Democrats likely reaction if they suffer massive losses in the 2022 midterms?

I can tell you this with certainty. They will not be marching in the streets claiming fraudulent elections like you idiots nor will they be trashing the capitol trying to overturn it.

But if your predictions are right, Joe will still be POTUS and he can issue reams of executive orders like trump did.

EOs are worthless.
They will call it racism, claiming voter suppression, then riot. We know this, it's what happens, it's what they do
They will cry and complain it was stolen and we get to re live the same old stuff. Ad nauseum. And it's no wonder apathy is growing.
The Democrats are widely predicted to lose at least 10 seats or so in the 2022 midterm elections and thus lose control of the U.S. House.
Ten? 10??? Estimates I'm reading are 40 or more lost to Dems.
I'm hoping for two senators at least.
During the 2022 elections, the Dems will bring in 60 busses of illegal immigrants and let them all vote.
I think they WILL try to cheat. I'd sure like to see a lot of watchers at the city election sites late at night.
You clowns don’t seem to realise that there are large swaths of normal people that don’t view things through the program/left hysterics filter.
They’re only part of a minority party that’s self-destructing. Good luck with those election hopes, they seem farfetched considering all the bad press they’re getting and will get. Just as many citizens, if not more, are sick and tired of the election hysterics and lies being told. If you don’t believe me, check out what’s going on in Georgia. If that as any indication of what’s happening to the party, it’s going to be a walkover in favor of the Dems. Do you think a majority of Americans are going to trust a party that can’t even get its own house in order?
But what if Democrats take staggeringly huge losses in the midterms? I'm talking 60-80 seats in the House and five or Six Senate seats? Losses so huge that they have little chance of retaking control of the House or Senate for another generation.
Oh, speak to me not of Heaven, for I am not there -------

It has happened before (Dems did it). I think it's very possible we'll take over: the Dems have certainly fouled their nest.
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Midterms are kryptonite for the Presidents party regardless of label. History was against the Democratic Party holding Congress...
You still need better Republicans. The fact of the matter is that there are quite a lot of them at that level of politics who represent the same lobbyists who have tried to keep the electorate leashed over the last couple of years. And they spend just as much. They're just as content to inflate the dollar to the point that its value is shot. They're not really in disagreement over policy. They're only in disagreement on who gets to decide whether we get it rammed to us from the front or from the rear. Or, more clearly, who holds the gavel. The blue helmet or the red helmet. Ultimately, they're on the same team in terms of meaningfulness.

It's more logical to elect people who hold their noses and run as Republicans. It's the only way you're going to have any semblance of an opportunity to vote for constitutionally aware, competent, principled people.

Ultimately it depends on one's definition of 'winning.'
Oh, run RINOs? That's your idea of what you Dems would do?

I agree that if the GOP really cleans up, for years, like Dems in the '40s and '50s did, they would immediately split into conservatives, moderates, and --- I don't know what the third group would be, Libertarians?

So I sort of like your idea, for plausibility. We always welcome Dems who switch to the Good Guys, but maybe we should consider if they are moles.
I think they have plans that are ready to hatch when the time comes.
Truth is....I'm starting to understand why despots shoot their competition as soon as they take power.

Machiavelli does recommend it.
The Democrats are widely predicted to lose at least 10 seats or so in the 2022 midterm elections and thus lose control of the U.S. House.
They are even predicted to possibly lose one or two Senate seats and thus lose control of the U.S. Senate.

I think the Democrats have basically already accepted those as likely and have already made their peace with it.

But what if Democrats take staggeringly huge losses in the midterms? I'm talking 60-80 seats in the House and five or Six Senate seats? Losses so huge that they have little chance of retaking control of the House or Senate for another generation.

What are the Democrats likeliest reaction when they see themselves shut out of Congressional power probably until after 2030 or later?

We already know! Lol
Xi cannot allow a normal midterm election. Accordingly expect either:
  1. New and deadly Covid variant or even smallpox
  2. Cyber attack, blamed on "Russia"
  3. Other
Nice. I agree that the Dems will try to distract us with another Covid variant. Not smallpox, of course: Biden would lose 75% of his voters in the cities. I am not kidding. Why do people know so little about smallpox? He would catch it, too. Smallpox is the killer of kings. We know it was around by 13th century BC because we've got a mummy of Ramses II in full smallpox bloom.

I've been assuming the distraction of war, always handy to politicians. But I like your cyber attack idea.
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We’ll see how that works out when video of 1/6 is on the tube 24/7. :auiqs.jpg:
Most people thought Jan 6th was a media creation.....and every day more and more comes out about who was responsible for it.
Eventually, you'll lose the House and the Senate will go back to the GOP.....and you'd better hope they don't clear out the jails and allow all of the political prisoners to testify in hearings. Nancy Pelosi had better find herself a new home in a country that doesn't allow extradition. The FBI director Christoper Wray is already toast as we speak. So is the Attorney General.
They’re only part of a minority party that’s self-destructing. Good luck with those election hopes, they seem farfetched considering all the bad press they’re getting and will get. Just as many citizens, if not more, are sick and tired of the election hysterics and lies being told. If you don’t believe me, check out what’s going on in Georgia. If that as any indication of what’s happening to the party, it’s going to be a walkover in favor of the Dems. Do you think a majority of Americans are going to trust a party that can’t even get its own house in order?
Georgia didn't vote Democrat. They voted Republican.....and most of the residents feel they were robbed....because very few of them know anyone who voted Democrat. I used to live there. I know what they're thinking. Ever since Obama became president most of them have changed to Independents.

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