Democrats hate Carson because he is black

And by 'lynching', you mean subjecting Carson to scrutiny and any other candidate would if they rise in the polls?

By "lynching" I mean engaging in open demagoguery to slander and libel.

{He told a CBS News reporter in a show that aired Sunday that the world is near the end of days, an apocalyptic disaster that would make any presidential policies or actions irrelevant, to say the least (it bookends an earlier comment by Carson that he believes the universe was literally created over the course of six 24-hour days).}

The problem with Ben Carson -

Shocking, right?

Except of course this is a fabrication by the party press. Here's what he really said;

{When Carson was asked by journalist Sharyl Attkisson if he believed the "end of days" was near, he said, "You could guess that we are getting closer to that."}

Ben Carson: We're approaching end of days -

So why did CNN lie? Well, to smear him, of course - lynching by the democrat controlled press.

The defining characteristic of conservative perception of their candidates seems to be how fragile conservatives seem to think these candidates are.

If their candidates receive anything but the most fawning, obsequious praise.......then the candidate is being 'attacked' and 'lynched', with the press trying to 'destroy' them. Its an argument that should come with runny eye liner and a fainting couch.

Conservatives apparently don't handle criticism well.

democrats need to change the name of the party to the demagogue party. Demagoguery is what defines the party. Slander and libel what the party offers, and the only thing it delivers to the nation.

Josef Goebbels and Pol Pot define the political techniques used by democrats and their captive press.
there's this left-winger; who actually got banned apparently; accusing all "Teapers" (tea party people) of being racist

Feb 27, 2014
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Well, you came to the right place to talk about racism. The resident Teaper pussies should be here any moment now.

Nonetheless, you defined the Teaper movement. Good job
And by 'thriving', you mean sobbing pitefully at their own disarray and lack of leadership?

Nothing says 'thriving' like weeping bitter tears at your own impotence and inability to accomplish anything. Want some more 'thriving'?

'Jaw Dropping Incomptence' ...And this from a life long conservative.

But to you, there's nothing wrong, the GOP is 'thriving', and there's no reason to look behind the curtain to find the source of all the sobbing.

All you're demonstrating is mindless, obsequious obedience to whatever you're told to think. No matter how incompetent, ineffective, or disorganized your party'll continue to rearrange the deck chairs, telling how everything is perfect..... as the ship slowly sinks.

And demonstrate why republicans are in this pickle to begin with.

Because we don't like democratic policies which is what Obama is. His skin color had nothing to do with his policies.

And who said otherwise?

remember, the person that Bedowin is quoting when claiming that democrats believe that all criticism of Obama is racist..... Bedowin.


not really

The word you're looking for is 'exclusively'. As no one save you has said that democrats believe that all criticism of Obama is racist. If you believe otherwise, quote them.

Yawn.....shall I take a nap while you search? Or are you just gonna give us more snivelling excuses why you can't back up your claims?
Dr. Carson is a word renowned neurosurgeon. Your president is a corrupt lying race hustler. Period.

Laughing....rather desperate to change the topic, aren't we?

Obama is the man that has won every election he's competed for. Carson hasn't so much won an election as prom queen.

Nor do I recall Obama demanding that religiously based organizations that criticized him be stripped of their non-profit status. But 'never won Prom Queen' Carson is demanding that CAIR be stripped of their non-profit status. You were saying about 'thin skinned'?

With your ilk hysterically insisting that Carson is being 'lynched', and Carson himself demanding that religious organizations be punished for criticizing doesn't seem that Carson handles criticism well at all.
another one by a left-winger dismissing ALL Tea Party criticism of obama as racist: by poster NUTZ


I also know that it is very rare for racists to admit that they are racists.

It doesn't matter. It's not rocket science. I - and the overwhelming majority of people - are capable of spotting real (and fake) racism when we see it.
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It is the pussification of America. Racists are afraid to embrace their idiotology. That is why the Teaper movement is a group where racists can hide their true beliefs and still feel the love from their ilk. It's pretty transparent...that is why the teapers came up with their reverse-cry-racism strategy. :lol: Everyone is a racist but a teaper.
And a race hustling fraud like Sharpton visits the White House over 40 times. What's that all about? You're a supporter of Al Sharpton?

So much for your 'truth'. The moment I ask you to back it up with actual start babbling about Sharpton.

Can I take it from your complete abandonment of your claims of 'truth', that the word didn't end up meaning what you thought it meant?
And by 'lynching', you mean subjecting Carson to scrutiny and any other candidate would if they rise in the polls?

By "lynching" I mean engaging in open demagoguery to slander and libel.

{He told a CBS News reporter in a show that aired Sunday that the world is near the end of days, an apocalyptic disaster that would make any presidential policies or actions irrelevant, to say the least (it bookends an earlier comment by Carson that he believes the universe was literally created over the course of six 24-hour days).}

The problem with Ben Carson -

Shocking, right?

Except of course this is a fabrication by the party press. Here's what he really said;

{When Carson was asked by journalist Sharyl Attkisson if he believed the "end of days" was near, he said, "You could guess that we are getting closer to that."}

Ben Carson: We're approaching end of days -

So why did CNN lie? Well, to smear him, of course - lynching by the democrat controlled press.

The defining characteristic of conservative perception of their candidates seems to be how fragile conservatives seem to think these candidates are.

If their candidates receive anything but the most fawning, obsequious praise.......then the candidate is being 'attacked' and 'lynched', with the press trying to 'destroy' them. Its an argument that should come with runny eye liner and a fainting couch.

Conservatives apparently don't handle criticism well.

democrats need to change the name of the party to the demagogue party. Demagoguery is what defines the party. Slander and libel what the party offers, and the only thing it delivers to the nation.

Josef Goebbels and Pol Pot define the political techniques used by democrats and their captive press.

And adding to the gibbering hysterics train that is conservatives in defense of Carson....the press, in addition to being accused of trying to 'lynch' Carson is now being compared to Josef Goebbels and Pol Pot! were saying, Bedowin about 'thin skinned'? As your ilk are soiling themselves in panty shitting hysterics over Carson.

Is Carson really this flower petal delicate?
Add rdean, JB, CC. Those a couple that were consistent.

Then quote them saying that all criticism of Obama is racist.

Or that 'democrats believe' that all criticism of Obama is racist.

I never stated that, they are ones that called me racist because I disagreed with Obama's policies.

The claim that's being that democrats believe that any criticism of Obama is racist.

It seems even you won't touch that steaming rhetorical pile with a 10 foot pole.

Before you go after Republicans, go clean your house.

What, republicans aren't handle a little well deserved criticism? We've had claims of media 'lynchings', comparisons to 'Goebbels' and 'Pol Pot' and now calls that the criticism of the republican party end.

You guys are circling around Carson a little too emphatically. If he's genuinely that delicate, this really isn't the job for him.
"Democrats hate Carson because he is black"

Is that why Democrats put President Obama in the White House - TWICE? We don't like Rain Man Carson because we think he's stupid. Yeah, I know, he's a brain surgeon - but some idiot savants can do amazing things.
"Democrats hate Carson because he is black"

Is that why Democrats put President Obama in the White House - TWICE? We don't like Rain Man Carson because we think he's stupid. Yeah, I know, he's a brain surgeon - but some idiot savants can do amazing things.

Shhh. You're ruining this. They think they're being clever. Keep giving them rope.

Um, gentlemen.......when did Obama ever compare the press to 'Joseph Goebbels', 'Pol Pot' or insist that the media was trying to 'lynch him'?

I mean, you've set the panty shitting hysterics bar rather high.
when you want attractive you have to look to pasty white men with Buddha bellies wearing speedos.....

this gem is from poster tyrone; who i believe was here a few minutes ago

you wanted racists posts, actual racist posts from actual racists; left-wing racists. you got em!
How did you happen to choose such an apt screen name for yourself? Did you think it was ironic? It isn't. LOL
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I will take that as a yes. I am pretty too. Wanna get some tacos?

this is from poster Nutz again; an obama-bot; asking an Hispanic (left-winger ironically) if she wanted to get some tacos

when you want attractive you have to look to pasty white men with Buddha bellies wearing speedos.....

this gem is from poster tyrone; who i believe was here a few minutes ago

you wanted racists posts, actual racist posts from actual racists; left-wing racists. you got em!

I wanted you to back your claim that democrats believe that all criticism of Obama is racism.

Laughing......that wasn't even close. Try again.

I mean, you said that a 'million' left leaning posters have said as much. There are only 12 million posts on this entire board. So even picking posts at random, your odds are about 1 in 12.

If you're not talking out of your ass, of course.
when you want attractive you have to look to pasty white men with Buddha bellies wearing speedos.....

this gem is from poster tyrone; who i believe was here a few minutes ago

you wanted racists posts, actual racist posts from actual racists; left-wing racists. you got em!
And a race hustling fraud like Sharpton visits the White House over 40 times. What's that all about? You're a supporter of Al Sharpton?

So much for your 'truth'. The moment I ask you to back it up with actual start babbling about Sharpton.

Can I take it from your complete abandonment of your claims of 'truth', that the word didn't end up meaning what you thought it meant?
Your "substance" is to ignore the truth about Obama being a lying corrupt race hustler. What a shameful act.
How did you happen to choose such an apt screen name for yourself? Did you think it was ironic? It isn't. LOL
Click to expand...
I will take that as a yes. I am pretty too. Wanna get some tacos?

this is from poster Nutz again; an obama-bot; asking an Hispanic (left-winger ironically) if she wanted to get some tacos

wow! did you put it? Ah yes:

Bedowin62 said:

Try again.
Laughing....rather desperate to change the topic, aren't we?

Obama is the man that has won every election he's competed for. Carson hasn't so much won an election as prom queen.

Nor do I recall Obama demanding that religiously based organizations that criticized him be stripped of their non-profit status. But 'never won Prom Queen' Carson is demanding that CAIR be stripped of their non-profit status. You were saying about 'thin skinned'?

With your ilk hysterically insisting that Carson is being 'lynched', and Carson himself demanding that religious organizations be punished for criticizing doesn't seem that Carson handles criticism well at all.


{The dust had barely settled on the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling before some critics began ramping up suggestions that churches that are theologically opposed to gay marriage deserve to lose their tax-exempt status — a proposal that conservative attorneys and a charitable giving expert patently dismissed in separate statements to TheBlaze this week.}

Will Churches Lose Their Tax-Exempt Status in the Wake of the Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling?

The democrat war on Christianity relies on attacking the financial foundations of churches.
And a race hustling fraud like Sharpton visits the White House over 40 times. What's that all about? You're a supporter of Al Sharpton?

So much for your 'truth'. The moment I ask you to back it up with actual start babbling about Sharpton.

Can I take it from your complete abandonment of your claims of 'truth', that the word didn't end up meaning what you thought it meant?
Your "substance" is to ignore the truth about Obama being a lying corrupt race hustler. What a shameful act.

My 'substance' is to hold you to your claims about 'truth'. And laugh as you desperately try to abandon them.

Again, I don't think 'truth' means what you think it means.

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