Democrats need you to stay broke, weird, desperate, oppressed, stupid and taxpayer dependent.

YOUR norad? Is that so? My father was the Commander of Elmendorf and I'm looking at a missile defense sight that covers /both/ our asses right now; best make sure you know what you're saying on something before you start barking country pride...

The NORAD and U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) Command Center serves as a central collection and coordination facility for a worldwide system of sensors designed to provide the commander and the leadership of Canada and the U.S. with an accurate picture of any aerospace or maritime threat. Three subordinate regional headquarters, located at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska; Canadian Forces Base Winnipeg, Manitoba; and Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, receive direction from the commander and control air operations within their respective areas of responsibility.

As I said, Alaska has your western front. Do you think your border patrol is going to stand up to it if Alaska falls? Do you think that /anyone/ starved enough to attack the US isn't going to wipe Canada as well? Are you saying that Canada would betray the US in the event of an attack?

Unlike you, we Alaskan's /will/ have your fool back, and if you and your countrymen of like mind betray us you had best pray we all die because you'll never escape our wrath. You just ruined my positive view of Canada missy, that such a treacherous idea could even be occurring in political circles there - Quality hatred at it's finest. Never again will I defend Canada as my sister...
It is Republicans who are keeping the working poor dependent on government programs because they refuse to raise the minimum wage. The Republican solution to low wages is to increase the earned income credit which shifts the burden of the low wage earner from his/her employer to the taxpayer.

You complain about the high rate of abortion, but the bald fact is that even in jurisdictions like Canada where abortion services are completely covered by government health care (and the Catholic Church hasn't complained one iota about their employer health care tax is used for birth control and abortion), there are fewer abortions simply because of mandated maternity leave, and single payer health care, along with subsidized day care spaces for low income workers.

There's also mandated sex education, and condoms available for free in schools. This notion that the parents can opt their kids out of sex ed is ridiculous. It's biology. We need to know how our bodies work in order to know how to care for them and keep ourselves healthy.

I didn't bring up abortion. Perhaps you're thinking of somebody else.

The problem in the US is not minimum wage, the problem is our social programs pay too well. Blue collar jobs are on the chopping block because of automation. As machines become more affordable and human labor less affordable, it makes investments in automation more attractive. Raise the minimum wage.......even more attractive yet.

Besides the threat of robots, increasing minimum wage solves nothing because those people on minimum wage love their free goodies. When they make more money, they work less hours. Nothing is accomplished unless you consider inflation an accomplishment.

Over one-third of our working age population is not working nor looking for a job. That has nothing to do with minimum wage, it has to do with alternative sources of living.
There are more 25 to 40 year olds living with their parents than ever. Then again considering one cannot afford rent or housing for a 15 dollar per hour job, what do we expect them to do for jobs that pay less than that which is beyond poverty?
There are more 25 to 40 year olds living with their parents than ever. Then again considering one cannot afford rent or housing for a 15 dollar per hour job, what do we expect them to do for jobs that pay less than that which is beyond poverty?
Then stop flipping burgers.....
Too many people owning houses or renting who cannot afford it is not good. Perhaps its a good sign underemployed people are living on the cheap like they should. Let the housing market flounder.
Too many people owning houses or renting who cannot afford it is not good. Perhaps its a good sign underemployed people are living on the cheap like they should. Let the housing market flounder.
Get a better paying job.....
There are more 25 to 40 year olds living with their parents than ever. Then again considering one cannot afford rent or housing for a 15 dollar per hour job, what do we expect them to do for jobs that pay less than that which is beyond poverty?

Don't vote for democrats, a family of four can easily live on $15 bucks an hour in a red state...

In fact Einstein do 50% of American workers live with there parents?

In case you didn't know, 50% of American workers make $15 or less.

If 50 percent live for under 15 bucks an hour...that means america isn't great quite simply.
Poverty are us...and those people still believe the red white and blue offered them great hope...dummies
Too many people owning houses or renting who cannot afford it is not good. Perhaps its a good sign underemployed people are living on the cheap like they should. Let the housing market flounder.

I guess you want an economy like the last time it floundered.

It's more or less the lack of responsibility that's involved. When I was young, the first chance you got you secured an apartment or house of your own. Many parents didn't put up with their kid sitting home and not working after the age of 17, or working crappy jobs that precluded them from using their wings for the first time in life. Some parents kicked their kid out of the nest at 18 unless they moved on to college.

By nature, people will take the easiest route in life. We live at a time when there are too many easy routes.. We always had social programs, but years ago they didn't pay enough to live on--only enough to help out in trying times. Most people were too proud to go on them anyway.
I need some help here. I wanted to find Breitbart's web site, so I googled, "Assine, partisan, RW Nutcase stereotyping bullshit", but it brought me to this thread, instead. I tried to "X" it out, but it just kind of resonates from my computer, , like a recording of screeching owls stuck on perpetual "repeat".
I need some help here. I wanted to find Breitbart's web site, so I googled, "Assine, partisan, RW Nutcase stereotyping bullshit", but it brought me to this thread, instead. I tried to "X" it out, but it just kind of resonates from my computer, , like a recording of screeching owls stuck on perpetual "repeat".
You allowed to do that from your klan meeting?
I need some help here. I wanted to find Breitbart's web site, so I googled, "Assine, partisan, RW Nutcase stereotyping bullshit", but it brought me to this thread, instead. I tried to "X" it out, but it just kind of resonates from my computer, , like a recording of screeching owls stuck on perpetual "repeat".
You allowed to do that from your klan meeting?
Not a problem. You have me confused with somebody else. I am posting from my communist cell meeting, during a break after our monthly worship service of Obama and his mentor, Stalin! But, I understand your confusion. You need a program to follow along!
Something very obvious on the surface but seldomly acknowledged.
What is the real motive of Democratic politicians?
If everyone woke up tomorrow and wasn't weird, was straight, law abiding and making six figure incomes there would be no Democratic party....Right?
Thinking logically do you honestly believe that Democratic government wants to help better your life? Why would they? Do they want to lose votes?
For you Liberals and Democrats; lets talk metaphorically for a minute; see if you can tie the correlation together.
"I love to work for a company that never wants me to 'do better'."
"I would rather play on the team that's trying to lose."
"I want my child in a school that wants to keep my child stupid."

Do you get it?
You do know it's Democrats in Blue States that support your kind, right?
Something very obvious on the surface but seldomly acknowledged.
What is the real motive of Democratic politicians?
If everyone woke up tomorrow and wasn't weird, was straight, law abiding and making six figure incomes there would be no Democratic party....Right?
Thinking logically do you honestly believe that Democratic government wants to help better your life? Why would they? Do they want to lose votes?
For you Liberals and Democrats; lets talk metaphorically for a minute; see if you can tie the correlation together.
"I love to work for a company that never wants me to 'do better'."
"I would rather play on the team that's trying to lose."
"I want my child in a school that wants to keep my child stupid."

Do you get it?
The richest people in the country are democrat, moron. Bill Gates, Buffett, Larry Ellison, Walton family, Bloomberg, Brin & Page, Bezos, etc.

Got any other "deep thoughts" to share? :laugh2:

Those elitists in the 1% need the masses to be at their mercy.

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