Democrats have ruined America

I like you AZ, and that is the truth!

But, the fact remains, that WE screwed the country! We were all to busy back in the day, to get involved. Who would have ever thought it would lead to this!

Now we are all trying to pull it back. Is it to late? Did we wait to long because we were all doing whatever? The Left thinks we have, and I am not pointing at you, but all of us. We were all raising families, trying to push them ahead, while the Left infiltrated our whole education system and indoctrinated them. We fell asleep at the wheel, plain and simple, and they loved it; now it is harder than steel to remove them because of 10 year.

In fact------------>it is NOT we can NOT reverse the tide, but rather do we have time to reverse it before we are swamped. If our adversaries see us reversing it, do they believe it is time to pounce now, or will they wait for a much better outcome?

Seems to me that they have a great opportunity. An incompetent President, a weak military, American people divided. How many gonads they have has yet to be decided; but we already know how many gonads our leaders have, and it isn't much.

The question for me isn't can we make it 2024 to change course, but rather will we MAKE it to 2024 to change course, and will our enemies give us that time to do so. If these people really want world domination, and if they actually have the forces we keep hearing they have, then honestly, I think we are done!

The USA will never engage in thermal nuclear war unless attacked by these weapons, and if reports are accurate, we haven't a chance with conventional weapons either. We are in a lose-lose situation. Sad, but true!
Well you convinced me. I AM part of the problem. Sigh.
Still don't know why you're telling me.

Must have me confused with a Republitard.

I have no use for Republicans. They're not militant enough for my tastes.

However I still like them a THOUSAND times better than any progtard. Republicans may be lazy but progtards are INSANE.
Libertarian ? Just a repugnant in disguise.
If they are there then they aren’t there year round anymore and there are a lot fewer of them.
You got it. See, you can learn. Now, use the same rational approach to San Francisco violence. Another example where you think something is true when an easy google will show you its not. Sea Lions are in San Fran, Violence is low in San Fran. Unless you think everyone everywhere all at once is lying about sea lions and violent crime rates.
alm sp
He is a foreigner. Used Eck as his avatar and doesn’t know who Eck is.
Thinking for someone else again. Bull shit artist.

You must be into the National Inquirer and other check out counter conspiracy trash.
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You got it. See, you can learn. Now, use the same rational approach to San Francisco violence. Another example where you think something is true when an easy google will show you its not. Sea Lions are in San Fran, Violence is low in San Fran. Unless you think everyone everywhere all at once is lying about sea lions and violent crime rates.
If it’s so low why are businesses leaving and why was their DA removed? Hmmmm
alm sp

Thinking for someone else again. Bull shit artist.

You must be into the National Inquirer and other check out counter conspiracy trash.
You had no idea who he was and kept asking me who Rick Manning was. Foreigner.
If it’s so low why are businesses leaving and why was their DA removed? Hmmmm
The crime rate is either low or it is not. It IS low. Separately we can debate your two questions but they are distinct from the fact crime rate is low in San Fran.

1. Businesses move to places where costs are lower. It's expensive to be in a world class city because everyone wants to live there.

DA was fired because it wasn't just about the crime rate. Crime rates didnt change much BUT crime shifted from tourist areas to residential areas and that pissed off the residents. So tourist crime went down but crime against voters went up. That doesnt end well for an elected official. Plus he was unconventional and a bit chaotic so put that with more resident crime and its bad news.
Libertarian ? Just a repugnant in disguise.
Just like you're a goddamn commie in disguise.

As long as the left is bent on Stalinism, I will continue to support the right.

Stalinism is NOT WELCOME in this country.

It will be VIOLENTLY ejected if necessary.
This is your argument for socialism.
well, it is my argument for fair taxation in the United States for a change. My argument for socialism is that every modern country has it except us. it is simply fair capitalism with the safety net and always democratic. You people believe what Nazis and Communists and lying scumbag English Savage Capitalists say about it. ask any socialist or a socialist party in any democracy ever.

" We are all socialists now!" - president of Finland when Obamacare passed. Of course he didn't know what scumbags the GOP are about obstruction.... we are also the only modern country without a living wage or cheap college and training parental leave daycare Etcetera Etcetera. great job!
Yet they keep garnering more votes and winning. I am simply lost for words:

— Liberal Cities are unlivable. San Fran, LA, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, Minneapolis. Pharmacies and stores are closing their doors and leaving. Police officers are resigning at record rates. Businesses are exiting. Crime wave, homeless, drugs. It’s awful.

— Southern Border continues to be a complete disaster. Fentanyl and illegals pouring in and the Biden administration turns a blind eye.

— Inflation remains a major issue. In MA, one cannot go grocery shopping for four and spend less than $400 a week. Not to mention the price of fuel, medicine, insurance, and clothing. Savings rates are at an all time low. Credit card debt is at an all time high. Home Equity loans are barely an option due to the interest rate spikes. People are taking 401k money out early to survive.

— War in Ukraine continues and we keep funding it when we have major issues locally. China is sitting back and laughing as we fall deeper and deeper into debt and soon they will invade Taiwan.

— Women vote against their self interests. Trans athletes are taking sports from biological women. And the left shrugs. Companies like Bud endorse this weird Trans obsession. Drag queens are Reading to children. Gay porn is available in libraries in the teen section. Teachers stating it’s normal to change one’s the gender. What the HELL?!

— They cry over gun control but don’t present a solution and were more upset that the killer in TN was misgendered than the fact at SHE killed six people, three of whom were children.

— They applaud the weak non case against Trump not understanding that NYC is spending millions on this charade as violent criminals roam the streets.

— They support reparations where people who never owned slaves should pay money to people who were never slaves.

— Major banks are literally failing under their policies. But they are more focused on DEI than on corporate governance and risk management.

Yet they keep winning in both local and national elections. I am at a loss for words.

This country is lost. I feel terrible for my beautiful daughters. I do not see how this doesn’t end in another civil war.

Walk me off the ledge please.

Thank you. Reddit to study your enemies.


Dems vote for a 'D' and reps vote for an 'R.'

That is how we can get someone like brain dead Fetterman or a lying conman like Trump. Politics is not like it was. It is based on D and R.

Mexican racists.jpg

Fuck you, you lying sack of shit.


You mean, worse in the areas where they hand out free pipes to the crackheads and free needles to the junkies. And THEN house them cause they're always broke.

Leftards are so fucking stupid it boggles the mind.
Sounds like farmers.

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