Democrats have ruined America

They are moving to lower cost areas. California has low unemployment, high education levels, and highly skilled workforce. The cost to hire people in California is high because they are in demand and not enough of them. California is a reflection of the US trend where the people in demand make a shit ton of money and live in expensive areas and the people who are not in demand live in red states cheaper.

It’s capitalism. They teach that in schools you didn’t attend.
That’s not why. Lmao!

You’re also not winning because you’re pushing retarded conspiracy theories and you don’t see much wrong with Trump’s actions on Jan 6.

You’re going to keep losing when you push that nonsense.
It was also abortion. But the country is losing. You don’t see that. Not everyone is a millionaire like you. The cost of living is hurting many Americans. You don’t care. Just like you don’t care about the well being of my innocent kids. Typical zealot.
It was also abortion. But the country is losing. You don’t see that. Not everyone is a millionaire like you. The cost of living is hurting many Americans. You don’t care. Just like you don’t care about the well being of my innocent kids. Typical zealot.
Abortion too. You guys pushed a very unpopular moral stance on the country with a very disliked President and your ridiculous conspiracy theories.

And then you wonder why you don’t win.
How did Obamacare help in fighting inflation?
You have it all wrong. Obamacare helped pull us out of a recession. The money pumped into the the economy by adding millions into to the healthcare rolls, created thousands of medical personell jobs which help pull up the economy. The gop inflated prices of drugs by not allowing them to negotiate lower prices. The democrats changed that. It reduces inflation bubba.
Yet they keep garnering more votes and winning. I am simply lost for words:

— Liberal Cities are unlivable. San Fran, LA, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, Minneapolis. Pharmacies and stores are closing their doors and leaving. Police officers are resigning at record rates. Businesses are exiting. Crime wave, homeless, drugs. It’s awful.

— Southern Border continues to be a complete disaster. Fentanyl and illegals pouring in and the Biden administration turns a blind eye.

— Inflation remains a major issue. In MA, one cannot go grocery shopping for four and spend less than $400 a week. Not to mention the price of fuel, medicine, insurance, and clothing. Savings rates are at an all time low. Credit card debt is at an all time high. Home Equity loans are barely an option due to the interest rate spikes. People are taking 401k money out early to survive.

— War in Ukraine continues and we keep funding it when we have major issues locally. China is sitting back and laughing as we fall deeper and deeper into debt and soon they will invade Taiwan.

— Women vote against their self interests. Trans athletes are taking sports from biological women. And the left shrugs. Companies like Bud endorse this weird Trans obsession. Drag queens are Reading to children. Gay porn is available in libraries in the teen section. Teachers stating it’s normal to change one’s the gender. What the HELL?!

— They cry over gun control but don’t present a solution and were more upset that the killer in TN was misgendered than the fact at SHE killed six people, three of whom were children.

— They applaud the weak non case against Trump not understanding that NYC is spending millions on this charade as violent criminals roam the streets.

— They support reparations where people who never owned slaves should pay money to people who were never slaves.

— Major banks are literally failing under their policies. But they are more focused on DEI than on corporate governance and risk management.

Yet they keep winning in both local and national elections. I am at a loss for words.

This country is lost. I feel terrible for my beautiful daughters. I do not see how this doesn’t end in another civil war.

Walk me off the ledge please.

Thank you.

My new name for them is the Democratic Army, because that is how they operate. A hostile army, marching in lockstep and taking down America on every front. This is not hyperbole, anyone observing everything you detailed would have to come to the same conclusion.
My new name for them is the Democratic Army, because that is how they operate. A hostile army, marching in lockstep and taking down America on every front. This is not hyperbole, anyone observing everything you detailed would have to come to the same conclusion.
I like, Transocrats.
Yet they keep garnering more votes and winning. I am simply lost for words:

— Liberal Cities are unlivable. San Fran, LA, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, Minneapolis. Pharmacies and stores are closing their doors and leaving. Police officers are resigning at record rates. Businesses are exiting. Crime wave, homeless, drugs. It’s awful.

— Southern Border continues to be a complete disaster. Fentanyl and illegals pouring in and the Biden administration turns a blind eye.

— Inflation remains a major issue. In MA, one cannot go grocery shopping for four and spend less than $400 a week. Not to mention the price of fuel, medicine, insurance, and clothing. Savings rates are at an all time low. Credit card debt is at an all time high. Home Equity loans are barely an option due to the interest rate spikes. People are taking 401k money out early to survive.

— War in Ukraine continues and we keep funding it when we have major issues locally. China is sitting back and laughing as we fall deeper and deeper into debt and soon they will invade Taiwan.

— Women vote against their self interests. Trans athletes are taking sports from biological women. And the left shrugs. Companies like Bud endorse this weird Trans obsession. Drag queens are Reading to children. Gay porn is available in libraries in the teen section. Teachers stating it’s normal to change one’s the gender. What the HELL?!

— They cry over gun control but don’t present a solution and were more upset that the killer in TN was misgendered than the fact at SHE killed six people, three of whom were children.

— They applaud the weak non case against Trump not understanding that NYC is spending millions on this charade as violent criminals roam the streets.

— They support reparations where people who never owned slaves should pay money to people who were never slaves.

— Major banks are literally failing under their policies. But they are more focused on DEI than on corporate governance and risk management.

Yet they keep winning in both local and national elections. I am at a loss for words.

This country is lost. I feel terrible for my beautiful daughters. I do not see how this doesn’t end in another civil war.

Walk me off the ledge please.

Thank you.

Yet they keep garnering more votes and winning. I am simply lost for words:
I’ll help you. There is a word that is at the root of your consternation. Incompetence.
You just aren’t very good at recognizing what is actually happening.
He didn’t? Biden didn’t take power on the 20th? Link please?
You think that’s what peacefully transitioning power means?

Clearly you just don’t give a shit about supporting the only POTUS who didn’t peacefully transition power. You’re part of the problem.
My new name for them is the Democratic Army, because that is how they operate. A hostile army, marching in lockstep and taking down America on every front. This is not hyperbole, anyone observing everything you detailed would have to come to the same conclusion.
Outsmarting you every step of the way
No you didnt. And no they dont.

Fuck you, you lying sack of shit.


Homelessness is a problem like all major cities but worse in areas where homes are so unaffordable.

You mean, worse in the areas where they hand out free pipes to the crackheads and free needles to the junkies. And THEN house them cause they're always broke.

Leftards are so fucking stupid it boggles the mind.
Fuck you, you lying sack of shit.


You mean, worse in the areas where they hand out free pipes to the crackheads and free needles to the junkies. And THEN house them cause they're always broke.

Leftards are so fucking stupid it boggles the mind.
I have been there many times for work and vacation with my family.. You know I've been there but I know you havent.

Stayed at near Fishermans Warf last time with my family for vacation. Spent 3 days in downtown eating seafood, toured Alcatraz and the Presidio plus watched the seals and walruses, hopped over to Sausalito then spent a day in Muir Woods, drove out to Yosemite for a bit and returned for 2 more days in the city eating in China town the last day. Good trip. If you have money to burn I recommend it highly.
You think that’s what peacefully transitioning power means?

Clearly you just don’t give a shit about supporting the only POTUS who didn’t peacefully transition power. You’re part of the problem.
We obviously won’t agree. Let’s give others a shot. Thank you for your time and efforts. Zealot.

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