Democrats just might reelect Trump

Liz Warren got kneecapped by the rich SOBs
The minute she mentioned a 2% tax on their assets they went apeshit and began attacking her.

Translation: The people who create jobs for Americans saw that she is going to destroy the economy and they are making sure not to support her.

God bless them
Maybe they will realize that the best way to end the drama and actually get things done is to elect Republicans to the House, and keep Trump's peace and prosperity. The democrats have nothing to offer except garbage policies:

Do you have a cite from the DNC saying these things are their policies...

Some of them actually sound kind of okay, though.

That list is actually a collated list from all of the various candidates. They are not all official DNC policies. However, the "preponderance of the policies" are probably supported by all candidates. If the successful nominee strikes a few so will I.
Liz Warren got kneecapped by the rich SOBs
The minute she mentioned a 2% tax on their assets they went apeshit and began attacking her.

Translation: The people who create jobs for Americans saw that she is going to destroy the economy and they are making sure not to support her.

God bless them
Also, many people like their company healthcare plans and prefer them to a government run healthcare fiasco where all the hospitals close.
That list is actually a collated list from all of the various candidates. They are not all official DNC policies. However, the "preponderance of the policies" are probably supported by all candidates. If the successful nominee strikes a few so will I.

Actually, it's a list that Too Hall made up...

Go to an individual persons website and point out where they support abolishing ICE

The lefty fight to win 2016 will help Trump win 2020. They just don't get it.
Liz Warren got kneecapped by the rich SOBs

The minute she mentioned a 2% tax on assets they went apeshit and began attacking her.

At the end of the day, it will probably be Biden, for no other reason that any Former or Sitting VP who has sought the nomination has gotten it. The exception being Dan Quayle, but Al Gore, George Bush, Hubert Humphry, Richard Nixon, Walter Mondale... all sought the nomination and got it because they were already vetted.

Biden is the perfect choice for the democrats because has practice loosing and knows how to lose.
Biden is the perfect choice for the democrats because has practice loosing and knows how to lose.

He was losing in the 80's for God's sake. He's a dusty relic

The lefty fight to win 2016 will help Trump win 2020. They just don't get it.

You are right. They don't get how disgusting their views are to normal middle-of-the-road people.
That list is actually a collated list from all of the various candidates. They are not all official DNC policies. However, the "preponderance of the policies" are probably supported by all candidates. If the successful nominee strikes a few so will I.

Actually, it's a list that Too Hall made up...

Go to an individual persons website and point out where they support abolishing ICE

Read this CNN link to the end. There are more than a few democrats who want to abolish ICE.
These Democrats want to abolish ICE - CNNPolitics
Read this CNN link to the end. There are more than a few democrats who want to abolish ICE.

And the only one still running for President is Warren. And she doesn't want to abolish ICE, she wants to replace it.

Which is actually not a bad idea, given that the decision to move it from Justice to Homeland Security and combine INS and Customs was a terrible idea to start with.

Used to be, INS was part of the Department of Labor... we should go back to that.
ICE and the FBI are both Federal law enforcement agencies. Isn't it ironic that these stupid idiot Dems who want to abolish ICE are the same ones who get mad at Trump for chastising the FBI. LOL!! Fucking hypocrites.

Trump is doing more than chastising the FBI... he's pretty much attacked it on a daily basis.

ICE was a terrible idea from its inception... Treating Immigration as a "Homeland Security Issue" was nuts.
9/11 was an immigration issue you senile hack.

No, 9/11 was a case where crazy people we armed turned around and attacked us.

Just remember, when Osama Bin Laden was killing Russians who were trying to teach Afghan Girls how to read, he was a "Freedom Fighter".

When he was blowing up Americans, he was a "Terrorist".
We armed Americans with box cutters?

Oh yeah, it was a day some people did something according to you heroine. Now I remember.

Shit happens, right?
We armed Americans with box cutters?

Oh yeah, it was a day some people did something according to you heroine. Now I remember.

Shit happens, right?

Naw, we know exactly what happened.

The CIA spent a decade arming religious fanatics and allowing them to create a network led by Bin Laden.

but we don't really want to talk about how we did this to ourselves...or how our idiotic policies motivate these people.

Just keep telling ourselves they are all "evil-doers".

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