Democrats caused recession in 2007

It's not a meme, it's a chart...a chart of data....try to educate yourself what a charts function is....

I have no hope of you ever understanding the data...but I do hold out hope your limited IQ will allow you to grasp what a chart is.....

This chart's function is to bring in the Rubes, rube.......

If the "data" to be understood involves the price of a Big Mac, don't you think it should represent.....uh.......well..........THE ACTUAL PRICE OF A BIG MAC?
That's not what the chart try to keep up, push your basket weaving degree harder....
What does a chart with bullshit numbers tell you?
Thanks for self identifying you don't understand the chart...that saves us smart people a lot of time....

us smart people


Who do you mean by "us?" You don't even know what ceteris paribus means and you studied Latin for five years
Big Mac Index - Published July 16, 2009
United States $3.57

2009 Big Mac Index

Current price


Implied annual inflation rate 2009-2016


Why even waste time on this? Big Mac does not well represent what people buy. PERIOD.

It doesn't represent rent, or electronics, transportation or even produce costs.

It just represents a profit maximizing price point McDonalds thinks it can sell Big Mac at.
Indisputably..... Inflation is generally measured using a basket of goods.....

I just find it amusing how these idiots uncritically swallow whatever they are fed by meme....
You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?

I don't recall Big Macs being listed on the CPI inflation calculator.

You're gonna have to take that up with's his trope....
Why even waste time on this? Big Mac does not well represent what people buy. PERIOD.

It doesn't represent rent, or electronics, transportation or even produce costs.

It just represents a profit maximizing price point McDonalds thinks it can sell Big Mac at.
Indisputably..... Inflation is generally measured using a basket of goods.....

I just find it amusing how these idiots uncritically swallow whatever they are fed by meme....
You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?

Why even waste time on this? Big Mac does not well represent what people buy. PERIOD.

It doesn't represent rent, or electronics, transportation or even produce costs.

It just represents a profit maximizing price point McDonalds thinks it can sell Big Mac at.
Indisputably..... Inflation is generally measured using a basket of goods.....

I just find it amusing how these idiots uncritically swallow whatever they are fed by meme....
You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?

I don't recall Big Macs being listed on the CPI inflation calculator.

You're gonna have to take that up with's his trope....

No, he doesn't
This chart's function is to bring in the Rubes, rube.......

If the "data" to be understood involves the price of a Big Mac, don't you think it should represent.....uh.......well..........THE ACTUAL PRICE OF A BIG MAC?
That's not what the chart try to keep up, push your basket weaving degree harder....
What does a chart with bullshit numbers tell you?
Thanks for self identifying you don't understand the chart...that saves us smart people a lot of time....

us smart people


Who do you mean by "us?" You don't even know what ceteris paribus means

I was quoting from O's post.....and why do you persist in this idiocy?

I have explained to you how your idea of Ceteris Paribus is.......uh......."idiosyncratic".....

Though you remain welcome to tell me which of the numbers in your "illustration" are being held constant, and which is the dependent variable......


Tip's price for Reagan's plan was domestic spending. Reagan agreed to get his agenda. You can agree or disagree with that, but he didn't want the spending and it wasn't an economic plan.

and now we interrupt this blatherskite with a bit of Reality.....

Domestic Spending
. Overall domestic spending growth was relatively constrained during the Reagan presidency,
particularly compared with that of other presidencies, as shown in Table 3. In fact, domestic spending grew at a

slower real rate under Reagan than under all other recent presidents. Moreover, domestic outlays as a share of
GDP fell from 15.3 to 12.9 percent from 1981 to 1989 (Table 2). But the reductions in domestic spending were
substantially smaller than required to balance the federal budget, cut taxes, and finance a military build-up.
Indisputably..... Inflation is generally measured using a basket of goods.....

I just find it amusing how these idiots uncritically swallow whatever they are fed by meme....
You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?


Stupid is a becoming look on you, Kaz.....
Indisputably..... Inflation is generally measured using a basket of goods.....

I just find it amusing how these idiots uncritically swallow whatever they are fed by meme....
You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?

I don't recall Big Macs being listed on the CPI inflation calculator.

You're gonna have to take that up with's his trope....

No, he doesn't

"No he doesn't"?

Doesn't what?


F'n A!
Though you remain welcome to tell me which of the numbers in your "illustration" are being held constant, and which is the dependent variable......

:lmao: Independent variables float, dumb ass, they aren't "held constant." By definition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a math major before I was an MBA. OMG, you're stupid I can't make up ....
You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?


Stupid is a becoming look on you, Kaz.....

Answered a stupid question with a stupid answer. I mean ... duh ...
You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?

I don't recall Big Macs being listed on the CPI inflation calculator.

You're gonna have to take that up with's his trope....

No, he doesn't

"No he doesn't"?

Doesn't what?


F'n A!

Asking a question I already answered. That's the playground troll I've come to expect
Though you remain welcome to tell me which of the numbers in your "illustration" are being held constant, and which is the dependent variable......

:lmao: Independent variables float, dumb ass, they aren't "held constant." By definition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a math major before I was an MBA. OMG, you're stupid I can't make up ....

That's a riot......I was an astronaut before I was a high school senior....

If your independent variables are floating, what is being held paribus?
A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?


Stupid is a becoming look on you, Kaz.....

Answered a stupid question with a stupid answer. I mean ... duh ...

If the matter at hand is the Big Mac as an indicator of inflation, how can asking for the actual price of a Big Mac be a "stupid question"?

Not to take anything away from your stupid answer, but.....
Though you remain welcome to tell me which of the numbers in your "illustration" are being held constant, and which is the dependent variable......

:lmao: Independent variables float, dumb ass, they aren't "held constant." By definition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a math major before I was an MBA. OMG, you're stupid I can't make up ....

That's a riot......I was an astronaut before I was a high school senior....

If your independent variables are floating, what is being held paribus?


Independent variables are floating, not dependent variables. ??? Weren't a math major, were you. I was ...

Not sure what this has to do with the 2007 recession other than you're a hack Democrat who engages in contradiction, not debate. But whatever
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?


Stupid is a becoming look on you, Kaz.....

Answered a stupid question with a stupid answer. I mean ... duh ...

If the matter at hand is the Big Mac as an indicator of inflation, how can asking for the actual price of a Big Mac be a "stupid question"?

Not to take anything away from your stupid answer, but.....

Yes it was, or no it wasn't, or no it is, or ... what's the question again?

All you do is contradict, debate is higher than your pay grade.

The 2007 is on Republicans ... because ... you're a Democrat ... That's as deep as it goes. And no it was but it isn't
Why even waste time on this? Big Mac does not well represent what people buy. PERIOD.

It doesn't represent rent, or electronics, transportation or even produce costs.

It just represents a profit maximizing price point McDonalds thinks it can sell Big Mac at.
Indisputably..... Inflation is generally measured using a basket of goods.....

I just find it amusing how these idiots uncritically swallow whatever they are fed by meme....
You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?
No shit, you are fucking serious......
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Indisputably..... Inflation is generally measured using a basket of goods.....

I just find it amusing how these idiots uncritically swallow whatever they are fed by meme....
You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?
No shit, you are fucking serious......

He is, though he can't figure out what he's serious about. All he knows it is wasn't the Democrats, unless it was. Though 2007 is a blur to him. He was in a lounge calling himself Larry, that's all he remembers. Except for meeting a Yeti and winning the British Open. What were you asking him again?
Though you remain welcome to tell me which of the numbers in your "illustration" are being held constant, and which is the dependent variable......

:lmao: Independent variables float, dumb ass, they aren't "held constant." By definition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a math major before I was an MBA. OMG, you're stupid I can't make up ....

That's a riot......I was an astronaut before I was a high school senior....

If your independent variables are floating, what is being held paribus?


Independent variables are floating, not dependent variables. ??? Weren't a math major, were you. I was ...

Not sure what this has to do with the 2007 recession other than you're a hack Democrat who engages in contradiction, not debate. But whatever

Are you senile? The context was "printing money" and it's relationship to "currency devaluation" - not the 2007 Recession.

You have argued that your illustration employed "ceteris paribus".........ceteris paribus, in economics, holds some variables constant in order to establish the effect on dependent variables.......

I've asked you to distinguish the variables being held constant, or, if you prefer, the one being examined....This is not contradiction......

and I'm nominally a Republican.........
Indisputably..... Inflation is generally measured using a basket of goods.....

I just find it amusing how these idiots uncritically swallow whatever they are fed by meme....
You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?
No shit, you are fucking serious......

And you are running.......

You could just google for it.......
Though you remain welcome to tell me which of the numbers in your "illustration" are being held constant, and which is the dependent variable......

:lmao: Independent variables float, dumb ass, they aren't "held constant." By definition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a math major before I was an MBA. OMG, you're stupid I can't make up ....

That's a riot......I was an astronaut before I was a high school senior....

If your independent variables are floating, what is being held paribus?


Independent variables are floating, not dependent variables. ??? Weren't a math major, were you. I was ...

Not sure what this has to do with the 2007 recession other than you're a hack Democrat who engages in contradiction, not debate. But whatever

Are you senile? The context was "printing money" and it's relationship to "currency devaluation" - not the 2007 Recession.

You have argued that your illustration employed "ceteris paribus".........ceteris paribus, in economics, holds some variables constant in order to establish the effect on dependent variables.......

I've asked you to distinguish the variables being held constant, or, if you prefer, the one being examined....This is not contradiction......

and I'm nominally a Republican.........

No I didn't. And no you aren't
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?


Stupid is a becoming look on you, Kaz.....

Answered a stupid question with a stupid answer. I mean ... duh ...

If the matter at hand is the Big Mac as an indicator of inflation, how can asking for the actual price of a Big Mac be a "stupid question"?

Not to take anything away from your stupid answer, but.....
You mean like a Big Mac?

And I see you're still having difficulty understanding what a chart is.....

A Big Mac is a "basket of goods"?

What, according to McDonald's, is the current price of a Big Mac?
Not sure if serious...

Let's try again....

According to McDonald's, what is the current price of a Big Mac?
No shit, you are fucking serious......

He is, though he can't figure out what he's serious about. All he knows it is wasn't the Democrats, unless it was. Though 2007 is a blur to him. He was in a lounge calling himself Larry, that's all he remembers. Except for meeting a Yeti and winning the British Open. What were you asking him again?
he is a piece of work....for billing out at 2000 dollars an hour, he sure is a idiot....:lol:

He keeps ranting on about wanting to know the price of a Big Mac in his ghetto McDonald's for some reason...don't ask me why, I have no fucking clue....:lol:

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