Democrats are trying to deny their Russian Collusion Scandal

Well, what passes for your mind is completely closed. Durham gave you the answer you want and that’s all you need to know even if it’s completely wrong.

Hillary didn’t give the dossier to the FBI or ask them to investigate anything in it. The Republican party took the dossier and gave it to the FBI.

You can scream till you’re blue in the face but you can’t change the fact that Republicans were the ones who investigated Donald Trump for 2 1/2 years after he took office. All of the prosecutions took place while under Republicans AG’s, and a White House, House and Senate.

All of the witnesses in both impeachments were White House employees and high government officials in the Trump administration.
Nice try, halfwit leftard.
Democrats aren’t buying a yearslong, independent investigation’s findings that the FBI lacked “actual evidence” to justify its probe into whether Donald Trump colluded with Russians to win the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats on Capitol Hill said Tuesday that the report by special counsel John Durham is “a huge nothingburger” and “flat-out wrong” in its conclusion that the FBI based its decision to surveil the Trump campaign on shoddy, uncorroborated intelligence.

They said Mr. Trump aligns himself with Russian President Vladimir Putin even as he leads the 2024 Republican presidential primary field.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Deep denial of reality is one of the things that makes the corrupt Democrat Party such a dangerous political cult.
They used the FBI and DOJ to frame a Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion Conspiracy.
This is a historical political scandal, and the Left-Wing Press is trying to bury it.


This hoax, this failed coup attempt, has been their lives' committment for 7 years. They sold their souls for this.

Journalists know Durham's report has FOREVER destroyed their credibity. They can jope Americans' short-term memory will help them to forget, but they have been permanently branded as LIARS, 'PROPAGANDISTS', 'CO-CONSPIRATORS'...

Traitors like Schiff who already know they should have been expelled from Congress abd been sent to prison for perjury, altering transcripts, and manufacturing fake evidence against a sitting President during a failed coup attempt is even more worried today because Durham just confirmed his crimes.

Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strzok, and others ate worried, especially since the GOP are making moves to Impeach the man who is protecting tbem - US AG Garland.

The full brightness of the proverbial kitchen light coming on in the middle of the night is shining on the traitors and co-conspirators right now, and the cockroaches are scrambling.
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
*waves hand*


These people-

The CIA told the FBI that hilliary was going to do it.
Hillary commissioned the dosier
Used Perkins Coie to get it to the FBI
Comey tells Trump about it.
Once Comey tells Trump about it it becomes a news story.
They leak it to Micheal Bechelof (sp)
Who writes about it.
The FBi now has the Dossier and a made up news story to take to the FISA court.
What are we missing?
Any Russians.
These people-

The CIA told the FBI that hilliary was going to do it.
Hillary commissioned the dosier
Used Perkins Coie to get it to the FBI
Comey tells Trump about it.
Once Comey tells Trump about it it becomes a news story.
They leak it to Micheal Bechelof (sp)
Who writes about it.
The FBi now has the Dossier and a made up news story to take to the FISA court.
What are we missing?
Any Russians.
It's frustrating, and frankly EXHAUSTING how the two-tiered REALITY is actually a thing, let alone the two-tiered "justice system".
And, they shove this tyranny right in our face, and laugh it off.

Twilight Zone
You could just man up and admit you don't know or it doesn't exist instead of trying to blame the FBI.
What’s hilarious is how you shills keep saying “show me the evidence”, and “where are the charges”.

Where is the evidence Trump ever colluded with the Russians? This whole thing is based on a baseless accusation against Trump. No evidence was ever given, except a falsified document originally written by a Russian agent and used by Hillary.
Where are the charges against Trump? Oh, you don’t have any.

There may be no law against the FBI leading a sham investigation, and no explicit law that says the FBI can’t harass innocent people, that doesn’t make it okay to do. It violates constitutional rights, but it is near impossible to sue the Federal government for violating those rights, much less charge individuals for violating those rights. Especially when the Federal government itself is so rank with corruption and cronyism. Who is going to charge the FBI? Maybe there should be a system for states to investigate the Federal agencies if they see fit, but I am pretty sure they cannot. And we won’t see any help from Democrats in Congress in investigating these corrupt officials, because in this case they were doing the bidding of the Democrat Party.
What’s hilarious is how you shills keep saying “show me the evidence”, and “where are the charges”.

Where is the evidence Trump ever colluded with the Russians? This whole thing is based on a baseless accusation against Trump. No evidence was ever given, except a falsified document originally written by a Russian agent and used by Hillary.
Where are the charges against Trump? Oh, you don’t have any.

I didn't say he colluded with Russia so your barking up the wrong tree.

There may be no law against the FBI leading a sham investigation, and no explicit law that says the FBI can’t harass innocent people, that doesn’t make it okay to do. It violates constitutional rights, but it is near impossible to sue the Federal government for violating those rights, much less charge individuals for violating those rights. Especially when the Federal government itself is so rank with corruption and cronyism. Who is going to charge the FBI? Maybe there should be a system for states to investigate the Federal agencies if they see fit, but I am pretty sure they cannot. And we won’t see any help from Democrats in Congress in investigating these corrupt officials, because in this case they were doing the bidding of the Democrat Party.
It wasn't a sham investigation and nobody was harassed outside the scope of the investigation.

FBI investigations do not violate the constitution. Trumpers think everything violates the constitution. It's getting old and stale like the boy who cried wolf.

Why would the FBI be charged and why didn't Durham charge them?

Nobody was corrupt as Durham pointed out since their were no charges...just like the Trump "collusion".

Interesting how you defend Trump and condemn the FBI when neither carried charges.
I didn't say he colluded with Russia so your barking up the wrong tree.

It wasn't a sham investigation and nobody was harassed outside the scope of the investigation.

FBI investigations do not violate the constitution. Trumpers think everything violates the constitution. It's getting old and stale like the boy who cried wolf.

Why would the FBI be charged and why didn't Durham charge them?

Nobody was corrupt as Durham pointed out since their were no charges...just like the Trump "collusion".

Interesting how you defend Trump and condemn the FBI when neither carried charges.
So, you claim an investigation predicated on lies, when those running the investigation ALL KNOW THEY ARE LIES, is a legitimate investigation?

Grow a brain.
So, you claim an investigation predicated on lies, when those running the investigation ALL KNOW THEY ARE LIES, is a legitimate investigation?

Grow a brain.
It wasn't predicated on lies, it was predicated on Papadopoulos and his big mouth as outlined in the Nunes memo.

You also don't know they knew they were lies nor can you prove they were lies.
It wasn't predicated on lies, it was predicated on Papadopoulos and his big mouth as outlined in the Nunes memo.

You also don't know they knew they were lies nor can you prove they were lies.
You obviously have no clue what is in the Durham report.

This means any further conversation with you is a waste of time. Some things never change.

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