Democrats elected Trump.

The left keeps whining about the people who elected Trump but they're missing the mark by a mile.

Trump is only president because DEMOCRATS in traditionally DEMOCRAT districts flipped and voted for Trump to avoid the bitch.

Truth hurts so suck it up.

No, the truth is ...because I was one of them

The Democrats saw Trump as an independent while the republicans hated him along with fox news..

The democrats believed his lies , and then he turned on them picking Mike Pence as Vice President and see the truth that Trump is a douch , flipped to get his win from the extreme righties..

The left either voted for their own party, or didn't vote.

This is why the democrats hate him while the righties act like they have loved him from the beginning, looking the other way when he lies or screws up..

Your narrative ignores the part the Hag played in losing and how Bernie might have fared far better had the DNC not shafted him.

Bernie was popular with the young folk, but I felt that he was too far left. Hillary sucked and so did Trump so many just voted for their own party..
She had a good chance but then Comey came out wit a dinger 1 week before the election that did her in,

Fair assessment.

Comey was just another log on the fire, imo.
Had Hillary not played by her own set of rules with her own email server, Comey would not had been a problem.
The left keeps whining about the people who elected Trump but they're missing the mark by a mile.

Trump is only president because DEMOCRATS in traditionally DEMOCRAT districts flipped and voted for Trump to avoid the bitch.

Truth hurts so suck it up.

No, the truth is ...because I was one of them

The Democrats saw Trump as an independent while the republicans hated him along with fox news..

The democrats believed his lies , and then he turned on them picking Mike Pence as Vice President and see the truth that Trump is a douch , flipped to get his win from the extreme righties..

The left either voted for their own party, or didn't vote.

This is why the democrats hate him while the righties act like they have loved him from the beginning, looking the other way when he lies or screws up..

Your narrative ignores the part the Hag played in losing and how Bernie might have fared far better had the DNC not shafted him.

Bernie was popular with the young folk, but I felt that he was too far left. Hillary sucked and so did Trump so many just voted for their own party..
She had a good chance but then Comey came out wit a dinger 1 week before the election that did her in,

The truth is---------> Have you read books written ABOUT, not written BY Obama? In every book I have read, or read excerpts from, the resounding thing they all have in common is that he is a very nice guy. Same for GW!

Now then, have you read books about the Clintons? In EVERY book, it is flatly stated what a bit** she is, arrogant, and looks down on people. It is a resounding theme. And around 50% of these books were written by DEMOCRATS!

A novel concept I know, but a lot of us still either read books, or listen to audio books. Women that I know (and some are even registered Democrats) could not stand her!

The people who actually lost the election are the charming and delightful, DNC. Knowing what everyone knows about Hillary, why WOULDN'T a big name Democrat run against her? I will tell you why-----------> Because the DNC said NOT TO, that is why. It was just like when it was Jebs turn for the Republicans, it was a joke.

Democrats and Republicans alike, do NOT understand the deals made in Washington, by their political party's. You are being pushed people they can CONTROL. It is why NOBODY wants Trump, he doesn't owe much of anything to people in Washington DC. The people BEHIND the scenes in Washington DC, are the ones who NEVER have to run for anything while being FORCED to get votes, but control the people WE are FORCED to vote for! How much difference really was there between Jeb and Hilly? A WIN either way for Washington DC! Oh sure, minor differences here or there, but when push came to shove and you didn't know who the President was and had to guess who was in power when the President signed a bill, I am positive in most cases, 40% of the people would have guessed WRONG.

People on the lef............let me rephrase that, REAL DEMOCRATS wonder why so many Democrats and Republicans seem to dislike Trump. They point at Russia, (disproven for the most part) anti-Muslim, anti this, anti that. None of that is TRUE! It is because he is going to try and DISMANTLE what all of us have been complaining about for decades............the over reach of Washington, thus THEIR POWER!

And for those of you on the right, and the left, let me tell you politically what Trump is----------> A JFK Democrat, no doubt about it! It is just to the left, Trump looks like a Republican after moving so far left, and to the Republicans, he is better than a Marxist Bernie, or a crooked, Bitc** Hillary.

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