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Democrats Declare 'Open-Season' On Republicans: How To Survive The Coming Civil Unrest...

Sorry, but after the libturds spent the last 30 years indoctrinating children to be hoplophobes, those who embraced bed wetting regressive politics are terrified of guns for the most part. They're utterly stupid on top of it.

The incredible tactical, logistical and territorial advantage we have over these largely city dwelling oxygen thieves who will dehydrate and die within 72 hours of the power going out or be picked off by farmers is insurmountable.



Let these sniveling, mindless, malignant pieces of shit go bat shit crazy and crash civil order. Let them burn all the cop cars, destroy the infrastructure of their cities, cannibalize each other and wander out into our fields and towns so that we can purge the disease of regressive drones from our country and make good use out of the nitrogen they aren't even worth.

Do it soon, so that I can participate while I still have good eyesight.

Lol. Care to post a link on where cons were declared “prey”?

You are such liars .


CONFIRMED : Hillary's PAID PROTESTERS Pepper Spray a Small Child at a Trump Rally

Clinton And Soros Are Behind Violent Riots At Trump Rallies, Not Sanders

Dem Operatives Admit on Hot Mic They Started Chicago Riot That Shut Down Trump Rally & That's Not All


The snowflakes are trying to stay warm by
huddling around a trash can fire fueled by
what's left of their credibility going up in flames....

Links to crazy ass right wing propaganda sites is proof of nothing .
Links to crazy ass right wing propaganda sites is proof of nothing .


The snowflakes are trying to stay warm by
huddling around a trash can fire fueled by
what's left of their credibility going up in flames....

Bad news for democrats...

Americans still have their guns. Get in our faces and the results may be shocking.
plus the left have man buns, we can just pull them down by their hair and beat the shit out of them......so no they really don't want to start something, we will finish.
By the way, there’s always someone who chimes in with a snide remark about how cowardly it is to lockdown with your family in order to stay safe. Blah, blah, blah. If you want to go get involved in a battle to make a political point, that’s certainly your prerogative. However, my priority is the safety of my family, and as such, I hope to avoid engaging altogether.

The first thing you need to do is get home.

If your area is beginning to devolve, the first thing you’re going to want to do is to get everyone in the family home. (Or if your home is in the thick of things, to a safer secondary location.)

In a perfect world, we’d all be home, watching the chaos erupt on TV from the safety of our living rooms. However, reality says that some of us will be at work, at school, or in the car when unrest occurs. You need to develop a “get-home” plan for all of the members of your family, based on the most likely places that they will be...

How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
  • Devise an efficient route for picking up the kids from school. Be sure that anyone who might be picking up the children already has permission to do so in the school office.
  • Discuss the plan with older kids – there have been rumors that children could be moved by the schools to a secondary location in the event of a crisis. Some families have formulated plans for their older kids to leave the school grounds in such an instance and take a designated route home or to another meeting place.
  • Keep a get-home bag in the trunk of your car in case you have to set out on foot.
  • Stash some supplies in the bottom of your child’s backpack – water, a snack, any tools that might be useful, and a map. Be sure your children understand the importance of OPSEC...

How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
  • Find multiple routes home – map out alternative backroad ways to get home as well as directions if you must go home on foot.
  • Find hiding places along the way. If you work or go to school a substantial distance from your home, figure out some places to lay low now, before a crisis situation. Sometimes staying out of sight is the best way to stay safe.
  • Avoid groups of people. It seems that the mob mentality strikes when large groups of people get together. Often folks who would never ordinarily riot in the streets get swept up by the mass of people who are doing so.
  • Keep in mind that in many civil disorder situations the authorities are to be avoided every bit as diligently as the angry mobs of looters. Who can forget the scenes of innocent people being pepper sprayed by uniformed thugs in body armor just because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?...

How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Most people laugh and dismiss this stuff, but it is all likely to happen at some point. The Democrats want it to happen. So, better safe than sorry. Be prepared.
Most people laugh and dismiss this stuff, but it is all likely to happen at some point. The Democrats want it to happen. So, better safe than sorry. Be prepared.

Defending our families is no laughing matter. Devising a solid plan you may never need hurts nothing and in the event SHTF you have the previously drawn out plan to fallback on. It's the people with no plan who will either suffer first, or turn into the ones trying to take your stuff.
Most people laugh and dismiss this stuff, but it is all likely to happen at some point. The Democrats want it to happen. So, better safe than sorry. Be prepared.

Defending our families is no laughing matter. Devising a solid plan you may never need hurts nothing and in the event SHTF you have the previously drawn out plan to fallback on. It's the people with no plan who will either suffer first, or turn into the ones trying to take your stuff.

Well said. Defending yourself and your family is priority #1. All signs are pointing to mass civil unrest. The Democratic Party desperately wants it. They're now even openly inciting attacks on Republicans. It's getting very ugly.

I strongly recommend Republicans get prepared to defend. Concealed/Open Carry is a Constitutional Right. Good law abiding folks should really consider exercising that right. If you're a Republican, you are prey now. Get prepared.
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Ah jus hep all-un-yew 'publikans got guns
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
The civil war started yesterday. Were you prepared? Did you bring whine?
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
The civil war started yesterday. Were you prepared? Did you bring whine?

I've been prepared. But now with Democrats openly inciting violence against Republicans, many others are catching on. Always be prepared to defend yourself.
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
You guys need to make up your minds.

Are Democrats helpless snowflakes or dangerous, violent adversaries?
Most Republicans have taken Communists/Democrats lightly in the past. But i think (D) Maxine Waters has forced them to take notice. Things have changed. They've been declared 'Prey.' It's no joke.
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
You guys need to make up your minds.

Are Democrats helpless snowflakes or dangerous, violent adversaries?

Some are very dangerous. And now that they've been instructed to act against Republicans, it's become a very dangerous time. All Republicans better seriously consider effective self-defense measures.
They’d love to act like that every single day, but they don’t want to spend the rest of their lives in jail. But when a verdict gets rolled out, when a storm takes out the power, when a disaster strikes, they delight in the chance to rob, pillage, loot, and burn.

The Left are total cowards. They'd love to assault others, riot and destroy everyday, but are afraid to act the lone wolf so reserve their violence usually to their words. You can taste the palpable HATE in many of their voices here. They are just waiting for the signal to come out en force, their natural state. They love mob rule, they operate best in a mob. Under the cover of a riot, they are in their heaven issuing "justice." The problem is that these are the same people that have fought for years to disarm everyone, unfortunately, they've been a lot more successful in disarming themselves than the Right, and if it comes to civil war, they will quickly find themselves up against a bunch of ex-Vets and NRA members who've spent an entire life on the target range honing their shooting skills armed out the gills.

Just as Blacks don't walk in fear of being attacked by whites, the Left doesn't walk in fear of being attacked by the Right--- --- we don't walk around throwing drinks in kid's faces stealing their ball-caps because of a slogan printed on it thinking we are tough guys, it is the Right that walks in fear of being attacked by the Left. But I'm betting the Right are more than prepared for it if the Left pulls the trigger. A good soldier just as with a good martial artist never starts a fight, but they sure as hell know how to finish it when the task is thrust upon them.
Be ready for lockdown.

Once you make your way home or to your bug-out location… STAY THERE.

By staying home, you are minimizing your risk of being caught in the midst of an angry mob or of sitting in stalled traffic while looters run amok. In most scenarios, you will be far safer at home than you will be in any type of shelter or refugee situation. (Obviously, if there is some type of chemical or natural threat in your immediate neighborhood, like a toxic leak, a flood, or a forest fire, the whole situation changes – you must use common sense before hunkering down.)

This is when your preparedness supplies will really pay off. If you are ready for minor medical emergencies and illnesses, a grid down scenario, and a no-comm situation, you will be able to stay safely at home with your family and ride out the crisis in moderate comfort...

How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
You must have missed out on the 60s

This is nothing

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