Democrats Have Made Common Cause With Neocons By Baiting Russia...

Russia has an annual Defense Budget of $47 Billion. Meanwhile, the US has an annual Defense Budget of $700 Billion. Then include NATO nations' militaries. The US also has 700 bases worldwide. Russia has just 3. So, it's not even close. Russia is no threat to the US. This stupid Warmongering against Russia needs to end.

Is any country a threat to the United States?

Obviously, no.

So we should just ignore what Russia, North Korea, China, Iran and Iran do?

Or should we react when a country tries to influence our election, or launches ICMB's or tries to control vital sea lanes?

Don't ignore, but don't obsess and overreact either. There is no nation on earth that poses a credible threat to the US. There's no one even close in terms of economic and military power. Russia and China combined, are no match for the US. Even they know that. And Iran is completely contained. It has no chance of winning a conflict with the US.

So let's calm down and not overreact. The US is the only Super Power in the world. These 'threats' are being ridiculously overblown. Any future attacks on the US will come from within the US. They'll be carried out by Jihadists who got in by way of insane US Immigration Policies. Many have forgotten 9/11. And that's a tragic mistake. There are no credible external threats to the US. However, there are some pretty serious internal threats. I would focus on that, rather than pushing for war with Russia, Iran, and China.
Any country with a nuclear capability is a threat to the US, and Russia has over 1000 nukes
Trump is justified in occupying Crimea and E. Ukraine because he only wants peace and stability in Europe. I've always maintained that Hitler basically wanted the same thing - to bring Europe out of the Great Depression and into full employment and prosperity, so he invaded all those countries to help their economies and people .... sure he got a little carried away, esp with the Jews and Gypsy's but really nobody wanted them living in their country ether.

You're like most Americans. You're not getting it. It was the US/Western-backed Coup in Kiev that's caused all the chaos. The illegal Government there has systematically imprisoned and killed Russia-aligned citizens.

And now, Russia-aligned citizens have chose to separate. A unified Ukraine is no more. And you can lay most of the blame for that on the US/West. They destabilized yet another country.
No I get it. Putin was not going to see Ukraine in a EU trade pact, and having decided that he took the Ukraine in a Soviet style invasion of a smaller neighbor.

The majority of Ukrainians didn't want to be in Russian trade block, and they rebelled against an upopular Putin stooge.

I don't think Putin will ever leave E. Ukraine or Crimea, but hopefully sanctions will be permanent. Of course Putins pussy in in the WH so who knows.

Russian speaking citizens no longer want to be a part of Ukraine. They fully support separation. The current illegal US/Western-backed Government has been brutal to them. Thousands have been imprisoned and killed. I can't blame them for wanting to separate.

here is a crazy idea - if they like Russia so much more than Ukraine they should just MOVE THERE.

God knows over-population is a not exactly a problem in Russia.

Why should Russian Ukrainians move to Russia. They are the indigenous people of the Ukraine. Non- Ukrainian Russians are mostly descended from German and east Europeans that immigrated to the Ukraine under Katherine the Great. The rest of them are descended from Nazi extremists that migrated to the Ukraine at the end of WWII - it was their last stronghold.

Perhaps it's the non-Russian Ukrainians that should go back to wherever they came from.

Very wise observation. It really is unfortunate that most Americans are only presented with one side of stories. Most haven't figured out their Media is Government/Corporate Propaganda. They accept everything as Gospel. They don't take the time to really research and assess.
Russia has an annual Defense Budget of $47 Billion. Meanwhile, the US has an annual Defense Budget of $700 Billion. Then include NATO nations' militaries. The US also has 700 bases worldwide. Russia has just 3. So, it's not even close. Russia is no threat to the US. This stupid Warmongering against Russia needs to end.

Is any country a threat to the United States?

Obviously, no.

So we should just ignore what Russia, North Korea, China, Iran and Iran do?

Or should we react when a country tries to influence our election, or launches ICMB's or tries to control vital sea lanes?

Don't ignore, but don't obsess and overreact either. There is no nation on earth that poses a credible threat to the US. There's no one even close in terms of economic and military power. Russia and China combined, are no match for the US. Even they know that. And Iran is completely contained. It has no chance of winning a conflict with the US.

So let's calm down and not overreact. The US is the only Super Power in the world. These 'threats' are being ridiculously overblown. Any future attacks on the US will come from within the US. They'll be carried out by Jihadists who got in by way of insane US Immigration Policies. Many have forgotten 9/11. And that's a tragic mistake. There are no credible external threats to the US. However, there are some pretty serious internal threats. I would focus on that, rather than pushing for war with Russia, Iran, and China.
Any country with a nuclear capability is a threat to the US, and Russia has over 1000 nukes

The US is a much greater threat to Russia, than Russia is to the US. There's no comparison economically and militarily. Russia is out-manned and outgunned by a long shot. Just do some research and compare the nations economically and militarily. It's not even close.

Russia cannot win a conflict with the US. And it knows that. So all this Warmongering really is unnecessary. Americans should be far more worried about internal threats. Future bloody attacks are most likely gonna come from within.

Ukraine was a peaceful stable nation before the US/Western-backed illegal Coup in Kiev. None of this chaos would be occurring if the West hadn't destabilized the country. I know most Americans have been conditioned to believe it's all Putin and Russia's fault, but it actually isn't.

As a result of the illegal Coup, Russia-aligned citizens have been systematically imprisoned and killed by the illegal Government. So now, Russia-aligned citizens have chose to separate. And there's no going back. They fully support being independent. The US/West shouldn't have meddled.
Trump is justified in occupying Crimea and E. Ukraine because he only wants peace and stability in Europe. I've always maintained that Hitler basically wanted the same thing - to bring Europe out of the Great Depression and into full employment and prosperity, so he invaded all those countries to help their economies and people .... sure he got a little carried away, esp with the Jews and Gypsy's but really nobody wanted them living in their country ether.

You're like most Americans. You're not getting it. It was the US/Western-backed Coup in Kiev that's caused all the chaos. The illegal Government there has systematically imprisoned and killed Russia-aligned citizens.

And now, Russia-aligned citizens have chose to separate. A unified Ukraine is no more. And you can lay most of the blame for that on the US/West. They destabilized yet another country.
No I get it. Putin was not going to see Ukraine in a EU trade pact, and having decided that he took the Ukraine in a Soviet style invasion of a smaller neighbor.

The majority of Ukrainians didn't want to be in Russian trade block, and they rebelled against an upopular Putin stooge.

I don't think Putin will ever leave E. Ukraine or Crimea, but hopefully sanctions will be permanent. Of course Putins pussy in in the WH so who knows.

Russian speaking citizens no longer want to be a part of Ukraine. They fully support separation. The current illegal US/Western-backed Government has been brutal to them. Thousands have been imprisoned and killed. I can't blame them for wanting to separate.

That's all very nice, but under international law Putin may not legally help them annex themselves absent something like genocide. That's why your argument fails. No matter what happened inside of Ukraine before or after the Euromaiden, no other country besides Russia tried to reset borders. Putin's nothing more than a soviet era thug. We should constrain Russia's economy until he pulls back or leaves office.
Is any country a threat to the United States?

Obviously, no.

So we should just ignore what Russia, North Korea, China, Iran and Iran do?

Or should we react when a country tries to influence our election, or launches ICMB's or tries to control vital sea lanes?

Don't ignore, but don't obsess and overreact either. There is no nation on earth that poses a credible threat to the US. There's no one even close in terms of economic and military power. Russia and China combined, are no match for the US. Even they know that. And Iran is completely contained. It has no chance of winning a conflict with the US.

So let's calm down and not overreact. The US is the only Super Power in the world. These 'threats' are being ridiculously overblown. Any future attacks on the US will come from within the US. They'll be carried out by Jihadists who got in by way of insane US Immigration Policies. Many have forgotten 9/11. And that's a tragic mistake. There are no credible external threats to the US. However, there are some pretty serious internal threats. I would focus on that, rather than pushing for war with Russia, Iran, and China.
Any country with a nuclear capability is a threat to the US, and Russia has over 1000 nukes

The US is a much greater threat to Russia, than Russia is to the US. There's no comparison economically and militarily. Russia is out-manned and outgunned by a long shot. Just do some research and compare the nations economically and militarily. It's not even close.

Russia cannot win a conflict with the US. And it knows that. So all this Warmongering really is unnecessary. Americans should be far more worried about internal threats. Future bloody attacks are most likely gonna come from within.
When you have 1000 nukes both land and sea based and the means to quickly deliver them, Russia will always be a threat. The economies of the two countries mean nothing
Ukraine was a peaceful stable nation before the US/Western-backed illegal Coup in Kiev. None of this chaos would be occurring if the West hadn't destabilized the country. I know most Americans have been conditioned to believe it's all Putin and Russia's fault, but it actually isn't.

As a result of the illegal Coup, Russia-aligned citizens have been systematically imprisoned and killed by the illegal Government. So now, Russia-aligned citizens have chose to separate. And there's no going back. They fully support being independent. The US/West shouldn't have meddled.
Trump is justified in occupying Crimea and E. Ukraine because he only wants peace and stability in Europe. I've always maintained that Hitler basically wanted the same thing - to bring Europe out of the Great Depression and into full employment and prosperity, so he invaded all those countries to help their economies and people .... sure he got a little carried away, esp with the Jews and Gypsy's but really nobody wanted them living in their country ether.

You're like most Americans. You're not getting it. It was the US/Western-backed Coup in Kiev that's caused all the chaos. The illegal Government there has systematically imprisoned and killed Russia-aligned citizens.

And now, Russia-aligned citizens have chose to separate. A unified Ukraine is no more. And you can lay most of the blame for that on the US/West. They destabilized yet another country.
No I get it. Putin was not going to see Ukraine in a EU trade pact, and having decided that he took the Ukraine in a Soviet style invasion of a smaller neighbor.

The majority of Ukrainians didn't want to be in Russian trade block, and they rebelled against an upopular Putin stooge.

I don't think Putin will ever leave E. Ukraine or Crimea, but hopefully sanctions will be permanent. Of course Putins pussy in in the WH so who knows.

Russian speaking citizens no longer want to be a part of Ukraine. They fully support separation. The current illegal US/Western-backed Government has been brutal to them. Thousands have been imprisoned and killed. I can't blame them for wanting to separate.

That's all very nice, but under international law Putin may not legally help them annex themselves absent something like genocide. That's why your argument fails. No matter what happened inside of Ukraine before or after the Euromaiden, no other country besides Russia tried to reset borders. Putin's nothing more than a soviet era thug. We should constrain Russia's economy until he pulls back or leaves office.

Well again, you're accepting Western propaganda as Gospel. The illegal regime in Kiev has been brutal to Russia-aligned citizens. And our Government has supported the carnage 100%. Just more meddling madness. The People who chose to split from Kiev had every right to do so. Russia didn't 'grab' anything. The People voted for separation and independence.
Obviously, no.

So we should just ignore what Russia, North Korea, China, Iran and Iran do?

Or should we react when a country tries to influence our election, or launches ICMB's or tries to control vital sea lanes?

Don't ignore, but don't obsess and overreact either. There is no nation on earth that poses a credible threat to the US. There's no one even close in terms of economic and military power. Russia and China combined, are no match for the US. Even they know that. And Iran is completely contained. It has no chance of winning a conflict with the US.

So let's calm down and not overreact. The US is the only Super Power in the world. These 'threats' are being ridiculously overblown. Any future attacks on the US will come from within the US. They'll be carried out by Jihadists who got in by way of insane US Immigration Policies. Many have forgotten 9/11. And that's a tragic mistake. There are no credible external threats to the US. However, there are some pretty serious internal threats. I would focus on that, rather than pushing for war with Russia, Iran, and China.
Any country with a nuclear capability is a threat to the US, and Russia has over 1000 nukes

The US is a much greater threat to Russia, than Russia is to the US. There's no comparison economically and militarily. Russia is out-manned and outgunned by a long shot. Just do some research and compare the nations economically and militarily. It's not even close.

Russia cannot win a conflict with the US. And it knows that. So all this Warmongering really is unnecessary. Americans should be far more worried about internal threats. Future bloody attacks are most likely gonna come from within.
When you have 1000 nukes both land and sea based and the means to quickly deliver them, Russia will always be a threat. The economies of the two countries mean nothing

Seriously, avoid the propaganda. Go and do your own research on comparing the two nations economically and militarily. For instance, Russia has an annual military budget of $47 Billion. The US has an annual military budget of $700 Billion. The US also has 700 bases worldwide. Russia has just 3.

And then you add NATO nations' militaries to the equation. Russia is thoroughly out-manned and outgunned. It's not even close. It doesn't want war with the US. It knows it couldn't possibly win. Time to move on.
So we should just ignore what Russia, North Korea, China, Iran and Iran do?

Or should we react when a country tries to influence our election, or launches ICMB's or tries to control vital sea lanes?

Don't ignore, but don't obsess and overreact either. There is no nation on earth that poses a credible threat to the US. There's no one even close in terms of economic and military power. Russia and China combined, are no match for the US. Even they know that. And Iran is completely contained. It has no chance of winning a conflict with the US.

So let's calm down and not overreact. The US is the only Super Power in the world. These 'threats' are being ridiculously overblown. Any future attacks on the US will come from within the US. They'll be carried out by Jihadists who got in by way of insane US Immigration Policies. Many have forgotten 9/11. And that's a tragic mistake. There are no credible external threats to the US. However, there are some pretty serious internal threats. I would focus on that, rather than pushing for war with Russia, Iran, and China.
Any country with a nuclear capability is a threat to the US, and Russia has over 1000 nukes

The US is a much greater threat to Russia, than Russia is to the US. There's no comparison economically and militarily. Russia is out-manned and outgunned by a long shot. Just do some research and compare the nations economically and militarily. It's not even close.

Russia cannot win a conflict with the US. And it knows that. So all this Warmongering really is unnecessary. Americans should be far more worried about internal threats. Future bloody attacks are most likely gonna come from within.
When you have 1000 nukes both land and sea based and the means to quickly deliver them, Russia will always be a threat. The economies of the two countries mean nothing

Seriously, avoid the propaganda. Go and do your own research on comparing the two nations economically and militarily. For instance, Russia has an annual military budget of $47 Billion. The US has an annual military budget of $700 Billion. The US also has 700 bases worldwide. Russia has just 3.

And then you add NATO nations' militaries to the equation. Russia is thoroughly out-manned and outgunned. It's not even close. It doesn't want war with the US. It knows it couldn't possibly win. Time to move on.
All you need is a few nukes to land in the right cities and the war is over
Trump is justified in occupying Crimea and E. Ukraine because he only wants peace and stability in Europe. I've always maintained that Hitler basically wanted the same thing - to bring Europe out of the Great Depression and into full employment and prosperity, so he invaded all those countries to help their economies and people .... sure he got a little carried away, esp with the Jews and Gypsy's but really nobody wanted them living in their country ether.

You're like most Americans. You're not getting it. It was the US/Western-backed Coup in Kiev that's caused all the chaos. The illegal Government there has systematically imprisoned and killed Russia-aligned citizens.

And now, Russia-aligned citizens have chose to separate. A unified Ukraine is no more. And you can lay most of the blame for that on the US/West. They destabilized yet another country.
No I get it. Putin was not going to see Ukraine in a EU trade pact, and having decided that he took the Ukraine in a Soviet style invasion of a smaller neighbor.

The majority of Ukrainians didn't want to be in Russian trade block, and they rebelled against an upopular Putin stooge.

I don't think Putin will ever leave E. Ukraine or Crimea, but hopefully sanctions will be permanent. Of course Putins pussy in in the WH so who knows.

Russian speaking citizens no longer want to be a part of Ukraine. They fully support separation. The current illegal US/Western-backed Government has been brutal to them. Thousands have been imprisoned and killed. I can't blame them for wanting to separate.

That's all very nice, but under international law Putin may not legally help them annex themselves absent something like genocide. That's why your argument fails. No matter what happened inside of Ukraine before or after the Euromaiden, no other country besides Russia tried to reset borders. Putin's nothing more than a soviet era thug. We should constrain Russia's economy until he pulls back or leaves office.

Well again, you're accepting Western propaganda as Gospel. The illegal regime in Kiev has been brutal to Russia-aligned citizens. And our Government has supported the carnage 100%. Just more meddling madness. The People who chose to split from Kiev had every right to do so. Russia didn't 'grab' anything. The People voted for separation and independence.

It's not western propaganda that Putin has done what no European country has done since the end of the cold war by using tanks to reset borders. Whatever else the facts show, that FACT is not disputable. Putin is operating like a Soviet thug.
Don't ignore, but don't obsess and overreact either. There is no nation on earth that poses a credible threat to the US. There's no one even close in terms of economic and military power. Russia and China combined, are no match for the US. Even they know that. And Iran is completely contained. It has no chance of winning a conflict with the US.

So let's calm down and not overreact. The US is the only Super Power in the world. These 'threats' are being ridiculously overblown. Any future attacks on the US will come from within the US. They'll be carried out by Jihadists who got in by way of insane US Immigration Policies. Many have forgotten 9/11. And that's a tragic mistake. There are no credible external threats to the US. However, there are some pretty serious internal threats. I would focus on that, rather than pushing for war with Russia, Iran, and China.
Any country with a nuclear capability is a threat to the US, and Russia has over 1000 nukes

The US is a much greater threat to Russia, than Russia is to the US. There's no comparison economically and militarily. Russia is out-manned and outgunned by a long shot. Just do some research and compare the nations economically and militarily. It's not even close.

Russia cannot win a conflict with the US. And it knows that. So all this Warmongering really is unnecessary. Americans should be far more worried about internal threats. Future bloody attacks are most likely gonna come from within.
When you have 1000 nukes both land and sea based and the means to quickly deliver them, Russia will always be a threat. The economies of the two countries mean nothing

Seriously, avoid the propaganda. Go and do your own research on comparing the two nations economically and militarily. For instance, Russia has an annual military budget of $47 Billion. The US has an annual military budget of $700 Billion. The US also has 700 bases worldwide. Russia has just 3.

And then you add NATO nations' militaries to the equation. Russia is thoroughly out-manned and outgunned. It's not even close. It doesn't want war with the US. It knows it couldn't possibly win. Time to move on.
All you need is a few nukes to land in the right cities and the war is over

It didn't happen during the Cold War, and it isn't gonna happen now. Man, i seriously think Americans believe Russians are dumb. I mean, it's only the first nation on earth to put a human being into space. They have no interest whatsoever in Nuking the US. I swear, Western propaganda is making Americans become unhinged.
You're like most Americans. You're not getting it. It was the US/Western-backed Coup in Kiev that's caused all the chaos. The illegal Government there has systematically imprisoned and killed Russia-aligned citizens.

And now, Russia-aligned citizens have chose to separate. A unified Ukraine is no more. And you can lay most of the blame for that on the US/West. They destabilized yet another country.
No I get it. Putin was not going to see Ukraine in a EU trade pact, and having decided that he took the Ukraine in a Soviet style invasion of a smaller neighbor.

The majority of Ukrainians didn't want to be in Russian trade block, and they rebelled against an upopular Putin stooge.

Putins pussy in in the WH so who knows.

Russian speaking citizens no longer want to be a part of Ukraine. They fully support separation. The current illegal US/Western-backed Government has been brutal to them. Thousands have been imprisoned and killed. I can't blame them for wanting to separate.

That's all very nice, but under international law Putin may not legally help them annex themselves absent something like genocide. That's why your argument fails. No matter what happened inside of Ukraine before or after the Euromaiden, no other country besides Russia tried to reset borders. Putin's nothing more than a soviet era thug. We should constrain Russia's economy until he pulls back or leaves office.

Well again, you're accepting Western propaganda as Gospel. The illegal regime in Kiev has been brutal to Russia-aligned citizens. And our Government has supported the carnage 100%. Just more meddling madness. The People who chose to split from Kiev had every right to do so. Russia didn't 'grab' anything. The People voted for separation and independence.

It's not western propaganda that Putin has done what no European country has done since the end of the cold war by using tanks to reset borders. Whatever else the facts show, that FACT is not disputable. Putin is operating like a Soviet thug.

Those people are aligned with Russia. They voted for separation. They won't be a part of a nation ruled by the illegal regime in Kiev.
Trump is justified in occupying Crimea and E. Ukraine because he only wants peace and stability in Europe. I've always maintained that Hitler basically wanted the same thing - to bring Europe out of the Great Depression and into full employment and prosperity, so he invaded all those countries to help their economies and people .... sure he got a little carried away, esp with the Jews and Gypsy's but really nobody wanted them living in their country ether.

You're like most Americans. You're not getting it. It was the US/Western-backed Coup in Kiev that's caused all the chaos. The illegal Government there has systematically imprisoned and killed Russia-aligned citizens.

And now, Russia-aligned citizens have chose to separate. A unified Ukraine is no more. And you can lay most of the blame for that on the US/West. They destabilized yet another country.
No I get it. Putin was not going to see Ukraine in a EU trade pact, and having decided that he took the Ukraine in a Soviet style invasion of a smaller neighbor.

The majority of Ukrainians didn't want to be in Russian trade block, and they rebelled against an upopular Putin stooge.

I don't think Putin will ever leave E. Ukraine or Crimea, but hopefully sanctions will be permanent. Of course Putins pussy in in the WH so who knows.

Russian speaking citizens no longer want to be a part of Ukraine. They fully support separation. The current illegal US/Western-backed Government has been brutal to them. Thousands have been imprisoned and killed. I can't blame them for wanting to separate.

here is a crazy idea - if they like Russia so much more than Ukraine they should just MOVE THERE.

God knows over-population is a not exactly a problem in Russia.

Why should Russian Ukrainians move to Russia. They are the indigenous people of the Ukraine. Non- Ukrainian Russians are mostly descended from German and east Europeans that immigrated to the Ukraine under Katherine the Great. The rest of them are descended from Nazi extremists that migrated to the Ukraine at the end of WWII - it was their last stronghold.

Perhaps it's the non-Russian Ukrainians that should go back to wherever they came from.

I see, so what you are saying is that Ukrainians are not the indigenous people of Ukraine and those that don't want to speak Russian are actually Nazi offspring? Yea? Fucking Seriously?

You want to maybe take another shot at this? Cause you sound like a retard.
You're like most Americans. You're not getting it. It was the US/Western-backed Coup in Kiev that's caused all the chaos. The illegal Government there has systematically imprisoned and killed Russia-aligned citizens.

And now, Russia-aligned citizens have chose to separate. A unified Ukraine is no more. And you can lay most of the blame for that on the US/West. They destabilized yet another country.
No I get it. Putin was not going to see Ukraine in a EU trade pact, and having decided that he took the Ukraine in a Soviet style invasion of a smaller neighbor.

The majority of Ukrainians didn't want to be in Russian trade block, and they rebelled against an upopular Putin stooge.

I don't think Putin will ever leave E. Ukraine or Crimea, but hopefully sanctions will be permanent. Of course Putins pussy in in the WH so who knows.

Russian speaking citizens no longer want to be a part of Ukraine. They fully support separation. The current illegal US/Western-backed Government has been brutal to them. Thousands have been imprisoned and killed. I can't blame them for wanting to separate.

here is a crazy idea - if they like Russia so much more than Ukraine they should just MOVE THERE.

God knows over-population is a not exactly a problem in Russia.

Why should Russian Ukrainians move to Russia. They are the indigenous people of the Ukraine. Non- Ukrainian Russians are mostly descended from German and east Europeans that immigrated to the Ukraine under Katherine the Great. The rest of them are descended from Nazi extremists that migrated to the Ukraine at the end of WWII - it was their last stronghold.

Perhaps it's the non-Russian Ukrainians that should go back to wherever they came from.

I see, so what you are saying is that Ukrainians are not the indigenous people of Ukraine and those that don't want to speak Russian are actually Nazi offspring? Yea? Fucking Seriously?

You want to maybe take another shot at this? Cause you sound like a retard.

You clearly don't know much about who carried out the Coup in Kiev. They're not the 'Good Guys' you've been led to believe they are. You should research 'Right Sector.' They played a major role in the Coup.
No I get it. Putin was not going to see Ukraine in a EU trade pact, and having decided that he took the Ukraine in a Soviet style invasion of a smaller neighbor.

The majority of Ukrainians didn't want to be in Russian trade block, and they rebelled against an upopular Putin stooge.

I don't think Putin will ever leave E. Ukraine or Crimea, but hopefully sanctions will be permanent. Of course Putins pussy in in the WH so who knows.

Russian speaking citizens no longer want to be a part of Ukraine. They fully support separation. The current illegal US/Western-backed Government has been brutal to them. Thousands have been imprisoned and killed. I can't blame them for wanting to separate.

here is a crazy idea - if they like Russia so much more than Ukraine they should just MOVE THERE.

God knows over-population is a not exactly a problem in Russia.

Why should Russian Ukrainians move to Russia. They are the indigenous people of the Ukraine. Non- Ukrainian Russians are mostly descended from German and east Europeans that immigrated to the Ukraine under Katherine the Great. The rest of them are descended from Nazi extremists that migrated to the Ukraine at the end of WWII - it was their last stronghold.

Perhaps it's the non-Russian Ukrainians that should go back to wherever they came from.

I see, so what you are saying is that Ukrainians are not the indigenous people of Ukraine and those that don't want to speak Russian are actually Nazi offspring? Yea? Fucking Seriously?

You want to maybe take another shot at this? Cause you sound like a retard.

You clearly don't know much about who carried out the Coup in Kiev. They're not the 'Good Guys' you've been led to believe they are. You should research 'Right Sector.' They played a major role in the Coup.

Good guys or not they had popular support. Many in Ukraine were livid at Yanukovych's last minuet ditch of agreement with EU.
Russian speaking citizens no longer want to be a part of Ukraine. They fully support separation. The current illegal US/Western-backed Government has been brutal to them. Thousands have been imprisoned and killed. I can't blame them for wanting to separate.

here is a crazy idea - if they like Russia so much more than Ukraine they should just MOVE THERE.

God knows over-population is a not exactly a problem in Russia.

Why should Russian Ukrainians move to Russia. They are the indigenous people of the Ukraine. Non- Ukrainian Russians are mostly descended from German and east Europeans that immigrated to the Ukraine under Katherine the Great. The rest of them are descended from Nazi extremists that migrated to the Ukraine at the end of WWII - it was their last stronghold.

Perhaps it's the non-Russian Ukrainians that should go back to wherever they came from.

I see, so what you are saying is that Ukrainians are not the indigenous people of Ukraine and those that don't want to speak Russian are actually Nazi offspring? Yea? Fucking Seriously?

You want to maybe take another shot at this? Cause you sound like a retard.

You clearly don't know much about who carried out the Coup in Kiev. They're not the 'Good Guys' you've been led to believe they are. You should research 'Right Sector.' They played a major role in the Coup.

Good guys or not they had popular support. Many in Ukraine were livid at Yanukovych's last minuet ditch of agreement with EU.

The Nazis had popular support too. You really should research a bit more. Look into 'Right Sector.'
here is a crazy idea - if they like Russia so much more than Ukraine they should just MOVE THERE.

God knows over-population is a not exactly a problem in Russia.

Why should Russian Ukrainians move to Russia. They are the indigenous people of the Ukraine. Non- Ukrainian Russians are mostly descended from German and east Europeans that immigrated to the Ukraine under Katherine the Great. The rest of them are descended from Nazi extremists that migrated to the Ukraine at the end of WWII - it was their last stronghold.

Perhaps it's the non-Russian Ukrainians that should go back to wherever they came from.

I see, so what you are saying is that Ukrainians are not the indigenous people of Ukraine and those that don't want to speak Russian are actually Nazi offspring? Yea? Fucking Seriously?

You want to maybe take another shot at this? Cause you sound like a retard.

You clearly don't know much about who carried out the Coup in Kiev. They're not the 'Good Guys' you've been led to believe they are. You should research 'Right Sector.' They played a major role in the Coup.

Good guys or not they had popular support. Many in Ukraine were livid at Yanukovych's last minuet ditch of agreement with EU.

The Nazis had popular support too. You really should research a bit more. Look into 'Right Sector.'

Well then popular support must be a Nazi concept. :rolleyes:

Look, in Russia "Nazis!" type argument seem to be quite popular but in America bringing up Nazism in context of modern politics is taken as a sign of batshit nuttery.
Why should Russian Ukrainians move to Russia. They are the indigenous people of the Ukraine. Non- Ukrainian Russians are mostly descended from German and east Europeans that immigrated to the Ukraine under Katherine the Great. The rest of them are descended from Nazi extremists that migrated to the Ukraine at the end of WWII - it was their last stronghold.

Perhaps it's the non-Russian Ukrainians that should go back to wherever they came from.

I see, so what you are saying is that Ukrainians are not the indigenous people of Ukraine and those that don't want to speak Russian are actually Nazi offspring? Yea? Fucking Seriously?

You want to maybe take another shot at this? Cause you sound like a retard.

You clearly don't know much about who carried out the Coup in Kiev. They're not the 'Good Guys' you've been led to believe they are. You should research 'Right Sector.' They played a major role in the Coup.

Good guys or not they had popular support. Many in Ukraine were livid at Yanukovych's last minuet ditch of agreement with EU.

The Nazis had popular support too. You really should research a bit more. Look into 'Right Sector.'

Well then popular support must be a Nazi concept. :rolleyes:

Look, in Russia "Nazis!" type argument seem to be quite popular but in America bringing up Nazism in context of modern politics is taken as a sign of batshit nuttery.

Again, you should look into 'Right Sector.' It played a major role in the Coup. Not nice folks.
I see, so what you are saying is that Ukrainians are not the indigenous people of Ukraine and those that don't want to speak Russian are actually Nazi offspring? Yea? Fucking Seriously?

You want to maybe take another shot at this? Cause you sound like a retard.

You clearly don't know much about who carried out the Coup in Kiev. They're not the 'Good Guys' you've been led to believe they are. You should research 'Right Sector.' They played a major role in the Coup.

Good guys or not they had popular support. Many in Ukraine were livid at Yanukovych's last minuet ditch of agreement with EU.

The Nazis had popular support too. You really should research a bit more. Look into 'Right Sector.'

Well then popular support must be a Nazi concept. :rolleyes:

Look, in Russia "Nazis!" type argument seem to be quite popular but in America bringing up Nazism in context of modern politics is taken as a sign of batshit nuttery.

Again, you should look into 'Right Sector.' It played a major role in the Coup. Not nice folks.

And they weren't supported because they were Nazis either.

Ukrainians really do want to have closer ties with the West and that's the part that Putin's regime hates to admit and THAT is the reason it was willing to throw 10billion dollar sweetheart deal at Ukraine.
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