Democrats cannot point to any Biden accomplishments, so they amplify TRUMP HATE

Did not the orange makeup cult leader state repeatedly that he only hires the best people. The best people know dumb people when they see them.
/—-/ So you’re inferring Biden doesn’t try to hire the best people? What employer says in public he only hires mediocre people? What would that do for morale? You idiot.
Trump could only dream of the accomplishments that Biden has had. Trump was and is nothing but bullshit, hot air and grievance. Biden’s infrastructure and chips act alone will make America stronger than before. Should by some unfortunate turn of events Trump finds himself in the White House again, all Biden’s good works and efforts to restore the reputation of the USA after Trump’s disastrous administration will be undone. The America people are smarter than to elect Trump again.
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Trump could only dream of the accomplishments that Biden has had. Trump was and is nothing but bullshit and hot air. Biden’s infrastructure and chips act alone will make America stronger than before. Should by some unfortunate turn of events Trump finds himself in the White House again, all Biden’s good works and efforts to restore the reputation of the USA after Trump’s disastrous administration will be undone. The America people are smarter than to elect Trump again.

There’s not a candidate on the globe who would want to campaign on the failures and disasters of Biden. He’s an incompetent fool.
In no particular order:

  • Actually did build back better, achieving G7-leading real GDP growth, restoring real wage growth, sparking a productivity boom, and stewarding the longest stretch of sub-4% unemployment in half a century while overseeing the first real decreases in inequality in recent memory
  • Immediately stabilized a teetering economy, pushing through aid to families that achieved unprecedented reductions in poverty (particularly child poverty), housing instability, and uninsurance
  • Guided the country out of the pandemic (e.g., massively successful vaccine rollout and use of the DPA to produce key supplies, while pushing through the American Rescue Plan to keep the economy afloat)
  • Untangled the post-COVID supply chain crisis, mitigating the post-pandemic price spikes
  • Beefed up the Affordable Care Act, lowering health care costs for millions of Americans and pushing uninsurance to an all-time low
  • Finally got Medicare the authority to negotiate prescription drug prices, poising seniors and taxpayers to save billions
  • Is making huge and long-awaited investments in American infrastructure, including roads and bridges, rail, the power grid, and broadband
  • Is making huge investments in American science and manufacturing capacity, leading to (among other things) the current American factory-building boom
  • Finally ended 20 years of futility in Afghanistan and de-escalated the drone war
  • Made the largest investment in combating climate change in American history, sparking (among other things) an electric vehicle price war
  • Made competition policy a centerpiece of his agenda, chilling the ongoing consolidation of our markets
  • Reasserted American's role as the leader of the free world and arsenal of democracy, realigning the U.S. against authoritarianism
  • Finally reformed the Postal Service, providing a pathway to fix its fiscal crisis
  • Has repeatedly backed the current resurgence of labor
  • Negotiated a global minimum corporate tax to preserve American competitiveness
  • Stood up to China, restricting their access to advanced chips, limiting U.S. investment in China, and gearing up to cut off their access to American cloud-computing services
  • Revamped the income-driven student loan repayment plans to make them more affordable for borrowers (I'll throw into this item Biden actually honoring the government's commitments under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program instead of screwing then over red tape nonsense)
  • Got the first bipartisan gun control legislation in three decades (one in a string of unexpected bipartisan successes Biden achieved)
  • Got better health care for vets exposed to toxic substances (over inexplicable GOP opposition)
  • Has taken thIe first steps toward decriminalizing marijuana, starting with blanket pardons
  • Implemented a whole slew of consumer protections for families on everything from the obligations airlines have around the way they treat their customers to surprise medical billing to disclosure of junk fees
Democrat talking points. Biden is inept, Prices are still sky high, interest rates are out of sight, inflation is highest in decades, fuel costs are still high, there are two wars now, our border is being overrun, can't take unscripted questions, can't even find he way off a state, frequently descends into unintelligible babble.......
There’s not a candidate on the globe who would want to campaign on the failures and disasters of Biden. He’s an incompetent fool.
Hilarious grandma.

You came out from under the rock to hurl that turd? Seems like you wasted five minutes from book club.
You’re confusing success with failure. From his Afghanistan failure to his enabling of Mexican cartels and their child sex trafficking to his embarrassing failures on the world stage, everything he touches is a disaster.
Exiting Afghanistan while messy was not a failure. The orange makeup cult leader's peace agreement with the Taliban lead directly to the messy exit.

Mexican cartels are using our lax gun laws to arm themselves like an army. Also, they have been around for decades.

Biden has touched the unemployment rate, where is it now? How many months has it been under 4%?

He has touched the stock markets and where are they now?

He has touched the GDP of our country, where does it stand last QTR?
He did. Publicly blowing Xi to celebrate his COVID response (on behalf of the American people!) was an embarrassment. Now that that weak loser is gone, China's economy is on the ropes and their dreams of overtaking the U.S. are a memory.

You mean he was groveling when he called it the China virus?

Have you actually seen the GOP over the last 15 years?

Absolutely incapable of governing
No policy beyond "who can we hurt today?"
Betray our allies, support our enemies...
And that's not even counting selling out the US to Russia.

The question isn't why do we want Democrats in power...
The question is why don't you?

Betray our allies, support our enemies...

Like when Obama snubbed England and sucked up to Iran?
When Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt?
Yeah, great job, DURR.

And that's not even counting selling out the US to Russia.

Too flexible? The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.
No. In fact one of his first acts after he was elected was for border funding and his recent complaining has been for Congress to pass a border bill. Both were blocked by the Republicans. I’m surprised you didn’t know that

In fact one of his first acts after he was elected was for border funding

Spending more money to let more illegal aliens stay.....not sure I'd brag about that.
Exiting Afghanistan while messy was not a failure. The orange makeup cult leader's peace agreement with the Taliban lead directly to the messy exit.

Mexican cartels are using our lax gun laws to arm themselves like an army. Also, they have been around for decades.

Biden has touched the unemployment rate, where is it now? How many months has it been under 4%?

He has touched the stock markets and where are they now?

He has touched the GDP of our country, where does it stand last QTR?
How did it lead to the messy exit?
Democrat talking points. Biden is inept, Prices are still sky high, interest rates are out of sight, inflation is highest in decades, fuel costs are still high, there are two wars now, our border is being overrun, can't take unscripted questions, can't even find he way off a state, frequently descends into unintelligible babble.......

On the plus side, he's not going to be refilling the SPR.
Bumbling moron that he is.

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