Democrats need to understand what evidence means

That's quite the wild claim, can you back it up? No of course you can't. Stop the spin franco.
Try a real news station someday hater dupe...
It’s a coincidence that Joe Biden called his son over 20 times during his business meetings with foreign entities? Is it coincidence that Hunter put him on speaker for these calls? Even if Joe wasn’t actually providing anything he was selling the illusion that he was. (No idea if that’s illegal or not) Unless you believe Joe is just a moron.

Come on man.
That's 20 times in 10 years with his primary partner, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe...
That's 20 times in 10 years with his primary partner, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe...

And? Biden was the VP for 8 years dum dum. Not sure what your point is here.
It’s a coincidence that Joe Biden called his son over 20 times during his business meetings with foreign entities? Is it coincidence that Hunter put him on speaker for these calls? Even if Joe wasn’t actually providing anything he was selling the illusion that he was. (No idea if that’s illegal or not) Unless you believe Joe is just a moron.

Come on man.
I have highlighted the types of legal (in a court of law) evidence gathered thus far against the Bidens. Physical, Demonstrative, Documentary, Testimonial, Direct, Circumstantial
But you admit Joe knew what was going on right? And you have no idea if fake selling influence is illegal. At a minimum it’s gross and not something I’d want a President to have participated in.
Nothing about this is in any way illegal, and how is Joe supposed to know who's listening? idiot, try a News channel... This is what you call absolutely typical. Hunter wasn't in the government and made nothing compared to the Trump Swine Kids.... And he's a Yale Train International business lawyer for years and a lobbyist Etcetera Etcetera. Typical. You people are just out of your minds baffled with BS...
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Franco your BS has already been debunked, why are you still spewing it? Did you get a job with CNN?
No I'm with France 24 the BBC the Hindustani times and DW... Ignoramus functional idiot.... You rural morons LOL are the only people that believe this crap in the entire world wake up for God's sake idiot....
That's only the testimony of a single person franco. Hence your talking point is utter BS. Now run away and hide once again you have been bitch slapped with truth.
It is his main partner and he debunked everything you say along with everyone in your propaganda machine. He is your main argument that Joe is corrupt it's stupid absolutely idiotic lol....
It’s a coincidence that Joe Biden called his son over 20 times during his business meetings with foreign entities? Is it coincidence that Hunter put him on speaker for these calls? Even if Joe wasn’t actually providing anything he was selling the illusion that he was. (No idea if that’s illegal or not) Unless you believe Joe is just a moron.

Come on man.
20 times in 10 years for crying out loud. Take a break Hater Dupe
I do. It's not. As I said
Yeah, No you don’t. You saying you do doesn’t really mean anything.
He didn't "participate". You can rest easy

So he’s a moron then? It’s one or the other. Either he knew exactly what he was doing or he’s fucking stupid. You can’t have it both ways.

And he did participate. He allowed himself to he put on speakerphone with his sons foreign business associates. Only a moron can’t see what Hunter was doing.

I do not and he did not

You won’t because he’s on your team. Don’t worry your not fooling anyone
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What Vice President father gets on the speaker phone with his adult son when the latter is meeting with his business partner, and also has the same business partner into the White House 30 times, and send the business partner notes - and then claims he’s never even spoken to his son about his business dealings?

Why are you so determined to defend a man who is compromised, and has sold us out to China?
Because he is NOT compromised and there is no evidence or smoking gun to prove your point. This is just a bullshit right wing lie!

You know what is not a lie? Ivanka Trump getting 13 patents while daddy was in the WH. Since you brought up China, wanna talk about that?

Hunter never worked for the WH. Trump's kids did, yet you said nothing about them.
Dembots believe Adam Shifty admitted parody is evidence, while believing emails, bank records, and testimony are not....

why? well because they are cultist...the only believe what ever they demafascsit leaders tell them to believe
Texts, emails, bank records, Suspicious Activity Reports (that the DOJ ignored), $20 million in shell companies given out to numerous Biden heirs, witness accounts, Biden’s lies, Hunter’s complaint to his sister that he had to turn over half his salary to Pop, Joe’s participation in multiple phone calls with the Burisma partner, etc., etc., are not lies or smears. They are all instances of circumstantial evidence.

And OMG, the irony of your calling this a hoax after the job you liars pulled on the American people with the Russia hoax.


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