Democrats need you to stay broke, weird, desperate, oppressed, stupid and taxpayer dependent.

Well I wouldn't go as far as you, but I do know the socialist, quasi communist system as it is in Canada. The objective is to maintain dependence on the state. Sometimes purposely, other times incidentally. In all cases your freedom and pursuits are impeded, replaced with nepotism, cronyism, theft and abuse of taxpayer contributions and the like.

If you compare the American system to Canadas in terms of individual freedoms and rights, it is no contest. It is why American companies have historically done so well in the world, if you become more like Canada and subsidise and bet on losing businesses, you will have a poor system indeed. I say it often on here, teach people to fish so they can fish for themselves, don't give them fish. Then stay out of their lives and the entire population will prosper.

Hey Doofus! Canada has consistently ranked much higher than the US in "personal freedoms", and in ease of doing business in the country, as well as a lower level of corruption compared to the US.

Our personal tax rates, if you factor in the cost of health care being included in our taxes, is actually LOWER than the US. Health care being such an issue that during NAFTA negotiations, Americans wanted our health care system declared a "government subsidy" to business.

People have freedom because our system gives it to you. We don't spend our tax dollars on weapons, and wars, we spend our tax dollars on OUR PEOPLE. Our most important resource.
Something very obvious on the surface but seldomly acknowledged.
What is the real motive of Democratic politicians?
If everyone woke up tomorrow and wasn't weird, was straight, law abiding and making six figure incomes there would be no Democratic party....Right?
Thinking logically do you honestly believe that Democratic government wants to help better your life? Why would they? Do they want to lose votes?
For you Liberals and Democrats; lets talk metaphorically for a minute; see if you can tie the correlation together.
"I love to work for a company that never wants me to 'do better'."
"I would rather play on the team that's trying to lose."
"I want my child in a school that wants to keep my child stupid."

Do you get it?

You got your username right.
Well I wouldn't go as far as you, but I do know the socialist, quasi communist system as it is in Canada. The objective is to maintain dependence on the state. Sometimes purposely, other times incidentally. In all cases your freedom and pursuits are impeded, replaced with nepotism, cronyism, theft and abuse of taxpayer contributions and the like.

If you compare the American system to Canadas in terms of individual freedoms and rights, it is no contest. It is why American companies have historically done so well in the world, if you become more like Canada and subsidise and bet on losing businesses, you will have a poor system indeed. I say it often on here, teach people to fish so they can fish for themselves, don't give them fish. Then stay out of their lives and the entire population will prosper.

Hey Doofus! Canada has consistently ranked much higher than the US in "personal freedoms", and in ease of doing business in the country, as well as a lower level of corruption compared to the US.

Our personal tax rates, if you factor in the cost of health care being included in our taxes, is actually LOWER than the US. Health care being such an issue that during NAFTA negotiations, Americans wanted our health care system declared a "government subsidy" to business.

People have freedom because our system gives it to you. We don't spend our tax dollars on weapons, and wars, we spend our tax dollars on OUR PEOPLE. Our most important resource.
"Your people" are much higher quality humans than our people and probably worth investing in. Do you border a third world country full of cockroach like humans who reproduce more of the same at a rodents pace? The more we invest the more they can't pry our bottom feeders off the taxpayer tit.
Look back in time. The only way the democrat party gains seats is during a crisis manufactured by the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media. A prominent democrat once coined the political phrase "never let a crisis go to waste". Democrats thrive on anger, outrage and sometimes anarchy and the DNC has treated Black people like 2nd class citizens that need to be cared for by the democrat plantation for a hundred years.
Look back in time. The only way the democrat party gains seats is during a crisis manufactured by the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media. A prominent democrat once coined the political phrase "never let a crisis go to waste". Democrats thrive on anger, outrage and sometimes anarchy and the DNC has treated Black people like 2nd class citizens that need to be cared for by the democrat plantation for a hundred years.

It really is a no-brainer. I feel like a broken record but come on people wake up!
The existence of the Democratic Party requires and needs lost souls.
Gender confused whacko's
Weirdos always seeking change and something to advocate for
People who need their hand held through life
Taxpayer draining low-life's
Recent generation immigrants getting freebies
The only legitimate people voting Democrat are those who's jobs or businesses are dependent on the aforementioned due to government / taxpayer subsidies.
There is zero motivation for a Democratic government to create a better system for you. If you succeed they fail by losing votes...Get it?
(Hit replay)
Kind of ironic isn't it? Money solves everything except what it was designated for. Tim needs to visit the area's he has so much knowledge about before he draws such uninformed conclusions.

This whole thread is based on uninformed conclusions!! When in Rome .
Kind of ironic isn't it? Money solves everything except what it was designated for. Tim needs to visit the area's he has so much knowledge about before he draws such uninformed conclusions.

This whole thread is based on uninformed conclusions!! When in Rome .

Timmy, denial is a flaw rooted in ignorance.
Don't be that guy so desperate to believe that he blinds himself from simplicity. This is elementary stuff bud.
Kind of ironic isn't it? Money solves everything except what it was designated for. Tim needs to visit the area's he has so much knowledge about before he draws such uninformed conclusions.

This whole thread is based on uninformed conclusions!! When in Rome .

Timmy, denial is a flaw rooted in ignorance.
Don't be that guy so desperate to believe that he blinds himself from simplicity. This is elementary stuff bud.

True . These GOP loving rubes are in denial if they think conservatives are looking out for them.
"Your people" are much higher quality humans than our people and probably worth investing in. Do you border a third world country full of cockroach like humans who reproduce more of the same at a rodents pace? The more we invest the more they can't pry our bottom feeders off the taxpayer tit.

Bullshit. People are people. We have our share of ne'er do wells, misfits, and just plain old lazy, stupid people, just like you. But here's the difference: We don't waste time and money means testing everyone to make sure that someone doesn't get a dime they aren't entitled to. We just open the programs up to those who apply for them. Yes, we have millionaires collecting Old Age Security, but it's cheaper to just pay it than it is to undertake the time and administration to means test every applicant.

In general, Americans are willing to spend twice as much as they save to guarantee that no undeserving person gets more than they're entitled to. Penny wise and pound foolish, but Americans are like that. They want the programs to be wasteful and administration heavy so they can complain about how expensive and what a failure they are. Let's cancel them, instead of running them in a cost-effective, efficient way.
Kind of ironic isn't it? Money solves everything except what it was designated for. Tim needs to visit the area's he has so much knowledge about before he draws such uninformed conclusions.

This whole thread is based on uninformed conclusions!! When in Rome .

Timmy, denial is a flaw rooted in ignorance.
Don't be that guy so desperate to believe that he blinds himself from simplicity. This is elementary stuff bud.

True . These GOP loving rubes are in denial if they think conservatives are looking out for them.

Well we know the democrats don't, hence they got smoked in 2010,2014 and now

"Your people" are much higher quality humans than our people and probably worth investing in. Do you border a third world country full of cockroach like humans who reproduce more of the same at a rodents pace? The more we invest the more they can't pry our bottom feeders off the taxpayer tit.

Bullshit. People are people. We have our share of ne'er do wells, misfits, and just plain old lazy, stupid people, just like you. But here's the difference: We don't waste time and money means testing everyone to make sure that someone doesn't get a dime they aren't entitled to. We just open the programs up to those who apply for them. Yes, we have millionaires collecting Old Age Security, but it's cheaper to just pay it than it is to undertake the time and administration to means test every applicant.

In general, Americans are willing to spend twice as much as they save to guarantee that no undeserving person gets more than they're entitled to. Penny wise and pound foolish, but Americans are like that. They want the programs to be wasteful and administration heavy so they can complain about how expensive and what a failure they are. Let's cancel them, instead of running them in a cost-effective, efficient way.
You're just plain crazy..."Lets steal cash from hard working taxpayers and give to anyone who asks for it. Lets not make them prove they need it." hahaha
Do you hear how loony that sounds?
Do banks loan money for homes and automobiles to anyone "who applies" without applicants proving the means to pay back said loans?
Come on now...get your head on straight...You're starting to sound like an irrational Liberal.
Dragonlady Don't get me wrong here, I have a lot of love for my Canadian neighbors, but the only reason you don't have to spend on military is because the US does and you'd best not forget that the US has your backside, and Alaska your entire western front for free. If you really want to talk about "just paying for it," then how about your government start kicking over some cash for your "welfare" military protection?
"Your people" are much higher quality humans than our people and probably worth investing in. Do you border a third world country full of cockroach like humans who reproduce more of the same at a rodents pace? The more we invest the more they can't pry our bottom feeders off the taxpayer tit.

Bullshit. People are people. We have our share of ne'er do wells, misfits, and just plain old lazy, stupid people, just like you. But here's the difference: We don't waste time and money means testing everyone to make sure that someone doesn't get a dime they aren't entitled to. We just open the programs up to those who apply for them. Yes, we have millionaires collecting Old Age Security, but it's cheaper to just pay it than it is to undertake the time and administration to means test every applicant.

In general, Americans are willing to spend twice as much as they save to guarantee that no undeserving person gets more than they're entitled to. Penny wise and pound foolish, but Americans are like that. They want the programs to be wasteful and administration heavy so they can complain about how expensive and what a failure they are. Let's cancel them, instead of running them in a cost-effective, efficient way.

No, not all Americans, only Democrats. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. The more people that work for the government, the more likely Democrat voters.

Government is a failure when it comes to programs, but private companies are not. What's the difference? Private companies like insurance have departments to find and eliminate fraud. There is no way you can prove that it costs more to detect and remove fraud than it is to just let it happen. We Americans know, because fraud (particularly in Medicare and Medicaid) run us into the billions of dollars every year. So you people in Canada just hand out money? Okay, so how many trillions of dollars are you in debt? Because right now, we are closing in on 20 trillion. We need to eliminate as much waste and fraud as possible.
Here's a paradox for you : why do dirt poor hillbillies vote GOP when it's against their interests !?

How is it against their interests? People that know how to survive without government don't want government in their lives. The Democrat party has inserted itself into our lives right down to forcing us to buy something we may not want or can afford, and telling businesses what benefits they must provide for their employees.

The less government in my life, the happier life I will have. And maybe......just maybe, if those people who do vote for their own interest would stop doing that and vote for what's best for the country instead of themselves, we might be able to balance the budget and work on this massive debt we accumulated.
Something very obvious on the surface but seldomly acknowledged.
What is the real motive of Democratic politicians?
If everyone woke up tomorrow and wasn't weird, was straight, law abiding and making six figure incomes there would be no Democratic party....Right?
Thinking logically do you honestly believe that Democratic government wants to help better your life? Why would they? Do they want to lose votes?
For you Liberals and Democrats; lets talk metaphorically for a minute; see if you can tie the correlation together.
"I love to work for a company that never wants me to 'do better'."
"I would rather play on the team that's trying to lose."
"I want my child in a school that wants to keep my child stupid."

Do you get it?

The Democrats and Republicans share the same goal, and that is to expand their tent.

The two major voting groups for the Democrats are government dependents and victims. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

With DumBama in charge, he has created million and millions of new government dependents. With Commie Care, he created over 20 million new government dependents. He did the same thing by doubling the food stamp role almost overnight. Just with those two programs, that's over 40 million new government dependents.

The Democrats are better at expanding their tent than Republicans unfortunately. When the takers outweigh the givers, then we will have a one-party government until our demise.
The candidates want you to think they're is a major difference but behind closed doors they both laugh at the poor bastards who wake up and bust their asses so the company execs can sit back and relax. If you call the system as it is they label you anti american....losers.. Abject losers...fall for it. Got me my double wide trailer.....god bless america. Makes me laugh so hard.
"Your people" are much higher quality humans than our people and probably worth investing in. Do you border a third world country full of cockroach like humans who reproduce more of the same at a rodents pace? The more we invest the more they can't pry our bottom feeders off the taxpayer tit.

Bullshit. People are people. We have our share of ne'er do wells, misfits, and just plain old lazy, stupid people, just like you. But here's the difference: We don't waste time and money means testing everyone to make sure that someone doesn't get a dime they aren't entitled to. We just open the programs up to those who apply for them. Yes, we have millionaires collecting Old Age Security, but it's cheaper to just pay it than it is to undertake the time and administration to means test every applicant.

In general, Americans are willing to spend twice as much as they save to guarantee that no undeserving person gets more than they're entitled to. Penny wise and pound foolish, but Americans are like that. They want the programs to be wasteful and administration heavy so they can complain about how expensive and what a failure they are. Let's cancel them, instead of running them in a cost-effective, efficient way.

No, not all Americans, only Democrats. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. The more people that work for the government, the more likely Democrat voters.

Government is a failure when it comes to programs, but private companies are not. What's the difference? Private companies like insurance have departments to find and eliminate fraud. There is no way you can prove that it costs more to detect and remove fraud than it is to just let it happen. We Americans know, because fraud (particularly in Medicare and Medicaid) run us into the billions of dollars every year. So you people in Canada just hand out money? Okay, so how many trillions of dollars are you in debt? Because right now, we are closing in on 20 trillion. We need to eliminate as much waste and fraud as possible.

Also, let us not forget that the total population of Canada is just north of 36 million people. Piece O' cake!
No, not all Americans, only Democrats. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. The more people that work for the government, the more likely Democrat voters.

Government is a failure when it comes to programs, but private companies are not. What's the difference? Private companies like insurance have departments to find and eliminate fraud. There is no way you can prove that it costs more to detect and remove fraud than it is to just let it happen. We Americans know, because fraud (particularly in Medicare and Medicaid) run us into the billions of dollars every year. So you people in Canada just hand out money? Okay, so how many trillions of dollars are you in debt? Because right now, we are closing in on 20 trillion. We need to eliminate as much waste and fraud as possible.

It is Republicans who are keeping the working poor dependent on government programs because they refuse to raise the minimum wage. The Republican solution to low wages is to increase the earned income credit which shifts the burden of the low wage earner from his/her employer to the taxpayer.

You complain about the high rate of abortion, but the bald fact is that even in jurisdictions like Canada where abortion services are completely covered by government health care (and the Catholic Church hasn't complained one iota about their employer health care tax is used for birth control and abortion), there are fewer abortions simply because of mandated maternity leave, and single payer health care, along with subsidized day care spaces for low income workers.

There's also mandated sex education, and condoms available for free in schools. This notion that the parents can opt their kids out of sex ed is ridiculous. It's biology. We need to know how our bodies work in order to know how to care for them and keep ourselves healthy.
Dragonlady Don't get me wrong here, I have a lot of love for my Canadian neighbors, but the only reason you don't have to spend on military is because the US does and you'd best not forget that the US has your backside, and Alaska your entire western front for free. If you really want to talk about "just paying for it," then how about your government start kicking over some cash for your "welfare" military protection?

Thanks but no thanks. It's our Norad defense system that has YOUR back. The bald fact is that nobody is attacking Canada. Nobody is attacking really anywhere outside of the Middle East. Your military is just a way of maintaining your corporate world dominance. The US only intervenes where their are "US interests", in other words, property and assets belonging to US corporations, involved.

You have all of this money invested in bases around the world, but you don't have any in Canada. You tell yourself you're protecting the rest of us but you're not. You're just crazy for guns, and because you got em, you have to use them.

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