Democrats Caused January 6th - NOT a Conspiracy Theory

In my brief time here I have discerned something disturbing: Factual political discussions about allegations that make Democrats look bad are labelled as a "Conspiracy Theory" and moved out of the politics section.

On the other hand, Conspiracy Theories that make Republicans look bad remain here.

Threads about Trump promoting an insurrection, and about Russian Collusion, are two fine Conspiracy Theories, one of which has already been legally found false, that permeate the politics section as you look back through it.

Well, here is a theory just as valid about Jan 6:

Proof That the Democrats Caused January 6th as well as the BLM and Antifa riots. Listen to them all demand that people rise up and fight:

Once again, you're posting shit that has been discussed to death, using spurious sources. YouTube is not a source. You are one stupid FuckBoi.

Republicans have become a lawless party determined to cling to power by any means necessary. And they continually accuse Democrats of cheating and being dishonest because Republicans think Democrats are just like them, and to distract from their own dishonesty.

Read the board asshole, and stop posting your bullshit threads
In my brief time here I have discerned something disturbing: Factual political discussions about allegations that make Democrats look bad are labelled as a "Conspiracy Theory" and moved out of the politics section.

On the other hand, Conspiracy Theories that make Republicans look bad remain here.

Threads about Trump promoting an insurrection, and about Russian Collusion, are two fine Conspiracy Theories, one of which has already been legally found false, that permeate the politics section as you look back through it.

Well, here is a theory just as valid about Jan 6:

Proof That the Democrats Caused January 6th as well as the BLM and Antifa riots. Listen to them all demand that people rise up and fight:

conspiracy nutjobs are so oppressed. imagine being a fat old white guy AND a conspiracy nutjob... the persecution these martyrs have to endure. it is INCONCEIVABLE.
What Is The Jan 6 Committee Hiding About Ray Epps?
What about him?

RWNJ's claim there was no isurrection.
Then, the Huckster claims this guy started one?
Trumptards make no sense.
This committee has zero credibility.
Until they release all correspondence from Pelosi to the sergeant at arms of the capital police prior to January 6th and after, as well as releasing ALL the thousands of hours of security video, nothing they report can be believed.
Sure, you claim there is 1000's of hours of footage, but cant prove it.
Just like everything else, in Trumplandia.
Pelosi hates Trump because he treated her with no respect at all - which is what she deserved. She will do anything to go after Trump.
Lying for Pelosi is like breathing for the rest of us.
Federal agents pretend to be white nationalists

In my brief time here I have discerned something disturbing: Factual political discussions about allegations that make Democrats look bad are labelled as a "Conspiracy Theory" and moved out of the politics section.

On the other hand, Conspiracy Theories that make Republicans look bad remain here.

Threads about Trump promoting an insurrection, and about Russian Collusion, are two fine Conspiracy Theories, one of which has already been legally found false, that permeate the politics section as you look back through it.

Well, here is a theory just as valid about Jan 6:

Proof That the Democrats Caused January 6th as well as the BLM and Antifa riots. Listen to them all demand that people rise up and fight:

Actually it was a conserted overall meme set in action
almost immediately upon Obama setting foot into
the White House.Like the way the Bust of Churchill was
taken out and sent back to Britain.The overall meme was to
make Fashionable any and all attempt to namecall
and make fun of their betters { Political Opposition }.
Prior to that the use of created Bogeyman { like
Dick Cheney and Karl Rove }
The last few years that overall tactic has Gone Rogue.
Now it's all ... " You're a Racist ."
Which is not intended to inspire debate but literally
to shut it down.Like Obama's very first Executive Order.
EO13489 { issued withing 24 hrs. of being sworn-in
as Potus;January 20,2009 } It basically controls all of
Obama's personals.The National archivist can forbide
anyone from seeing or researching things as simple as
Obama's Kindergarden Application.His Travel logs
and college admissions { was he given a Fulbright
Foreign exchange student scholarship ? } His passports,
all birth records and even his Illinois State Senator Memos.
Obama's entire College years were a complete mystery as to
how he paid for them.Not until a few years ago was it
written about.
In my brief time here I have discerned something disturbing: Factual political discussions about allegations that make Democrats look bad are labelled as a "Conspiracy Theory" and moved out of the politics section.

The Republican Party has moved into a world of Alternate Reality

A world where Trump actually won the 2020 election, a world where COVID is a hoax and vaccines don’t work, a world where Obama was born in Kenya and climate change is a myth.

They have learned that if you find facts to be unpleasant, you just create your own facts
FBI at this point believes the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups, Trump, or prominent supporters, but has found "scant evidence" it was an "organized plot".

Oh, and by the way, the Cambridge Dictionary defines “insurrection” as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence”

By that definition, there was no “insurrection” at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the FBI. Reuters reports:

Unless what took place at the capital building was just one part of a larger plan.
It was organized by Trump to defeat the government and stop the peaceful transfer of power. It turned violent

I think we could go over this a million times and you still think it was an insurrection. For it to be an insurrection, Trump would have had to tell them to break in and take over the Capitol etc.. If you watch his full speech, he asked them to march peacefully and cheer on certain senators and don't cheer some others. And as crowds go, certain ones get carried away and riot. And that's it really. Even the FBI didn't find it as an insurrection, but this is obviously not what you want to hear.

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