Democrats need to understand what evidence means

Why don't you fuckers want to talk about how much money Jared Kushner got from MBS while Trump was in the WH? Or the 13 patents Ivanka got from China? You people are fucking hypocrites!
Because it’s a deflection. That’s why
So your argument is he only robbed a bank 20 times in 10 years? In related stupidity that was just the testimony of a single person. Round up all the witnesses and that number likely skyrockets. Franco buddy, this is why you should not vote or have an opinion. :itsok:
he talked with his father all the time but only 20 times in 10 years did anybody else hear it, and no one has said anything untoward ever happened. Everything you know is stupid BS, ignoramus. Change the damn channel, Meanwhile the trump kids actually were in the government and got away with bloody murder billions of dollars.... Most of these investigations by the DOJ are only taking place to prove to you idiots that you're totally wrong and listen to total garbage propaganda.
All of which supports the Democrats 100 percent of the time, Super Dupe. Like one of the foundations of Economics, when you have a flat tax system like we have in the United States today, it is a huge giveaway to the rich and ruins everybody else, dingbats.....

You are incredibly stupid.
Absolutely correct
Evidence is a strong indication but the confirmation must come later or a refutation may come
Lib loons like to change definitions when it soothes them
Also, confirmations like bank deposit slips are not provided to USMB posters.
Your disrespect for our fine law enforcement Department of Justice and public servants of all kinds is almost treasonous since you have absolutely no evidence that will ever make it to court- just total BS, Super Duper Anti American POS functionally.... Murdoch should go to hell immediately
At least some people give a damn about this country. The rest of you are destroying it.
Everyone in the world outside the GOP base agrees that you're nuts and dangerous- trying to overturn elections based on crap and in love with the biggest con man ever
Your disrespect for our fine law enforcement Department of Justice and public servants of all kinds is almost treasonous since you have absolutely no evidence that will ever make it to court- just total BS, Super Duper Anti American POS functionally.... Murdoch should go to hell immediately
Not related to anything I said but interesting emotional eruption from you
The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.
How am I a hypocrite?
I don't believe you're a hypocrite, but your hero pundits and pols certainly are.... I know you ignoramuses, it's 72% Around here, great people but totally misinformed forever. Government and family values my rear end. The silent majority ignoramuses are now the loudmouth majority ignoramuses politically of course....
A big part of the dispute is that Democrats, in their effort to defend what increasingly looks like a highly corrupt and compromised Biden, scream “there’s no evidence!!!” The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.

They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely, and to that we have whistleblower testimony, Archer’s testimony, 30+ visits from Hunter’s Burisma partner to the WH, bank records and SARs, the creation of 20 shell companies, the payoffs of $20 million coming from foreign countries and distributed to nine Biden family members, and so forth.

PLENTY of evidence.

Smears, lies, innuendos, and hoaxes are not "evidence". No matter how big the mountain of manufactured bullshit is.
Smears, lies, innuendos, and hoaxes are not "evidence". No matter how big the mountain of manufactured bullshit is.
Texts, emails, bank records, Suspicious Activity Reports (that the DOJ ignored), $20 million in shell companies given out to numerous Biden heirs, witness accounts, Biden’s lies, Hunter’s complaint to his sister that he had to turn over half his salary to Pop, Joe’s participation in multiple phone calls with the Burisma partner, etc., etc., are not lies or smears. They are all instances of circumstantial evidence.

And OMG, the irony of your calling this a hoax after the job you liars pulled on the American people with the Russia hoax.

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