Democrats caused recession in 2007

You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?
No shit, you are fucking serious......

And you are running.......

You could just google for it.......

At times you actually make good arguments about the recession. Unfortunately you have a visceral need to just disagree with anyone says who isn't a mind swilling Democrat. It's sad, really. You're not a brainiac or anything, but you do show occasional potential. Then you start with, no it isn't. Yes it is. No it wasn't. No, concrete isn't hard. No, water isn't wet.

At one point on the discussion of the 2007 recession you made me start to work. Then you started the just contradict anything I said crap. I say this in the faint and broadly contradicted hope there is some actual intelligence in there
Though you remain welcome to tell me which of the numbers in your "illustration" are being held constant, and which is the dependent variable......

:lmao: Independent variables float, dumb ass, they aren't "held constant." By definition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a math major before I was an MBA. OMG, you're stupid I can't make up ....

That's a riot......I was an astronaut before I was a high school senior....

If your independent variables are floating, what is being held paribus?


Independent variables are floating, not dependent variables. ??? Weren't a math major, were you. I was ...

Not sure what this has to do with the 2007 recession other than you're a hack Democrat who engages in contradiction, not debate. But whatever

Are you senile? The context was "printing money" and it's relationship to "currency devaluation" - not the 2007 Recession.

You have argued that your illustration employed "ceteris paribus".........ceteris paribus, in economics, holds some variables constant in order to establish the effect on dependent variables.......

I've asked you to distinguish the variables being held constant, or, if you prefer, the one being examined....This is not contradiction......

and I'm nominally a Republican.........

No I didn't. And no you aren't

So this is "kazing"........

Volunteered for Gerald Ford.....went into exile when the Party decided to indulge Stupid in 1980....
Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?


Stupid is a becoming look on you, Kaz.....

Answered a stupid question with a stupid answer. I mean ... duh ...

If the matter at hand is the Big Mac as an indicator of inflation, how can asking for the actual price of a Big Mac be a "stupid question"?

Not to take anything away from your stupid answer, but.....
A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?
No shit, you are fucking serious......

He is, though he can't figure out what he's serious about. All he knows it is wasn't the Democrats, unless it was. Though 2007 is a blur to him. He was in a lounge calling himself Larry, that's all he remembers. Except for meeting a Yeti and winning the British Open. What were you asking him again?
he is a piece of work....for billing out at 2000 dollars an hour, he sure is a idiot....:lol:

He keeps ranting on about wanting to know the price of a Big Mac in his ghetto McDonald's for some reason...don't ask me why, I have no fucking clue....:lol:

He wants to know how much lunch money he needs to take tomorrow ... It keeps going up ... since the recession and all ...
A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?
No shit, you are fucking serious......

And you are running.......

You could just google for it.......

At times you actually make good arguments about the recession. Unfortunately you have a visceral need to just disagree with anyone says who isn't a mind swilling Democrat. It's sad, really. You're not a brainiac or anything, but you do show occasional potential. Then you start with, no it isn't. Yes it is. No it wasn't. No, concrete isn't hard. No, water isn't wet.

At one point on the discussion of the 2007 recession you made me start to work. Then you started the just contradict anything I said crap. I say this in the faint and broadly contradicted hope there is some actual intelligence in there

I really don't think you are in a position to paraphrase you, you should request a refund of whatever you paid the finishing academy which led you to believe that you earned an MBA....

The discussion onto which you have glommed offers a perfect example....

If the price of a Big Mac is not relevant to inflation AS MEASURED BY THE PRICE OF A BIG MAC, then what the fuck is?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?
No shit, you are fucking serious......

And you are running.......

You could just google for it.......

At times you actually make good arguments about the recession. Unfortunately you have a visceral need to just disagree with anyone says who isn't a mind swilling Democrat. It's sad, really. You're not a brainiac or anything, but you do show occasional potential. Then you start with, no it isn't. Yes it is. No it wasn't. No, concrete isn't hard. No, water isn't wet.

At one point on the discussion of the 2007 recession you made me start to work. Then you started the just contradict anything I said crap. I say this in the faint and broadly contradicted hope there is some actual intelligence in there

I really don't think you are in a position to paraphrase you, you should request a refund of whatever you paid the finishing academy which led you to believe that you earned an MBA....

The discussion onto which you have glommed offers a perfect example....

If the price of a Big Mac is not relevant to inflation AS MEASURED BY THE PRICE OF A BIG MAC, then what the fuck is?
What the fuck are you rambling about?
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
:lmao: Independent variables float, dumb ass, they aren't "held constant." By definition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a math major before I was an MBA. OMG, you're stupid I can't make up ....

That's a riot......I was an astronaut before I was a high school senior....

If your independent variables are floating, what is being held paribus?


Independent variables are floating, not dependent variables. ??? Weren't a math major, were you. I was ...

Not sure what this has to do with the 2007 recession other than you're a hack Democrat who engages in contradiction, not debate. But whatever

Are you senile? The context was "printing money" and it's relationship to "currency devaluation" - not the 2007 Recession.

You have argued that your illustration employed "ceteris paribus".........ceteris paribus, in economics, holds some variables constant in order to establish the effect on dependent variables.......

I've asked you to distinguish the variables being held constant, or, if you prefer, the one being examined....This is not contradiction......

and I'm nominally a Republican.........

No I didn't. And no you aren't

So this is "kazing"........

Volunteered for Gerald Ford.....went into exile when the Party decided to indulge Stupid in 1980....

Yeah, obviously "kazzing" was the cause of the 2007 recession. Listen, dude. Faun is a fag obsessed with me. Say "kazzing" again and you're on ignore. Straight up. There's a level of playground I don't do. I do every April assess my ignore list and give some posters another chance. There's no guarantee.

If you want to know if I'm serious, ask NYCarbineer, Faun, Skylar, Seawytch, Max, Harry Dresden, Syrious, Brain, Dad2Three, Daws, DotCom, g5000, JimH52, PaintMyHouse, Slade, Tyrone and others. "If" you ever come back, next chance is next April. No exceptions

Your move. I don't give a shit. I just believe it's right to inform people ahead of time unless the commit a truly stupid sin that requires no chance. Do it man, it's an inevitability anyway. You're a waste of skin.

Explain how the cause of the 2007 recession was "kazzing"
Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?
No shit, you are fucking serious......

And you are running.......

You could just google for it.......

At times you actually make good arguments about the recession. Unfortunately you have a visceral need to just disagree with anyone says who isn't a mind swilling Democrat. It's sad, really. You're not a brainiac or anything, but you do show occasional potential. Then you start with, no it isn't. Yes it is. No it wasn't. No, concrete isn't hard. No, water isn't wet.

At one point on the discussion of the 2007 recession you made me start to work. Then you started the just contradict anything I said crap. I say this in the faint and broadly contradicted hope there is some actual intelligence in there

I really don't think you are in a position to paraphrase you, you should request a refund of whatever you paid the finishing academy which led you to believe that you earned an MBA....

The discussion onto which you have glommed offers a perfect example....

If the price of a Big Mac is not relevant to inflation AS MEASURED BY THE PRICE OF A BIG MAC, then what the fuck is?
What the fuck are you rambling about?
Some cretinous fuckstick has repeatedly posted this

Democrats caused recession in 2007

It appears to have a typo......
In the aftermath of the US Treasury’s decision to seize control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, critics have hit at lax oversight of the mortgage companies.

The dominant theme has been that Congress let the two government-sponsored enterprises morph into a creature that eventually threatened the US financial system. Mike Oxley will have none of it.

Instead, the Ohio Republican who headed the House financial services committee until his retirement after mid-term elections last year, blames the mess on ideologues within the White House as well as Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve.

The critics have forgotten that the House passed a GSE reform bill in 2005 that could well have prevented the current crisis, says Mr Oxley, now vice-chairman of

He fumes about the criticism of his House colleagues. “All the handwringing and bedwetting is going on without remembering how the House stepped up on this,” he says. “What did we get from the White House? We got a one-finger salute.”

Oxley hits back at ideologues -

July 2003

Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska), Elizabeth Dole (R-North Carolina) and John Sununu (R-New Hampshire) introduced legislation to address Regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The bill was blocked by Democrats.
That would be S. 1508: Federal Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2003

A bill you claim was blocked by Democrats.

But let's take a look at what actually happened to that bill, shall we...?

Last action:
Reported by Committee
A committee has issued a report to the full chamber recommending that the bill be considered further. Only about 1 in 4 bills are reported out of committee.​

So the bill was sent to Senate leadership with the recommendation of further consideration, which had Senate leadership wanted, could have put the bill on the Senate's legislative calendar to be put to an up/down vote by the full Senate.

That never happened.

So who blocked the bill from being put to an up/.down vote by the full Senate? You claim it was Democrats. But were Democrats in charge of the Senate in 2003/2004? No, of course not. Republicans were and Bill Frist R-TN was the Senate Majority Leader who squashed that bill.

We'll just file this under 'A' -- for Another brain dead conservative regurgitating bullshit on the forum.

Again several key Democrats saw nothing wrong with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There was not one ounce of "documented reported rhetoric" coming from among the party, particularly Barnie Frank and Maxine Waters. Why wasn't Democrats really all that concerned with these two government giants that they had to try and convince the rest of congress, and the American people, that they were really quite solid and no kind of economic impact could result from a lack of oversight?

Top Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the form of Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008

( 1 ) Dodd, Christopher Sen - CT D $133,900
( 2 ) Kerry, John Sen - MA D $111,000
( 3 ) Obama, Barack Sen - IL D $105,849
( 4 ) Clinton, Hillary Sen - NY D $75,550

OpenSecrets | Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Invest in Democrats - Capital Eye

Republicans controlled the Congress. You can't blame Democrats because Republicans wouldn't do their job.

I find it interesting how this perception of "doing their job" changes when it's liberals claim republicans have gotten in the way when Harry Reed failed at his job in passing a stronger economic jobs bill in creating more jobs to help strengthen the economy. .... or blaming republicans of hindering the ACA vote. Yet the democrats were the party in charge of it all, who could pass whatever they wanted and send it to the desk of Obama, I'm sure.
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?
No shit, you are fucking serious......

And you are running.......

You could just google for it.......

At times you actually make good arguments about the recession. Unfortunately you have a visceral need to just disagree with anyone says who isn't a mind swilling Democrat. It's sad, really. You're not a brainiac or anything, but you do show occasional potential. Then you start with, no it isn't. Yes it is. No it wasn't. No, concrete isn't hard. No, water isn't wet.

At one point on the discussion of the 2007 recession you made me start to work. Then you started the just contradict anything I said crap. I say this in the faint and broadly contradicted hope there is some actual intelligence in there

I really don't think you are in a position to paraphrase you, you should request a refund of whatever you paid the finishing academy which led you to believe that you earned an MBA....

The discussion onto which you have glommed offers a perfect example....

If the price of a Big Mac is not relevant to inflation AS MEASURED BY THE PRICE OF A BIG MAC, then what the fuck is?

So you're disagreeing with me by saying I'm right? :wtf:

No shit, you are fucking serious......

And you are running.......

You could just google for it.......

At times you actually make good arguments about the recession. Unfortunately you have a visceral need to just disagree with anyone says who isn't a mind swilling Democrat. It's sad, really. You're not a brainiac or anything, but you do show occasional potential. Then you start with, no it isn't. Yes it is. No it wasn't. No, concrete isn't hard. No, water isn't wet.

At one point on the discussion of the 2007 recession you made me start to work. Then you started the just contradict anything I said crap. I say this in the faint and broadly contradicted hope there is some actual intelligence in there

I really don't think you are in a position to paraphrase you, you should request a refund of whatever you paid the finishing academy which led you to believe that you earned an MBA....

The discussion onto which you have glommed offers a perfect example....

If the price of a Big Mac is not relevant to inflation AS MEASURED BY THE PRICE OF A BIG MAC, then what the fuck is?
What the fuck are you rambling about?
Some cretinous fuckstick has repeatedly posted this

Democrats caused recession in 2007

It appears to have a typo......
Again...your rambling.....pretend I am paying you 2000 an hour, and try again....:lol:
That's a riot......I was an astronaut before I was a high school senior....

If your independent variables are floating, what is being held paribus?


Independent variables are floating, not dependent variables. ??? Weren't a math major, were you. I was ...

Not sure what this has to do with the 2007 recession other than you're a hack Democrat who engages in contradiction, not debate. But whatever

Are you senile? The context was "printing money" and it's relationship to "currency devaluation" - not the 2007 Recession.

You have argued that your illustration employed "ceteris paribus".........ceteris paribus, in economics, holds some variables constant in order to establish the effect on dependent variables.......

I've asked you to distinguish the variables being held constant, or, if you prefer, the one being examined....This is not contradiction......

and I'm nominally a Republican.........

No I didn't. And no you aren't

So this is "kazing"........

Volunteered for Gerald Ford.....went into exile when the Party decided to indulge Stupid in 1980....

Yeah, obviously "kazzing" was the cause of the 2007 recession. Listen, dude. Faun is a fag obsessed with me. Say "kazzing" again and you're on ignore. Straight up. There's a level of playground I don't do. I do every April assess my ignore list and give some posters another chance. There's no guarantee.

If you want to know if I'm serious, ask NYCarbineer, Faun, Skylar, Seawytch, Max, Harry Dresden, Syrious, Brain, Dad2Three, Daws, DotCom, g5000, JimH52, PaintMyHouse, Slade, Tyrone and others. "If" you ever come back, next chance is next April. No exceptions

Your move. I don't give a shit. I just believe it's right to inform people ahead of time unless the commit a truly stupid sin that requires no chance. Do it man, it's an inevitability anyway. You're a waste of skin.

Explain how the cause of the 2007 recession was "kazzing"

That shit does nothing for me.......where you choose to hide is your business.......the forum is littered with braying chickenshits......

And in suggesting that you were "kazing" I wasn't referring to the manifestation of your senility as expressed in your confusion about the subject at hand, it was in reference to the rhetorical strategy you have chosen to employ instead of defending your jejune perception of "printing money" and "currency devaluation"....

whatever you are suffering from it appears that you've transmitted it to if he didn't have enough problems....
Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?
No shit, you are fucking serious......

And you are running.......

You could just google for it.......

At times you actually make good arguments about the recession. Unfortunately you have a visceral need to just disagree with anyone says who isn't a mind swilling Democrat. It's sad, really. You're not a brainiac or anything, but you do show occasional potential. Then you start with, no it isn't. Yes it is. No it wasn't. No, concrete isn't hard. No, water isn't wet.

At one point on the discussion of the 2007 recession you made me start to work. Then you started the just contradict anything I said crap. I say this in the faint and broadly contradicted hope there is some actual intelligence in there

I really don't think you are in a position to paraphrase you, you should request a refund of whatever you paid the finishing academy which led you to believe that you earned an MBA....

The discussion onto which you have glommed offers a perfect example....

If the price of a Big Mac is not relevant to inflation AS MEASURED BY THE PRICE OF A BIG MAC, then what the fuck is?

So you're disagreeing with me by saying I'm right? :wtf:


Given your level of reading comprehension, I can believe that you were a math major....

Independent variables are floating, not dependent variables. ??? Weren't a math major, were you. I was ...

Not sure what this has to do with the 2007 recession other than you're a hack Democrat who engages in contradiction, not debate. But whatever

Are you senile? The context was "printing money" and it's relationship to "currency devaluation" - not the 2007 Recession.

You have argued that your illustration employed "ceteris paribus".........ceteris paribus, in economics, holds some variables constant in order to establish the effect on dependent variables.......

I've asked you to distinguish the variables being held constant, or, if you prefer, the one being examined....This is not contradiction......

and I'm nominally a Republican.........

No I didn't. And no you aren't

So this is "kazing"........

Volunteered for Gerald Ford.....went into exile when the Party decided to indulge Stupid in 1980....

Yeah, obviously "kazzing" was the cause of the 2007 recession. Listen, dude. Faun is a fag obsessed with me. Say "kazzing" again and you're on ignore. Straight up. There's a level of playground I don't do. I do every April assess my ignore list and give some posters another chance. There's no guarantee.

If you want to know if I'm serious, ask NYCarbineer, Faun, Skylar, Seawytch, Max, Harry Dresden, Syrious, Brain, Dad2Three, Daws, DotCom, g5000, JimH52, PaintMyHouse, Slade, Tyrone and others. "If" you ever come back, next chance is next April. No exceptions

Your move. I don't give a shit. I just believe it's right to inform people ahead of time unless the commit a truly stupid sin that requires no chance. Do it man, it's an inevitability anyway. You're a waste of skin.

Explain how the cause of the 2007 recession was "kazzing"

That shit does nothing for me.......where you choose to hide is your business.......the forum is littered with braying chickenshits......

And in suggesting that you were "kazing" I wasn't referring to the manifestation of your senility as expressed in your confusion about the subject at hand, it was in reference to the rhetorical strategy you have chosen to employ instead of defending your jejune perception of "printing money" and "currency devaluation"....

whatever you are suffering from it appears that you've transmitted it to if he didn't have enough problems....
No problem here brother...I'm smarter than you liberals.....
In the aftermath of the US Treasury’s decision to seize control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, critics have hit at lax oversight of the mortgage companies.

The dominant theme has been that Congress let the two government-sponsored enterprises morph into a creature that eventually threatened the US financial system. Mike Oxley will have none of it.

Instead, the Ohio Republican who headed the House financial services committee until his retirement after mid-term elections last year, blames the mess on ideologues within the White House as well as Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve.

The critics have forgotten that the House passed a GSE reform bill in 2005 that could well have prevented the current crisis, says Mr Oxley, now vice-chairman of

He fumes about the criticism of his House colleagues. “All the handwringing and bedwetting is going on without remembering how the House stepped up on this,” he says. “What did we get from the White House? We got a one-finger salute.”

Oxley hits back at ideologues -

July 2003

Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska), Elizabeth Dole (R-North Carolina) and John Sununu (R-New Hampshire) introduced legislation to address Regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The bill was blocked by Democrats.
That would be S. 1508: Federal Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2003

A bill you claim was blocked by Democrats.

But let's take a look at what actually happened to that bill, shall we...?

Last action:
Reported by Committee
A committee has issued a report to the full chamber recommending that the bill be considered further. Only about 1 in 4 bills are reported out of committee.​

So the bill was sent to Senate leadership with the recommendation of further consideration, which had Senate leadership wanted, could have put the bill on the Senate's legislative calendar to be put to an up/down vote by the full Senate.

That never happened.

So who blocked the bill from being put to an up/.down vote by the full Senate? You claim it was Democrats. But were Democrats in charge of the Senate in 2003/2004? No, of course not. Republicans were and Bill Frist R-TN was the Senate Majority Leader who squashed that bill.

We'll just file this under 'A' -- for Another brain dead conservative regurgitating bullshit on the forum.

Again several key Democrats saw nothing wrong with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There was not one ounce of "documented reported rhetoric" coming from among the party, particularly Barnie Frank and Maxine Waters. Why wasn't Democrats really all that concerned with these two government giants that they had to try and convince the rest of congress, and the American people, that they were really quite solid and no kind of economic impact could result from a lack of oversight?

Top Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the form of Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008

( 1 ) Dodd, Christopher Sen - CT D $133,900
( 2 ) Kerry, John Sen - MA D $111,000
( 3 ) Obama, Barack Sen - IL D $105,849
( 4 ) Clinton, Hillary Sen - NY D $75,550

OpenSecrets | Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Invest in Democrats - Capital Eye

Republicans controlled the Congress. You can't blame Democrats because Republicans wouldn't do their job.

I find it interesting how this perception of "doing their job" changes when it's liberals claim republicans have gotten in the way when Harry Reed failed at his job in passing a stronger economic jobs bill in creating more jobs to help strengthen the economy. .... or blaming republicans of hindering the ACA vote. Yet the democrats were the party in charge of it all, who could pass whatever they wanted and send it to the desk of Obama, I'm sure.
If Republicans had actually blocked those, then it would be reasonable to say the majority party Democrats failed to pass them because the minority party blocked them. That works that way for both parties regardless who's in charge.

I can only hope you're capable of comprehending that's not what happened regarding GSE reform as the minority party Democrats did not block any GSE reform bills. Though they were on the wrong side of the issue, it was Senate leadership who wouldn't allow any GSE reform bills to be put to a vote by the full Senate.

You can't blame Democrats for that.

Independent variables are floating, not dependent variables. ??? Weren't a math major, were you. I was ...

Not sure what this has to do with the 2007 recession other than you're a hack Democrat who engages in contradiction, not debate. But whatever

Are you senile? The context was "printing money" and it's relationship to "currency devaluation" - not the 2007 Recession.

You have argued that your illustration employed "ceteris paribus".........ceteris paribus, in economics, holds some variables constant in order to establish the effect on dependent variables.......

I've asked you to distinguish the variables being held constant, or, if you prefer, the one being examined....This is not contradiction......

and I'm nominally a Republican.........

No I didn't. And no you aren't

So this is "kazing"........

Volunteered for Gerald Ford.....went into exile when the Party decided to indulge Stupid in 1980....

Yeah, obviously "kazzing" was the cause of the 2007 recession. Listen, dude. Faun is a fag obsessed with me. Say "kazzing" again and you're on ignore. Straight up. There's a level of playground I don't do. I do every April assess my ignore list and give some posters another chance. There's no guarantee.

If you want to know if I'm serious, ask NYCarbineer, Faun, Skylar, Seawytch, Max, Harry Dresden, Syrious, Brain, Dad2Three, Daws, DotCom, g5000, JimH52, PaintMyHouse, Slade, Tyrone and others. "If" you ever come back, next chance is next April. No exceptions

Your move. I don't give a shit. I just believe it's right to inform people ahead of time unless the commit a truly stupid sin that requires no chance. Do it man, it's an inevitability anyway. You're a waste of skin.

Explain how the cause of the 2007 recession was "kazzing"

That shit does nothing for me.......where you choose to hide is your business.......the forum is littered with braying chickenshits......

And in suggesting that you were "kazing" I wasn't referring to the manifestation of your senility as expressed in your confusion about the subject at hand, it was in reference to the rhetorical strategy you have chosen to employ instead of defending your jejune perception of "printing money" and "currency devaluation"....

whatever you are suffering from it appears that you've transmitted it to if he didn't have enough problems....

If you can't dazzle them with your wit, baffle them with your bullshit. I'll give you the skirting with kazzing, once, but either just say it or cut the crap. Playground doesn't work for me. Next time you play games with saying/not saying it, that's it
And you are running.......

You could just google for it.......

At times you actually make good arguments about the recession. Unfortunately you have a visceral need to just disagree with anyone says who isn't a mind swilling Democrat. It's sad, really. You're not a brainiac or anything, but you do show occasional potential. Then you start with, no it isn't. Yes it is. No it wasn't. No, concrete isn't hard. No, water isn't wet.

At one point on the discussion of the 2007 recession you made me start to work. Then you started the just contradict anything I said crap. I say this in the faint and broadly contradicted hope there is some actual intelligence in there

I really don't think you are in a position to paraphrase you, you should request a refund of whatever you paid the finishing academy which led you to believe that you earned an MBA....

The discussion onto which you have glommed offers a perfect example....

If the price of a Big Mac is not relevant to inflation AS MEASURED BY THE PRICE OF A BIG MAC, then what the fuck is?
What the fuck are you rambling about?
Some cretinous fuckstick has repeatedly posted this

Democrats caused recession in 2007

It appears to have a typo......
Again...your rambling.....pretend I am paying you 2000 an hour, and try again....:lol:

Offer to split your sterno with would be much more cost effective to have him explain what you claim to be your "favorite" chart....

But I do find it somewhat disquieting to see an alleged MBA allowing you to persist in the delusion that the "Big Mac Index" is intended to measure domestic inflation.....
At times you actually make good arguments about the recession. Unfortunately you have a visceral need to just disagree with anyone says who isn't a mind swilling Democrat. It's sad, really. You're not a brainiac or anything, but you do show occasional potential. Then you start with, no it isn't. Yes it is. No it wasn't. No, concrete isn't hard. No, water isn't wet.

At one point on the discussion of the 2007 recession you made me start to work. Then you started the just contradict anything I said crap. I say this in the faint and broadly contradicted hope there is some actual intelligence in there

I really don't think you are in a position to paraphrase you, you should request a refund of whatever you paid the finishing academy which led you to believe that you earned an MBA....

The discussion onto which you have glommed offers a perfect example....

If the price of a Big Mac is not relevant to inflation AS MEASURED BY THE PRICE OF A BIG MAC, then what the fuck is?
What the fuck are you rambling about?
Some cretinous fuckstick has repeatedly posted this

Democrats caused recession in 2007

It appears to have a typo......
Again...your rambling.....pretend I am paying you 2000 an hour, and try again....:lol:

Offer to split your sterno with would be much more cost effective to have him explain what you claim to be your "favorite" chart....

But I do find it somewhat disquieting to see an alleged MBA allowing you to persist in the delusion that the "Big Mac Index" is intended to measure domestic inflation.....

Strawman. No one said it "measure(s)" inflation. It's just an indication it exists
Are you senile? The context was "printing money" and it's relationship to "currency devaluation" - not the 2007 Recession.

You have argued that your illustration employed "ceteris paribus".........ceteris paribus, in economics, holds some variables constant in order to establish the effect on dependent variables.......

I've asked you to distinguish the variables being held constant, or, if you prefer, the one being examined....This is not contradiction......

and I'm nominally a Republican.........

No I didn't. And no you aren't

So this is "kazing"........

Volunteered for Gerald Ford.....went into exile when the Party decided to indulge Stupid in 1980....

Yeah, obviously "kazzing" was the cause of the 2007 recession. Listen, dude. Faun is a fag obsessed with me. Say "kazzing" again and you're on ignore. Straight up. There's a level of playground I don't do. I do every April assess my ignore list and give some posters another chance. There's no guarantee.

If you want to know if I'm serious, ask NYCarbineer, Faun, Skylar, Seawytch, Max, Harry Dresden, Syrious, Brain, Dad2Three, Daws, DotCom, g5000, JimH52, PaintMyHouse, Slade, Tyrone and others. "If" you ever come back, next chance is next April. No exceptions

Your move. I don't give a shit. I just believe it's right to inform people ahead of time unless the commit a truly stupid sin that requires no chance. Do it man, it's an inevitability anyway. You're a waste of skin.

Explain how the cause of the 2007 recession was "kazzing"

That shit does nothing for me.......where you choose to hide is your business.......the forum is littered with braying chickenshits......

And in suggesting that you were "kazing" I wasn't referring to the manifestation of your senility as expressed in your confusion about the subject at hand, it was in reference to the rhetorical strategy you have chosen to employ instead of defending your jejune perception of "printing money" and "currency devaluation"....

whatever you are suffering from it appears that you've transmitted it to if he didn't have enough problems....

If you can't dazzle them with your wit, baffle them with your bullshit. I'll give you the skirting with kazzing, once, but either just say it or cut the crap. Playground doesn't work for me. Next time you play games with saying/not saying it, that's it

Was there some part of "that shit does nothing for me" that you are struggling?

If you say something stupid and I bring the pain, it matters not a whit whether you have me on iggie or not........
At times you actually make good arguments about the recession. Unfortunately you have a visceral need to just disagree with anyone says who isn't a mind swilling Democrat. It's sad, really. You're not a brainiac or anything, but you do show occasional potential. Then you start with, no it isn't. Yes it is. No it wasn't. No, concrete isn't hard. No, water isn't wet.

At one point on the discussion of the 2007 recession you made me start to work. Then you started the just contradict anything I said crap. I say this in the faint and broadly contradicted hope there is some actual intelligence in there

I really don't think you are in a position to paraphrase you, you should request a refund of whatever you paid the finishing academy which led you to believe that you earned an MBA....

The discussion onto which you have glommed offers a perfect example....

If the price of a Big Mac is not relevant to inflation AS MEASURED BY THE PRICE OF A BIG MAC, then what the fuck is?
What the fuck are you rambling about?
Some cretinous fuckstick has repeatedly posted this

Democrats caused recession in 2007

It appears to have a typo......
Again...your rambling.....pretend I am paying you 2000 an hour, and try again....:lol:

Offer to split your sterno with would be much more cost effective to have him explain what you claim to be your "favorite" chart....

But I do find it somewhat disquieting to see an alleged MBA allowing you to persist in the delusion that the "Big Mac Index" is intended to measure domestic inflation.....
Are you really this fucking stupid in real life?
No I didn't. And no you aren't

So this is "kazing"........

Volunteered for Gerald Ford.....went into exile when the Party decided to indulge Stupid in 1980....

Yeah, obviously "kazzing" was the cause of the 2007 recession. Listen, dude. Faun is a fag obsessed with me. Say "kazzing" again and you're on ignore. Straight up. There's a level of playground I don't do. I do every April assess my ignore list and give some posters another chance. There's no guarantee.

If you want to know if I'm serious, ask NYCarbineer, Faun, Skylar, Seawytch, Max, Harry Dresden, Syrious, Brain, Dad2Three, Daws, DotCom, g5000, JimH52, PaintMyHouse, Slade, Tyrone and others. "If" you ever come back, next chance is next April. No exceptions

Your move. I don't give a shit. I just believe it's right to inform people ahead of time unless the commit a truly stupid sin that requires no chance. Do it man, it's an inevitability anyway. You're a waste of skin.

Explain how the cause of the 2007 recession was "kazzing"

That shit does nothing for me.......where you choose to hide is your business.......the forum is littered with braying chickenshits......

And in suggesting that you were "kazing" I wasn't referring to the manifestation of your senility as expressed in your confusion about the subject at hand, it was in reference to the rhetorical strategy you have chosen to employ instead of defending your jejune perception of "printing money" and "currency devaluation"....

whatever you are suffering from it appears that you've transmitted it to if he didn't have enough problems....

If you can't dazzle them with your wit, baffle them with your bullshit. I'll give you the skirting with kazzing, once, but either just say it or cut the crap. Playground doesn't work for me. Next time you play games with saying/not saying it, that's it

Was there some part of "that shit does nothing for me" that you are struggling?

If you say something stupid and I bring the pain, it matters not a whit whether you have me on iggie or not........

You couldn't bring pain to a five year old. First of all, you wouldn't understand their explanation.

Is there any point regarding the recession in this?

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