Democrats have ruined America

The crime rate is either low or it is not. It IS low. Separately we can debate your two questions but they are distinct from the fact crime rate is low in San Fran.

1. Businesses move to places where costs are lower. It's expensive to be in a world class city because everyone wants to live there.

2. DA was fired because it wasn't just about the crime rate. Crime rates didnt change much BUT crime shifted from tourist areas to residential areas and that pissed off the residents. So tourist crime went down but crime against voters went up. That doesnt end well for an elected official. Plus he was unconventional and a bit chaotic so put that with more resident crime and its bad news.
Did you agree with his removal? I mean if crime was lower then why remove the DA? Businesses moved due to looters not being prosecuted. LOL
Did you agree with his removal? I mean if crime was lower then why remove the DA? Businesses moved due to looters not being prosecuted. LOL
Curious do you retain any info?

First I just explained why. Although crime didn’t change much the location of the crime did. Low levels of tourists sent the criminals into the residence areas looking for marks. Voters were seeing an increase in crime in their residential areas and tourist crime plummeted. Voters care about crime in their neighborhood so that combined with the fact he was an odd duck made hIm a lighting rod for criticism. He got fired. And replaced with a liberal.

Second you do know headquarters weren’t looted, ever. No one moved their headquarters due to crime. You are confused with a CVS closing a location due to crime. Happens all the time. Businesses in Northlake Mall in Charlotte are pulling out due to too many shootings. Charlotte is safe. That area has a problem.
Curious do you retain any info?

First I just explained why. Although crime didn’t change much the location of the crime did. Low levels of tourists sent the criminals into the residence areas looking for marks. Voters were seeing an increase in crime in their residential areas and tourist crime plummeted. Voters care about crime in their neighborhood so that combined with the fact he was an odd duck made hIm a lighting rod for criticism. He got fired. And replaced with a liberal.

Second you do know headquarters weren’t looted, ever. No one moved their headquarters due to crime. You are confused with a CVS closing a location due to crime. Happens all the time. Businesses in Northlake Mall in Charlotte are pulling out due to too many shootings. Charlotte is safe. That area has a problem.
What do you mean by “odd duck”?

Boudin announced on February 28 that his office would no longer seek charges for contraband found during "pretextual" traffic stops and would not charge status enhancements that increase jail sentences, such as those imposed for gang membership or for having three strikes, with the intent of diminishing racial disparities in policing and sentencing

Boudin has received criticism for the increase in specific crimes, particularly burglaries, car theft, and murders, during his tenure.

Boudin has been criticized in a number of instances for releasing suspects with a history of previous convictions who then went on to commit further crimes

Troy Ramon McAlister, a repeat offender who had three federal felony convictions before 2015, was released on parole from state prison on April 10, 2020, under a plea appeal with Boudin's office and was arrested by police in November and December 2020 for vehicle and drug crimes. Boudin's office declined to file new charges against McAlister, stating that the state's parole officials had more leverage to keep individuals in custody for nonviolent crimes. On December 31, 2020, McAlister struck and killed pedestrians Hanako Abe and Elizabeth Platt while driving a stolen vehicle.

Curious do you retain any info?

First I just explained why. Although crime didn’t change much the location of the crime did. Low levels of tourists sent the criminals into the residence areas looking for marks. Voters were seeing an increase in crime in their residential areas and tourist crime plummeted. Voters care about crime in their neighborhood so that combined with the fact he was an odd duck made hIm a lighting rod for criticism. He got fired. And replaced with a liberal.

Second you do know headquarters weren’t looted, ever. No one moved their headquarters due to crime. You are confused with a CVS closing a location due to crime. Happens all the time. Businesses in Northlake Mall in Charlotte are pulling out due to too many shootings. Charlotte is safe. That area has a problem.
Curious. Why didn’t you answer my question?

Or perhaps realize that Americans have turned away the Party of Hate which you support.
As much as some of us are not thrilled about the alternative, we are smart enough to know which political party threatens the very foundation of our democracy. If anyone needs an example, please refer to my signature, thanks.
Curious. Why didn’t you answer my question?
It was implicit in my answer. He didn’t recognize the key issue and lost his job. I’m fine with that. You need to be responsive to those who put you in office. Democracy at work. Just like when Trump got booted.
It was implicit in my answer. He didn’t recognize the key issue and lost his job. I’m fine with that. You need to be responsive to those who put you in office. Democracy at work. Just like when Trump got booted.
Excellent. Biden will face the same fate.
Yet they keep garnering more votes and winning. I am simply lost for words:

— Liberal Cities are unlivable. San Fran, LA, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, Minneapolis. Pharmacies and stores are closing their doors and leaving. Police officers are resigning at record rates. Businesses are exiting. Crime wave, homeless, drugs. It’s awful.
The fact that minorities and blacks tend to live in Cities, and they tend to vote for Democrats is an incidental (not a causal) fact. I can state a fact: Red states have more murders per capita. I can cherry pick data just as good as you can.

— Southern Border continues to be a complete disaster. Fentanyl and illegals pouring in and the Biden administration turns a blind eye.
Name one US president in recent decades that has solved the border problem.
— Inflation remains a major issue. In MA, one cannot go grocery shopping for four and spend less than $400 a week. Not to mention the price of fuel, medicine, insurance, and clothing. Savings rates are at an all time low. Credit card debt is at an all time high. Home Equity loans are barely an option due to the interest rate spikes. People are taking 401k money out early to survive.
Inflation spawned via $2 Trillion stimulus by Trump, and a $2Trillion stimulus by Biden and supply chain disruptions all the cause of the pandemic. It was necessary to prevent a major depression because of the pandemic. Inflation is the bipartisan price we are paying to have avoided a massive deflation and depression caused by the pandemic.
— War in Ukraine continues and we keep funding it when we have major issues locally. China is sitting back and laughing as we fall deeper and deeper into debt and soon they will invade Taiwan.
both Taiwan and Ukraine represent a strategic and vital interest to the National Security of the United States.
If you want to please CCP and Putin, let them gobble them up.

— Women vote against their self interests.
Are you kidding? They vote for dems because we are IN their best interest: The big issue is abortion, and now you guys want to ban Mifepristone? Banning abortion causes a rise in deaths and injury to women. Republicans are bad for women's health and privacy.
Trans athletes are taking sports from biological women. And the left shrugs. Companies like Bud endorse this weird Trans obsession. Drag queens are Reading to children. Gay porn is available in libraries in the teen section. Teachers stating it’s normal to change one’s the gender. What the HELL?!
I agree with conservatives on the Transgender issue, but there is nothing inherently bad about Drag Queens reading to children.
Any child can access porn on a cell phone, laptop, or their friends cell phone, or laptop. why are you worried about the library which few kids visit these days, anyway?
— They cry over gun control but don’t present a solution and were more upset that the killer in TN was misgendered than the fact at SHE killed six people, three of whom were children.
Anecdotal evidence is not evidence.

California has one of the lowest rates 1 of firearm mortality in the country—44th out of 50. 2 Only Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, New York, and Connecticut have lower firearm mortality rates. Notably, all of these states received a “B” or better on Gifford’s Law Center’s 2021 Annual Gun Law Scorecard, an assessment of the strength of each state’s gun safety laws. 3 California received an “A” for having “the strongest gun laws in the United States.”

"The United States has the highest rate of gun ownership of any developed country and the highest
rate of gun violence. There is already nearly one gun per person in the United States. We have more
guns than anyone, yet we don't have the idyllic, low crime society that some imagine a gun-saturated
world will bring.
" Adam Winkler from his book, "Gunfight, The Battle Over The Right To Bear Arms in America"
— They applaud the weak non case against Trump not understanding that NYC is spending millions on this charade as violent criminals roam the streets.
Specious logic. Your statement has several flaws, to wit: .

  1. Assuming a "weak non case": The statement assumes that the case against Trump is weak, without providing any evidence or context for this claim. It is important to consider the details of the case and the legal arguments presented before evaluating its strength or weakness.
  2. False dichotomy: The statement implies that the money spent on the case against Trump could instead be used to address violent crime in New York City. This sets up a false dichotomy, as it is possible for a city to allocate resources to both legal cases and public safety simultaneously. Additionally, budgets for legal cases and public safety are often separate and have different sources of funding.
  3. Generalization: The statement makes a sweeping generalization about violent criminals roaming the streets of New York City. It is important to consider specific crime rates and trends in the context of the city's overall public safety before making such claims.
  4. Ad hominem attack: The statement accuses those who applaud the case against Trump of not understanding the situation. This ad hominem attack diverts the focus from the actual legal issues at hand to the character or intelligence of those who support the case.

Moreover, crime is down in NYC NYC sees 5.6% overall crime drop in February

— They support reparations where people who never owned slaves should pay money to people who were never slaves.
Some dems do, I don't and many do not. Your sweeping generalization is a disingenuous claim.

  1. Oversimplification: The statement oversimplifies the concept of reparations, suggesting that it only involves direct payments from people who never owned slaves to people who were never slaves. Reparations can take various forms, including investments in education, healthcare, housing, and other social programs aimed at addressing the long-term effects of slavery and systemic discrimination.
  2. Hasty generalization: The statement implies that all Democrats support reparations, without acknowledging the diversity of opinions within the Democratic party. There are Democrats who support reparations, but there are also those who are against it or have different views on how to address racial inequality.
  3. Ignoring historical context and systemic discrimination: The statement dismisses the rationale behind reparations by focusing on individuals who never owned slaves and those who were never slaves. It fails to consider the broader historical context and the ongoing effects of systemic discrimination faced by the descendants of enslaved people. Reparations aim to address these long-lasting consequences, not just the direct harm caused by slavery.
However, I personally do not support reparations. For example, the depression forced my grandfather to sell, acre by acre, some 120 acres of land in order to get through the depresion. Should I holler about 'white reparations' because some of us boomers' grandparents were reamed during the depression, which deprive their grandchildren of their inheritance? The point is, life is a bitch, and you can't fix every damn inequality with money. Why should taxpayers be punished for what our ancestors did? This is not justice.
— Major banks are literally failing under their policies. But they are more focused on DEI than on corporate governance and risk management.
Pandemic caused inflation forced the Fed to raise interest rates. this is a temporary condition. Fed policy is completely independent of the President. The Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell, was appointed by Donald Trump. Fed Chair appointments are for 10 years.
Yet they keep winning in both local and national elections. I am at a loss for words.
Why? Because they are not buying what Republicans are selling, that is why.
Thing is, both sides have a crazy element, but the crazy on the right is much crazier than the crazy on the left. Much much crazier. Abortion laws affect all women, The trans issue affects very few people.
This country is lost. I feel terrible for my beautiful daughters. I do not see how this doesn’t end in another civil war.
You're a cynic, and do not see what is really going on.
Walk me off the ledge please.
Don't forget your parachute.


PS, the real truth is that Republicans are destroying America.
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I understand your fear and sadness. I look at the out of control spending and wonder what future will say of us once the hammer of debt and inflation leaves this country with few options that are all terrible. I can throw some blame at the republicans for not sticking to their principles of a small and limited gov't that holds down spending to at least manageable levels. But the democrats are worse by far, and not enough people seem to care. It's like we jumped off a hundred story building and at the 50 story point we're thinking everything is alright so far.
People are too busy working all the time to care.
People are too busy working all the time to care.
Understood. It ain't no picnic out there for most people. As a retiree, I have the time to sit back and reflect on what's going on and what the future could be, and from my vantage point it ain't pretty. There was a time when a lot of people worked hard to leave their kids and grandkids a better world and a better life than what they had when they were kids. I'm not saying that's gone, but it feels like it's been reduced a lot. And the too bad part is that our short-sightedness is going to result in problems down the road that future generations will have to deal with, and on top of that we are not leaving them much in the way of tools and resources to work with.

Neo Republicans are living with a Faux induced American Dystopian nightmare.
So the food and fuel prices have only increased for Republicans. Good to know. Thank you.


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