Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate

Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.

Yep, that's exactly what the Democratic minority in the Senate needs to do. There is no more "taking the high road" with Trump and these fascist Repug mother fuckers. Democracy itself is now at stake in this country.
It takes 60% to pass legislation in the house. The Republicans have what--54?
They'll still be at it.
This is an absolute train wreck of information. I can only assume you are patently ignorant or still drowning your sorrows from Tuesday.

I'm sure inner-city public education didn't help.
Well, shit. On the television this morning or last night SOMEONE said it takes 60 to pass legislation in the senate. Sorry. You knew what I meant; it wasn't THAT bad a train wreck. Care to respond or just insult per usual?
It takes 60% to pass legislation in the house. The Republicans have what--54?
They'll still be at it.

Uh.. no it doesn't take 60% to pass legislation in the HOUSE, it's 60 votes (out of 100) in the SENATE to break a filibuster which is a parliamentary rule (the Republicans have 51 right now with 2 more open (NH and LA)).

The 60 vote rule can be negated by reconciliation for budgetary questions OR the so called "Nuclear Option" (basically declaring the validity of a Senate Rule to be a Constitutional Question and forcing a simple majority only vote) and since the Senate Democrats set recent precedence for both of those invocations don't be surprised when the Republicans do it.
Thank you sweetie. I mispoke. Time for coffee.
It takes 60% to pass legislation in the house. The Republicans have what--54?
They'll still be at it.
This is an absolute train wreck of information. I can only assume you are patently ignorant or still drowning your sorrows from Tuesday.

I'm sure inner-city public education didn't help.
Well, shit. On the television this morning or last night SOMEONE said it takes 60 to pass legislation in the senate. Sorry. You knew what I meant; it wasn't THAT bad a train wreck. Care to respond or just insult per usual?
No, it would take 50 to pass legislation in the senate provided that the VP does not vote against it.

It takes 60 for cloture. Don't be daft.
It takes 60% to pass legislation in the house. The Republicans have what--54?
They'll still be at it.
This is an absolute train wreck of information. I can only assume you are patently ignorant or still drowning your sorrows from Tuesday.

I'm sure inner-city public education didn't help.
Well, shit. On the television this morning or last night SOMEONE said it takes 60 to pass legislation in the senate. Sorry. You knew what I meant; it wasn't THAT bad a train wreck. Care to respond or just insult per usual?
No, it would take 50 to pass legislation in the senate provided that the VP does not vote against it.

It takes 60 for cloture. Don't be daft.
What's cloture?
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.
I think they need to give McConnell a chance to try bipartisanship.
It takes 60% to pass legislation in the house. The Republicans have what--54?
They'll still be at it.
This is an absolute train wreck of information. I can only assume you are patently ignorant or still drowning your sorrows from Tuesday.

I'm sure inner-city public education didn't help.
Well, shit. On the television this morning or last night SOMEONE said it takes 60 to pass legislation in the senate. Sorry. You knew what I meant; it wasn't THAT bad a train wreck. Care to respond or just insult per usual?
No, it would take 50 to pass legislation in the senate provided that the VP does not vote against it.

It takes 60 for cloture. Don't be daft.
What's cloture?
What's google?
It takes 60% to pass legislation in the house. The Republicans have what--54?
They'll still be at it.
This is an absolute train wreck of information. I can only assume you are patently ignorant or still drowning your sorrows from Tuesday.

I'm sure inner-city public education didn't help.
Well, shit. On the television this morning or last night SOMEONE said it takes 60 to pass legislation in the senate. Sorry. You knew what I meant; it wasn't THAT bad a train wreck. Care to respond or just insult per usual?
No, it would take 50 to pass legislation in the senate provided that the VP does not vote against it.

It takes 60 for cloture. Don't be daft.
What's cloture?
Cloture Majority
The majority needed to invoke cloture in the Senate remained two-thirds, or 67 votes, of the 100-member body from the rule's adoption in 1917 until 1975, when the number of votes needed was reduced to just 60

60 votes ends a filibuster

How to Break a Filibuster Using the U.S. Senate Rulebook
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.

A number of people I know have gathered together and have already started flooding the House and Senate to not work with Republicans on anything. If they want to pass a bill to buy one paper clip, filibuster it.

You are right, the time has come to cram this shit back down the throats of cons with all due force. They have proven they are not Americans anymore by electing a Piece Of Shit that was sucking Putin's balls from the beginning.
This is all pretty complicated guys, but I appreciate the assistance.
Especially yours, Mudwhistle. LOL
Obama passed the largest social issue legislation since LBJ did Medicaid. And he did it without a single gop vote. It's true that he probably couldn't have gotten really universal coverage if he modified his demands enough to get any goper to sign on, but then in the end he didn't end up with universal anyway. And now the law will be substantially modified. So, if the gop is willing to not use the nuclear option to end filibuster, I think the dems would be well served to look to be cooperative when they can.

An irony for the gop is that all the possible fixes they are looking at for Obamacare actually involve additional spending. But, had Hillary and the dems won, they'd have found more money too.
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.

Well, we'll soon see what Chuck Schumer has in store for them.
Thanks to Harry Reid changing the rules when he was Senate Majority leader that will be more difficult be sure and send him a thank you note.

The Democrats in 2009-2010 had 59-60 seats in the senate and could do that. The republicans will need 8 or 9 democrats to pass bills.
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.
Lol, you do realize they don't have the power to do that? Get ready to have prosperity. The republicans are in charge once again!
when did republicans bring us prosperity, the middle class prosperity????????
will insurance companies all by themselves lower their insurance prices and go back to their old plans before o care?
trump said he's keeping the preexisting condition benefit, and that is the one thing that made everyone's plan go up.
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.

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