Democrats just might reelect Trump

Obama built the cages and did the exact same "court ordered" family separations.

Family separations as a matter of policy came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy. Obama had no such policy and Trump’s repeated attempts to pin one on him flies in the face of reality. Trump only ended — or suspended — what Trump had started, and that was after a judge ordered that the practice be sharply curtailed and as an international uproar grew.

No, Donald Trump’s separation of immigrant families was not Barack Obama’s policy
Trump’s separation of immigrant families wasn't Obama policy
Listen you dumbfuck and you other dumbfucks in this thread, the reason kids are separated from parents is because parents are taking their kids along with them to commit a federal crime in a foreign country you morons. Kids get separated from parents every day in America when a parent commits a crime. Why should illegal aliens be any different. What would you do, throw the kid in the cell with the parent? Liberals make me sick to my stomach with this ignorant propaganda
You are such an imbecile. Our "idotic policies" were not the primary motivational factor in the attacks...their radical view of Islam was/is. This is a little fact you libtard, lame brains can't seem to comprehend.

Really? After the 9-11 attacks, Bin Laden issued three reasons for the attack. Please note, I don't agree with what they did, but these were the reasons stated.

1) Our support of Israel
2) Our continued military presence in Saudi Arabia.
3) Our economic policy of sanctions against Iraq that had resulted in the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi Civilians.

These are policies by our government that they opposed. Some of them have religious underpinnings, but they are equally valid as secular complaints.

As I've said, if we had a draft, and put the kids of the rich in an elite airborne unit that would be the first deployed to any war zone, you'd be amazed how fast our policies would change.

Peace in our Time.
Japan attacked us in part over our support of china

You cant please everyone
Japan attacked us in part over our support of china

You cant please everyone

No we can't. But sometimes you can question the policy.

Supporting China was probably the right thing to do, even though it had a corrupt fascist government.

Support Israel blindly? Not so sure. Propping up the House of Saud? Punishing Iraq economically before eventually going to war with it over weapons they didn't have?

War ultimately is always a failure of listening.
Consensus: The OP stands as FACT:

Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

Trump has a good shot of winning reelection. That's Democrats' fault.

If President Donald Trump is re-elected next November, he’ll owe a lot of his victory to the army of activists working tirelessly to put him over the top. No, I’m not talking about the red-hatted MAGA crowd, tireless as they are. I’m talking about the army of leftist activists whose nonstop craziness is moving moderates into the Trump column day by day.

Anti-Trump conservative Rod Dreher shares a letter from a reader who notes the unpersoning of feminist Posie Parker (her crime: not believing that transwomen are women) and the recent attacks on the Salvation Army and writes: “I have never voted for a Republican for president, and I can’t stand Trump. But the 'Tolerant Left' is making me so angry with them that I am thinking of voting for him. Since I live in Massachusetts the Electoral College makes it irrelevant, but it would be a protest vote.”

Get real:If 2020 Democrats want to beat Trump, they shouldn't ignore moderates and indulge the left

We’ve been told repeatedly that Trump is Hitler, even as he backed Israel in the UN and moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. We’ve been told that Trump is a Putin puppet even as he sold anti-tank missiles to Ukraine (something Obama never did) and championed fracking in the United States, the success of which has done more to weaken Putin than anything the Obama/Hillary “reset” ever managed. (You could make a better case that the current Democratic candidates who vow to ban fracking are Putin puppets than you could for Trump.)

This isn't just the fringes of the party, it's the mainstream

ME: I have always said, the extremist lowlife pigs in the Nazi Democrat Party are their own worst enemy
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Trump has a good shot of winning reelection. That's Democrats' fault.

If President Donald Trump is re-elected next November, he’ll owe a lot of his victory to the army of activists working tirelessly to put him over the top. No, I’m not talking about the red-hatted MAGA crowd, tireless as they are. I’m talking about the army of leftist activists whose nonstop craziness is moving moderates into the Trump column day by day.

Anti-Trump conservative Rod Dreher shares a letter from a reader who notes the unpersoning of feminist Posie Parker (her crime: not believing that transwomen are women) and the recent attacks on the Salvation Army and writes: “I have never voted for a Republican for president, and I can’t stand Trump. But the 'Tolerant Left' is making me so angry with them that I am thinking of voting for him. Since I live in Massachusetts the Electoral College makes it irrelevant, but it would be a protest vote.”

Get real:If 2020 Democrats want to beat Trump, they shouldn't ignore moderates and indulge the left

We’ve been told repeatedly that Trump is Hitler, even as he backed Israel in the UN and moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. We’ve been told that Trump is a Putin puppet even as he sold anti-tank missiles to Ukraine (something Obama never did) and championed fracking in the United States, the success of which has done more to weaken Putin than anything the Obama/Hillary “reset” ever managed. (You could make a better case that the current Democratic candidates who vow to ban fracking are Putin puppets than you could for Trump.)

This isn't just the fringes of the party, it's the mainstream

ME: I have always said, the extremist lowlife pigs in the Nazi Democrat Party are their own worst enemy

Have not recent developments simply proven this OP?

Trump support edges up in Pennsylvania poll as impeachment continues
Trump support edges up in Pennsylvania poll as impeachment continues |
44% don't get it done sweetie

Thanks for proving my OP correct. Its the stupidity of the :Left, like your stupidity, that will help make sure Trump will win.

Youre to stupid to even get the meaning of that poll. LOL
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Trump has a good shot of winning reelection. That's Democrats' fault.

If President Donald Trump is re-elected next November, he’ll owe a lot of his victory to the army of activists working tirelessly to put him over the top. No, I’m not talking about the red-hatted MAGA crowd, tireless as they are. I’m talking about the army of leftist activists whose nonstop craziness is moving moderates into the Trump column day by day.

Anti-Trump conservative Rod Dreher shares a letter from a reader who notes the unpersoning of feminist Posie Parker (her crime: not believing that transwomen are women) and the recent attacks on the Salvation Army and writes: “I have never voted for a Republican for president, and I can’t stand Trump. But the 'Tolerant Left' is making me so angry with them that I am thinking of voting for him. Since I live in Massachusetts the Electoral College makes it irrelevant, but it would be a protest vote.”

Get real:If 2020 Democrats want to beat Trump, they shouldn't ignore moderates and indulge the left

We’ve been told repeatedly that Trump is Hitler, even as he backed Israel in the UN and moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. We’ve been told that Trump is a Putin puppet even as he sold anti-tank missiles to Ukraine (something Obama never did) and championed fracking in the United States, the success of which has done more to weaken Putin than anything the Obama/Hillary “reset” ever managed. (You could make a better case that the current Democratic candidates who vow to ban fracking are Putin puppets than you could for Trump.)

This isn't just the fringes of the party, it's the mainstream

ME: I have always said, the extremist lowlife pigs in the Nazi Democrat Party are their own worst enemy

And how will Independents feel about this from a Democrat Senator:Dem Sen. Mazie Hirono: "I Don’t Care About Trump’s Pesky Little Constitutional Defense"

Indeed. Trump’s Pesky Little Constitutional Defense. Not a good look.

Dem Sen. Mazie Hirono: I Don't Care About Trump's Pesky Little Constitutional Defense

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