Democrats Caused January 6th - NOT a Conspiracy Theory

Americans almost fully undersatand what's taking place.
That Pelosi and D.C. Mayor Bowser both refused use of
the National Guard.Trump personally urged that they
call-up from 10,000 - 20,ooo NAtional Guard.He wrote
them a letter and it was sent back to Trump's WH signed
by Bowser,turning down the request..Hannity had a copy of the letter
to prove on his show one night.A Trump WH aide was on
Hannity to explain and had a copy of Trump's letter,
signed by Bowser as proof.The Returned letter.
Not some.

Hannity and Trump, lying again.

January 23 2022

Repeating a claim debunked a year ago, former President Donald Trump insisted again this week that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had rejected the help of the National Guard last Jan. 6.

Fox News host Sean Hannity asked the former president Thursday night if he had “authorized” the Guard to protect the Capitol building “in the lead-up” to Jan. 6, 2021. Trump responded: “One hundred percent, and attested to by many people. And they turned it down … Nancy Pelosi turned it down ... and she’s in charge of the Capitol.”

There would have been “no problem whatsoever, but they turned it down, which tells you everything,” Trump claimed, also referring to Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser. “If not for those Democrats ... you would not have had any problem. It would have just been absolutely a lovely day.”

Sure it would have been.

First off despite the retards claims, Pelosi IS NOT in charge of the capitol, she doesn't even have the authority to request troops, nor turn them down.
Second, the president "authorizes" the National Guard?
Third, why didn't Trump name the people who attested to his claims?

For a local/state matter?

So, Trump "authorizes" the National Guard?
At who's request?

If Trump requested the NG, then someone disobeyed an order.
So, who did that?
Not only did Mayor Bowser turn down National Guard troops, but she had the DC Police shut down certain streets to strategically funnel thousands of visiting MAGA supporters through ‘BLM Plaza’. You probably saw the videos of Trump supporters being attacked.

It was all coordinated for maximum chaos.
She did this for the Stop the Steal rallies in November & December as well.

No one can block a president's request, moron.
Not one Leftwing Democrat piece of shit had the courage to say anything about this:

Trump lawyer plays EPIC compilation of Democrats calling for violence and fighting

Federal agents pretend to be white nationalists

I think we could go over this a million times and you still think it was an insurrection. For it to be an insurrection, Trump would have had to tell them to break in and take over the Capitol etc.. If you watch his full speech, he asked them to march peacefully and cheer on certain senators and don't cheer some others. And as crowds go, certain ones get carried away and riot. And that's it really. Even the FBI didn't find it as an insurrection, but this is obviously not what you want to hear.

Democrats have no use for facts
Registered Democrat Caught Storming US Capitol, Attacking Police Pleads with Court for Light Sentence Because He Is Not Trump Supporter

Your examples were laughed out of court and your attorneys were ordered to pay court costs

Rightwinger watching Moses part the Red sea, "Still waiting for proof of your God"

You Marxist pieces of shit purposely reject all proof and then ask for proof. Thats why you are pieces of shit.
Rightwinger watching Moses part the Red sea, "Still waiting for proof of your God"

You Marxist pieces of shit purposely reject all proof and then ask for proof. Thats why you are pieces of shit.


Still waiting for actual examples of voter fraud
Your attorneys would not present most of it in court and were sanctioned for the examples they did present

Let me help you

Rightwinger watching Moses part the Red sea, "Still waiting for proof of your God"

You Marxist pieces of shit purposely reject all proof and then ask for proof. Thats why you are pieces of shit.

Sorry if the truth hurts you lying sack of shit. Even your screen name is a lie. You are a living Lie.

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