Democrats/Liberals are NOT my fellow countrymen

Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Can you say intolerant?

The TP mantra....
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Can you say intolerant?

The TP mantra....

and how would that be? can you give examples please
You are making those opinions as a collective not as individuals.
This is what is wrong with the lefty ideologies of today,
We all have individual rights not collective rights.

The government has taken away the right of freedom of religion by forcing Catholics to give birth control, rather than the individual to buy them.

The militia is separate from the individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to bear arms not a collective right.

Collective ideology is a Communist policy.

until scalia and his misguided opinion in heller, justices laughed at the idea of a private right of gun ownership. they always understood that the right to own a gun was as part of a "well-regulated militia". it was meant to enable you to fight "for" not "against" the government.

i don't know what you're takling about in terms of "communist policy" but it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

and i find it amusing that you're bemoaning the loss of individual rights but think someone should be able to deny another the right to birth control because of their PERSONAL religious views. you have the right to choose not to use birth control yourself, not to have your religious views control what other people do... THE ULTIMATE COLLECTIVISM... (although i think the rate of unwed mothers who are catholics really should mitigate in favor of contraceptive use, since apparently they're engaging in the sin of having pre-marital sex)

No one is denying anyone the right to birth control.
It is about forcing Catholic Hospitals to include birth control in their insurance. A direct violation to the 1st amendment which does prohibit their right of their freedom to exercise their particular religious ideology.
People who work there can easily afford to pay for their own birth control.

Our Supreme Court has always ruled that the 2nd amendment is for the people.
It you read all of the papers written by our founders and about our history it confirms it.

Collectivism is a communist ideology and was never used in this country, until the 60's and 70's when the libs took over.
I just know this.

Im sick of liberals.
Im sick of democrats.

They don't belong in THIS country, which was founded on Christian conservative principles.

We need a NEW Tea Party. This one has been watered down already.

Government needs to be slashed at all levels by at least 50% of all funding. That money would be better used in the free market.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

your fucking party screws everyone just as much as their fucking party does.....and if you dont like that opinion kiss my fucking ass right on the sweet spot....
OP- Classic brainwashed ugly American hater dupe- chump of the greedy idiot racist mega rich new GOP...You're an un-American disgrace...

''No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP''- TIME

"( Noam Chomsky) told Radio VR during an interview posted online last week that he agreed with the conservative political analyst Norman Ornsteins' characterization of the Tea Party.

“He described them as a radical insurgency opposed to rationality, to political compromise, to participation in a parliamentary system — in fact, with no positive goals themselves."

Noam Chomsky: The Tea Party is the ?petit bourgeois? face of corporate oligarchs | The Raw Story

Change the gd channel or literally gth...Ay caramba, man lol.

Frankie get some new material....
I just know this.

Im sick of liberals.
Im sick of democrats.

They don't belong in THIS country, which was founded on Christian conservative principles.

We need a NEW Tea Party. This one has been watered down already.

Government needs to be slashed at all levels by at least 50% of all funding. That money would be better used in the free market.

Get a job, you fuckin' loser.
I just know this.

Im sick of liberals.
Im sick of democrats.

They don't belong in THIS country, which was founded on Christian conservative principles.

We need a NEW Tea Party. This one has been watered down already.

Government needs to be slashed at all levels by at least 50% of all funding. That money would be better used in the free market.

Get a job, you fuckin' loser.

I HAVE A JOB you libtard.

Im a full time, hard working MAKER. I work in small business, the life blood of America. I am a TRUE conservative, not a fake Bill O'Reilly one. The Republican Party must be taken back, 100% back, from the RHINOS and put the Tea Party in power.

My tax money probably supports you and your 15 black kids who'll all grow up wanting food that I pay for too. Well, don't bet on it turd. The right wing is ready to wipe you idiots off the map.
I just know this.

Im sick of liberals.
Im sick of democrats.

They don't belong in THIS country, which was founded on Christian conservative principles.

We need a NEW Tea Party. This one has been watered down already.

Government needs to be slashed at all levels by at least 50% of all funding. That money would be better used in the free market.

Actually, this country was founded on Liberal policies, the most liberal government of the era. It also declined to name itself a Christian nation as many of the founders were diests
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Can you say intolerant?
I can not only say it, I can spell it too!

I just know this.

Im sick of liberals.
Im sick of democrats.

They don't belong in THIS country, which was founded on Christian conservative principles.

We need a NEW Tea Party. This one has been watered down already.

Government needs to be slashed at all levels by at least 50% of all funding. That money would be better used in the free market.

Actually, this country was founded on Liberal policies, the most liberal government of the era. It also declined to name itself a Christian nation as many of the founders were diests

liberals of today have absolutely nothing to do with liberals who founded this nation. a nation founded by liberals of today would be a third world dictatorship living off of unicef and red cross
I just know this.

Im sick of liberals.
Im sick of democrats.

They don't belong in THIS country, which was founded on Christian conservative principles.

We need a NEW Tea Party. This one has been watered down already.

Government needs to be slashed at all levels by at least 50% of all funding. That money would be better used in the free market.

Get a job, you fuckin' loser.

I HAVE A JOB you libtard.

Im a full time, hard working MAKER. I work in small business, the life blood of America. I am a TRUE conservative, not a fake Bill O'Reilly one. The Republican Party must be taken back, 100% back, from the RHINOS and put the Tea Party in power.

My tax money probably supports you and your 15 black kids who'll all grow up wanting food that I pay for too. Well, don't bet on it turd. The right wing is ready to wipe you idiots off the map.

You are a true ignorant dingbat. And the only thing you will wipe off the map is your spittle. Most of the influential founders of this nation were Diests, not Christians, and were adamant about the seperation of Church and State.
The original roots of this country are in people coming here and working hard to better themselves and their family.

Over time local, state and federal governments got more power and tax money, then liberal people started to realize they could live off government handouts and the liberal politicians realized they had a captive voting base if they funneled welfare money to their lazy scum followers. It all went downhill after that....
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.
Sounds like you are the one who doesn't fit here. Sounds like you'd be happier in a place like Russia or North Korea or Iran.


a display of "love thy neighbor" from the left :D
I just know this.

Im sick of liberals.
Im sick of democrats.

They don't belong in THIS country, which was founded on Christian conservative principles.

We need a NEW Tea Party. This one has been watered down already.

Government needs to be slashed at all levels by at least 50% of all funding. That money would be better used in the free market.

Actually, this country was founded on Liberal policies, the most liberal government of the era. It also declined to name itself a Christian nation as many of the founders were diests

on LIBERAL, but not the leftard policies of today's dimocraps.
Get a job, you fuckin' loser.

I HAVE A JOB you libtard.

Im a full time, hard working MAKER. I work in small business, the life blood of America. I am a TRUE conservative, not a fake Bill O'Reilly one. The Republican Party must be taken back, 100% back, from the RHINOS and put the Tea Party in power.

My tax money probably supports you and your 15 black kids who'll all grow up wanting food that I pay for too. Well, don't bet on it turd. The right wing is ready to wipe you idiots off the map.

You are a true ignorant dingbat. And the only thing you will wipe off the map is your spittle. Most of the influential founders of this nation were Diests, not Christians, and were adamant about the seperation of Church and State.
and that the people had the right to be armed, uninfringed
I just know this.

Im sick of liberals.
Im sick of democrats.

They don't belong in THIS country, which was founded on Christian conservative principles.

We need a NEW Tea Party. This one has been watered down already.

Government needs to be slashed at all levels by at least 50% of all funding. That money would be better used in the free market.

Get a job, you fuckin' loser.

I HAVE A JOB you libtard.

Im a full time, hard working MAKER. I work in small business, the life blood of America. I am a TRUE conservative, not a fake Bill O'Reilly one. The Republican Party must be taken back, 100% back, from the RHINOS and put the Tea Party in power.

My tax money probably supports you and your 15 black kids who'll all grow up wanting food that I pay for too. Well, don't bet on it turd. The right wing is ready to wipe you idiots off the map.

are you going to be holding their coats? more than sure a pussy like you will be the last guy to show up.....

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