Democrats have ruined America

Only the unqualified are hired into those jobs now. On the basis of their incompetence... Oops I mean diversity.
Your all white preference is showing . Good luck goin* to your next hospital appointment finding an all white male staff.
The vast majority going into healthcare aren’t white males nor engineering nor……well, McDonalds is still hiring under educated whites.
BULLSHIT, you lying leftard dungheap.

San Francisco has NEVER been safe.

It has ALWAYS been the crime capital of the universe. From day one.

That is correct. You can buy a brand new, 5 bedroom, 2 story house WITH an acre of land for 250k in Oklahoma.

You'll be a LOT safer in Oklahoma than your best day on the coast.
You fucking dumbtard. Oklahoma is a war zone. It is the one of the top 10 most dangerous states in the country and all 5 of their most dangerous cities have republican mayors. You are 50% more likely to be murdered in Tulsa Oklahoma than San Francisco.


Its basically a war zone in Oklahoma

You fucking dumbtard. Oklahoma is a war zone. It is the one of the top 10 most dangerous states in the country and all 5 of their most dangerous cities have republican mayors. You are 50% more likely to be murdered in Tulsa Oklahoma than San Francisco.


Its basically a war zone in Oklahoma

Or a plethora of blue big cities.
What I'm saying is that Biden will peacefully transition power whenever his time is up. You're the one refusing to take a harmless avatar bet on that.

Trump is the only one who would threaten our democracy the way he did, and you have very little issue with that because you're part of the problem.
After two terms he has no choice. Your argument is irrational. Why? You’re a zealot. You refuse to even acknowledge the Twitter files and a rigged election. Why? You’re a zealot.
And this^ is what you guys have become AzogtheDefiler. Your people refuse to acknowledge any wrong-doing by Trump on Jan 6. He will likely win the Republican nomination, get crushed in the general election again, you guys will whine conspiracy theory claims, and then you will continue to wonder why you're not winning.
My people? I do not know this person. I am Policy over Politics all day. Whenever I make you look stupid (often) you call me a liar. I say, prove the lie and you dance. You’re a zealot. We aren’t winning because of the black vote and now the young people’s vote. I have explained this to you multiple times. Do you not understand English?
Who to believe? Your limited uneducated experience or actual facts? You are the victim of rhetoric. Small brained people are easily motivated by anecdotes and fear. You suffer from both.

Violent crime in San Francisco is around the 2016 levels and half of the 1990's

Remind me... where did you go to college?

Dude, you’re listing biased sources. This thread has multiple listing from me showing you’re wrong and you’re an idiot. But we already knew that.
Again.. crime in San Francisco is low compared to history and other cities. It is up off the all time low of the pandemic year. 2016-2019 were very low... in 2020 due to the pandemic it got even lower. Now it is back to the 2016 levels which is still low and everything you see gets compared to the 2020 level to scare the shit out of your small brain.
Then why are convenience stores leaving in droves? They have characterized crime differently. Their progressive DA was impeached and removed. Stop eating those retard sandwiches. 90 seconds.
Who to believe? Your limited uneducated experience or actual facts? You are the victim of rhetoric. Small brained people are easily motivated by anecdotes and fear. You suffer from both.

Violent crime in San Francisco is around the 2016 levels and half of the 1990's

Remind me... where did you go to college?

Loser. If it’s so safe why is this happening?

Yet they keep garnering more votes and winning. I am simply lost for words:

— Liberal Cities are unlivable. San Fran, LA, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, Minneapolis. Pharmacies and stores are closing their doors and leaving. Police officers are resigning at record rates. Businesses are exiting. Crime wave, homeless, drugs. It’s awful.

— Southern Border continues to be a complete disaster. Fentanyl and illegals pouring in and the Biden administration turns a blind eye.

— Inflation remains a major issue. In MA, one cannot go grocery shopping for four and spend less than $400 a week. Not to mention the price of fuel, medicine, insurance, and clothing. Savings rates are at an all time low. Credit card debt is at an all time high. Home Equity loans are barely an option due to the interest rate spikes. People are taking 401k money out early to survive.

— War in Ukraine continues and we keep funding it when we have major issues locally. China is sitting back and laughing as we fall deeper and deeper into debt and soon they will invade Taiwan.

— Women vote against their self interests. Trans athletes are taking sports from biological women. And the left shrugs. Companies like Bud endorse this weird Trans obsession. Drag queens are Reading to children. Gay porn is available in libraries in the teen section. Teachers stating it’s normal to change one’s the gender. What the HELL?!

— They cry over gun control but don’t present a solution and were more upset that the killer in TN was misgendered than the fact at SHE killed six people, three of whom were children.

— They applaud the weak non case against Trump not understanding that NYC is spending millions on this charade as violent criminals roam the streets.

— They support reparations where people who never owned slaves should pay money to people who were never slaves.

— Major banks are literally failing under their policies. But they are more focused on DEI than on corporate governance and risk management.

Yet they keep winning in both local and national elections. I am at a loss for words.

This country is lost. I feel terrible for my beautiful daughters. I do not see how this doesn’t end in another civil war.

Walk me off the ledge please.

Thank you.

Dude, you’re listing biased sources. This thread has multiple listing from me showing you’re wrong and you’re an idiot. But we already knew that.
There are zero links in here showing numbers different than the CDC or FBI numbers. There is low crime in San Franscico and no one has posted anything to the contrary. How many wrong things can you purposely say before you lose respect for yourself?
Then why are convenience stores leaving in droves? They have characterized crime differently. Their progressive DA was impeached and removed. Stop eating those retard sandwiches. 90 seconds.
Anecdotes jumped on by the media. I am not saying there is ZERO crime. Every place has crime. Red States especially. But crime in blue states and crime specifically in San Fran is very low. We have a much higher standard now than we did. Look at you. You don’t actually care about how much crime there is you only care how much crime you “feel” is there. How is that rational?
Loser. If it’s so safe why is this happening?

They are moving to lower cost areas. California has low unemployment, high education levels, and highly skilled workforce. The cost to hire people in California is high because they are in demand and not enough of them. California is a reflection of the US trend where the people in demand make a shit ton of money and live in expensive areas and the people who are not in demand live in red states cheaper.

It’s capitalism. They teach that in schools you didn’t attend.
We aren’t winning because of the black vote and now the young people’s vote. I have explained this to you multiple times. Do you not understand English?
You’re also not winning because you’re pushing retarded conspiracy theories and you don’t see much wrong with Trump’s actions on Jan 6.

You’re going to keep losing when you push that nonsense.

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