Democrats Move For One Party Rule

Democrats Want To Suppress The Vote !!

Blue states move to block Donald Trump from 2020 ballot
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

Yes unless he releases his tax returns like all other Presidential candidate must to be on the ballot for those states. It really should be up to the state!!
Wonder if it'll pass muster at the USSC??


I'm sure he is going to fight it, he said he would release them, yet he changed his mind. What is he hiding??
Democrats Want To Suppress The Vote !!

Blue states move to block Donald Trump from 2020 ballot
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

Yes unless he releases his tax returns like all other Presidential candidate must to be on the ballot for those states. It really should be up to the state!!
Wonder if it'll pass muster at the USSC??


I'm sure he is going to fight it, he said he would release them, yet he changed his mind. What is he hiding??
Ask the IRS, if he did something criminal with the returns, they would know about it.
Democrats Want To Suppress The Vote !!

Blue states move to block Donald Trump from 2020 ballot
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

Yes unless he releases his tax returns like all other Presidential candidate must to be on the ballot for those states. It really should be up to the state!!
Wonder if it'll pass muster at the USSC??


I'm sure he is going to fight it, he said he would release them, yet he changed his mind. What is he hiding??
Ask the IRS, if he did something criminal with the returns, they would know about it.

These dummies seem to think everyone should show their tax returns.

There is no law that says anyone has to. Anyone that does, does so because they want to.

What a bunch of whiny little shits.
Democrats Want To Suppress The Vote !!

Blue states move to block Donald Trump from 2020 ballot
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

Yes unless he releases his tax returns like all other Presidential candidate must to be on the ballot for those states. It really should be up to the state!!
Wonder if it'll pass muster at the USSC??


I'm sure he is going to fight it, he said he would release them, yet he changed his mind. What is he hiding??
Ask the IRS, if he did something criminal with the returns, they would know about it.

They would not tell me, and Barr's dtr now works for criminal investigation unit at the IRS. All the kings men and women are in the kings places.
Ballots from those states just won't be counted.

Yes they will be, he just won't be. Actually this is making a small slice of honesty coming from a pathological liar. So you can say the states are just making a honest man out of tramp.
Yes unless he releases his tax returns like all other Presidential candidate must to be on the ballot for those states. It really should be up to the state!!
Dumb ass...if you don't like it that Trump will not show you his tax returns when you demand them then don't vote for him.

It's so simple. Problem solved.
Yes unless he releases his tax returns like all other Presidential candidate must to be on the ballot for those states. It really should be up to the state!!
Dumb ass...if you don't like it that Trump will not show you his tax returns when you demand them then don't vote for him.

It's so simple. Problem solved.

I didn't and will never. I bet some trampers are upset he didn't make good on his promises, such as he said he'd release his tax returns, and build a wall. LOL, two broken promises.
I didn't and will never. I bet some trampers are upset he didn't make good on his promises, such as he said he'd release his tax returns, and build a wall. LOL, two broken promises.
When Chuck and Nancy give Trump the money he will continue building the wall. Or he can continue to scrape money together from other sources already funded by Congress. Democrats don't care if our border becomes over run
by illegal parasites. They don't seem to mind.

As for his tax returns it doesn't matter to me.
There isn't much difference between this and retards trying to keep President Obama's name off the ballot over his birth certificate. This nonsense will fail in the same spectacular fashion.
We want to Suppress the treasonous/crooked politicians. Crooks don`t hide their tax returns.
really, well then put your tax returns on the internet for everyone to inspect

Elect me president and I will.

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why not do it now?
Jerk off and you go far in life, oh, I see you already are..
Why are you still a miserable little second rate troll then?

The Voters Rights Acts is no longer in effect...So sorry Charlie..
What has that got to do with the thread issue? Or do you even remotely know?

By the way, the Voting Rights Act has never been repealed and it was intended to address racial discrimination in voting.
So what the fuck are you talking about? You are so utterly stupid!

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