Democrats must hold Trump and Republicans accountable for their actions

Let's see if the middle class does better or worse under trump. We just raised minimum wage in Michigan so at the end of the year it's going to show people did better than in 2016 because we raised minimum wage.

But Republicans also slapped us with a gas tax and raised registration fees.

And if they cut your social security are you going to realize how badly Republicans fuck you when they do that? You may not be getting social security for another 10-20 years but eventually you'll want what's coming to you. Republicans will make it so instead of 1200 you'll get $800. Sorry that's all we can afford. We're broke.

And you will bend over and take it. Not only that you'll blame liberals.

I believe you mistake me for a partisan animal comrade, as a socialist I simply think republicans and democrats both suck. Republicans believing Trump and his $billionaire buddies are going to make murica great again are just as pathetic as democrats believing Hillary lost because of the vast Russian conspiracy

The next four years will be difficult for those of us on the left - but we must strive to hold Trump and Republicans accountable for their actions. I suspect many Trump voters are already having some buyer's remorse - but it's too late for that to change the outcome. Holding them accountable and looking forward to 2018 and 2020 are all we have to look forward to. I once again praise my fellow Democrats for fighting fire with fire. We must stand firm and tall.

It is not the minority party who holds the majority party accountable for their actions, but rather the voters!
The next four years will be difficult for those of us on the left - but we must strive to hold Trump and Republicans accountable for their actions. I suspect many Trump voters are already having some buyer's remorse - but it's too late for that to change the outcome. Holding them accountable and looking forward to 2018 and 2020 are all we have to look forward to. I once again praise my fellow Democrats for fighting fire with fire. We must stand firm and tall.

Trump has done enough damage to the Republican party to last for decades to come. But I still have to give John McCain & Lindsey Graham a big hand for bringing this Russian election hacking front and center. They didn't have to do that but they did, and it doesn't like they're going to stop. They did the right thing, put their country first and partisan politics on the back burner. They knew they had to do it before Trump was sworn in.

No one is going to forget this, nor another Republican--(FBI director James Comey's) unprecedented interference into this election. I truly hope that there will be a thorough independent investigation into his actions, and everyone who was involved in that. There is more to this than just Comey.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’


Both of these together swayed our National Election right into Donald Trump's lap. We can't have that in this country.

Both of these things are egregious enough to pursue for the next 4 years. I am confident that is exactly what is going to happen.

For Republicans to save face & their party, they all need to be on board with this. It's time for all of them to stand up and say this was WRONG, and hold the ones that did this culpable. But, I won't be holding my breath on that one.

Republicans knew when they nominated Donald Trump, that he was a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself. Now they own it.
All bullshit. You lost.

No that's really not the perception in this country today. EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field, and everyone believes that had it not been for Russian interference into this election, along with FBI director's James Comey's unprecedented action (breaking long standing DOJ protocol) to put his thumb on the scales, that there is no way in HELL that Donald Trump would be the President elect today.

You'll never convince anyone that Donald Trump won this race fair and square. Therefore, this makes him the most illegitimate President in the history of the Nation.


You're going to see a lot of these signs on January 21, in Washington D.C.

In 2018 the blowback to the Republican party will be fierce. In 2020 it will be worse. The Republican party cannot be known as the party that has to cheat and conspire with Foreign adversary's to win elections while expecting to win any.
More bullshit.
The radical left needn't worry. The democrat party is admittedly the party of obstructionism. The DNC even hired a consulting firm to teach them how to spin stories against the Trump administration. The problem for democrats is that nobody likes them or trusts them outside of isolated outposts in New York and the people's republic of California and they changed the rules so that the minority party can't do much.
Just like the last time when Republicans fucked the country. They got voted out. But not before they did tremendous damage. It will be worse this time. Republicans are lucky their base has such short memories.

But you twerps keep saying they'll never win national elections. And they did anyway.

What gives ?

Maybe it just might be possible that people thought you losers didn't have a candidate or a message ?
The next four years will be difficult for those of us on the left - but we must strive to hold Trump and Republicans accountable for their actions. I suspect many Trump voters are already having some buyer's remorse - but it's too late for that to change the outcome. Holding them accountable and looking forward to 2018 and 2020 are all we have to look forward to. I once again praise my fellow Democrats for fighting fire with fire. We must stand firm and tall.

Trump has done enough damage to the Republican party to last for decades to come. But I still have to give John McCain & Lindsey Graham a big hand for bringing this Russian election hacking front and center. They didn't have to do that but they did, and it doesn't like they're going to stop. They did the right thing, put their country first and partisan politics on the back burner. They knew they had to do it before Trump was sworn in.

No one is going to forget this, nor another Republican--(FBI director James Comey's) unprecedented interference into this election. I truly hope that there will be a thorough independent investigation into his actions, and everyone who was involved in that. There is more to this than just Comey.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’


Both of these together swayed our National Election right into Donald Trump's lap. We can't have that in this country.

Both of these things are egregious enough to pursue for the next 4 years. I am confident that is exactly what is going to happen.

For Republicans to save face & their party, they all need to be on board with this. It's time for all of them to stand up and say this was WRONG, and hold the ones that did this culpable. But, I won't be holding my breath on that one.

Republicans knew when they nominated Donald Trump, that he was a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself. Now they own it.
All bullshit. You lost.

No that's really not the perception in this country today. EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field, and everyone believes that had it not been for Russian interference into this election, along with FBI director's James Comey's unprecedented action (breaking long standing DOJ protocol) to put his thumb on the scales, that there is no way in HELL that Donald Trump would be the President elect today.

You'll never convince anyone that Donald Trump won this race fair and square. Therefore, this makes him the most illegitimate President in the history of the Nation.


You're going to see a lot of these signs on January 21, in Washington D.C.

In 2018 the blowback to the Republican party will be fierce. In 2020 it will be worse. The Republican party cannot be known as the party that has to cheat and conspire with Foreign adversary's to win elections while expecting to win any.

They are only known as the party that kicked your ass on Election Night.

Your party is widely viewed as the biggest bunch of crybabies to ever exist.


Can I laugh any harder.

By the way are those people leaving the country or renouncing their citizenship ?

If not, then just what are they saying ? Because, like it or not, he is their president.

Suck on it.
Democrats should hold Democrats accountable. Wikileaks showed that the Democratic Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Democrats should start holding their leaders accountable. So far, they haven't.

Democrats have instead chosen to deflect and distract. They haven't addressed their Party's awful corruption. Shame on em.
Democrats should hold Democrats accountable. Wikileaks showed that the Democratic Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. Democrats should start holding their leaders accountable. So far, they haven't.

Why should they? They hold Republicans accountable instead.

DumBama's first four years........Bush's fault.
DumBama's second four years......Republican Congresses fault.
Hillary's failed election...........Putin's fault.

Remember: the one great thing about being a Democrat is never having to say something was your fault.
It's time for this site to start limiting posters to like 3 or 4 thread-starter posts per week. The same posters post troll threads like 10 times per day. It's gotten so out of control. It's made the site so boring. Posters like this OP have to be limited. The site's going downhill fast.
It's about time liberals decided to hold someone accountable - God knows they never did it the last 8 years...

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