Democrats May Hand Republicans This Election Too

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Telling men they are guilty so shut up is not the slickest marketing strategy.

The Republicans are going to lose seats across the board

Want to make a wager on in?

I say the GOP will pick up 6 seats in the Senate.

You say that the democrats will pick up seats in the Senate.

If I'm right and the GOP picks up 6 seats, you resign as a mod - you shouldn't be one anyway.

If you're right and the democrats gain seats in the Senate, you lock me out for 6 months, you get what you're always angling for.

If we are both wrong, bet's off.

someone should start marketing T-Shirts that read. "I am not a rapist, I will be voting Republican" !
Republicans are in the spotlight

How they treat women will influence the Nov election
"I tried to fuck here, she was married ......."

In case you didn't notice in your own video link, jerkoff:
  1. Some women obviously get off on being chased and lusted after, and want to be hit on, which is why some guys act inappropriately.
  2. The video doesn't actually prove anything other than Trump SAYS he took a girl out furniture shipping 13 years ago hoping to get some action AND FAILED, and he SAYS some of the contestants would let you grab them (read: willingly) which while likely true doesn't PROVE that Trump ever actually did it himself, it could have just been male bragging and Lord knows, no guy has ever exaggerated or lied about his accomplishments!
  3. At least Trump likes women, really likes beautiful women, and could get them most of his life with his good looks and money! How many guys do you know in his position of wealth and power who WOULDN'T go after hot chicks?
I mean other than obviously YOU?
One huge disagreement. The expected Rosenstein resignation and the unraveling of the witch hunt is the biggest Democrat problem. Next biggest D problem is tax base erosion as jobs flee the blue wall. I don't know where the Kavanaugh hearings comedy show ranks but I doubt it is even top ten.
"I tried to fuck here, she was married ......."

In case you didn't notice in your own video link, jerkoff:
  1. Some women obviously get off on being chased and lusted after, and want to be hit on, which is why some guys act inappropriately.
  2. The video doesn't actually prove anything other than Trump SAYS he took a girl out furniture shipping 13 years ago hoping to get some action AND FAILED, and he SAYS some of the contestants would let you grab them (read: willingly) which while likely true doesn't PROVE that Trump ever actually did it himself, it could have just been male bragging and Lord knows, no guy has ever exaggerated or lied about his accomplishments!
  3. At least Trump likes women, really likes beautiful women, and could get them most of his life with his good looks and money! How many guys do you know in his position of wealth and power who WOULDN'T go after hot chicks?
I mean other than obviously YOU?

wow, you REALLY ARE going out of your way to defend a sexual pervert. LOL

Telling men they are guilty so shut up is not the slickest marketing strategy.

To the victor go ALL the spoils.

If they can keep Right leaning Justices off the court, they win. THAT is all that matters.
It doesn't matter one bit how dirty they play......if they win.

Unfortunately, we have about as many people in this country now who will go along with this bullshit as we do people who are disgusted by it.

Their lies. deception and treachery may not only go unpunished, but could end up rewarded BIG time. That's the truly sad and unacceptable reality.

We're on a perilous balance now....if things go in favor of the Left now, what comes next, very soon, will be of a nature US citizens have always regarded as impossible. I'm certain of this given the degrading level of civility shown by Leftists.
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Republicans are in the spotlight

How they treat women will influence the Nov election

You mean like Harvey Weinstein and Anthony Weiner? Those "Republicans"?

Or maybe you mean Al Franken or les Moonves? You know, all those "Republican sexual predators

Not those? Then what about John Conyers Jr.

You see Junior, we could go on with this list of "Republican" Sexual deviants all day long and twice on Sunday.....

So STFU already because you're just making yourself look even more ignorant than you've already proven to be.
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I dunno Kavanaugh, but I would grin wide should he literally point a finger at each Democrat as they grill him and condemn them personally, loudly and angrily for the crime they have committed, all on TV.

Moses before Pharoah. Make them small.
Republicans are in the spotlight

How they treat women will influence the Nov election

Really? Who put them in the spotlight? Oh yeah: Democrats. The democrats manufactured the sex-charge thing, they've been trying to use it on Trump, they tried to bring up Row v Wade with Kavanaugh and now they are walking out their hired tarts.

ISN'T IT FUNNY: Justice Thomas, Herm Cain and now Kavanaugh, ALL REPUBLICANS dragged through the sex scandal mud, and all by far left girls. Funny that no conservative girls are ever assaulted by democrats and no liberal justices are ever smeared by last minute unfounded scandals! I guess democrats are just little angels.

Isn't it amazing how young women most attune to these issues will all be voting heavily democrat this fall and are a key block for the Libs? Of course, they will be voting democrat anyway. And what better way for Republicans now so charged (by democrats) to treat women than to keep delaying Kavanaugh's confirmation until every last allegation can be heard and investigated to the nines----- when O when will democrats ever run out of bitter hoes ready and willing to come forward at 11:59:59 in order to cry rape and assault?!

Do you really think there is a point where democrats would ever be satisfied the charges are investigated ENOUGH and disproven? Nope. NONE of this has a damned thing to do with being sure a "rapist" doesn't get on the Supreme Court (even if true, how could his groping a girl while drunk 36 years ago affect his ability to interpret law fairly and accurately half a century later?) and has everything to do with just stopping Kavanaugh and opening a new door and precedent for thwarting any candidate they don't like in the future.

AND THE SADDEST FACT OF ALL is that it may actually work on two female RINO senators: Collins and Murkowski. I bet McCain is smiling in his grave. Those bitches are just stupid enough to fall for it.
I dunno Kavanaugh, but I would grin wide should he literally point a finger at each Democrat as they grill him and condemn them personally, loudly and angrily for the crime they have committed, all on TV.

Moses before Pharoah. Make them small.

Wait till they play the race card tomorrow night. They'll have to grant another delay for that.

"I tried to fuck here, she was married ......."

In case you didn't notice in your own video link, jerkoff:
  1. Some women obviously get off on being chased and lusted after, and want to be hit on, which is why some guys act inappropriately.
  2. The video doesn't actually prove anything other than Trump SAYS he took a girl out furniture shipping 13 years ago hoping to get some action AND FAILED, and he SAYS some of the contestants would let you grab them (read: willingly) which while likely true doesn't PROVE that Trump ever actually did it himself, it could have just been male bragging and Lord knows, no guy has ever exaggerated or lied about his accomplishments!
  3. At least Trump likes women, really likes beautiful women, and could get them most of his life with his good looks and money! How many guys do you know in his position of wealth and power who WOULDN'T go after hot chicks?
I mean other than obviously YOU?

wow, you REALLY ARE going out of your way to defend a sexual pervert. LOL

DEAR GOD what an ass you are. CBS had to go back a quarter century to find that and what did it really contain? Trump being friendly with a cute little girl in a heavy winter coat just because she then goes up an escalator made out to imply he was trying to see up her skirt when no such actual thing occurred.


Then, trying to be harmlessly flirtatious and "cute," Trump trying to be the "macho" guy "brags" that he will be dating (someone like) her in ten years, meaning a girl in her early 20s (more than legal age) as being a "pervert." That was a long time ago, Trump wasn't a president nor even a politician, and was just "showing off" for the camera in his public persona as an international playboy. And I'm sure being around younger girls (like Melania) helps keep him feeling young. Good for him.

When Hugh Hefner did the very same things, he was admired as a macho playboy kingpin that every man dreamed of emulating!

WE'RE SICK OF YOUR FANTASIES, lies, exaggerations and distortions. No one buys your crap BUT YOU. Trump was a big businessman and playboy most of his life and made no bones about it. Good for him. You should be so lucky. Trump has actually lived the American Dream and is trying to help others find it for themselves, and you will never convince more than a cadre of faithful that makes him a "sexual pervert."

MEANTIME, you go out of your way to actually DEFEND REAL SEXUAL PERVERTS, gays, homos, LGBTQ, pedos, trannys and any other group you can find they should be a PROTECTED SPECIES! The only "perversion" you don't back 100% is a red blooded straight conservative male liking short skirts. :auiqs.jpg::cuckoo::auiqs.jpg::cuckoo::auiqs.jpg:
if we have a full red wave, i am pretty sure that all firemen will be very busy
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