Democrats Caused January 6th - NOT a Conspiracy Theory

Not one Leftwing Democrat piece of shit had the courage to say anything about this:

Trump lawyer plays EPIC compilation of Democrats calling for violence and fighting

Because your "EPIC" compilation is full of shit. :)..that's why.
Hmm...I only see a lot of Trump supporters.

You forget, the DementiacRats LOVE to abuse their office and waste OUR tax dollars by forming such elaborate puppet shows, as this "committee".

It IS interesting how this "committee" is not focusing on people who have the most public fingers pointed at them.

7 Benghazi Investigations which found NOTHING.

25 Investigations of the Clintons, including 6 1/2 years of investigations by a Special Prosecutor, which found NOTHING.

8 years of investigations of the Obama Administration by the Republican House and Senate and not one referral for chargers against any Democrats.

The January 6th Committee is making every one of the Insurrection Caucus squirm. Taking the 5th is an admission of illegal activities fool. Every time a Republican takes the 5th, the FBI opens an investigation.
Because your "EPIC" compilation is full of shit. :)..that's why.

Typical response of a braindead Democrat Marxist ape.

A video with nothing but Democrat politicians themselves calling for fights, and a brainless turd like you says its nothing.

Fuck off loser.

Proof That the Democrats Caused January 6th as well as the BLM and Antifa riots. Listen to them all demand that people rise up and fight:

Typical response of a braindead Democrat Marxist ape.

A video with nothing but Democrat politicians themselves calling for fights, and a brainless turd like you says its nothing.

Fuck off loser.

Proof That the Democrats Caused January 6th as well as the BLM and Antifa riots. Listen to them all demand that people rise up and fight:

Don't have much do you, Monkey Boy? But you seem to do a lot of poo flinging.
Trump supporters cause the January 6th riot. The attempt of overturn the results of a free and fair election.
End of story.
They knew they couldn't win, so they fought back......with lies, scams, shams, underhandedness, corruption, false documents, padding the ballots, corrupting ballot machines, changing rules in mid-election, and paying off computer techs to write programs for corrupting voting machines.

Trump won fair and square. With actual votes from actual live taxpayers.
The DementiacRats had to illegally and unconstitutionally CHEAT.

And HOW did they fight? By hiding in basements, hiding in their million dollar mansions, hiding in their vacation mansions, hiding in government paid recluse areas......and paying other criminals to do their dirty work.
it was so bad a landslide it took them two days to manipulate all those ballots.
In my brief time here I have discerned something disturbing: Factual political discussions about allegations that make Democrats look bad are labelled as a "Conspiracy Theory" and moved out of the politics section.

On the other hand, Conspiracy Theories that make Republicans look bad remain here.

Threads about Trump promoting an insurrection, and about Russian Collusion, are two fine Conspiracy Theories, one of which has already been legally found false, that permeate the politics section as you look back through it.

Well, here is a theory just as valid about Jan 6:

Proof That the Democrats Caused January 6th as well as the BLM and Antifa riots. Listen to them all demand that people rise up and fight:

Lol, a democrat made me do it thread. Hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
It is just as believable as saying that Trump made them do it when in fact Trump said to do the exact opposite, and we know that Democrats allowed it on purpose.

Still want to be a wise ass you moron?
Lol,. Yep those two braincells repugs can't make decisions for themselves. Hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
In my brief time here I have discerned something disturbing: Factual political discussions about allegations that make Democrats look bad are labelled as a "Conspiracy Theory" and moved out of the politics section.

On the other hand, Conspiracy Theories that make Republicans look bad remain here.

Threads about Trump promoting an insurrection, and about Russian Collusion, are two fine Conspiracy Theories, one of which has already been legally found false, that permeate the politics section as you look back through it.

Well, here is a theory just as valid about Jan 6:

Proof That the Democrats Caused January 6th as well as the BLM and Antifa riots. Listen to them all demand that people rise up and fight:

It was Hillary!

I knew it!
And we have a fighter named McConnell who when asked what republicans want...answers "that's a good question" wonder we are becoming socialist day by day....republicans have no fight in them....
Typical Trumpista, every prosecution is a persecution! :rolleyes-41:
Because that sort of Loyalty was never, heaven-forbid
applied when mentioning an Obama devotee. ?
That and 5 cents won't even get one a Look at
a fine cigar.
Unless one knows how one's bread is buttered.
Obama may be The Most Buttered-up to Potus in
American history.?
As usual you're a lying sack of shit.

7 Benghazi Investigations revealed all sorts of crimes, but the corrupt FBI did not pursue them.

Keep your skank yap shut loser

7 Benghazi Reports found no evidence of wrongdoing by anyone. They referred no one to the FBI except Hillary Clinton for her email server. They acted like it was big news to them in 2016, but Republicans passed a law against private servers in 2013 - right after she left office, and because of Hillary Clinton's private server.

Kevin McCarthy said the quiet part out loud. They referred the email matter to the FBI to damage her chances of becoming President and for no other reason.

What Is The Jan 6 Committee Hiding About Ray Epps?

This committee has zero credibility.
Until they release all correspondence from Pelosi to the sergeant at arms of the capital police prior to January 6th and after, as well as releasing ALL the thousands of hours of security video, nothing they report can be believed.
Pelosi hates Trump because he treated her with no respect at all - which is what she deserved. She will do anything to go after Trump.
Lying for Pelosi is like breathing for the rest of us.

Trump is the guy who hates Pelosi. She's owned his fat ass in every confrontation, from wearing his balls around her neck at his first SOTU address, to ripping up his lies at the last one. Trump pins a derogatory nickname on all of his enemies except for Nancy Pelosi, or as Trump likes to call her "Nancy".

He walked out of their first negotiation when she said "No" to any money for the Wall, and Trump shut down the government for 4 weeks and then completely caved into Pelosi and got NOTHING in return. The Great Negotiator. Thereafter he has refused to even be in the same room with her unless he's forced to be.

Trump posted that cabinet meeting pictures thinking it made Nancy look bad and then everybody laughed at HIM for being upbraided by this tiny woman.

Peloi balls.jpg
Peloi seal.jpg


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