Democrats Met With Russians

This is hilarious!

Donald Trump’s Attempt To Shift Russia Focus To Chuck Schumer Is More Than A Little Desperate

He’s missing the point of the controversy.


TRUMP: We should start an immediate investigation into @SenSchumer and his ties to Russia and Putin. A total hypocrite!

No, he certainly isn't missing the point. You are.
I don't want to live in Bizarro USA, where bad is good, lies are truth and truth is lies, men with integrity are scorned and ridiculed by twits with no scruples or morals whatsoever.

No good. Makes me feel ill.

Flashback: Chuck Schumer Meets with Putin in New York City

'Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to push the Russia conspiracy.
But it was Schumer who met with Putin in New York City – not Trump.'

What can be heard from the Left on this most recent flaming bout of hypocrisy?

View attachment 115226

Only the ( deeply stupid ) would draw a comparison between this and the criminal act perpetrated by now Attorney General Session during his confirmation hearing.

Name the crime.

Wow, open your mouth and leave no doubt. Attorney General Sessions lied to congress while under oath. That's a crime even he agrees, is in fact a crime.
That, and trump and his spokespeople insisting there were never communications with Russia during the campaign is the issue. Continuous and consistent lying about those meetings and connections is the issue, not whether others have had meetings in the past. Trump and his administration are liars and can not be trusted.

Puhleeze. There simply isn't any evidence that the Trump campaign was coordinating anything with the Russian government. This whole faux scandal hinges on the most nebulous evidence imaginable and absurd theories that no reasonable person would believe. It's all deliberate attempts to cast perfectly innocent behavior as sinister. Meanwhile, douche bags like you don't give a damn about genuinely sisister behavior on the part of Hillary, Obama and Ted Kennedy.
Now its the lying filth Dem's who have egg on their faces. I love how all the pictures of Dem's meeting with the Russians are surfacing and exposing their blatant LIES, choke on it Dem's. :laugh::lmao::laugh::lmao::laugh:

I bet all the dems in those pics were being confirmed, and testifying weren't they ...

What difference does that make? The main premise of your conspiracy theories is that any contact with Russians of any kind is somehow sinister.
Now its the lying filth Dem's who have egg on their faces. I love how all the pictures of Dem's meeting with the Russians are surfacing and exposing their blatant LIES, choke on it Dem's. :laugh::lmao::laugh::lmao::laugh:

You Trump sycophants are so pathetic. Desperately trying to blow smoke. The FBI and Congress are not investigating Democrats for their connections to Russia.

The fact is that Putin has engaged in a campaign to recreate the old Soviet Union. He is not doing it with tanks and guns alone. In eastern Europe he has backed a number of violent coup attempts against Eastern European governments in a attempt to replace them with leaders sympathetic to Moscow. In Ukraine, Russia invaded and took by force Crimea. The separatists in Ukraine are a Russian invention.

In the West, Russia has engaged in a campaign to link up with alt-right movements. In the US Russians successfully hacked DNC servers and gave the hacked e-mails to WikiLeaks with a few phony e-mails. In France Marine LaPenn has received Russian money while her main opponent has suffered hacking attacks. The goal is to put in leaders that will do nothing as Russia gobbles up territory. Sweden is concerned enough to consider starting up conscription.

Flashback: Chuck Schumer Meets with Putin in New York City

'Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to push the Russia conspiracy.
But it was Schumer who met with Putin in New York City – not Trump.'

What can be heard from the Left on this most recent flaming bout of hypocrisy?

View attachment 115226

Only the ( deeply stupid ) would draw a comparison between this and the criminal act perpetrated by now Attorney General Session during his confirmation hearing.

Name the crime.

Wow, open your mouth and leave no doubt. Attorney General Sessions lied to congress while under oath. That's a crime even he agrees, is in fact a crime.
That, and trump and his spokespeople insisting there were never communications with Russia during the campaign is the issue. Continuous and consistent lying about those meetings and connections is the issue, not whether others have had meetings in the past. Trump and his administration are liars and can not be trusted.

Puhleeze. There simply isn't any evidence that the Trump campaign was coordinating anything with the Russian government. This whole faux scandal hinges on the most nebulous evidence imaginable and absurd theories that no reasonable person would believe. It's all deliberate attempts to cast perfectly innocent behavior as sinister. Meanwhile, douche bags like you don't give a damn about genuinely sisister behavior on the part of Hillary, Obama and Ted Kennedy.

Flashback: Chuck Schumer Meets with Putin in New York City

'Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to push the Russia conspiracy.
But it was Schumer who met with Putin in New York City – not Trump.'

What can be heard from the Left on this most recent flaming bout of hypocrisy?

View attachment 115226

Only the ( deeply stupid ) would draw a comparison between this and the criminal act perpetrated by now Attorney General Session during his confirmation hearing.

Name the crime.

Wow, open your mouth and leave no doubt. Attorney General Sessions lied to congress while under oath. That's a crime even he agrees, is in fact a crime.
That, and trump and his spokespeople insisting there were never communications with Russia during the campaign is the issue. Continuous and consistent lying about those meetings and connections is the issue, not whether others have had meetings in the past. Trump and his administration are liars and can not be trusted.

Puhleeze. There simply isn't any evidence that the Trump campaign was coordinating anything with the Russian government. This whole faux scandal hinges on the most nebulous evidence imaginable and absurd theories that no reasonable person would believe. It's all deliberate attempts to cast perfectly innocent behavior as sinister. Meanwhile, douche bags like you don't give a damn about genuinely sisister behavior on the part of Hillary, Obama and Ted Kennedy.

I've had it with these people. I say start prosecuting all the crimes against the US by Obama et al, all the people in his administration that were complicit with wrongdoing, and Hillary, Lynch (Loretta), and Holder.

These people broke real laws and committed real crimes and are thumbing their noses at truth, Justice, and the American way.

I have only this as solace: Karma always wins.

common knowledge Gomer, try and keep up ... campaign trail ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
So you have a list where Jeff Sessions is part of the campaign staff? I'm not interested in pictures or nonsense about endorsements.

Unless Sessions was taking a paycheck from the Trump campaign or was officially listed as part of the campaign, he was NOT part of the Trump campaign.

So, provide a link to some official campaign document listing Sessions as part of the Trump campaign team.
In fact, even if some one were a paid member of the campaign staff there would be nothing wrong with talking to the Russian ambassador.
Very true.

The entire scandal has two weak points for the GOP.

Sessions traveled to the GOP Convention on campaign funds. Not illegal, but it limits what he can do while at the convention. It appears that Sessions was approached by the Russian Ambassador, not the other way round, so he can't be held responsible for it.

The other issue they seem to be making dog shit about is the fact that while being vetted by the Senate, he did not admit to having spoken to Russian officials in any capacity. So, an issue has arisen regarding why he did not go back and correct the record afterward? Every nominee does it because no one can remember everything all the time and information left out of a Q&A can be amended into the record; even the Democrats do this.

So, then it becomes a matter of the questions he was asked. If the idiot from the Democrat party asked his questions about Russia in regard to Sessions being part of the Trump campaign, then Sessions had no real reason to go back to amend the record because he did not lie about his not having conversations with Russians on behalf of the Trump campaign, even after the election. He was never a member of the Trump campaign.
The record is correct as it stands. Sessions was asked twice about meeting with the Russian ambassador in specific contexts and he truthfully answered, no, he had not in those contexts. He was never asked if he had had any meetings with the Russian ambassador because nearly every important member of Congress had. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any American, even if he or she is a paid member of a campaign staff, meeting with the Russian ambassador.
Its an issue of being under oath and perjury. The question(s), in the context of Session's acting on behalf of the Trump campaign (or even as President-elect) is important because of the two reasons I described.

If he thought the question(s) was in context of acting for the President-elect, or that it had to do with acting on behalf of the Official Trump Campaign, then he's okay. Otherwise, there may be some legal issues at play.

There are no legal issues. There's no way in hell Sessions could ever be convicted of perjury.

Flashback: Chuck Schumer Meets with Putin in New York City

'Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to push the Russia conspiracy.
But it was Schumer who met with Putin in New York City – not Trump.'

What can be heard from the Left on this most recent flaming bout of hypocrisy?

View attachment 115226

Only the ( deeply stupid ) would draw a comparison between this and the criminal act perpetrated by now Attorney General Session during his confirmation hearing.

Name the crime.

Wow, open your mouth and leave no doubt. Attorney General Sessions lied to congress while under oath. That's a crime even he agrees, is in fact a crime.
oh is that that double standard thingy your pulling out? well leave it in, pretendland is yours to live in.

Anyone who sent the Turmp campaign an email and told him to do such-and-such could be called an "advisor." The term is virtually meaningless in any legal sense.
Those who live in glass houses should never throw stones.


Where’s the outrage?

Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to push the Russia conspiracy.But it was Schumer who met with Putin in New York City – not Trump.

The picture above was taken in 2003 as Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, enjoys a Krispy Kreme doughnut and coffee with Senator Charles Schumer from New York as Putin visits the first New York gas station of the Russian company Lukoil.

The hysteria over Trump administration officials talking — or not talking — with Russia needs to end.

It’s getting in the way of putting America back on track.


Drudge Report
An Apples and Oranges comparison. US Senators on the Senate Armed Forces Committee 2 years ago certainly had the right to meet with the Russians because they are a part of government and are involved in shaping foreign policy. Prior to his inauguration Trump and his campaign staff and supporters did hot the right to meet with the Russians if the purpose is to make foreign policy commitments or solicit there interference in the election process.
Did Democrats conspire with Russians to hack the RNC and send the information to Wikileaks for publication?
I heard an unnamed source said intelligence has proof democrats did try, and when they couldn't get through Trumps defenses,mthe then realized it was over for Obama and asked the Russians to hack them so they had a defense theme against Trump....

I heard the same thing from an unrelated unnamed source. Seems like it is getting some traction.
Did Democrats conspire with Russians to hack the RNC and send the information to Wikileaks for publication?
I heard an unnamed source said intelligence has proof democrats did try, and when they couldn't get through Trumps defenses,mthe then realized it was over for Obama and asked the Russians to hack them so they had a defense theme against Trump....

I heard the same thing from an unrelated unnamed source. Seems like it is getting some traction.
if Russian sent about 100 very young brides to DC, wanna guess which Democrats would be the first ones to eat,,,,I mean,,,greet them?
You are claiming a conference or closed door meeting is "it", hence, it is on you to prove your version of "it", the claim you are making about a conference.
I am just claiming what the snowflakes are claiming of Sessions - he met with a Russian, except Schumer did not just meet with A Russian. He met with THE Russian.

Yep. Right there in front of all those cameras and reporters.
Did Democrats conspire with Russians to hack the RNC and send the information to Wikileaks for publication?
I heard an unnamed source said intelligence has proof democrats did try, and when they couldn't get through Trumps defenses,mthe then realized it was over for Obama and asked the Russians to hack them so they had a defense theme against Trump....

I heard the same thing from an unrelated unnamed source. Seems like it is getting some traction.
if Russian sent about 100 very young brides to DC, wanna guess which Democrats would be the first ones to eat,,,,I mean,,,greet them?

I know, I know!



Apparently Bill is down with the swirl.

Flashback: Chuck Schumer Meets with Putin in New York City

'Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to push the Russia conspiracy.
But it was Schumer who met with Putin in New York City – not Trump.'

What can be heard from the Left on this most recent flaming bout of hypocrisy?

View attachment 115226

Only the ( deeply stupid ) would draw a comparison between this and the criminal act perpetrated by now Attorney General Session during his confirmation hearing.

Name the crime.

Wow, open your mouth and leave no doubt. Attorney General Sessions lied to congress while under oath. That's a crime even he agrees, is in fact a crime.
That, and trump and his spokespeople insisting there were never communications with Russia during the campaign is the issue. Continuous and consistent lying about those meetings and connections is the issue, not whether others have had meetings in the past. Trump and his administration are liars and can not be trusted.

Certainly general Flynn and now Attorney General Sessions were dumb enough to phone in their treason so it is a matter of record. But it's gonna take a congressional investigation to root out exactly what's cooking here. And the sooner the better.
Those who live in glass houses should never throw stones.


Where’s the outrage?

Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to push the Russia conspiracy.But it was Schumer who met with Putin in New York City – not Trump.

The picture above was taken in 2003 as Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, enjoys a Krispy Kreme doughnut and coffee with Senator Charles Schumer from New York as Putin visits the first New York gas station of the Russian company Lukoil.

The hysteria over Trump administration officials talking — or not talking — with Russia needs to end.

It’s getting in the way of putting America back on track.


Drudge Report
An Apples and Oranges comparison. US Senators on the Senate Armed Forces Committee 2 years ago certainly had the right to meet with the Russians because they are a part of government and are involved in shaping foreign policy. Prior to his inauguration Trump and his campaign staff and supporters did hot the right to meet with the Russians if the purpose is to make foreign policy commitments or solicit there interference in the election process.

Sessions was on the armed services committee, dumbass. He also had a perfect right to meet with the Russian ambassador.
Did Democrats conspire with Russians to hack the RNC and send the information to Wikileaks for publication?
I heard an unnamed source said intelligence has proof democrats did try, and when they couldn't get through Trumps defenses,mthe then realized it was over for Obama and asked the Russians to hack them so they had a defense theme against Trump....

I heard the same thing from an unrelated unnamed source. Seems like it is getting some traction.
if Russian sent about 100 very young brides to DC, wanna guess which Democrats would be the first ones to eat,,,,I mean,,,greet them?

I know, I know!



Apparently Bill is down with the swirl.
while the dems were having meetings with the russians, they could of at least worked out a trade deal where the Russians get Hillary and Huma.
Sessions was the first Senator to endorse Trump ans acted as an advisor to his campaign ... NEWS ! (to dumbasses)
Oh, so you can find the official list of Trump campaign officials that has Sessions listed as a member of the campaign, right? I'd be interested in such a list.


common knowledge Gomer, try and keep up ... campaign trail ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
So you have a list where Jeff Sessions is part of the campaign staff? I'm not interested in pictures or nonsense about endorsements.

Unless Sessions was taking a paycheck from the Trump campaign or was officially listed as part of the campaign, he was NOT part of the Trump campaign.

So, provide a link to some official campaign document listing Sessions as part of the Trump campaign team.
In fact, even if some one were a paid member of the campaign staff there would be nothing wrong with talking to the Russian ambassador.
Very true.

The entire scandal has two weak points for the GOP.

Sessions traveled to the GOP Convention on campaign funds. Not illegal, but it limits what he can do while at the convention. It appears that Sessions was approached by the Russian Ambassador, not the other way round, so he can't be held responsible for it.

The other issue they seem to be making dog shit about is the fact that while being vetted by the Senate, he did not admit to having spoken to Russian officials in any capacity. So, an issue has arisen regarding why he did not go back and correct the record afterward? Every nominee does it because no one can remember everything all the time and information left out of a Q&A can be amended into the record; even the Democrats do this.

So, then it becomes a matter of the questions he was asked. If the idiot from the Democrat party asked his questions about Russia in regard to Sessions being part of the Trump campaign, then Sessions had no real reason to go back to amend the record because he did not lie about his not having conversations with Russians on behalf of the Trump campaign, even after the election. He was never a member of the Trump campaign.

He didnt go back most likely because he didnt think it was a big fucking deal. But now the Dirt Bag Democrats are just looking to make a big deal out of everything and anything. I swear I will never vote for these DNC scum again. I never quite realized the depravity of these people, constantly changing the rules to suit their positions. Where the hell was the investigation over Sandy Berger and his stealing documents in his socks and underwear? Why the hell does the Media always give them a pass?

Yes you moron's on the left, that is the very reason so called " RW websites and news organizations" exist. Because the traditional news sources omit everything harmful to one particular political party.

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