Democrats/Liberals are NOT my fellow countrymen

actually the constitution says government shall make no laws against religion or the Free practice of. it also says people rights to own guns shall not be infringed. what it seem to me is that the liberals of today are totally clueless with the intent of liberals who founded this country. you really need to get your side in line

Well no.

You really should read the whole thing.

These are the amendments you are referring too:

So in regards of religion? The government can't advocate or make laws for religion nor can it stop you from worshiping.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

This gives the right of "the people" (collectively) to bear arms as part of a militia involved in the defense of the state.

You are making those opinions as a collective not as individuals.
This is what is wrong with the lefty ideologies of today,
We all have individual rights not collective rights.

The government has taken away the right of freedom of religion by forcing Catholics to give birth control, rather than the individual to buy them.

The militia is separate from the individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to bear arms not a collective right.

Collective ideology is a Communist policy.

but sallow likes to pick and chose his facts
actully the constitution says government shall make no laws against religion or the fre practice of. it also says people rights to own guns shall not be infringed. what it seem to me is that the liberals of today are totally clueless with the intent of liberals who founded this country. you really need to get your side in line

Well no.

You really should read the whole thing.

These are the amendments you are referring too:

So in regards of religion? The government can't advocate or make laws for religion nor can it stop you from worshiping.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

This gives the right of "the people" (collectively) to bear arms as part of a militia involved in the defense of the state.

like i said, contrary to what you said. it prohibits government from passing laws regarding religion or prohibiting people from excercising theri religion in any way.

what it says is a well regulated militia is neccessary to for the protection of a free state. and that is not a militia to be controled in anyway by the federal government. it is to protect themselves from the federal government. and the right of the people to bear arms shal not be infringed. every limiting law is an infringement.

Wait what?

This is why I tell you people to read the Constitution.

That's completely wrong.

Section 8.

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

Man. Seriously.
Well no.

You really should read the whole thing.

These are the amendments you are referring too:

So in regards of religion? The government can't advocate or make laws for religion nor can it stop you from worshiping.

This gives the right of "the people" (collectively) to bear arms as part of a militia involved in the defense of the state.

You are making those opinions as a collective not as individuals.
This is what is wrong with the lefty ideologies of today,
We all have individual rights not collective rights.

The government has taken away the right of freedom of religion by forcing Catholics to give birth control, rather than the individual to buy them.

The militia is separate from the individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to bear arms not a collective right.

Collective ideology is a Communist policy.

but sallow likes to pick and chose his facts

That is one of the things that liberals do the best. :)
Well no.

You really should read the whole thing.

These are the amendments you are referring too:

So in regards of religion? The government can't advocate or make laws for religion nor can it stop you from worshiping.

This gives the right of "the people" (collectively) to bear arms as part of a militia involved in the defense of the state.

You are making those opinions as a collective not as individuals.
This is what is wrong with the lefty ideologies of today,
We all have individual rights not collective rights.

The government has taken away the right of freedom of religion by forcing Catholics to give birth control, rather than the individual to buy them.

The militia is separate from the individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to bear arms not a collective right.

Collective ideology is a Communist policy.

but sallow likes to pick and chose his facts

The facts are in the Constitution.

It doesn't say "The right of the individual person to have a gun to use for personal defense, hunting, shooting kids in the face and general fun shall not be infringed".

But that's what you guys have turned it into.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

I am happy to join you in a national petition to recognize the Democrat Party as a political religion and to ask them to separate their church from state and federal government.

Same with Republicans if people don't believe in prolife biases or free corporate reign without equal Constitutional check.

what if the third parties sued for equal protection of representation from discrimination.

what if we capped campaign fundraising and spending at 1 million per state, or 50 million for national campaigns that cover 50 states; and for anything raised above that should have an agreement % go into in one's own party programs and into a state or national fund for restoring environmental resources damaged by corporate abuses of govt, and saving historic landmarks, buildings, and businesses for Vet housing, health care and jobs.
You sound really frustrated and angry, did a Liberal pee in your Cheerios this morning or what? :)

This country was built on Liberal values by Liberals.

This country belongs to all of it's citizens, not just some conservative jerk offs who think that they are the only ones supporting this country. There are plenty of Liberals and Democrats who work and help support this country.

Good luck trying to "boot" any American citizen out of this country.
This country was not built by liberals and libtard values, LIAR!!!!!

It most certainly was. The Patriots who broke away from Great Britain were the liberals of their day...the Conservatives, AKA Tories, wanted to stay with GB and committed many atrocities against perceived Patriots to that end.

We were the first liberals to have a written Constitution that has lasted to this day. We were very liberal in codifying freedom of religion, of speech, and of the press. Most countries of the world STILL don't have all three of those liberal ideas.
We were liberal in allowing all men to vote regardless of wealth or property, then even MORE liberal in allowing black men to vote then even MORE liberal in allowing women to vote.

does this sound liberal to you?

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Well no.

You really should read the whole thing.

These are the amendments you are referring too:

So in regards of religion? The government can't advocate or make laws for religion nor can it stop you from worshiping.

This gives the right of "the people" (collectively) to bear arms as part of a militia involved in the defense of the state.

like i said, contrary to what you said. it prohibits government from passing laws regarding religion or prohibiting people from excercising theri religion in any way.

what it says is a well regulated militia is neccessary to for the protection of a free state. and that is not a militia to be controled in anyway by the federal government. it is to protect themselves from the federal government. and the right of the people to bear arms shal not be infringed. every limiting law is an infringement.

Wait what?

This is why I tell you people to read the Constitution.

That's completely wrong.

Section 8.

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

Man. Seriously.

nice try, but that applies to the regular army controlled by the federal government. not the militia in the 2nd amendment which is to be of leaders chosen by the peoiple. so its back to the drawing board for you
You are making those opinions as a collective not as individuals.
This is what is wrong with the lefty ideologies of today,
We all have individual rights not collective rights.

The government has taken away the right of freedom of religion by forcing Catholics to give birth control, rather than the individual to buy them.

The militia is separate from the individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to bear arms not a collective right.

Collective ideology is a Communist policy.

until scalia and his misguided opinion in heller, justices laughed at the idea of a private right of gun ownership. they always understood that the right to own a gun was as part of a "well-regulated militia". it was meant to enable you to fight "for" not "against" the government.

i don't know what you're takling about in terms of "communist policy" but it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

and i find it amusing that you're bemoaning the loss of individual rights but think someone should be able to deny another the right to birth control because of their PERSONAL religious views. you have the right to choose not to use birth control yourself, not to have your religious views control what other people do... THE ULTIMATE COLLECTIVISM... (although i think the rate of unwed mothers who are catholics really should mitigate in favor of contraceptive use, since apparently they're engaging in the sin of having pre-marital sex)
You are making those opinions as a collective not as individuals.
This is what is wrong with the lefty ideologies of today,
We all have individual rights not collective rights.

The government has taken away the right of freedom of religion by forcing Catholics to give birth control, rather than the individual to buy them.

The militia is separate from the individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to bear arms not a collective right.

Collective ideology is a Communist policy.

but sallow likes to pick and chose his facts

The facts are in the Constitution.

It doesn't say "The right of the individual person to have a gun to use for personal defense, hunting, shooting kids in the face and general fun shall not be infringed".

But that's what you guys have turned it into.

it also doesn't put limits on magazine capacity, rate of fire, how scary they look. the right to own shall not be infringed. simple. shall not be infringed
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Some of you own medicine. You are using George will as your source.

Care to provide some real documented information that backs your statement?

Liberals give less to charity than conservatives.
They push their faux compassion to enslave. I care about those who care about themselves - who tenaciously try to improve there circumstances. I don't give a shit about the rest.

Tell them to put their money where their mouth is - not your money!

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers
You are making those opinions as a collective not as individuals.
This is what is wrong with the lefty ideologies of today,
We all have individual rights not collective rights.

The government has taken away the right of freedom of religion by forcing Catholics to give birth control, rather than the individual to buy them.

The militia is separate from the individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to bear arms not a collective right.

Collective ideology is a Communist policy.

until scalia and his misguided opinion in heller, justices laughed at the idea of a private right of gun ownership. they always understood that the right to own a gun was as part of a "well-regulated militia". it was meant to enable you to fight "for" not "against" the government.

i don't know what you're takling about in terms of "communist policy" but it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

and i find it amusing that you're bemoaning the loss of individual rights but think someone should be able to deny another the right to birth control because of their PERSONAL religious views. you have the right to choose not to use birth control yourself, not to have your religious views control what other people do... THE ULTIMATE COLLECTIVISM... (although i think the rate of unwed mothers who are catholics really should mitigate in favor of contraceptive use, since apparently they're engaging in the sin of having pre-marital sex)

not according to james madison who wrote the 2nd amendment.
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Well no.

You really should read the whole thing.

These are the amendments you are referring too:

So in regards of religion? The government can't advocate or make laws for religion nor can it stop you from worshiping.

This gives the right of "the people" (collectively) to bear arms as part of a militia involved in the defense of the state.

You are making those opinions as a collective not as individuals.
This is what is wrong with the lefty ideologies of today,
We all have individual rights not collective rights.

The government has taken away the right of freedom of religion by forcing Catholics to give birth control, rather than the individual to buy them.

The militia is separate from the individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to bear arms not a collective right.

1. No one "forces" anyone to do anything. However, if you want access to the economy? There are rules.

2. That's not what's in the amendment.

bullshit, we are being forced into paying for obamacare. we are forced to pay into SS and medicare, we are forced to pay taxes (half of us anyway).

And, obamacare is forcing catholics to violate the teachings of their religion. That, my arrogant little friend, is unconstitutional. your quotes above prove it.
You are making those opinions as a collective not as individuals.
This is what is wrong with the lefty ideologies of today,
We all have individual rights not collective rights.

The government has taken away the right of freedom of religion by forcing Catholics to give birth control, rather than the individual to buy them.

The militia is separate from the individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to bear arms not a collective right.

Collective ideology is a Communist policy.

until scalia and his misguided opinion in heller, justices laughed at the idea of a private right of gun ownership. they always understood that the right to own a gun was as part of a "well-regulated militia". it was meant to enable you to fight "for" not "against" the government.

i don't know what you're takling about in terms of "communist policy" but it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

and i find it amusing that you're bemoaning the loss of individual rights but think someone should be able to deny another the right to birth control because of their PERSONAL religious views. you have the right to choose not to use birth control yourself, not to have your religious views control what other people do... THE ULTIMATE COLLECTIVISM... (although i think the rate of unwed mothers who are catholics really should mitigate in favor of contraceptive use, since apparently they're engaging in the sin of having pre-marital sex)
It is always amazing to me how libtards deny that the constitution, particularly the 2nd amendment, gives the individual the right to bear arms. Probably because the libtards are big government stooges.
You are making those opinions as a collective not as individuals.
This is what is wrong with the lefty ideologies of today,
We all have individual rights not collective rights.

The government has taken away the right of freedom of religion by forcing Catholics to give birth control, rather than the individual to buy them.

The militia is separate from the individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to bear arms not a collective right.

1. No one "forces" anyone to do anything. However, if you want access to the economy? There are rules.

2. That's not what's in the amendment.

bullshit, we are being forced into paying for obamacare. we are forced to pay into SS and medicare, we are forced to pay taxes (half of us anyway).

And, obamacare is forcing catholics to violate the teachings of their religion. That, my arrogant little friend, is unconstitutional. your quotes above prove it.
Sallow lying like always.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.
Sounds like you are the one who doesn't fit here. Sounds like you'd be happier in a place like Russia or North Korea or Iran.
Liberals give less to charity than conservatives.
They push their faux compassion to enslave. I care about those who care about themselves - who tenaciously try to improve there circumstances. I don't give a shit about the rest.

Tell them to put their money where their mouth is - not your money!

I've given to charities for over fifty years and never once have I been asked about my political preference. Where do you people get your info from?
This country was not built by liberals and libtard values, LIAR!!!!!

It most certainly was. The Patriots who broke away from Great Britain were the liberals of their day...the Conservatives, AKA Tories, wanted to stay with GB and committed many atrocities against perceived Patriots to that end.

We were the first liberals to have a written Constitution that has lasted to this day. We were very liberal in codifying freedom of religion, of speech, and of the press. Most countries of the world STILL don't have all three of those liberal ideas.
We were liberal in allowing all men to vote regardless of wealth or property, then even MORE liberal in allowing black men to vote then even MORE liberal in allowing women to vote.

does this sound liberal to you?

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

And he changed his mind about that after the French Revolution and after he became President.
You sound really frustrated and angry, did a Liberal pee in your Cheerios this morning or what? :)

This country was built on Liberal values by Liberals.

This country belongs to all of it's citizens, not just some conservative jerk offs who think that they are the only ones supporting this country. There are plenty of Liberals and Democrats who work and help support this country.

Good luck trying to "boot" any American citizen out of this country.
This country was not built by liberals and libtard values, LIAR!!!!!

It most certainly was. The Patriots who broke away from Great Britain were the liberals of their day...the Conservatives, AKA Tories, wanted to stay with GB and committed many atrocities against perceived Patriots to that end.

We were the first liberals to have a written Constitution that has lasted to this day. We were very liberal in codifying freedom of religion, of speech, and of the press. Most countries of the world STILL don't have all three of those liberal ideas.
We were liberal in allowing all men to vote regardless of wealth or property, then even MORE liberal in allowing black men to vote then even MORE liberal in allowing women to vote.

These conservatives would have sided with the british soldiers for sure.
They don't side with those that question authority or those that don't march in lockstep. Remember OWS? Automatic hate response from the right.
You are making those opinions as a collective not as individuals.
This is what is wrong with the lefty ideologies of today,
We all have individual rights not collective rights.

The government has taken away the right of freedom of religion by forcing Catholics to give birth control, rather than the individual to buy them.

The militia is separate from the individual right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to bear arms not a collective right.

1. No one "forces" anyone to do anything. However, if you want access to the economy? There are rules.

2. That's not what's in the amendment.

bullshit, we are being forced into paying for obamacare. we are forced to pay into SS and medicare, we are forced to pay taxes (half of us anyway).

And, obamacare is forcing catholics to violate the teachings of their religion. That, my arrogant little friend, is unconstitutional. your quotes above prove it.

1. aren't "forced" to pay any of that. However if you participate in the economy? Yep. You gotta pay.

2. Same deal. Commerce is regulated by the government.
Liberals sure get their panties in a bunch to find out that there are those who don't consider them fellow countrymen. The fact is they are not. At best they live in the same neighborhood.

The practical result is the formation of two separate nations with no more holding them together than the US and Canada has. Liberals are definitely not my countrymen. I have no responsibility to them. Certainly no loyalty to any liberal cause. Nor to any liberal establishment including the military. Not even to their liberal presidunce.

Two separate and distinct Americas each dedicated to eliminating the other. Liberals want to be fellow countrymen. What a seriously stupid and childish idea.
It most certainly was. The Patriots who broke away from Great Britain were the liberals of their day...the Conservatives, AKA Tories, wanted to stay with GB and committed many atrocities against perceived Patriots to that end.

We were the first liberals to have a written Constitution that has lasted to this day. We were very liberal in codifying freedom of religion, of speech, and of the press. Most countries of the world STILL don't have all three of those liberal ideas.
We were liberal in allowing all men to vote regardless of wealth or property, then even MORE liberal in allowing black men to vote then even MORE liberal in allowing women to vote.

does this sound liberal to you?

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

And he changed his mind about that after the French Revolution and after he became President.

funny how when people have foght for their freedom and are developing a form of government that will prevent tah government from ever being tyranical and controlling of the people they are all for armed citizens. but once they become IN POWER themselves, that changes. what does that tell you?

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