Democrats need to understand what evidence means

Texts, emails, bank records, Suspicious Activity Reports (that the DOJ ignored), $20 million in shell companies given out to numerous Biden heirs, witness accounts, Biden’s lies, Hunter’s complaint to his sister that he had to turn over half his salary to Pop, Joe’s participation in multiple phone calls with the Burisma partner, etc., etc., are not lies or smears. They are all instances of circumstantial evidence.

And OMG, the irony of your calling this a hoax after the job you liars pulled on the American people with the Russia hoax.
A Suspicious Activity Report is filed every time a transaction exceeding $10,000 is made, moron. It's the law.

If someone is transacting millions of dollars over several years, that will cause several SARs to be filed.

I'm sure Trump has had THOUSANDS of SAR's filed for his transactions.

You ignorant dumb cows are being led around by the rings in your noses.

As I said, smears, innuendos, lies, and hoaxes are not evidence.

Trump has been caught doing everything he accuses others of so many times, I would not be surprised if it turns out he was born in Kenya.
A Suspicious Activity Report is filed every time a transaction exceeding $10,000 is made, moron. It's the law.

If someone is transacting millions of dollars over several years, that will cause several SARs to be filed.

I'm sure Trump has had THOUSANDS of SAR's filed for his transactions.

You ignorant dumb cows are being led around by the rings in your noses.

As I said, smears, innuendos, lies, and hoaxes are not evidence.

So what about all the other evidence I listed?

And again, you hypocritical moron, you have the nerve to call THIS a hoax - with all the evidence - after what your ilk out this country through with the Hillary-funded Russia hoax!?

You are so eager to keep a senile Democrat in power that you are lying to yourself about the obvious conclusion that the man has been doing favors for Russia, and China, and the Ukraine because they have all the dirt on him and his corrupt family.
Trump has been caught doing everything he accuses others of so many times, I would not be surprised if it turns out he was born in Kenya.
You make me sick, you moron. Thanks to brainwashed voters like you, we have a demented old man in office who aids China and Russia - at Americans‘ expense - and is intentionally weakening this country.
You make me sick, you moron. Thanks to brainwashed voters like you, we have a demented old man in office who aids China and Russia - at Americans‘ expense - and is intentionally weakening this country.

Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected

The Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president got approved about 40% faster than those she requested before Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election

On March 29, 2017, Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of President Trump, became an official government employee, joining her husband, Jared Kushner, as an adviser to her father.

The day before that appointment, Ivanka applied for 17 new trademarks with the Chinese government.

In early May of 2018, ZTE, a Chinese electronics maker, said that it had halted “major operating activities” after being penalized by the United States Department of Commerce for breaking sanctions and selling electronics to Iran and North Korea.

Yet, in mid-May, President Trump surprisingly reversed course when he indicated a willingness to rethink the punishment and vowed to work with Chinese President Xi Jinping to prevent the collapse of the ZTE, which employs 75,000 people, with Trump tweeting, “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

That same month, May of 2018, amid tense trade negotiations between China and the United States, China approved seven Ivanka trademarks, according to Alexander’s book,
White House, Inc.

Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected

The Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president got approved about 40% faster than those she requested before Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election

On March 29, 2017, Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of President Trump, became an official government employee, joining her husband, Jared Kushner, as an adviser to her father.

The day before that appointment, Ivanka applied for 17 new trademarks with the Chinese government.

In early May of 2018, ZTE, a Chinese electronics maker, said that it had halted “major operating activities” after being penalized by the United States Department of Commerce for breaking sanctions and selling electronics to Iran and North Korea.

Yet, in mid-May, President Trump surprisingly reversed course when he indicated a willingness to rethink the punishment and vowed to work with Chinese President Xi Jinping to prevent the collapse of the ZTE, which employs 75,000 people, with Trump tweeting, “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

That same month, May of 2018, amid tense trade negotiations between China and the United States, China approved seven Ivanka trademarks, according to Alexander’s book,
White House, Inc.
She had a legitimate business. Hunter does not - it’s all grift, enables by his father.
I don't believe you're a hypocrite, but your hero pundits and pols certainly are.... I know you ignoramuses, it's 72% Around here, great people but totally misinformed forever. Government and family values my rear end. The silent majority ignoramuses are now the loudmouth majority ignoramuses politically of course....
Who are my hero pundits and pols?
She had a legitimate business. Hunter does not - it’s all grift, enables by his father.
Lies, innuendos, smears...

And you missed this part:

Yet, in mid-May, President Trump surprisingly reversed course when he indicated a willingness to rethink the punishment and vowed to work with Chinese President Xi Jinping to prevent the collapse of the ZTE, which employs 75,000 people, with Trump tweeting, “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

Trump is the best friend China ever had.

And ZTE paid Trump back by building a Chinese spy base in Cuba!
Why the desperation to deflect to Trump’s kids - and do the liberal thing of putting the opponent on defense?

You said there was no evidence - and I named texts, emails, the $20 million in shell companies for doing no discernible work, the witness accounts, the Burisma partner’s visits to the WH, Joe’s participation on phone calls, etc., etc.

So like I was just saying, Trump has been caught doing everything he accuses others of so many times, I would not be surprised if it turns out he was born in Kenya.
Why the desperation to deflect to Trump’s kids - and do the liberal thing of putting the opponent on defense?

You said there was no evidence - and I named texts, emails, the $20 million in shell companies for doing no discernible work, the witness accounts, the Burisma partner’s visits to the WH, Joe’s participation on phone calls, etc., etc.

Tell me exactly what is wrong with a business using 20 LLCs to conduct business overseas.

This should be fun. I sense another Kenya moment coming...
Lies, innuendos, smears...

And you missed this part:

Yet, in mid-May, President Trump surprisingly reversed course when he indicated a willingness to rethink the punishment and vowed to work with Chinese President Xi Jinping to prevent the collapse of the ZTE, which employs 75,000 people, with Trump tweeting, “Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

Trump is the best friend China ever had.

And ZTE paid Trump back by building a Chinese spy base in Cuba!
Deflect, deflect. We have evidence of a corrupt president in office, making decisions for the good of the Communist Chinese Party!! You are a moron, and a dangerous one.

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