Democrats need to understand what evidence means

You make me sick, you moron. Thanks to brainwashed voters like you, we have a demented old man in office who aids China and Russia - at Americans‘ expense - and is intentionally weakening this country.

you need it
Tell me exactly what is wrong with a business using 20 LLCs to conduct business overseas.

This should be fun. I sense another Kenya moment coming...
Nope….you’re not playing dumb you POS and give me homework assignments. You KNOW these were 20 shell companies set up to launder $20 million in ill-gotten gains.

Otherwise, ONE of the nine Biden heirs who got a chunk of the riches would come forward and tell us what service or product they were providing that warranted that type or money.
Nope….you’re not playing dumb you POS and give me homework assignments. You KNOW these were 20 shell companies set up to launder $20 million in ill-gotten gains.

Oh, that's right. You have none.

Just lies, innuendos, smears, and hoaxes.

You are aware Donald Trump has 500 shell companies, right?

I'm telling you. He must have been born in Kenya!
Guilt by association
Unfounded allegation

These things are NOT evidence
Those who exhibit contempt for America's system of justice are also disposed to attack democracy itself when the will of the People does not align with their wished.

This alienated ilk's constantly crapping on the United States is noxious to patriotic Americans, regardless of party affiliation.

Oh, that's right. You have none.

Just lies, innuendos, smears, and hoaxes.

You are aware Donald Trump has 500 shell companies, right?

I'm telling you. He must have been born in Kenya!

A good Prog like you.....I bet you were born in a whore house.
Do they? Where is the link to that testimony and have they proof they've presented this evidence to Congress?
They were only allowed to view Hunter's taxes and under Trump and under Biden, the Doj did not allow them to search Joe Biden's taxes without probable cause.

This was the "bitch" of the IRS whistleblowers, they were prevented from reviewing the Presidents taxes to see if they could find any wrong doing. And as you stated earlier, that's just not how it need probable cause, then like Trump did for nearly his first 4 years, sue them, to prevent them from viewing his taxes... ;)
See? No evidence.

Just lies, innuendos, smears, and hoaxes.


Why do I need evidence? I am not a lawyer, what I am is a Conservative bystander watching the scene play out. Truth is neither you nor I know what is going on, what is happening and what isn't. Unlike you I have no need to convict or find innocence , it isn't my problem. I'll just watch and see how it plays out. You don't know what evidence anyone does or doesn't. Now as for you you make claims you cannot support, you do it all the time.

You still think Mike Brown had his hands when he was shot. You still think Trayvon did nothing wrong. In short your just one more narcissistic pig who likes see himself type. You hate Pubs and Conservatives a like. You'd defend Joe even if he felt up your wife.
You still think Mike Brown had his hands when he was shot. You still think Trayvon did nothing wrong.
See? You tards just can't stop yourselves from making shit up! You've been so gaslighted by your propagandists, you now emulate them.
A Suspicious Activity Report is filed every time a transaction exceeding $10,000 is made, moron. It's the law.

If someone is transacting millions of dollars over several years, that will cause several SARs to be filed.

Not all transactions over 10k. Just the ones made in cash carry that requirement.

I'm sure Trump has had THOUSANDS of SAR's filed for his transactions.
Maybe but I dont know how many of his transactions looked like money laundering or were made in cash.
You ignorant dumb cows are being led around by the rings in your noses.

As I said, smears, innuendos, lies, and hoaxes are not evidence.


If youre going to make shit up at least have the facts that are easily googleable down...

Oh, that's right. You have none.

Just lies, innuendos, smears, and hoaxes.

You are aware Donald Trump has 500 shell companies, right?

I'm telling you. He must have been born in Kenya!
Didnt Trump say he games the system in his debate with Hilary? The system Joe and his buddies set up... Just sayin.
See? You tards just can't stop yourselves from making shit up! You've been so gaslighted by your propagandists, you now emulate them.

Do you really think your fooling anyone here? I'm the guy who would take you by the throat and make be honest for once in your life.
Those who exhibit contempt for America's system of justice are also disposed to attack democracy itself when the will of the People does not align with their wished.

This alienated ilk's constantly crapping on the United States is noxious to patriotic Americans, regardless of party affiliation.
No idea what that has to do with what you quoted
Guilt by association
Unfounded allegation

These things are NOT evidence
It’s a coincidence that Joe Biden called his son over 20 times during his business meetings with foreign entities? Is it coincidence that Hunter put him on speaker for these calls? Even if Joe wasn’t actually providing anything he was selling the illusion that he was. (No idea if that’s illegal or not) Unless you believe Joe is just a moron.

Come on man.
It’s a coincidence that Joe Biden called his son over 20 times during his business meetings with foreign entities? Is it coincidence that Hunter put him on speaker for these calls? Even if Joe wasn’t actually providing anything he was selling the illusion that he was. (No idea if that’s illegal or not) Unless you believe Joe is just a moron.

Come on man.


It’s not

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