Democrats cannot point to any Biden accomplishments, so they amplify TRUMP HATE



Meanwhile, Biden is eating China's lunch.

He meant Biden bought lunch with a Chinese bribe.
How has Joe been tough on China?
Give your favorite 3 examples.

Biden's been kicking the shit out of China since he showed up.

Biden's been kicking the shit out of China since he showed up.

From your first link....

Taken together, they represent an escalation of former President Donald Trump’s tariffs and trade disputes against Beijing that could ultimately do more to slow Chinese technological and economic development — and divide the two economies — than anything the 45th president did while in office.

I thought you said Trump grovel[ed] to Xi?

Were you lying, or just ignorant?
I thought you said Trump grovel[ed] to Xi?

He did. Publicly blowing Xi to celebrate his COVID response (on behalf of the American people!) was an embarrassment. Now that that weak loser is gone, China's economy is on the ropes and their dreams of overtaking the U.S. are a memory.
Why do you want the Democrats to remain in power?

Have you actually seen the GOP over the last 15 years?

Absolutely incapable of governing
No policy beyond "who can we hurt today?"
Betray our allies, support our enemies...
And that's not even counting selling out the US to Russia.

The question isn't why do we want Democrats in power...
The question is why don't you?
Aka. Immigration. Yes he has been an asset, he ran on that and was elected. Not a surprise he is immigrant friendly.
Illegal aliens and fake asylum seekers - not to drug smuggling and human trafficking gang bangers are not immigrants
They did the same thing in 2020 while the vegetable hid in his basement. It was easier to find the secret documents, that he had no authority to possess, in his garage next to his Corvette than it was to find him.
/——/ Side note: Do you realize the guy who drives a 1967 gas guzzling Corvette tells us we need to drive EVs?

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