Democrats cannot point to any Biden accomplishments, so they amplify TRUMP HATE

We were told Biden was the answer for everything wrong in the world in 2020.

So what has Biden accomplished?

Dems cannot find anything, so they are pushing DIVISION AND HATRED.

It is sad.
Sorry, but it is GOP/MAGA who are here everyday making personal attacks against Biden...

Where is the GOP healthcare plan, Education plan....

GOP and MAGA are devoid of actual policies...
The Afghanistan withdraw is an ACCOMPLISHMENT?

Holy fuck. I doubt the families of the 13 Americans killed by Biden admin INCOMPETENCE would disagree.

Should we ask the families of these men and women pictured below and see what they think of the Biden admin withdraw from Afghanistan?


You people are truly sick in the head.
Where are the 4 dozen killed by Trump's policies?
Haha, whatever you say 🤥
He gave China the rights to lithium, while closing our mines. Let China fly a spy balloon over the United States for a week. Then when we found out about it. He tried to lie and say they knew nothing about it. Then we found out he knew when it took off.
Illegals get free boarding, free food, and healthcare. While our veterans suffer. But we know you really don't care.
He worked for all Americans, Biden works for China and illegals.

Trump's bungling approach to China and his absurd praise of Xi's COVID response were sad to watch.

Meanwhile, Biden is eating China's lunch.

Oh wow, he got the bridge confused. Are you suggesting that because he misspoke he is senile?

Yes, if he thinks he took the train, many times, over that bridge, that is a sign he's senile.
The fact he thinks his son died in Iraq, that is a sign he's senile.
Trump's bungling approach to China and his absurd praise of Xi's COVID response were sad to watch.

Meanwhile, Biden is eating China's lunch.

China dictates to Biden what he needs to do. They are doing great with Biden and Biden is making millions.

The last time the GOP was dumb enough to tell people their thoughts on health care they lost the House by 10 million votes.

Let's hope they bring it up again!
Trump's bungling approach to China and his absurd praise of Xi's COVID response were sad to watch.

Meanwhile, Biden is eating China's lunch.



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