Democrats inflaming LGBTQ. It's what they do.

Get real.
Its not even close.
lol .. yes .. lets ignore Antifa, BLM and the trans community, who's immediate response to disagreement is violence or violent outbreaks, and then throw on top the laxed rules around law enforcement where crime has continued to escalate -- just like in Chicago the last few evenings. As an example, BLM led nationwide riots for 6 - 10 months that's destroyed billions of dollars in personal property, generated dozens of lost lives and criminal activity.

Not sure what you have in that pipe ... but right wingers aren't the primary culprits in violent outbreaks.
lol .. yes .. lets ignore Antifa, BLM and the trans community, who's immediate response to disagreement is violence or violent outbreaks, and then throw on top the laxed rules around law enforcement where crime has continued to escalate -- just like in Chicago the last few evenings. As an example, BLM led nationwide riots for 6 - 10 months that's destroyed billions of dollars in personal property, generated dozens of lost lives and criminal activity.

Not sure what you have in that pipe ... but right wingers aren't the primary culprits in violent outbreaks.
Of course you have stats that contradict the fbi stats. Nah, just more made up shit.
Of course you have stats that contradict the fbi stats. Nah, just more made up shit.
Couldn't read the article behind a pay wall .. and guarantee the criteria on "violent" offenders is .. loosely defined.

BLM alone caused more violence in 2020 - 2021 than any organized group in the last decade .. just looking at the property damage numbers (over 2 billion nationally), death, assault and destruction. The FBI will also tell you that 13% of the population, blacks, commit %50-60 of all violent crimes -- a group not traditionally associated with "right wingers."
Couldn't read the article behind a pay wall .. and guarantee the criteria on "violent" offenders is .. loosely defined.

BLM alone caused more violence in 2020 - 2021 than any organized group in the last decade .. just looking at the property damage numbers (over 2 billion nationally), death, assault and destruction. The FBI will also tell you that 13% of the population, blacks, commit %50-60 of all violent crimes -- a group not traditionally associated with "right wingers."
Unrelated, made up shit.
Without a reference, it’s bullshit.

A 2-second search on Google:

Insurance costs for George Floyd riots will be most expensive in history

While the protests, which occurred in 140 US cities over the spring, were mostly peaceful [laughable], the arson, vandalism and looting that did occur will cost the industry at least $1 billion to $2 billion in claims, according to Axios. This will surpass the previous record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots that followed the acquittal of the police officers who beat Rodney King.

George Floyd Riots Caused Record-Setting $2 Billion in Damage, New Report Says. Here’s Why the True Cost Is Even Higher

Dozens of people were killed or injured in the violent unrest, and thousands of businesses and properties, many minority-owned, were looted, torched, or otherwise vandalized. Only now are we beginning to realize the full cost of the destruction. New reporting from Axios reveals that the total insured property losses incurred during the George Floyd riots will come in at $1 billion to $2 billion.

George Floyd riots = BLM
lol .. yes .. lets ignore Antifa, BLM and the trans community, who's immediate response to disagreement is violence or violent outbreaks, and then throw on top the laxed rules around law enforcement where crime has continued to escalate -- just like in Chicago the last few evenings. As an example, BLM led nationwide riots for 6 - 10 months that's destroyed billions of dollars in personal property, generated dozens of lost lives and criminal activity.

Not sure what you have in that pipe ... but right wingers aren't the primary culprits in violent outbreaks.
That an old, tired canard about crime.

Can you post where Cook County ranks on crime per capita compared to say gym jordan's disrict.
That an old, tired canard about crime.

Can you post where Cook County ranks on crime per capita compared to say gym jordan's disrict.
If you're attempting to prove some point .. I'd suggest you substantiate your claim, and demonstrate that Chicago is less violent than Jim Jordan's district, as well as the demographic breakdown of his district.

We already know Chicagos .. Thanks!
If you're attempting to prove some point .. I'd suggest you substantiate your claim, and demonstrate that Chicago is less violent than Jim Jordan's district, as well as the demographic breakdown of his district.

We already know Chicagos .. Thanks!
That's my point, you don't know Chicago just like gym jordan does know NYC.

That's for proving it.
The old Nazis also accused the Jews/liberals of being violent, to justify their own escalating violent brownshirt tactics. The new Nazis are doing the same thing.

Fascist tactics don't change.

Fascists? You won't be able to escape prison if you get violent, no matter how many lies you spin in your SafeSpaces. You'd all do well to remember that.
lol .. Chicago is historically and overwhelmingly DARK BLUE . Thanks for not substantiating your attempt with your logical fallacy ..

Carry on ..Cheers!
Again, just posting republic talking points thinking that it carries any weight. Where does Chicago rank in murders per capita?
Whether it's Maxine Waters telling their followers to attack fellow Americans, Schumer threatening Supreme Court justices or Shirley Temple Jean Pierre telling LQBTQ to fight and "WE HAVE YOUR BACK" it's all the same. The Democrats inciting Americans to violence. The Democrats work every day to take down this country, I just point out the obvious.

How else are they going to win elections? Tell the truth about their policies?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaaaa that’s never going to happen.
Again, just posting republic talking points thinking that it carries any weight. Where does Chicago rank in murders per capita?
Chicago ranked #1 in 2022 with almost 700 murders ... and without looking at the data, I'd guess Baltimore, New York City, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Houston and many of the other democratic strong cities will be on the top 10.

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