Democrats Never Met A Communist....

Theists have killed more in fact many deaths you claim atheists did were actually done by christians. The Nazis were catholic Germans. And how many blacks and Indians did religious america kill?

That is your response to what Stalin and Mao did as they slaughtered and starved their own people.

Christians did it................LOL

How many Iraqis did christian bush kill? Christians have lots of blood on their hands.

And Stalin didn't kill in the name of atheism.

Also consider lots of leaders might say they believe but don't really. They only use religion to con the stupid masses. You.

"And Stalin didn't kill in the name of atheism."
I have to stop saying "how stupid can you take it as a challenge."

Atheism is essential to the nature of communism.

1. As one of his friends later recalled, "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
The Black Book of Communism, p.123-124.

2.There is no God:
This concept is an essential element of Marxism. As Lenin stated: "Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism." If God exists and is in supreme command of the universe, He possesses discretionary power, and His actions cannot always be calculated accurately in advance. The whole edifice of Marxism collapses.

When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor.
The Schwarz Report Essays

The underlined part is a fallacy of false Cause or a false dichotomy, since, our Founding Fathers ordained and established our secular and temporal morals as citizen of our republic. What isn't covered by our Ten Amendments. In any case, as part of our supreme law of the land, our Ten Amendments are more supreme than Any commandments of even Religion, simply Because, our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.

Why do you insist on appearing the dope?

The post to which you supposedly are responding does not refer to the Founders, does it.

What and who is specifically mentioned, you dolt?

dude, it helps if you have a clue and a Cause. are you on the right?

That is your response to what Stalin and Mao did as they slaughtered and starved their own people.

Christians did it................LOL

How many Iraqis did christian bush kill? Christians have lots of blood on their hands.

And Stalin didn't kill in the name of atheism.

Also consider lots of leaders might say they believe but don't really. They only use religion to con the stupid masses. You.

"And Stalin didn't kill in the name of atheism."
I have to stop saying "how stupid can you take it as a challenge."

Atheism is essential to the nature of communism.

1. As one of his friends later recalled, "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
The Black Book of Communism, p.123-124.

2.There is no God:
This concept is an essential element of Marxism. As Lenin stated: "Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism." If God exists and is in supreme command of the universe, He possesses discretionary power, and His actions cannot always be calculated accurately in advance. The whole edifice of Marxism collapses.

When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor.
The Schwarz Report Essays

The underlined part is a fallacy of false Cause or a false dichotomy, since, our Founding Fathers ordained and established our secular and temporal morals as citizen of our republic. What isn't covered by our Ten Amendments. In any case, as part of our supreme law of the land, our Ten Amendments are more supreme than Any commandments of even Religion, simply Because, our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.

Why do you insist on appearing the dope?

The post to which you supposedly are responding does not refer to the Founders, does it.

What and who is specifically mentioned, you dolt?

dude, it helps if you have a clue and a Cause. are you on the right?

As you are now in full flight from your post, can we agree that it was simply an irrelevant word salad, and you regret posting it?
The underlined part is a fallacy of false Cause or a false dichotomy, since, our Founding Fathers ordained and established our secular and temporal morals as citizen of our republic. What isn't covered by our Ten Amendments. In any case, as part of our supreme law of the land, our Ten Amendments are more supreme than Any commandments of even Religion, simply Because, our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.
The underlined part is a fallacy of false Cause or a false dichotomy, since, our Founding Fathers ordained and established our secular and temporal morals as citizen of our republic. What isn't covered by our Ten Amendments. In any case, as part of our supreme law of the land, our Ten Amendments are more supreme than Any commandments of even Religion, simply Because, our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.

What am I, a bug-light for morons????

Last time: I responded to this statement..."And Stalin didn't kill in the name of atheism."

I made clear that communism and atheism are intimately joined.

Some up the Founder....probably the result of a severe head injury.

You are dismissed.
Does it matter if they are "joined at the hip", if our Founding Fathers ordained and established our secular and temporal morals for us, and Told us so, in Article the Sixth?

Remember the first thing you heard the paramedics say after your accident…”there must be another cerebral hemisphere around here somewhere…”

Sorry they couldn’t come up with it.
Since when did the Markets become True Capitalism...........................

The manipulation of Markets is not the creation of REAL PRODUCTS AND GOODS, it is the manipulation via FIAT currency which makes the day. When the Markets actually produce REAL PRODUCTS LET ME KNOW...............

Do they build lumber................a car..................gasoline...............NO THEY DON'T............CAPITALISM WORKS, and COMMUNISM IS BS....................I've already posted the data on the Communist and Socialist like Stalin........their contribution to the world is the SLAUGHTER OF ABOUT 100 MILLION PEOPLE.

Theists have killed more in fact many deaths you claim atheists did were actually done by christians. The Nazis were catholic Germans. And how many blacks and Indians did religious america kill?

That is your response to what Stalin and Mao did as they slaughtered and starved their own people.

Christians did it................LOL

How many Iraqis did christian bush kill? Christians have lots of blood on their hands.

And Stalin didn't kill in the name of atheism.

Also consider lots of leaders might say they believe but don't really. They only use religion to con the stupid masses. You. I didn't specify a religion for Stalin or Mao did I.................You are the one trying to divert the thread into A CHRISTIANS SUCK THREAD...............

Your making shit up not posted, as you twist any thread to your own bs that didn't exist until you showed up.

Now tell me the mass murders of their own's RELIGION................I don't know what religion these Genocidal maniacs believed in...................

Let's get back on topic then. Do you know when the black freedom riders in the civil rights movement tried to ride on a grayhound bus the kkk burned the bus. Besides the N word they called them commies. Are you really pulling the red scare card today?

Were not commies or socialists. We just want our fair share back. Before Bush the rich had 75% of the nations wealth now they have 90. Unregulated free market capitalism did work. Hate to say we told you so.

"Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.

Communist Party chairman John Bachtellpublished his essay last week at People’s World, a “daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker.”
Communist Party USA Work With Democrats The Daily Caller
Does anyone believe that Communist regimes start out promising slavery, poverty, control and mass murder?

They start out just where our progressives are today: the rich are holding you down so kill the rich if you want to get ahead

Does anyone believe that unregulated free market capitalism promise those things? Yet that's what we see happened, resulting in the Bush 2007 Great Recession, TARP, Big 3 problems, illegals became a problem on Bush's watch. Remember McCain and Romney said they were just doing jobs Americans wouldn't do? The GOP deregulated and defunded the agency that makes sure corporations aren't hiring illegals. This lowered wages for us. The wars bankrupted us. Deregulating banks and mortgage companies fucked us. Sending jobs overseas to break the unions and renig on pensions fucked us.

Fuck you and your commy talk. Your corrupt capitalism put us in the poor house. And Bush didn't finish in Afganistan. No he invaded Iraq so we were fighting 2 wars we couldn't win. Biggest blunder in world military history, not just US history. Sorta seems like they did it on purpose. But why would an oil man and a defense contractor VP do such a thing, stupid. Didn't Eisenhower warn us about the military industrial complex. That's all socialism disguised as capitalism. Who do they sell their weapons to? The US citizens. And if it weren't for this socialism your capitalism would fall apart, stupid.
The underlined part is a fallacy of false Cause or a false dichotomy, since, our Founding Fathers ordained and established our secular and temporal morals as citizen of our republic. What isn't covered by our Ten Amendments. In any case, as part of our supreme law of the land, our Ten Amendments are more supreme than Any commandments of even Religion, simply Because, our Founding Fathers spake it so, in Article the Sixth.

If we want to know if something is right or wrong, we refer to the Constitution. Christians, Muslims, Jews & Mormons may also look to their holy books for guidance but us atheists don't. We don't need a god to know right from wrong. In fact far too often their god is wrong. At least according to the US Constitution.
Theists have killed more in fact many deaths you claim atheists did were actually done by christians. The Nazis were catholic Germans. And how many blacks and Indians did religious america kill?

That is your response to what Stalin and Mao did as they slaughtered and starved their own people.

Christians did it................LOL

How many Iraqis did christian bush kill? Christians have lots of blood on their hands.

And Stalin didn't kill in the name of atheism.

Also consider lots of leaders might say they believe but don't really. They only use religion to con the stupid masses. You. I didn't specify a religion for Stalin or Mao did I.................You are the one trying to divert the thread into A CHRISTIANS SUCK THREAD...............

Your making shit up not posted, as you twist any thread to your own bs that didn't exist until you showed up.

Now tell me the mass murders of their own's RELIGION................I don't know what religion these Genocidal maniacs believed in...................

Let's get back on topic then. Do you know when the black freedom riders in the civil rights movement tried to ride on a grayhound bus the kkk burned the bus. Besides the N word they called them commies. Are you really pulling the red scare card today?

Were not commies or socialists. We just want our fair share back. Before Bush the rich had 75% of the nations wealth now they have 90. Unregulated free market capitalism did work. Hate to say we told you so.

"Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.

Communist Party chairman John Bachtellpublished his essay last week at People’s World, a “daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker.”
Communist Party USA Work With Democrats The Daily Caller

They were calling the party that won in Greece communist. I asked my brother if that meant everyone was going to make the same amount and he said, "well the guys not really going to implement communism".

So really calling someone commy is just a scare tactic. No one wants to go commy. Although I do agree with what this guy wants to do in Greece:

SYRIZA’s 40-point program calls for a complete break with austerity: reversing wage cuts, guaranteed health care for the poor, strong labor regulations and unemployment insurance, housing for the homeless, among others. At the same time, it calls for increasing taxes on the rich and their luxury items, prohibiting speculative financial derivatives, eliminating the financial privileges of the shipping industry and Church, and nationalizing private banks and hospitals. In foreign policy, it calls for closing all foreign bases, getting out of NATO and ending military cooperation with Israel.

It is unprecedented in recent history for a self-described radical leftist party to lead a government in Europe, and because of this progressives and revolutionaries around the world are closely following the situation.

Lets see how they do, and if its really communism or is it just well regulated capitalism.

Nationalizing banks and hospitals isn't a bad idea.

That is your response to what Stalin and Mao did as they slaughtered and starved their own people.

Christians did it................LOL

How many Iraqis did christian bush kill? Christians have lots of blood on their hands.

And Stalin didn't kill in the name of atheism.

Also consider lots of leaders might say they believe but don't really. They only use religion to con the stupid masses. You. I didn't specify a religion for Stalin or Mao did I.................You are the one trying to divert the thread into A CHRISTIANS SUCK THREAD...............

Your making shit up not posted, as you twist any thread to your own bs that didn't exist until you showed up.

Now tell me the mass murders of their own's RELIGION................I don't know what religion these Genocidal maniacs believed in...................

Let's get back on topic then. Do you know when the black freedom riders in the civil rights movement tried to ride on a grayhound bus the kkk burned the bus. Besides the N word they called them commies. Are you really pulling the red scare card today?

Were not commies or socialists. We just want our fair share back. Before Bush the rich had 75% of the nations wealth now they have 90. Unregulated free market capitalism did work. Hate to say we told you so.

"Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.

Communist Party chairman John Bachtellpublished his essay last week at People’s World, a “daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker.”
Communist Party USA Work With Democrats The Daily Caller

They were calling the party that won in Greece communist. I asked my brother if that meant everyone was going to make the same amount and he said, "well the guys not really going to implement communism".

So really calling someone commy is just a scare tactic. No one wants to go commy. Although I do agree with what this guy wants to do in Greece:

SYRIZA’s 40-point program calls for a complete break with austerity: reversing wage cuts, guaranteed health care for the poor, strong labor regulations and unemployment insurance, housing for the homeless, among others. At the same time, it calls for increasing taxes on the rich and their luxury items, prohibiting speculative financial derivatives, eliminating the financial privileges of the shipping industry and Church, and nationalizing private banks and hospitals. In foreign policy, it calls for closing all foreign bases, getting out of NATO and ending military cooperation with Israel.

It is unprecedented in recent history for a self-described radical leftist party to lead a government in Europe, and because of this progressives and revolutionaries around the world are closely following the situation.

Lets see how they do, and if its really communism or is it just well regulated capitalism.

Nationalizing banks and hospitals isn't a bad idea.

"To that end, he claimed, “thousands of trade unionists have been elected” at municipal and local levels of American government. Bachtell did not note a party affiliation of these elected leaders."
Ijn Greece the formerly ruling, right-wing New Democracy party won just under 28 percent of the vote. This could happen in America if Capitalism sucks any worse for the masses.

Greece the shift left the class struggle and communist tactics - Liberation News

look at all the good Communism did for China and the USSR!! About 100 million people murdered
but but but they did build a wall to keep their people in.............GATED COUNTRIES................

Ijn Greece the formerly ruling, right-wing New Democracy party won just under 28 percent of the vote. This could happen in America if Capitalism sucks any worse for the masses.

Greece the shift left the class struggle and communist tactics - Liberation News

look at all the good Communism did for China and the USSR!! About 100 million people murdered
but but but they did build a wall to keep their people in.............GATED COUNTRIES................


Notice how many of our useful idiots are hoping in inner tubes to go to Cuba.
Ijn Greece the formerly ruling, right-wing New Democracy party won just under 28 percent of the vote. This could happen in America if Capitalism sucks any worse for the masses.

Greece the shift left the class struggle and communist tactics - Liberation News

look at all the good Communism did for China and the USSR!! About 100 million people murdered
but but but they did build a wall to keep their people in.............GATED COUNTRIES................


If Progressives were honest theyd say put us in power so we can inflict unimaginable poverty, misery, torture and murder and the first ones we round up will be the useful idiots who put us here because they demonstrated that they cannot be trusted
Ijn Greece the formerly ruling, right-wing New Democracy party won just under 28 percent of the vote. This could happen in America if Capitalism sucks any worse for the masses.

Greece the shift left the class struggle and communist tactics - Liberation News

look at all the good Communism did for China and the USSR!! About 100 million people murdered
but but but they did build a wall to keep their people in.............GATED COUNTRIES................


If Progressives were honest theyd say put us in power so we can inflict unimaginable poverty, misery, torture and murder and the first ones we round up will be the useful idiots who put us here because they demonstrated that they cannot be trusted

"If Progressives were honest...."

1. " If Democrats were forthright and respectful they would have enough confidence in their proposals and their countrymen to speak plainly. They would say: “We’re not idiots; you’re not idiots; and only an idiot could believe it’s possible for government to do big things that help lots of people without also imposing big costs, through taxes and regulations, that adversely affect lots of people. The reason you should support the Democratic agenda is not that we’re magicians who can make something out of nothing. It’s that the benefits of our programs will exceed their costs—so much so that our country and most of our citizens will be better off paying the higher taxes and complying with the more stringent regulations than we would be absent the taxes, the regulations, and the benefits they make possible.”

a. Democrats eschew such candor with reason. In 1984 Walter Mondale told the voters, “Mr. Reagan will raise taxes, and so will I. He won’t tell you. I just did.” Mondale went on to sweep the jurisdictions of Minnesota and the District of Columbia, forcing President Reagan to cobble together an Electoral College majority by carrying the other 49 states."
Liars Remorse The Weekly Standard

There'll be an honest Progressive any day now......any day......
Ijn Greece the formerly ruling, right-wing New Democracy party won just under 28 percent of the vote. This could happen in America if Capitalism sucks any worse for the masses.

Greece the shift left the class struggle and communist tactics - Liberation News

look at all the good Communism did for China and the USSR!! About 100 million people murdered
but but but they did build a wall to keep their people in.............GATED COUNTRIES................


If Progressives were honest theyd say put us in power so we can inflict unimaginable poverty, misery, torture and murder and the first ones we round up will be the useful idiots who put us here because they demonstrated that they cannot be trusted

"If Progressives were honest...."

1. " If Democrats were forthright and respectful they would have enough confidence in their proposals and their countrymen to speak plainly. They would say: “We’re not idiots; you’re not idiots; and only an idiot could believe it’s possible for government to do big things that help lots of people without also imposing big costs, through taxes and regulations, that adversely affect lots of people. The reason you should support the Democratic agenda is not that we’re magicians who can make something out of nothing. It’s that the benefits of our programs will exceed their costs—so much so that our country and most of our citizens will be better off paying the higher taxes and complying with the more stringent regulations than we would be absent the taxes, the regulations, and the benefits they make possible.”

a. Democrats eschew such candor with reason. In 1984 Walter Mondale told the voters, “Mr. Reagan will raise taxes, and so will I. He won’t tell you. I just did.” Mondale went on to sweep the jurisdictions of Minnesota and the District of Columbia, forcing President Reagan to cobble together an Electoral College majority by carrying the other 49 states."
Liars Remorse The Weekly Standard

There'll be an honest Progressive any day now......any day......
Governments don't operate to make a profit. If they did it would cost you $5 just to mail a letter to someone. Public schools would cost more. Police would ticket more to make more profit.

And without regulations you'd pay a lot more for everything. Your way doesn't work.
Ijn Greece the formerly ruling, right-wing New Democracy party won just under 28 percent of the vote. This could happen in America if Capitalism sucks any worse for the masses.

Greece the shift left the class struggle and communist tactics - Liberation News

look at all the good Communism did for China and the USSR!! About 100 million people murdered
but but but they did build a wall to keep their people in.............GATED COUNTRIES................


If Progressives were honest theyd say put us in power so we can inflict unimaginable poverty, misery, torture and murder and the first ones we round up will be the useful idiots who put us here because they demonstrated that they cannot be trusted

"If Progressives were honest...."

1. " If Democrats were forthright and respectful they would have enough confidence in their proposals and their countrymen to speak plainly. They would say: “We’re not idiots; you’re not idiots; and only an idiot could believe it’s possible for government to do big things that help lots of people without also imposing big costs, through taxes and regulations, that adversely affect lots of people. The reason you should support the Democratic agenda is not that we’re magicians who can make something out of nothing. It’s that the benefits of our programs will exceed their costs—so much so that our country and most of our citizens will be better off paying the higher taxes and complying with the more stringent regulations than we would be absent the taxes, the regulations, and the benefits they make possible.”

a. Democrats eschew such candor with reason. In 1984 Walter Mondale told the voters, “Mr. Reagan will raise taxes, and so will I. He won’t tell you. I just did.” Mondale went on to sweep the jurisdictions of Minnesota and the District of Columbia, forcing President Reagan to cobble together an Electoral College majority by carrying the other 49 states."
Liars Remorse The Weekly Standard

There'll be an honest Progressive any day now......any day......
Governments don't operate to make a profit. If they did it would cost you $5 just to mail a letter to someone. Public schools would cost more. Police would ticket more to make more profit.

And without regulations you'd pay a lot more for everything. Your way doesn't work.

:wtf:that's gotta be one of the dumbest statements ever posted on the board :uhoh3:
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