Democrats in a bind--Sloe Joe biden must get out of the basement...butttt Joe can't

I can't get out of my tiny little residence either (it is a kinda efficiency made out of an old storeroom)
I am as STUCK as is Biden-----I live in a BLM dense
Biden is in deep trouble and everyone but him knows it.
The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[3][4] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods and spreading hoaxes.[5]
Ad hominem argument. It has been "known" by whom, a bunch of trigger TDS morons? I've never known it to publish any lies.
Take off your blinders.
Biden is in deep trouble and everyone but him knows it.
The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[3][4] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods and spreading hoaxes.[5]
Ad hominem argument. It has been "known" by whom, a bunch of trigger TDS morons? I've never known it to publish any lies.
Take off your blinders.
That must be your way of saying "I have no evidence to support my claim."
Possibly the worst presidential candidate team in US history.

Biden/Harris are a disaster ticket
This is from the 27th...There are newer ones but you are not interested in fact or that Biden is responding to Trump's attacks, you just want to chant crap from the echo chamber and believe the lies they feed you, eat them all up zombies...

Last night, Vice President Mike Pence stood before America and with a straight face said, “You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.”

His proof?

The violence you’re seeing in Donald Trump’s America.

Did Mike Pence forget Donald Trump is president? Is Donald Trump even aware he’s president? These are not images from some imagined “Joe Biden’s America” in the future. These are images from Donald Trump’s America today. The violence we’re witnessing is happening under Donald Trump. Not me. It’s getting worse, and we know why.

Donald Trump refuses to even acknowledge there is a racial justice problem in America. To solve this problem, first we have to honestly admit the problem. But he won’t do it. Instead of looking to calm the waters, he adds fuel to every fire. Violence isn’t a problem in his eyes – it’s a political strategy. And the more of it, the better for him.

One of his top White House advisors said it flat out earlier today. “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order.” The better it is.

I have made it clear. There is no place for violence, looting, or burning. None. Zero......

...So when Donald Trump says tonight you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America, look around and ask yourself: How safe do you feel in Donald Trump’s America?
dick---TRUMP wants to go in and RESTORE peace---you know, to tame the peaceful protesters --the ones somebody needs to stop--the ones you support---the ones BEIJING joe says nothing about, because of the lack of awareness----so go ahead and criticize because you are just down right WRONG---just saying
The violence you’re seeing in Donald Trump’s America.
The violence we're seeing is in blue shitholes. That's not Trump's America.
You must be right since he is really not a president. He just wants to act like one but not take any responsibility for what goes on while he is president.....
Democrats OWN the violence & death.
Kinda hard to hide it when people are fleeing democrat cities in droves.
You can try to spin it all you want but the results speak for themselves
Still on this narrative? It flew a month ago but Biden (and Harris) have been out and about. Kind of been put to bed.
Have you ever heard of a Presidential candidate taking a week off right after their convention? Ever? If you can't figure out that Biden has "issues", Jack...then you need to open your eyes and pay a little more attention to what's going on around you!

I don't know what bubble of reality you Trump supporters live in but both Biden and Harris have been offering responses to things said at the RNC "lie and fear fest" this week.
And let's face it, Trump should have energy. It's not like he does a whole lot as President. :)
Offering a "response" is what you characterize as campaigning? Admit it, Jack...Biden's handlers want him safely tucked away where they can have him tape short little blurbs that he reads off of a teleprompter and they can cut whatever gaffes he makes. They don't want him out in public and they sure as hell don't want him on a debate stage. That's YOUR candidate!
You almost gotta laugh that in the unlikely event that Biden takes questions from the media they throw him squishy softballs "What's your favorite color Mr. Biden"?
They can get creepy Biden out of basement by using lush hair to lure him out.

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