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Democrats Have a Problem With Science, Too


Jul 13, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
Protected by a liberal media, the liberals never get labeled as being anti-science.....even though they are. Hypocrite much?

Democrats Have a Problem With Science, Too - Tara Haelle - POLITICO Magazine

"Still, given the objections to climate science and evolution heard so often from the right, articles lamenting those anti-science views remain commonplace. Less common, though, are those pointing out the donkey in the room: that, when it comes to certain issues, Democrats, too, conveniently ignore science or promote agendas that contradict the scientific consensus. Those examples just aren’t as easy to see.

In fact, I will freely admit I had trouble at first finding examples. Concerns about vaccine safety and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are often held up as evidence of anti-scientific beliefs among liberals. But opinion polls about those two issues rarely ask about political affiliation the way polls about climate change and evolution do. The exception is a 2009 Pew Research survey, which indicated that Democrats and Republicans appear to support child vaccination equally (71 percent of both favor it). Interestingly, the same survey reveals that there is less difference than one might think between political affiliations on views about evolution. More Democrats (36 percent) than Republicans (23 percent) believe in natural evolution, but Republicans lead by only 4 points in believing in evolution by “supreme guidance.” Only 9 points separate Republicans (39 percent) from Democrats (30 percent) in believing the earth has always existed “in its present form.” These results undermine the common assumptions that vaccine hysteria is limited to the left, and creationism is limited to the GOP.

The few times writers have attempted to point out the left’s problems with science, they have gotten shot down for “false equivalence”—for holding up both parties as equally anti-science so as not to seem biased when one of those parties is in reality more anti-science than the other.

But such cries of false equivalence miss the point. The issue isn’t whether the Democrats are anti-science enough to match the anti-science lunacy of Republicans. The point is that any science denialism exists on the left at all. If there is grime in my bathroom and grime in my kitchen, I don’t stand there and contemplate which one has more filth; my house won’t be clean until I have scoured both.

The fact is, there’s plenty of anti-science grime on the left that needs to be cleaned up."

"But digging a little deeper reveals plenty of bills that ignore the scientific consensus. Sure, they are mostly at the state level. But then, so are the Republicans’ bills pushing creationism into schools.

Take anti-GMO sentiment, for example. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) notes in its statement on the issue that “25 years of research involving more than 500 independent research groups” has found genetically modified foods to be no riskier than foods resulting from conventional breeding. Eating a GM tomato is just as safe as eating a non-GM tomato. The AAAS therefore opposes GMO labeling because it could “mislead and falsely alarm customers.” Though some polling has shown GMO labeling support to be about equal among Republicans, Democrats and Independents, looking at GMO-related legislation tells another story."

"Another form of science denialism, or at least alarmism, is “chemophobia,” an irrational fear of “toxic chemical” exposure in situations where there is no scientific evidence of danger. “Chemical safety” laws attempting to ban bisphenol A (BPA)—a synthetic compound used in canned-goods packaging and in hard plastics such as water bottles, whose removal is leading to the use of less tested alternatives—and formaldehyde lack any scientific basis. There is no evidence that either of these chemicals is harmful to human health in the amounts they are used in common household products. Yet 99 percent of Democrats voted in support of the state laws banning them, according to one advocacy organization. While that number seems hard to believe at face value, it’s not far off: A look through the sponsors of various chemophobic bills reveals, once again, that all but a handful come from the left."

"But from anti-GMO and chemophobic legislation to exaggeration of nuclear power risk, the left does have its share of problems with science. Instead of debating who is worse, the focus should be on cleaning out the grime from the whole house."
First: Democrats Have a Problem With Science, Too

Says that you admit that republicans have a problem with Science. I agree thanks for seeing the light.

Second: This article is telling us that GMO's and chemicals are good for you :rofl: uhh ok, eat up then dumbass
First: Democrats Have a Problem With Science, Too

Says that you admit that republicans have a problem with Science. I agree thanks for seeing the light.

Second: This article is telling us that GMO's and chemicals are good for you :rofl: uhh ok, eat up then dumbass

I see the article went right over your pointed little head. It was written by a liberal who already believes conservatives have a problem with science you moron and admitting that liberals do too. They only use science when it supports their political agenda like global warming and then ignore it when it doesn't like GMO. Wise up you hypocritical dumbass.
First: Democrats Have a Problem With Science, Too

Says that you admit that republicans have a problem with Science. I agree thanks for seeing the light.

Second: This article is telling us that GMO's and chemicals are good for you :rofl: uhh ok, eat up then dumbass

I see the article went right over your pointed little head. It was written by a liberal who already believes conservatives have a problem with science you moron and admitting that liberals do too. They only use science when it supports their political agenda like global warming and then ignore it when it doesn't like GMO. Wise up you hypocritical dumbass.

You posted it tho....Let me guess, ahh...you posted an article that you completely disagree with. Is that what you're going with? :badgrin:

What political agenda is global warming? The Globe party? What political agenda is anti GMO? The chemical free food party?

Stop being a dumbass. Go eat all the GMO's and then wash it down with plastic with BPA's in it. Go ahead dummy:lol:
Both sides have problems with this issue.

Too many conservatives believe critical thinking is a sin

Too many liberals believe that science answers everything.
The problem is not with science, but with the definition of science and the acceptance of conjecture as scientific fact. Science is nothing more than a search for the truth, and truth can often be a difficult thing to determine. Truth is not determined by how many people buy into it, nor by political expediency, but by observable and predictable certainties.

So called "climate change deniers" are not anti-science, as those who wish to profit from this climate change theory are called, but people who distrust and/or disagree with the supposed facts, and resultant dire predictions, that climate change proponents champion.

Of course, none of us are supposed to notice how disasterous climate change predictions suit the political agenda of the far left. The same dumbasses that insist we consider this to be settled science.
Both sides have problems with this issue.

Too many conservatives believe critical thinking is a sin

Too many liberals believe that science answers everything.

If your critical thinking skills were up to par, you would know that your response is pure nonsense.
The problem is not with science, but with the definition of science and the acceptance of conjecture as scientific fact. Science is nothing more than a search for the truth, and truth can often be a difficult thing to determine. Truth is not determined by how many people buy into it, nor by political expediency, but by observable and predictable certainties.

So called "climate change deniers" are not anti-science, as those who wish to profit from this climate change theory are called, but people who distrust and/or disagree with the supposed facts, and resultant dire predictions, that climate change proponents champion.

Of course, none of us are supposed to notice how disasterous climate change predictions suit the political agenda of the far left. The same dumbasses that insist we consider this to be settled science.

How so? Republicans and Democrats both were on board with Global Warming initiatives just a few years ago. Now suddenly that the republicans have changed their minds NOW GW benefits only the left? How did both of those things happen simultaneously?

Or was it that the republicans changed their minds first and used "benefiting the left" as a excuse for their flip flop?

[ame=http://youtu.be/qi6n_-wB154]Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich Commercial on Climate Change - YouTube[/ame]
True scientific endevor starts with a blank slate and tries to find the truth. That is not what most people who cite "science" to support their views are really doing.
Both sides have problems with this issue.

Too many conservatives believe critical thinking is a sin

Too many liberals believe that science answers everything.

Just the conservatives? Really? As the article points out, liberals reject science that doesn't fit their political beliefs too. How about we say that ideologs ignore critical thinking in favor of agenda?
Just came across this interesting article over at RealClearPolitics.

The Settled Science of Polar Bears | Power Line

"The theory on which polar bears are supposed to be endangered because their environment is becoming more benign has never been entirely clear, nor has there been data to support the claim that their populations are declining. Indeed, polar bears inhabit such remote and forbidding regions that no one has much idea how many of them there are. But no matter. Polar bears are cuddly–from a distance, anyway–and so they served the hoaxers’ purpose.

Like so much of the global warming fraud, the polar bear theme has unraveled. Thomas Lifson has the latest. A prominent advocate for the endangered polar bear theory has just admitted to an actual scientist that he made the whole thing up."

Here is the statement that the PBSG proposes to insert as a footnote in their forthcoming Circumpolar Polar Bear Action Plan draft:

“As part of past status reports, the PBSG has traditionally estimated a range for the total number of polar bears in the circumpolar Arctic. Since 2005, this range has been 20-25,000. It is important to realize that this range never has been an estimate of total abundance in a scientific sense, but simply a qualified guess given to satisfy public demand. It is also important to note that even though we have scientifically valid estimates for a majority of the subpopulations, some are dated. Furthermore, there are no abundance estimates for the Arctic Basin, East Greenland, and the Russian subpopulations. Consequently, there is either no, or only rudimentary, knowledge to support guesses about the possible abundance of polar bears in approximately half the areas they occupy. Thus, the range given for total global population should be viewed with great caution as it cannot be used to assess population trend over the long term.”

I love that phrase, “in a scientific sense.” Nothing about the claims made by the global warming hysterics should be taken in a scientific sense."
What the fuck is the political belief behind GMO's? You keep saying it but you dont know what it even means
AGWCult has a THEORY that an additional wisp of CO2 is warming the planet.

They have failed repeatedly and rather consistently to provide a shred of evidence supporting their theory.

Pointing to the Weather Channel and saying "That right there is Manmade Global Warming, er I mean Climate Change, er I mean Climate Disruption" is NOT SCIENCE

No matter how many Warmers sign on for this fraud, it still is NOT SCIENCE!
Both sides have problems with this issue.

Too many conservatives believe critical thinking is a sin

Too many liberals believe that science answers everything.

Just the conservatives? Really? As the article points out, liberals reject science that doesn't fit their political beliefs too. How about we say that ideologs ignore critical thinking in favor of agenda?

Do you have trouble with understanding Both sides have problems with this issue.
AGWCult has a THEORY that an additional wisp of CO2 is warming the planet.

They have failed repeatedly and rather consistently to provide a shred of evidence supporting their theory.

Pointing to the Weather Channel and saying "That right there is Manmade Global Warming, er I mean Climate Change, er I mean Climate Disruption" is NOT SCIENCE

No matter how many Warmers sign on for this fraud, it still is NOT SCIENCE!

Waaaaa and you dont have anything that debunks it. Its so wrong you forgot to include the evidence :lol:

Its so wrong you rely on oil company scientists because they dont have anything to gain :lol:
Both sides have problems with this issue.

Too many conservatives believe critical thinking is a sin

Too many liberals believe that science answers everything.

If your critical thinking skills were up to par, you would know that your response is pure nonsense.

You just revealed that you cannot critically think.

Pointing out the nonsense in your comment? It's bad enough claiming to be something you're not. Don't add being a dumbass to it Jake.
Old Teabagger Conservative Bible-thumpers who think that Saddam's WMD were shipped to Syria right under Bush's coke-laced nose are telling everyone else what is real or not. This would be irritating if it wasn't so funny.

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