Democrats need you to stay broke, weird, desperate, oppressed, stupid and taxpayer dependent.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Something very obvious on the surface but seldomly acknowledged.
What is the real motive of Democratic politicians?
If everyone woke up tomorrow and wasn't weird, was straight, law abiding and making six figure incomes there would be no Democratic party....Right?
Thinking logically do you honestly believe that Democratic government wants to help better your life? Why would they? Do they want to lose votes?
For you Liberals and Democrats; lets talk metaphorically for a minute; see if you can tie the correlation together.
"I love to work for a company that never wants me to 'do better'."
"I would rather play on the team that's trying to lose."
"I want my child in a school that wants to keep my child stupid."

Do you get it?
Something very obvious on the surface but seldomly acknowledged.
What is the real motive of Democratic politicians?
If everyone woke up tomorrow and wasn't weird, was straight, law abiding and making six figure incomes there would be no Democratic party....Right?
Thinking logically do you honestly believe that Democratic government wants to help better your life? Why would they? Do they want to lose votes?
For you Liberals and Democrats; lets talk metaphorically for a minute; see if you can tie the correlation together.
"I love to work for a company that never wants me to 'do better'."
"I would rather play on the team that's trying to lose."
"I want my child in a school that wants to keep my child stupid."

Do you get it?
The richest people in the country are democrat, moron. Bill Gates, Buffett, Larry Ellison, Walton family, Bloomberg, Brin & Page, Bezos, etc.

Got any other "deep thoughts" to share? :laugh2:
Here's a paradox for you : why do dirt poor hillbillies vote GOP when it's against their interests !?
Well I wouldn't go as far as you, but I do know the socialist, quasi communist system as it is in Canada. The objective is to maintain dependence on the state. Sometimes purposely, other times incidentally. In all cases your freedom and pursuits are impeded, replaced with nepotism, cronyism, theft and abuse of taxpayer contributions and the like.

If you compare the American system to Canadas in terms of individual freedoms and rights, it is no contest. It is why American companies have historically done so well in the world, if you become more like Canada and subsidise and bet on losing businesses, you will have a poor system indeed. I say it often on here, teach people to fish so they can fish for themselves, don't give them fish. Then stay out of their lives and the entire population will prosper.
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Kind of ironic isn't it? Money solves everything except what it was designated for. Tim needs to visit the area's he has so much knowledge about before he draws such uninformed conclusions.
Here's a paradox for you : why do dirt poor hillbillies vote GOP when it's against their interests !?

How it against anyones interest to vote for opportunity? A better business environment, based on laissez-faire, Libertarian principles that espouses limited intervention by the government ensures success for those who seek it. This is what is key and what those who haven't lived in a socialist system as I have don't understand. Most people don't want handouts or government inference, they want opportunity and freedom. If there are opportunities, people will work hard to achieve.

From the Rustbelt to the inner city, families want opportunity. That comes with investment and expansion of businesses that best occur in capitalist environments, not quasi communist/socialist environments.
Well I wouldn't go as far as you, but I do know the socialist, quasi communist system as it is in Canada. The objective is to maintain dependence on the state. Sometimes purposely, other times incidentally. In ll cases your freedom and pursuits are impeded, replaced with nepotism, cronyism, theft and abuse of taxpayer contributions and the like.

If you compare the American system to Canadas in terms of individual freedoms and rights, it is no contest. It is why American companies have historically done so well in the world, if you become more like Canada and subsidise and bet on losing businesses, you will have a poor system indeed. I say it often on here, teach people to fish so they can fish for themselves, don't give them fish. Then stay out of their lives and the entire population will prosper.

Yupp! Dependence on the state! I was going to allude to that, but Timmy is already indoctrinated.
Something very obvious on the surface but seldomly acknowledged.
What is the real motive of Democratic politicians?
If everyone woke up tomorrow and wasn't weird, was straight, law abiding and making six figure incomes there would be no Democratic party....Right?
Thinking logically do you honestly believe that Democratic government wants to help better your life? Why would they? Do they want to lose votes?
For you Liberals and Democrats; lets talk metaphorically for a minute; see if you can tie the correlation together.
"I love to work for a company that never wants me to 'do better'."
"I would rather play on the team that's trying to lose."
"I want my child in a school that wants to keep my child stupid."

Do you get it?
The richest people in the country are democrat, moron. Bill Gates, Buffett, Larry Ellison, Walton family, Bloomberg, Brin & Page, Bezos, etc.

Got any other "deep thoughts" to share? :laugh2:

There you people always bring up the .2% with the hopes they will bring up the averages of the other brilliant of you. Did you ever notice that anyone successful voting Democrat relies on Democrat ideology for the livelihood of their businesses? They're smart enough to know that poor losers couldn't pay for their shit without taxpayer subsidizing...can you wrap your little tiny peanut brain around that or should I further explain?
Here's a paradox for you : why do dirt poor hillbillies vote GOP when it's against their interests !?

Poor rednecks tend to be genuinely proud Americans and proud American's generally vote Republican. Further, even they're smart enough to see the root motive's of the political party's.
The writing is on the just have to be smart enough to acknowledge it.

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