Democrats Aren’t ‘Interfering’ In 2024 Election With Trump Trial, They’re Blatantly Rigging It

Exactly what 'damage' has Trump done? Besides yours and the Democrats' hysterical ravings about your Orange Man Bad!!
Trump undermined trust in our institutions. Trump is a hate monger that made America ugly. The ugly maker Trump put religious yahoos on the SC that revoked the right to reproductive health care.
Trump undermined trust in our institutions. Trump is a hate monger that made America ugly. The ugly maker Trump put religious yahoos on the SC that revoked the right to reproductive health care.
What institution has Trump undermined? Who has Trump said he hates? Define 'religious yahoos' other than your obvious hatred of anyone who might believe in God. Seems to me you and your ilk have cornered the market on hatred toward your 'Orange Man Bad!' You prattle on about shit you can never prove because it's false in the first place. Then like some tin horn tyrannical loon, you're OK with lawfare as long as it's against your hated political opponent. You can't tell me one thing that Trump did that should have got him indicted on anything, can you?
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What institution has Trump undermined? Who has Trump said he hates? Define 'religious yahoos' other than your obvious hatred of anyone who might believe in God.
Trump and his lies have undermined trust in our election and our justice system. Trump hates people that won't vote for him and religious yahoos are people who don't respect the separation of church and state like the yahoo Alito
Trump and his lies have undermined trust in our election and our justice system. Trump hates people that won't vote for him and religious yahoos are people who don't respect the separation of church and state like the yahoo Alito
Exactly what do you think Trump lied about? Lest just take that stupid comment for starters.
But you know. Now wash your hands
I know Trump didn't lie about anything. You claim he lied regarding the 2020 election. I just want to know what you think he lied about. So far you can't tell me. You don't know do you? You're just told to hate Trump and march in lock step like a good little Marxie.
I know Trump didn't lie about anything. You claim he lied regarding the 2020 election. I just want to know what you think he lied about. So far you can't tell me. You don't know do you? You're just told to hate Trump and march in lock step like a good little Marxie.
I'm not arguing with you over the 2020 election. Your hands are already filthy
The people deserve to see this trial before they vote.
Anyone who thinks differently is afraid of what they’re going to find out.
You actually think these trumpanzees are going to pay any attention to what actual evidence is presented at these trials? These peoples minds are GONE. They've already stated the all 4 trials are rigged. You can't reason with a trumpanzee.
I can't quite tell if the street-level rubes see this -- it's always difficult to tell -- but this "everything is rigged against us, everyone else is corrupt" dogma is simply being deployed to provide an excuse for MAGA leaders to follow through on their plans.

They figure the country is all but lost, and so it's time for the Hail Mary: Bring down our institutions at all costs, and eliminate any national agency that can hold these people accountable. As long as the street-level rubes are kept at this level of misguided rage, this could work.

"Everything is rigged, everyone else is corrupt, we're doing God's work against Satan, and anything we do is justified". That's the GQP platform now.
And how does Trump already have a trial date set in his Jan. 6-related case when dozens of other Jan. 6 defendants have been rotting away in federal prison for years now?
One lawyer for Jan. 6 defendants explained on Twitter that he had a “relatively simple” Jan. 6 case that was indicted in late March in D.C., and at a recent status hearing dates were discussed for a trial in March or April 2024: “So I get a year between indictment and trial in a one-defendant relatively straight-forward J6 case. And Trump gets 8 months in a case with 12 million pages of discovery and well over 100 witnesses.”

Maybe AntonToo can answer that question since when I brought that very matter up, he seemed completely unaware of it despite it being a leading story in the news for two years!
I can't quite tell if the street-level rubes see this --

You say that as if street level rubes were so far beneath you that you can barely see them, yet in reality it is more likely they are that far ABOVE you, for at least they can see outrageous, blatant injustice of a kind that threatens to destroy our republic.

Put another way that might not be totally over your hyperpartisan beanbrain, you'd be singing a totally different tune if it were Biden getting railroaded while prevented from even running for office, and the idiotic, rationalized excuse that "he deserves it" or that then he "shouldn't have committed the crimes" is both sad and laughable that anyone should think much less support that a government can overlook its own laws it is sworn to uphold maliciously abusing a person's rights in a nation BASED UPON rights just because they are allegedly guilty of a crime, any crime, as yet, not even proven.

20 years ago, the very same people fought tenaciously to uphold the rights of Islamic terrorist battlefield combatants, sworn enemies of America who vowed to kill every American, to protect their rights to the Nth degree to have trials as citizens in NYC instead of a military tribunal at Gitmo!

The very same people now trying to violate every last right of a former president of the country savagely.
I'm not arguing with you over the 2020 election. Your hands are already filthy
Come on,you're the one coming here claiming Trump somehow 'undermined' our institutions, called him a 'hate monger,' called him a liar, etc. yet you have 0 evidence of anything you so arrogantly spout. You're an idiot.
"Hyperpartisan" from a hyperpartisan.
Wrong again, Wilber, I am the ABSENCE of partisanship. I'm just on the side of truth and justice, not the side of any political party.

I do love irony.
So you love yourself?

Given how closely you folks follow my posts,
I don't follow anyone's posts, just happen to see it, but thanks for admitting you're so conceited to think so.
I can't quite tell if the street-level rubes see this -- it's always difficult to tell -- but this "everything is rigged against us, everyone else is corrupt" dogma is simply being deployed to provide an excuse for MAGA leaders to follow through on their plans.

They figure the country is all but lost, and so it's time for the Hail Mary: Bring down our institutions at all costs, and eliminate any national agency that can hold these people accountable. As long as the street-level rubes are kept at this level of misguided rage, this could work.

"Everything is rigged, everyone else is corrupt, we're doing God's work against Satan, and anything we do is justified". That's the GQP platform now.
Oh simmer down, Democrats did the same thing when they thought they didn't get enough votes. The only difference is Republicans didn't use the FBI and DOJ to jail the questioners. Stacey Abrams has been spouting off and still claims she's governor. Why isn't she in jail. We know Hillary Clinton was key in ordering a fake dossier that the FBI lied about and said it was verified to a FISA court to get wiretapps on Trump. Hillary claims the election was 'stolen' from her as well. Why isn't she in jail?

It's not a matter of thinking 'everything is rigged against us' it's really a matter of equal justice. These indictments of Trump are nothing more than trying to preclude him from being able to run. It's election interference. You can't see it because of your blind hatred for Trump. Either that or you're just stupid.
As I predicted.

Mac, I get the feeling that you are trying hard to say something clever and witty, but that wasn't it.
But all your posts have one recurring theme--- the effort to try to pat yourself on the back
by trying to make others look stupid.

Your paltry reaction score shows that to be a total failure, too.

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