John Durham is “a huge nothingburger” and “flat-out wrong” in its conclusion that the FBI based its decision to surveil the Trump campaign on shoddy, uncorroborated intelligence.

They said Mr. Trump aligns himself with Russian President Vladimir Putin even as he leads the 2024 Republican presidential primary field.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Deep denial of reality is one of the things that makes the corrupt Democrat Party such a dangerous political cult.
They used the FBI and DOJ to frame a Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion Conspiracy.
This is a historical political scandal, and the Left-Wing Press is trying to bury it.
You are confused. Mueller was a republican investigation. What you are asserting is Trump's own DoJ and FBI tried to frame Trump...which of course is nonsense and nowhere does Durham say that.

He did say this though.


It sounds like you are just parroting right wing media nonsense and haven't actually read or at least verified their claims in the report.

That's what makes you a good Trump supporter.
One of the largest and deepest conspiracies in American history.

‘Russia case’ against Trump was a shocking conspiracy that continues today​

In Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Orient Express,” detective Hercule Poirot observes, “The impossible could not have happened, therefore the impossible must be possible in spite of appearances.”

That may be the best summary of the findings of special prosecutor John Durham in his 305-page report issued yesterday.

Not only did the impossible happen, but they all did it: the Clinton campaign, the FBI, and the media.

In hindsight, it would appear impossible.

A political campaign hatches a plot to create a false claim of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Making this even more implausible is that the CIA and FBI know about the plot.........................................................................................................................................................................
I want a reporter to ask Hillary Clinton and Obama about the Durham Report.
Ask Flynn why he pled guilty. Ask him to spare us his usual QANON bullshit. And why you're at it ask Manafort why a jury convicted his traitor ass & why that pile of shit Trump pardoned him.
Schiff is a pathological liar who should have been removed from office years ago.
And Trump isn't a pathological liar?
He single-handedly destroyed the Constitutional intent of Presidential Impeachment.
Constitutional intent?
But that's what Democrats do, crap on the Constitution and the American people.
LOL.... Meanwhile back in reality....Republicans consistently block any measure that will help middle income Americans.
Just deny that the Durham report never happened? :laughing0301:
If a DOJ staffer conducts a multi year, multi administration investigation in the woods and nobody is convicted on their findings...did it really make a sound?
Now that's a true believer right there. Reject reality, keep the narrative.
Reality is the multiple contacts with Russian officials (most of which they lied about) resulted in numerous convictions of Trump's campaign braintrust.

To distract from her e-mail security scandal, Clinton fabricated a story that falsely tied Candidate Trump to Russia, where no ties existed.

Everyone in the Obama administration inner circle was briefed and/or participated.
Trump has been Putin's & the Russian mob's bagman for years.
If a DOJ staffer conducts a multi year, multi administration investigation in the woods and nobody is convicted on their findings...did it really make a sound?

No basis for the phony Trump/Russia bs line the left and the media lied about the whole mess. As I have before want to be a crook and get away with it be Democrat.

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