Democrats forgot what democracy IS.

Democracy? Democracy isn't a tiny bunch of shrill idiots shouting. Democracy is US, We,the vast MAJORITY that pay, and fight our way and create this country, this is about US. The majority, we made this happen.
Republicans are a minority, and getting smaller with every election. Just watch what is bound to happen in 2024, as it happened in 2018, 2020 and 2022.

More and more Republicans will be voting for Democrats on certain issues once they see that, again, the Republicans were more interested in their own issues and not in making the lives of all the population better.

Border? What have they done about it?
Immigration reform?

What do Republicans keep crying about?


They would not help anyone in need if their lives depended on it, based on how they have treated women, children, and their own constituents .

You have no idea who helps CREATE and BUILD this country. Who uses and abuses others to "create" this country.
Who was robbed of their lands and their lives in order to "create" this country.

Continue to bury history and all that people like yourself refuse to face. It will continue to be there.

Keep watching this House of Representatives and EVERYTHING they are going to achieve in the next two years.

Do not say in the end that you are not proud of them. You, and all others, voted for them.
What they achieve, or do not achieve, is on them, and on all of those who put them there to be the majority in the House.
Democracy? Democracy isn't a tiny bunch of shrill idiots shouting. Democracy is US, We,the vast MAJORITY that pay, and fight our way and create this country, this is about US. The majority, we made this happen.
306>232... The majority of electoral votes went to Biden.
Border? What have they done about it?
Immigration reform?
We were fought tooth and nail every step of the way by the democrats, making little progress because the dems have no idea how to be bipartisan. The right has that problem too though.

What do Republicans keep crying about?


We see these issues as a collective assault on our values and traditions. Every nation has a national identity, and traditions and customs. These people are grinding it down and replacing tradition and identity with bizarre fantasies and a mish mash of depravity and globalism.
We were fought tooth and nail every step of the way by the democrats, making little progress because the dems have no idea how to be bipartisan. The right has that problem too though.

We see these issues as a collective assault on our values and traditions. Every nation has a national identity, and traditions and customs. These people are grinding it down and replacing tradition and identity with bizarre fantasies and a mish mash of depravity and globalism.
You are ignorant about what you are talking about and your answer is nothing more than a knee jerk response based on everything you have been taught to believe in, true or not.

Educate yourself.
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I used to be a democrat. Getting lectured about the evils of ....racism/oppression whilst hating and oppressing whites., the irony isn't lost on me. I lost my political virginity over this.
It's an opinion of mine, take it at face value.
I take it from your user name.

A user name which is proud of the Confederacy which brought this country a civil war. A civil war to keep black people as slaves in order to use and abuse, rape, torture, beat and murder at their wish.

A civil war which saw nothing but destruction and death in order for some slave owners to continue to have their free labor, and do with that labor what they wished.

And that is where your opinion comes from.
I used to be a democrat. Getting lectured about the evils of ....racism/oppression whilst hating and oppressing whites., the irony isn't lost on me. I lost my political virginity over this.
You were never a Democrat. It is like someone on the boards saying that they used to be Jewish as they bash Jews.

Virginity, oh my !!! How theatrical !!!!
Republicans are a minority, and getting smaller with every election. Just watch what is bound to happen in 2024, as it happened in 2018, 2020 and 2022.

More and more Republicans will be voting for Democrats on certain issues once they see that, again, the Republicans were more interested in their own issues and not in making the lives of all the population better.

Border? What have they done about it?
Immigration reform?

What do Republicans keep crying about?


They would not help anyone in need if their lives depended on it, based on how they have treated women, children, and their own constituents .

You have no idea who helps CREATE and BUILD this country. Who uses and abuses others to "create" this country.
Who was robbed of their lands and their lives in order to "create" this country.

Continue to bury history and all that people like yourself refuse to face. It will continue to be there.

Keep watching this House of Representatives and EVERYTHING they are going to achieve in the next two years.

Do not say in the end that you are not proud of them. You, and all others, voted for them.
What they achieve, or do not achieve, is on them, and on all of those who put them there to be the majority in the House.
Really? So gaslighting trumps reality? I wasn't born yesterday, kiddo.
306>232... The majority of electoral votes went to Biden.
To be fair that's not really saying much since you can win the electoral college and lose the popular vote.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and still won the election.
Even Lincoln locked a popular vote when he was elected.

Biden won the popular vote in 2020 And the electoral college.
My dad fought in WW2. Survived the depression. Um, so he did this heroic thing..shh. Crickets. But dems ask for reparations for slavery? I want reparations for my daddy saving your sorry liberal asses from the nazis. Show me the $.
Your father fighting in WWII has nothing to do with Blacks being dragged from Africa and put in chains and sold, and separated from families, and beaten and tortured and treated like animals.

Black people also fought in WWII, with distinction, as did every other non European. First Nations, Asian Pacific, people from India, Hispanics.

You may want to see is a psychiatrist to figure out why you think everything about yourself and your father, but choose to ignore that others did the same, and usually in worse circumstances..... as they were not treated the same as your father, or paid the same, or given the same respect in too many circumstances during WWI, WWII, any war this country fought.
I take it from your user name.

A user name which is proud of the Confederacy which brought this country a civil war. A civil war to keep black people as slaves in order to use and abuse, rape, torture, beat and murder at their wish.

A civil war which saw nothing but destruction and death in order for some slave owners to continue to have their free labor, and do with that labor what they wished.

And that is where your opinion comes from.

Whatever man. According to your username, I think you have a shit taste in music and culture.
Whatever man. According to your username, I think you have a shit taste in music and culture.
Another childish, immature expression from someone who cannot look at the history of the Confederacy and treat it like the Horrible Nightmare that it was.

And continues to be, as people like yourself will not let go of that horrible time in history and GROW from it.
The democrat party abandoned liberalism long ago.

It has embraced authoritarianism and has aligned itself with the globalists pushing for the great reset.

You will own nothing and you will be happy.
Another childish, immature expression from someone who cannot look at the history of the Confederacy and treat it like the Horrible Nightmare that it was.

And continues to be, as people like yourself will not let go of that horrible time in history and GROW from it.

I understand the Confederate Soldier, and that is why I support it. For one who claims to know so much, you know little. Read soldier diaries, both North and South. Read some memoirs. Read the letters that soldiers sent their wives and girlfriends.
I understand the Confederate Soldier, and that is why I support it. For one who claims to know so much, you know little. Read soldier diaries, both North and South. Read some memoirs. Read the letters that soldiers sent their wives and girlfriends.
I spoke of the Confederacy idea in general. The one where some of the States would break from the Union in order to continue to be able to have slaves.

You speak of individuals who went to war simply because their leaders told them to, without knowing what in the end they were fighting for?
Would all of them be for continuing the basic imprisonment of a people simply because of their color and because plantations did not want to pay them salaries like any other laborer? As eventually they had to do?

Why the KKK?
Why the denying of acknowledging blacks as 100% people?
Why Jim Crow?
Why Segregation?
Why Selma?

That is a continuation of the Confederate States of America which gratefully never came to be. A continuation of debasing a group of people for the simple fact that they were black.

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