Democrats need to understand what evidence means


Your point?
Your point?
My point is explained in Post 390.

Joe Biden is going to have to show that he made a loan to his brother.

IRS requires that loans between family members charge a minimum interest rate (3% at the time), and the interest is reportable. Biden did not list a loan to his Brother in his reporting docs.

It's probably Biden Brand payment, made from funds overseas, laundered as part of a bankruptcy filing.
My point is explained in Post 390.

Joe Biden is going to have to show that he made a loan to his brother.

IRS requires that loans between family members charge a minimum interest rate (3% at the time), and the interest is reportable. Biden did not list a loan to his Brother in his reporting docs.

It's probably Biden Brand payment, made from funds overseas, laundered as part of a bankruptcy filing.
In your dreams

Oh look, another one.. This one signed by Jim's wife Sara....



The bank records indicate Hunter Biden wired $400,000 to his Owasco account on Aug. 8, 2017, the same day Hudson West III was sent $5 million. He sent $130,000 from Owasco to his Rosemont Seneca Advisors LLC account, an LLC he previously used to purchase his Porsche.

Hunter Biden wired $150,000 from Owasco to James and Sara Biden’s Lion Hall Group on Aug. 17, 2017, the bank records show. Lion Hall’s balance was reduced to $115,822 because of purchases made between Aug. 14 and Aug. 25, 2017, after the funds came in from Hunter Biden.

Sara Biden wired $50,000 from Lion Hall on Aug. 28, 2017, and $50,000 was deposited into her personal account with her husband on the same day. Sara and James Biden’s personal account had a $46.88 balance prior to the $50,000 deposit, bank records show. She sent the check to Joe Biden on Sept. 3, 2017, for a “loan repayment” less than a month after James Biden’s business relationship with Hudson West III began.
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Oh look, another one.. This one signed by Jim's wife Sara....



The bank records indicate Hunter Biden wired $400,000 to his Owasco account on Aug. 8, 2017, the same day Hudson West III was sent $5 million. He sent $130,000 from Owasco to his Rosemont Seneca Advisors LLC account, an LLC he previously used to purchase his Porsche.

Hunter Biden wired $150,000 from Owasco to James and Sara Biden’s Lion Hall Group on Aug. 17, 2017, the bank records show. Lion Hall’s balance was reduced to $115,822 because of purchases made between Aug. 14 and Aug. 25, 2017, after the funds came in from Hunter Biden.

Sara Biden wired $50,000 from Lion Hall on Aug. 28, 2017, and $50,000 was deposited into her personal account with her husband on the same day. Sara and James Biden’s personal account had a $46.88 balance prior to the $50,000 deposit, bank records show. She sent the check to Joe Biden on Sept. 3, 2017, for a “loan repayment” less than a month after James Biden’s business relationship with Hudson West III began.

The astute will notice that it's exactly.....

10% for The Big Guy.
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The astute will notice that it's exactly.....

10% for The Big Guy.
Do you think that the big fat guy got 10% of the 3 billion dollars that his daughter conned the Saudis out of while she worked for the trump? Haven't heard a word from y'all on that subject, eh? Was Biden in office while the astute noticed? Nah.
Do you think that the big fat guy got 10% of the 3 billion dollars that his daughter conned the Saudis out of while she worked for the trump? Haven't heard a word from y'all on that subject, eh? Was Biden in office while the astute noticed? Nah.
Are you referring to the $2 investment in Jared's investment fund after Trump left office for which he received a $25M management fee? Seems all of your facts are incorrect, so undoubtedly you speculation about the 10% is as well.

Do you think that the big fat guy got 10% of the 3 billion dollars that his daughter conned the Saudis out of while she worked for the trump? Haven't heard a word from y'all on that subject, eh? Was Biden in office while the astute noticed? Nah.
Ivanka didn't get squat from the Saudis, moron.
Are you referring to the $2 investment in Jared's investment fund after Trump left office for which he received a $25M management fee? Seems all of your facts are incorrect, so undoubtedly you speculation about the 10% is as well.

My facts are correct. After he left office? They received the money after he left office, and he made these arrangements while in office, yes? $25 million management fee? C'mon man, get real. They got 2+million dollars, which dated back to when he was in office--he collected the money after he left.
What 10%? The Saudis have a 28% interest in the venture.
A big part of the dispute is that Democrats, in their effort to defend what increasingly looks like a highly corrupt and compromised Biden, scream “there’s no evidence!!!” The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.

They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely, and to that we have whistleblower testimony, Archer’s testimony, 30+ visits from Hunter’s Burisma partner to the WH, bank records and SARs, the creation of 20 shell companies, the payoffs of $20 million coming from foreign countries and distributed to nine Biden family members, and so forth.

PLENTY of evidence.

Evidence means NOTHING when you have the DOJ, FBI, CIA and 95%
A big part of the dispute is that Democrats, in their effort to defend what increasingly looks like a highly corrupt and compromised Biden, scream “there’s no evidence!!!” The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.

They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely, and to that we have whistleblower testimony, Archer’s testimony, 30+ visits from Hunter’s Burisma partner to the WH, bank records and SARs, the creation of 20 shell companies, the payoffs of $20 million coming from foreign countries and distributed to nine Biden family members, and so forth.

PLENTY of evidence.

Evidence means NOTHING when you have the DOJ, FBI, CIA ,90% of Judges and Prosecutors, and half of the Supreme Court in your back pocket. Look at Hilary, she just destroys evidence on a whim and NOTHING HAPPENS; the FBI had her laptops from Colorado AND THEY SMASHED THE HARD DRIVES.
Evidence means NOTHING when you have the DOJ, FBI, CIA ,90% of Judges and Prosecutors, and half of the Supreme Court in your back pocket. Look at Hilary, she just destroys evidence on a whim and NOTHING HAPPENS; the FBI had her laptops from Colorado AND THEY SMASHED THE HARD DRIVES.
I agree….very sad what has happened to our country. If you’re a Democrat, you can get away with anything. If you’re a Republican, you will face ridiculous charges to keep you from power.
I agree….very sad what has happened to our country. If you’re a Democrat, you can get away with anything. If you’re a Republican, you will face ridiculous charges to keep you from power.


Bank investigator flagged 'unusual' and 'erratic' activity in Hunter Biden's financial transactions from China that Republicans say funded the $40,000 'loan repayment' check to Joe​

  • A bank investigator was alarmed by 'unusual' and 'erratic' activity in Hunter Biden's financial transactions with a Chinese company in 2018
  • The bank should conduct a 're-evaluation' of its relationship with 'high risk' client Hunter, said the email
  • A money trail snaked from Chinese oil giant CEFC - one of Hunter Biden's joint ventures - into Joe's account in the form of a $40K check, says GOP




Bank investigator flagged 'unusual' and 'erratic' activity in Hunter Biden's financial transactions from China that Republicans say funded the $40,000 'loan repayment' check to Joe​

  • A bank investigator was alarmed by 'unusual' and 'erratic' activity in Hunter Biden's financial transactions with a Chinese company in 2018
  • The bank should conduct a 're-evaluation' of its relationship with 'high risk' client Hunter, said the email
  • A money trail snaked from Chinese oil giant CEFC - one of Hunter Biden's joint ventures - into Joe's account in the form of a $40K check, says GOP



What dumb Bingos you are. 😄 There's nothing illegal about Hunter doing business with companies in China. So do the Trump's. There's nothing illegal with Hunter giving some money he makes from that business to his uncle and aunt's organization. And there's nothing illegal about James Biden paying back whatever loan his brother might of given him. When are you going to stop being a sucker for right wing propaganda?
A big part of the dispute is that Democrats, in their effort to defend what increasingly looks like a highly corrupt and compromised Biden, scream “there’s no evidence!!!” The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.

They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely, and to that we have whistleblower testimony, Archer’s testimony, 30+ visits from Hunter’s Burisma partner to the WH, bank records and SARs, the creation of 20 shell companies, the payoffs of $20 million coming from foreign countries and distributed to nine Biden family members, and so forth.

PLENTY of evidence.

None of your list is any real evidence:

It is just business... You have no actual proof of laws being broken...

Here is news to you, Americans are allowed to do business in China. Actually a hell of a lot of Americans do business in China in the past and are doing today...
Actually China is US third largest trading partner... Do Chinese businesses engage US for capital investment? Yes...

So what's your big deal and more importantly, Trump took more money while being actual President and he gave China huge trade concessions which surpassed every US President in history when he pulled out of TPP... No President in history has conceded so much to China, while the same President and family was receiving millions... Where is your investigation into that?
A big part of the dispute is that Democrats, in their effort to defend what increasingly looks like a highly corrupt and compromised Biden, scream “there’s no evidence!!!” The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.

They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely, and to that we have whistleblower testimony, Archer’s testimony, 30+ visits from Hunter’s Burisma partner to the WH, bank records and SARs, the creation of 20 shell companies, the payoffs of $20 million coming from foreign countries and distributed to nine Biden family members, and so forth.

PLENTY of evidence.

Hey dupe, it's Nov 30th now - where is the evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong?

No criminal refferals, no impeachment, not even any sort of detailed accusation of any wrongdoing by Joe.

NOPE, Republicans are now busy dodging Hunter's public testimony. Thats how much confidence they have in their puffery and so called "evidence".
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