Democrats Attacking Health Care Patients In New War On Truth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Democrats in Washington are showing their hand. Harry Reid opened by firing the first salvo of the war on truth by calling millions of Americans liars on the Senate floor. Now Democrats are beginning to make statements here and there in hopes that they can turn what is happening to health care patients all over America into a war of he-said, she-said. This is the desperate tactic that Democrats feel they need to use to hang on and win this November. I don't think a campaign of calling thousands of witnesses liars and charlatans is going to work. It took years for them to demonize a grass-roots movement called The Tea Party. I don't think they have the time.

Former Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein didn't invent the term, but he did extensive research on what he called "Availability Cascades". It's the act of turning a bold-faced lie into accepted truth by repeating it over and over again until it becomes common-knowledge. A perfect example is the refrain that the Tea Party is racist. This has become accepted, yet when you ask anyone who believes it, why are they racist, they cannot say, they just know. Some claim that 90% of their members are white, which means that all Tea Party whites must be racists, a fact that cannot be ascertained, much less proved. They believe this proves it, as if all whites are racists, at least GOP whites. Truth is nobody knows who is a Tea Party member because nobody has ever actually joined the Tea Party. There has been small groups that take on the Tea Party label, but that's about it. They're a perfect strawman. They're an invisible entity that is open to criticism and nobody real that can respond to the attacks.

The Democrats have pulled the wool over our collective eyes for decades, and this is just the latest sham if not outright fraud. Democrats have decided to do the following:

1. Push back full implementation of Obamacare till after the next two elections hoping that the full effects don't become known to the public.

2. Call anyone who claims that they have already suffered ill-effects from the law a liar. This will be a tough task, but they have most of the media to back them up, so why not try. What have they got to lose.

3. Begin a massive media campaign to make anyone who claims to have suffered from the ACA seem like homophobes, racists, and just plain un-American. Maybe produce hundreds of folks that have been helped by it to counter the hundreds of negative claims.

The Democrats hope that they can convince enough low-information voters to believe that Obamacare is the greatest thing since sliced-bread. This will be very difficult taking into account the mess it turned out to be. Anyone who's visited the site can attest to that.

'Nope, we've worked out the bugs now. We've signed up 4 million people to Obamacare. "This is God's work....."Obama said to a group of community organizers last week. Everything is going great.'

Think enough people will buy this????

Well, they need to get their stories straight, because CBS produced this report:


Harry Reid calls ObamaCare victims liars | Human Events
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Six days before Harry Reid launched the war on the Senate floor this story was released:

Democrats’ Obamacare ploy

By Jennifer Rubin
February 20 at 9:34 am


WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 06: (L-R) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL), Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) hold a news conference at the U.S. Capitol February 6, 2014 in Washington, DC. The Democratic senators called on their fellow senators to pass a short-term exension of unemployment benefits. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

From left, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) on Feb. 6. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

It seems like just yesterday that Democratic congressional leadership and media water-carriers were vowing that incumbent Democrats in 2014 would “run on Obamacare.” That dubious proposition (given high disapproval of the law and well-known problems with the program) was impossible to sustain. As Karl Rove observes, “Now Democrats are circulating a new strategy memo . . . advising candidates to distance themselves from the law. The new line is that it’s a waste of time to repeal ObamaCare, Democrats are committed ‘to fixing and improving the law,’ and Republicans want to go back to the bad-old days.”

There are a whole bunch of problems with this most recent scramble to save the Senate majority:

1. Democrats have opposed in lock-step every change or delay that Republicans have offered (e.g. repeal or suspension of the individual mandate, prohibition on insurance company bailouts, relief from the medical-device tax). It’s hard to declare Obamacare “the law of the land,” block serious consideration of changes and then concede it needs changing.

2. Why did they vote for the law in its current state? Maybe they were hoodwinked by the president’s promises that it would be a pro-growth, pro-jobs reform, or maybe they just didn’t read the law before voting on it. In either case, it’s an admission of legislative negligence.

3. What could possibly fix problems such as low enrollment by young people, worse coverage for those whose policies were canceled and the departure of many providers and hospitals from plans in the exchanges? The problems are so fundamental that they require a full reworking of the law, at the very least.

4. Democrats don’t have any real proposals to fix Obamacare. Turning around their barb against Republicans, where is their Obamacare alternative?

5. Defending a program that encourages people not to work because they can get subsidized health care paid for by hard-working people is a dead-bang loser.

6. It doesn’t address misrepresentation, echoed by many lawmakers on the ballot, that you would get to keep your doctor and your health-care plan.

7. In a midterm election, many more people who either were harmed by or got no benefit from Obamacare than people who got insurance for the first time will be voting. Overall, the victims (people being cut back to part-time, paying more for insurance, losing a favorite doctor, experiencing a tax hike, etc.) are beginning to outweigh the beneficiaries. (It is not clear how many of the few million who signed up through the exchanges were previously uninsured.) Unless the Democrats can drastically change the composition of the electorate, the historically more conservative midterm voters will have a large contingent of Obamacare haters.

8. If Obamacare needs to be fixed, it was unreasonable for them to countenance a shutdown on the grounds Obamacare was inviolable.

9. The experience of Obamacare, the stimulus and Obama’s serial scandals and mismanagement of the federal government have further soured voters on the idea of huge programs that centralize power in Washington, D.C.

10. If — a big if — Republicans can offer an alternative that still addresses popular concerns (e.g. preexisting illnesses, allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ plans, portability), Democrats will be back defending the Obamacare status quo.

What I really think you are going to see from Dems is a grab-bag of attacks (War on women!), recycled and failed ideas (more stimulus) and issues designed to ignite their base (e.g. inequality). Republicans would be wise to play to their own strengths (e.g. repeal and replace Obamacare, domestic energy development, education choice) and not get freaked out each time Bill Clinton comes into a state to try to carry a weak Democrat over the finish line. (By the way, if Hillary Clinton is such a political dynamo, why is no one in a swing state pleading for her to come help?)

We saw in the 2012 presidential election how easy it is for Democrats to come up with a faux scandal or “shiny object” (Sandra Fluke!) to distract the media and voters from their own dismal performance and flawed ideas. It is up to Republicans to keep Obamacare and the economy front and center. The Democrats really don’t have a good game plan for Obamacare, and I suspect they know it.


Democrats? Obamacare ploy
Six days before Harry Reid launched the war on the Senate floor this story was released:

Democrats’ Obamacare ploy

By Jennifer Rubin
February 20 at 9:34 am


WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 06: (L-R) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL), Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) hold a news conference at the U.S. Capitol February 6, 2014 in Washington, DC. The Democratic senators called on their fellow senators to pass a short-term exension of unemployment benefits. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

From left, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) on Feb. 6. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

It seems like just yesterday that Democratic congressional leadership and media water-carriers were vowing that incumbent Democrats in 2014 would “run on Obamacare.” That dubious proposition (given high disapproval of the law and well-known problems with the program) was impossible to sustain. As Karl Rove observes, “Now Democrats are circulating a new strategy memo . . . advising candidates to distance themselves from the law. The new line is that it’s a waste of time to repeal ObamaCare, Democrats are committed ‘to fixing and improving the law,’ and Republicans want to go back to the bad-old days.”

There are a whole bunch of problems with this most recent scramble to save the Senate majority:

1. Democrats have opposed in lock-step every change or delay that Republicans have offered (e.g. repeal or suspension of the individual mandate, prohibition on insurance company bailouts, relief from the medical-device tax). It’s hard to declare Obamacare “the law of the land,” block serious consideration of changes and then concede it needs changing.

2. Why did they vote for the law in its current state? Maybe they were hoodwinked by the president’s promises that it would be a pro-growth, pro-jobs reform, or maybe they just didn’t read the law before voting on it. In either case, it’s an admission of legislative negligence.

3. What could possibly fix problems such as low enrollment by young people, worse coverage for those whose policies were canceled and the departure of many providers and hospitals from plans in the exchanges? The problems are so fundamental that they require a full reworking of the law, at the very least.

4. Democrats don’t have any real proposals to fix Obamacare. Turning around their barb against Republicans, where is their Obamacare alternative?

5. Defending a program that encourages people not to work because they can get subsidized health care paid for by hard-working people is a dead-bang loser.

6. It doesn’t address misrepresentation, echoed by many lawmakers on the ballot, that you would get to keep your doctor and your health-care plan.

7. In a midterm election, many more people who either were harmed by or got no benefit from Obamacare than people who got insurance for the first time will be voting. Overall, the victims (people being cut back to part-time, paying more for insurance, losing a favorite doctor, experiencing a tax hike, etc.) are beginning to outweigh the beneficiaries. (It is not clear how many of the few million who signed up through the exchanges were previously uninsured.) Unless the Democrats can drastically change the composition of the electorate, the historically more conservative midterm voters will have a large contingent of Obamacare haters.

8. If Obamacare needs to be fixed, it was unreasonable for them to countenance a shutdown on the grounds Obamacare was inviolable.

9. The experience of Obamacare, the stimulus and Obama’s serial scandals and mismanagement of the federal government have further soured voters on the idea of huge programs that centralize power in Washington, D.C.

10. If — a big if — Republicans can offer an alternative that still addresses popular concerns (e.g. preexisting illnesses, allowing young adults to stay on their parents’ plans, portability), Democrats will be back defending the Obamacare status quo.

What I really think you are going to see from Dems is a grab-bag of attacks (War on women!), recycled and failed ideas (more stimulus) and issues designed to ignite their base (e.g. inequality). Republicans would be wise to play to their own strengths (e.g. repeal and replace Obamacare, domestic energy development, education choice) and not get freaked out each time Bill Clinton comes into a state to try to carry a weak Democrat over the finish line. (By the way, if Hillary Clinton is such a political dynamo, why is no one in a swing state pleading for her to come help?)

We saw in the 2012 presidential election how easy it is for Democrats to come up with a faux scandal or “shiny object” (Sandra Fluke!) to distract the media and voters from their own dismal performance and flawed ideas. It is up to Republicans to keep Obamacare and the economy front and center. The Democrats really don’t have a good game plan for Obamacare, and I suspect they know it.


Democrats? Obamacare ploy

Democrats can run on.
Joe Biden gets a kiss from Barbra WaWa before he launches into a pack of lies about the law.

It's amazing the way these women idolize these Snake Oil Salesmen. He claimed that getting your hours cut because of Obamacare means freedom, not poverty.

[ame=]Shows: Joe Biden Grilled [Extended Interview] on The View Over Obamacare Mess Problems (2/25/14) - YouTube[/ame]

Democrats in Washington are showing their hand. Harry Reid opened by firing the first salvo of the war on truth by calling millions of Americans liars on the Senate floor. Now Democrats are beginning to make statements here and there in hopes that they can turn what is happening to health care patients all over America into a war of he-said, she-said. This is the desperate tactic that Democrats feel they need to use to hang on and win this November. I don't think a campaign of calling thousands of witnesses liars and charlatans is going to work. It took years for them to demonize a grass-roots movement called The Tea Party. I don't think they have the time.

Former Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein didn't invent the term, but he did extensive research on what he called "Availability Cascades". It's the act of turning a bold-faced lie into accepted truth by repeating it over and over again until it becomes common-knowledge. A perfect example is the refrain that the Tea Party is racist. This has become accepted, yet when you ask anyone who believes it, why are they racist, they cannot say, they just know. Some claim that 90% of their members are white, which means that all Tea Party whites must be racists, a fact that cannot be ascertained, much less proved. They believe this proves it, as if all whites are racists, at least GOP whites. Truth is nobody knows who is a Tea Party member because nobody has ever actually joined the Tea Party. There has been small groups that take on the Tea Party label, but that's about it. They're a perfect strawman. They're an invisible entity that is open to criticism and nobody real that can respond to the attacks.

The Democrats have pulled the wool over our collective eyes for decades, and this is just the latest sham if not outright fraud. Democrats have decided to do the following:

1. Push back full implementation of Obamacare till after the next two elections hoping that the full effects don't become known to the public.

2. Call anyone who claims that they have already suffered ill-effects from the law a liar. This will be a tough task, but they have most of the media to back them up, so why not try. What have they got to lose.

3. Begin a massive media campaign to make anyone who claims to have suffered from the ACA seem like homophobes, racists, and just plain un-American. Maybe produce hundreds of folks that have been helped by it to counter the hundreds of negative claims.

The Democrats hope that they can convince enough low-information voters to believe that Obamacare is the greatest thing since sliced-bread. This will be very difficult taking into account the mess it turned out to be. Anyone who's visited the site can attest to that.

'Nope, we've worked out the bugs now. We've signed up 4 million people to Obamacare. "This is God's work....."Obama said to a group of community organizers last week. Everything is going great.'

Think enough people will buy this????

Well, they need to get their stories straight, because CBS produced this report:


Harry Reid calls ObamaCare victims liars | Human Events

And at least one proposal to rename ObamaCare [ ACA ]to...Democrat-care. A sad, sad, thing that is happening to Americans and their once secure and accepted relationship with their health insurers.

[ame=]Rename ObamaCare maybe to DemocratCare or He Don't Care - YouTube[/ame]
This is the White House pushing their "Let's Move" campaign.

Good stuff. Great actors. Award winning.

[ame=]President Obama & Vice President Biden Show Us How They Move - YouTube[/ame]

Democrats in Washington are showing their hand. Harry Reid opened by firing the first salvo of the war on truth by calling millions of Americans liars on the Senate floor. Now Democrats are beginning to make statements here and there in hopes that they can turn what is happening to health care patients all over America into a war of he-said, she-said. This is the desperate tactic that Democrats feel they need to use to hang on and win this November. I don't think a campaign of calling thousands of witnesses liars and charlatans is going to work. It took years for them to demonize a grass-roots movement called The Tea Party. I don't think they have the time.

Former Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein didn't invent the term, but he did extensive research on what he called "Availability Cascades". It's the act of turning a bold-faced lie into accepted truth by repeating it over and over again until it becomes common-knowledge. A perfect example is the refrain that the Tea Party is racist. This has become accepted, yet when you ask anyone who believes it, why are they racist, they cannot say, they just know. Some claim that 90% of their members are white, which means that all Tea Party whites must be racists, a fact that cannot be ascertained, much less proved. They believe this proves it, as if all whites are racists, at least GOP whites. Truth is nobody knows who is a Tea Party member because nobody has ever actually joined the Tea Party. There has been small groups that take on the Tea Party label, but that's about it. They're a perfect strawman. They're an invisible entity that is open to criticism and nobody real that can respond to the attacks.

The Democrats have pulled the wool over our collective eyes for decades, and this is just the latest sham if not outright fraud. Democrats have decided to do the following:

1. Push back full implementation of Obamacare till after the next two elections hoping that the full effects don't become known to the public.

2. Call anyone who claims that they have already suffered ill-effects from the law a liar. This will be a tough task, but they have most of the media to back them up, so why not try. What have they got to lose.

3. Begin a massive media campaign to make anyone who claims to have suffered from the ACA seem like homophobes, racists, and just plain un-American. Maybe produce hundreds of folks that have been helped by it to counter the hundreds of negative claims.

The Democrats hope that they can convince enough low-information voters to believe that Obamacare is the greatest thing since sliced-bread. This will be very difficult taking into account the mess it turned out to be. Anyone who's visited the site can attest to that.

'Nope, we've worked out the bugs now. We've signed up 4 million people to Obamacare. "This is God's work....."Obama said to a group of community organizers last week. Everything is going great.'

Think enough people will buy this????

Well, they need to get their stories straight, because CBS produced this report:


Harry Reid calls ObamaCare victims liars | Human Events

And at least one proposal to rename ObamaCare [ ACA ]to...Democrat-care. A sad, sad, thing that is happening to Americans and their once secure and accepted relationship with their health insurers.

[ame=]Rename ObamaCare maybe to DemocratCare or He Don't Care - YouTube[/ame]

They think we'll forget about what happened.

Who knows what will happen in November. If we had an election today they would be toast.
It's funny that these liars are claiming we're the real liars:

[ame=]Sen Hagan (D-NC) Pressed About Broken Obamacare Promise - The Kelly File - YouTube[/ame]
Republican victimhood squealing is just boring.

Look. You lied. You got caught. So quit crying about it. We're not going to stop pointing out your lies just because you cry.
So, we have elected officials attacking and smearing the people that they are elected to serve, the very people who in fact pay their grossly inflated salaries and perk packages, and nar'ry a peep from the progressives.

Republican victimhood squealing is just boring.

Look. You lied. You got caught. So quit crying about it. We're not going to stop pointing out your lies just because you cry.

Democrat victimhood squealing is just boring.

Look. You lied. You got caught. So quit crying about it. We're not going to stop pointing out your lies just because you cry.

There, I fixed that for you, hack.
Is about the lady whose premiums were cut in half and is now saving $6,000+ this year that AFP put in their anti-ACA ad? I like her.
Is about the lady whose premiums were cut in half and is now saving $6,000+ this year that AFP put in their anti-ACA ad? I like her.


Can't cut her premiums in half without subsidies costing the taxpayer. But other than that it's terrific.

Seriously, you guys have no credibility left.
Is about the lady whose premiums were cut in half and is now saving $6,000+ this year that AFP put in their anti-ACA ad? I like her.


Can't cut her premiums in half without subsidies costing the taxpayer. But other than that it's terrific.

Seriously, you guys have no credibility left.

...she doesn't get a subsidy. Her plan actually just costs half of what she was paying last year.
Is about the lady whose premiums were cut in half and is now saving $6,000+ this year that AFP put in their anti-ACA ad? I like her.


Can't cut her premiums in half without subsidies costing the taxpayer. But other than that it's terrific.

Seriously, you guys have no credibility left.

...she doesn't get a subsidy. Her plan actually just costs half of what she was paying last year.

I think I know what you're talking about.

She said that her premiums went down but she has fewer options, and then there's the problem with a higher deductible.

The biggest problem everyone seems to be having is not being able to keep the same doctor. Most of them are opting out. They want nothing to do with Obamacare's insurance.
But the ad says her "Out of pocket expenses" went up.

What does that mean?

Her deductible became unaffordable.

[ame=]Democrat Threatens TV Stations FCC Licenses Over Anti-Obamacare Ad - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Trey Gowdy Demolishes Obama and Obamacare in 5 Minutes! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Pelosi taken apart by David Gregory on false Obamacare promises - YouTube[/ame]
But the ad says her "Out of pocket expenses" went up.

What does that mean?

Her deductible became unaffordable.

Reality says she could've gotten a plan with a premium 40% lower than last year's with a $300 deductible. From the same insurer as last year with the same provider network. The premium savings alone would pay the cost of the deductible within three weeks of buying the plan.

She opted for a plan with a 50% lower premium but a $2,800 deductible. From the same insurer as last year with the same provider network. So the premium savings (while higher) won't have covered the entirety of her deductible until May (though over the course of the year, the premium savings minus the deductible are still almost $3,600 for the plan she bought).

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