Democrats Becoming More Desperate...and More Dangerous


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Becoming More Desperate...and More Dangerous
February 2, 2020 ~ By Dave Ball
It appears that the long-running farce of an impeachment process may finally be coming to a well deserved end. On Wednesday, February 5, the impeachment without a crime will see the Senate voting yea or nay on the two articles. That vote will bring to a conclusion a three-year ordeal of continual lies, shredding of the Constitution, and malicious and unsubstantiated attacks. It will expose a long list of people who should be charged and prosecuted for various felony crimes including perjury, lying to federal investigators, fraud, and presenting false evidence to a federal court. Betting parlors are not ruling out the Democrats going to their worn out playbook once again before the vote and "finding" another "bombshell witness" in an attempt to delay the vote and who, like all the others before him or her, will turn out to be a phony. The president's State of the Union address is the night before the acquittal vote. It is not hard to imagine the Democrats using that day to drop their "new witness" news to suck the air out of the SOTU news cycle.
The bigger question is, where do the Democrats go from here? Even their own delusional polls show their candidates either losing to President Trump or ahead by low single digits, which, as experience bears witness, means they are really losing by double digits. Expect a continuing string of bogus accusations. This has become their go to move since the Gorsuch nomination. What will be next? Expect another impeachment attempt. Being the slow learners they are, they learned nothing from their current embarrassment, so they will double down. Don't be surprised at continuing and escalating violence from the Sanders mob. They have shown they are zealots and capable of violence. As Sanders becomes more marginalized, as he will be, they will not react well. Expect false flag attempts, violence incited by the left to look like right-wing groups so they can blame the president and Republicans. This is all before he wins. Just imagine what will happen after the inevitable landslide victory!

Indeed, where do the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats go from here? Obviously Schiff and company botched the railroading of Trump by Impeachment. Time is getting short. November will be upon us before we know it, while Democrat continue to scurry around to beat Trump fair or by foul. PMS/DSA Leftists are expected to attempt another impeachment before then, or they may turn to their tried and true use of violence. Surely, PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats claim that it's Conservatives that are violent and at fault., however, historically it's the Democrats on a whole that have been violent.
PMS/DSA Democrats have dug a deep hole for themselves and continue to dig it deeper. After the pathetic display of months of lies, incompetence, and buffoonery that the Democrats have entertained us with over the past three years, it is getting hard to imagine why any sensible person would still want to vote for them. It is only because the MSM have always had their back, spinning disinformation and a false reality with their fake propaganda that the Democrats remain propped up. But that MSM prop has been greatly weakened over the past years with their loss of credibility. As things now stand, the only way that the Democrats can ‘win’ in November is by massive vote fraud, or assassination.
The most probable future path scenario is clear and so too is the reaction and solution. The historical states of play during 1776, 1860-65, the breakup of the Soviet Union, and the 1990s Serbian-Bosnian civil war all provide examples of what lies ahead as the Deep State/Media complex and PMS/DSA Democrat Left goes to scorched earth bunker mode as they lose control.
I fully expect a contrived event to foment hate and fear. A False Flag Event.. Nothing is off the table to try and put these people seeing true freedom for the first time in over 40 years back under the thumb. they fear losing power above all else..
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.
You dont have the votes for a conviction..... That means he will be exonerated.... So sad you cant see that..
True. Like with Clinton.

But it would good to hear from first hand witnesses like Bolton s ok we have as much info as possible.
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.
You dont have the votes for a conviction..... That means he will be exonerated.... So sad you cant see that..
True. Like with Clinton.

But it would good to hear from first hand witnesses like Bolton s ok we have as much info as possible.
They will be several investigations now. Biden and many other exposed democrats with connections to corruption in the Ukraine. You all opened pandoras box and now its all going to come out.
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.
You dont have the votes for a conviction..... That means he will be exonerated.... So sad you cant see that..
True. Like with Clinton.

But it would good to hear from first hand witnesses like Bolton s ok we have as much info as possible.

Around what ?

A supposed "crime" that never occurred.

Even if he meant what Schitt says he never happened.

You really want to waste the country's time with that.

But you'll let "If the congress is to slow, I have a pen and a phone" pass ?

Please tell me.
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.
You dont have the votes for a conviction..... That means he will be exonerated.... So sad you cant see that..
True. Like with Clinton.

But it would good to hear from first hand witnesses like Bolton s ok we have as much info as possible.
They will be several investigations now. Biden and many other exposed democrats with connections to corruption in the Ukraine. You all opened pandoras box and now its all going to come out.
It has been there for years. If there was anything to it...why didn't you investigate? You have been in control.
Democrats Becoming More Desperate...and More Dangerous
February 2, 2020 ~ By Dave Ball
It appears that the long-running farce of an impeachment process may finally be coming to a well deserved end. On Wednesday, February 5, the impeachment without a crime will see the Senate voting yea or nay on the two articles. That vote will bring to a conclusion a three-year ordeal of continual lies, shredding of the Constitution, and malicious and unsubstantiated attacks. It will expose a long list of people who should be charged and prosecuted for various felony crimes including perjury, lying to federal investigators, fraud, and presenting false evidence to a federal court. Betting parlors are not ruling out the Democrats going to their worn out playbook once again before the vote and "finding" another "bombshell witness" in an attempt to delay the vote and who, like all the others before him or her, will turn out to be a phony. The president's State of the Union address is the night before the acquittal vote. It is not hard to imagine the Democrats using that day to drop their "new witness" news to suck the air out of the SOTU news cycle.
The bigger question is, where do the Democrats go from here? Even their own delusional polls show their candidates either losing to President Trump or ahead by low single digits, which, as experience bears witness, means they are really losing by double digits. Expect a continuing string of bogus accusations. This has become their go to move since the Gorsuch nomination. What will be next? Expect another impeachment attempt. Being the slow learners they are, they learned nothing from their current embarrassment, so they will double down. Don't be surprised at continuing and escalating violence from the Sanders mob. They have shown they are zealots and capable of violence. As Sanders becomes more marginalized, as he will be, they will not react well. Expect false flag attempts, violence incited by the left to look like right-wing groups so they can blame the president and Republicans. This is all before he wins. Just imagine what will happen after the inevitable landslide victory!

Indeed, where do the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats go from here? Obviously Schiff and company botched the railroading of Trump by Impeachment. Time is getting short. November will be upon us before we know it, while Democrat continue to scurry around to beat Trump fair or by foul. PMS/DSA Leftists are expected to attempt another impeachment before then, or they may turn to their tried and true use of violence. Surely, PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats claim that it's Conservatives that are violent and at fault., however, historically it's the Democrats on a whole that have been violent.
PMS/DSA Democrats have dug a deep hole for themselves and continue to dig it deeper. After the pathetic display of months of lies, incompetence, and buffoonery that the Democrats have entertained us with over the past three years, it is getting hard to imagine why any sensible person would still want to vote for them. It is only because the MSM have always had their back, spinning disinformation and a false reality with their fake propaganda that the Democrats remain propped up. But that MSM prop has been greatly weakened over the past years with their loss of credibility. As things now stand, the only way that the Democrats can ‘win’ in November is by massive vote fraud, or assassination.
The most probable future path scenario is clear and so too is the reaction and solution. The historical states of play during 1776, 1860-65, the breakup of the Soviet Union, and the 1990s Serbian-Bosnian civil war all provide examples of what lies ahead as the Deep State/Media complex and PMS/DSA Democrat Left goes to scorched earth bunker mode as they lose control.

Yawn...Let me know when they start mailing bombs to people
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.
You dont have the votes for a conviction..... That means he will be exonerated.... So sad you cant see that..

They didn't have the votes to convict O.J. either, but I doubt anyone here would say he was innocent...
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.
You dont have the votes for a conviction..... That means he will be exonerated.... So sad you cant see that..
True. Like with Clinton.

But it would good to hear from first hand witnesses like Bolton s ok we have as much info as possible.
They will be several investigations now. Biden and many other exposed democrats with connections to corruption in the Ukraine. You all opened pandoras box and now its all going to come out.
It has been there for years. If there was anything to it...why didn't you investigate? You have been in control.
Biden didn't brag about the criminal act before late 2018... Now due to your phony impeachment charade its out in full view.... You opened the box and now were going to look inside it. the Bidens, the Kerry's, Nadler, Schiff among a whole host of others have been milking this corruption for money for over 10 years. Bleeding our foreign aid accounts and the nations who received the monies out of billions.. And now were going to expose it.

Buckle up butter cup.... Your in for one a hell of a ride...
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.
You dont have the votes for a conviction..... That means he will be exonerated.... So sad you cant see that..

They didn't have the votes to convict O.J. either, but I doubt anyone here would say he was innocent...
public opinion.... is not the trial and how it ends legally..
Democrats Becoming More Desperate...and More Dangerous
February 2, 2020 ~ By Dave Ball
It appears that the long-running farce of an impeachment process may finally be coming to a well deserved end. On Wednesday, February 5, the impeachment without a crime will see the Senate voting yea or nay on the two articles. That vote will bring to a conclusion a three-year ordeal of continual lies, shredding of the Constitution, and malicious and unsubstantiated attacks. It will expose a long list of people who should be charged and prosecuted for various felony crimes including perjury, lying to federal investigators, fraud, and presenting false evidence to a federal court. Betting parlors are not ruling out the Democrats going to their worn out playbook once again before the vote and "finding" another "bombshell witness" in an attempt to delay the vote and who, like all the others before him or her, will turn out to be a phony. The president's State of the Union address is the night before the acquittal vote. It is not hard to imagine the Democrats using that day to drop their "new witness" news to suck the air out of the SOTU news cycle.
The bigger question is, where do the Democrats go from here? Even their own delusional polls show their candidates either losing to President Trump or ahead by low single digits, which, as experience bears witness, means they are really losing by double digits. Expect a continuing string of bogus accusations. This has become their go to move since the Gorsuch nomination. What will be next? Expect another impeachment attempt. Being the slow learners they are, they learned nothing from their current embarrassment, so they will double down. Don't be surprised at continuing and escalating violence from the Sanders mob. They have shown they are zealots and capable of violence. As Sanders becomes more marginalized, as he will be, they will not react well. Expect false flag attempts, violence incited by the left to look like right-wing groups so they can blame the president and Republicans. This is all before he wins. Just imagine what will happen after the inevitable landslide victory!

Indeed, where do the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats go from here? Obviously Schiff and company botched the railroading of Trump by Impeachment. Time is getting short. November will be upon us before we know it, while Democrat continue to scurry around to beat Trump fair or by foul. PMS/DSA Leftists are expected to attempt another impeachment before then, or they may turn to their tried and true use of violence. Surely, PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats claim that it's Conservatives that are violent and at fault., however, historically it's the Democrats on a whole that have been violent.
PMS/DSA Democrats have dug a deep hole for themselves and continue to dig it deeper. After the pathetic display of months of lies, incompetence, and buffoonery that the Democrats have entertained us with over the past three years, it is getting hard to imagine why any sensible person would still want to vote for them. It is only because the MSM have always had their back, spinning disinformation and a false reality with their fake propaganda that the Democrats remain propped up. But that MSM prop has been greatly weakened over the past years with their loss of credibility. As things now stand, the only way that the Democrats can ‘win’ in November is by massive vote fraud, or assassination.
The most probable future path scenario is clear and so too is the reaction and solution. The historical states of play during 1776, 1860-65, the breakup of the Soviet Union, and the 1990s Serbian-Bosnian civil war all provide examples of what lies ahead as the Deep State/Media complex and PMS/DSA Democrat Left goes to scorched earth bunker mode as they lose control.

American thinker?
Do they believe we landed on the moon yet?
Say no more
I assume you are sucking off your dem SS Medicare VA??
I thought the con was king of voter fraud and Nazi columns??
Can't trust these Muslims.
Better stop them entering the country??
And I think we should return to lynching, don't you, old white fart?
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.
You dont have the votes for a conviction..... That means he will be exonerated.... So sad you cant see that..
True. Like with Clinton.

But it would good to hear from first hand witnesses like Bolton s ok we have as much info as possible.

Around what ?

A supposed "crime" that never occurred.

Even if he meant what Schitt says he never happened.

You really want to waste the country's time with that.

But you'll let "If the congress is to slow, I have a pen and a phone" pass ?

Please tell me.

No answer....

Didn't think so.
Democrats Becoming More Desperate...and More Dangerous
February 2, 2020 ~ By Dave Ball
It appears that the long-running farce of an impeachment process may finally be coming to a well deserved end. On Wednesday, February 5, the impeachment without a crime will see the Senate voting yea or nay on the two articles. That vote will bring to a conclusion a three-year ordeal of continual lies, shredding of the Constitution, and malicious and unsubstantiated attacks. It will expose a long list of people who should be charged and prosecuted for various felony crimes including perjury, lying to federal investigators, fraud, and presenting false evidence to a federal court. Betting parlors are not ruling out the Democrats going to their worn out playbook once again before the vote and "finding" another "bombshell witness" in an attempt to delay the vote and who, like all the others before him or her, will turn out to be a phony. The president's State of the Union address is the night before the acquittal vote. It is not hard to imagine the Democrats using that day to drop their "new witness" news to suck the air out of the SOTU news cycle.
The bigger question is, where do the Democrats go from here? Even their own delusional polls show their candidates either losing to President Trump or ahead by low single digits, which, as experience bears witness, means they are really losing by double digits. Expect a continuing string of bogus accusations. This has become their go to move since the Gorsuch nomination. What will be next? Expect another impeachment attempt. Being the slow learners they are, they learned nothing from their current embarrassment, so they will double down. Don't be surprised at continuing and escalating violence from the Sanders mob. They have shown they are zealots and capable of violence. As Sanders becomes more marginalized, as he will be, they will not react well. Expect false flag attempts, violence incited by the left to look like right-wing groups so they can blame the president and Republicans. This is all before he wins. Just imagine what will happen after the inevitable landslide victory!

Indeed, where do the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats go from here? Obviously Schiff and company botched the railroading of Trump by Impeachment. Time is getting short. November will be upon us before we know it, while Democrat continue to scurry around to beat Trump fair or by foul. PMS/DSA Leftists are expected to attempt another impeachment before then, or they may turn to their tried and true use of violence. Surely, PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats claim that it's Conservatives that are violent and at fault., however, historically it's the Democrats on a whole that have been violent.
PMS/DSA Democrats have dug a deep hole for themselves and continue to dig it deeper. After the pathetic display of months of lies, incompetence, and buffoonery that the Democrats have entertained us with over the past three years, it is getting hard to imagine why any sensible person would still want to vote for them. It is only because the MSM have always had their back, spinning disinformation and a false reality with their fake propaganda that the Democrats remain propped up. But that MSM prop has been greatly weakened over the past years with their loss of credibility. As things now stand, the only way that the Democrats can ‘win’ in November is by massive vote fraud, or assassination.
The most probable future path scenario is clear and so too is the reaction and solution. The historical states of play during 1776, 1860-65, the breakup of the Soviet Union, and the 1990s Serbian-Bosnian civil war all provide examples of what lies ahead as the Deep State/Media complex and PMS/DSA Democrat Left goes to scorched earth bunker mode as they lose control.

Yes, Democrats are going to do the most desperate thing imaginable by the party of the Rump. They are going to vote. The dangers of voting by the general public is fearsome and should be stopped by any means possible.

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