Democrats now the Party of the Vaxxed Supremacists

Wow! You're my new hero. You're so good at this. Can I have your autograph? I just know you'll be famous some day.
Try focusing and following the argument, troll. When you get past the missinformation, the GOP base are all trolls... It's the style of their pundit heroes. I'm not special, everyone in the world knows it except for you God damn idiots, oops brainwashed functional idiots politically..... The vaccines are cheap and effective and good masks work well. End of story
Try focusing and following the argument, troll. When you get past the missinformation, the GOP base are all trolls... It's the style of their pundit heroes. I'm not special, everyone in the world knows it except for you God damn idiots, oops brainwashed functional idiots politically..... The vaccines are cheap and effective and good masks work well. End of story
You are SOOOOOOOO easy! Please keep it up. This shit's fun!
All our problems, the supply chain crisis and inflation and schools and mask regulations etc etc come from your garbage propaganda and the GOP base refusing to get vaccinated for no good reason, just endless misinformation from scumbag pundits on Fox and the internet. You're a disgrace. Get it?

Yours is the side that spun a routine cold/flu outbreak into a huge fake “pandemic”.

Yours is the side that exploited this hoax to seize and abuse illegitimate powers, to destroy our freedoms, to sabotage our economy, and now to bully and coerce us into allowing ourselves to be injected with dangerous, harmful, experimental drugs.

Your side owns this disaster, all of it.

And, of course, as is pretty much the absurd, but well-founded stereotype, it is your side that is trying to blame your opposition for the disaster that you created.
Yours is the side that spun a routine cold/flu outbreak into a huge fake “pandemic”.

Yours is the side that exploited this hoax to seize and abuse illegitimate powers, to destroy our freedoms, to sabotage our economy, and now to bully and coerce us into allowing ourselves to be injected with dangerous, harmful, experimental drugs.

Your side owns this disaster, all of it.

And, of course, as is pretty much the absurd, but well-founded stereotype, it is your side that is trying to blame your opposition for the disaster that you created.
Yes yes 900,000 dead no problem at all. Brainwashed functional moron.
Try focusing and following the argument, troll. When you get past the missinformation, the GOP base are all trolls... It's the style of their pundit heroes. I'm not special, everyone in the world knows it except for you God damn idiots, oops brainwashed functional idiots politically..... The vaccines are cheap and effective and good masks work well. End of story

Glad you're happy with it all. Try and force me into submission and you'll lose whichever hand you reach for me with.
Yes yes 900,000 dead no problem at all. Brainwashed functional moron.
Name them. Name just 1/10th of a percent of them. Until you will do that and we can know about their medical histories and the factors that led to their deaths, they do not exist, except in your indoctrinated little brain.

"COVID will kill me,
This I know.
For my TV
Tells me so.

Little shots
Will set me free.
Let's get boosters
One, two, three.

Yes, COVID will kill me.
Yes, COVID will kill me.
Yes, COVID will kill me.
My TV tells me so"

Sung to the tune of "Yes, Jesus Loves Me"
All our problems, the supply chain crisis and inflation and schools and mask regulations etc etc come from your garbage propaganda and the GOP base refusing to get vaccinated for no good reason, just endless misinformation from scumbag pundits on Fox and the internet. You're a disgrace. Get it?
That has nothing to do with your trolling and previous post. More trolling and lying from you.
Exactly, what you posted was ridiculous.
Those white supremists are still there today. If they had their way they would have a lynching before church Every Sunday.
A few years ago they dragged a black guy until it killed him.
Love people and it was all done in gods name.
I mean, the definition fits them perfectly, doesn’t it?

vaxxed supremacist

  1. a person who believes that vaccinated people constitute a superior class and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other status groups, in particular unvaccinated or people who won’t share their medical records.
    "an avowed vaxxed supremacist"
  1. supporting the belief that vaxxed people constitute a superior class and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other status groups, in particular unvaccinated or people who won’t share their medical records.
    "they were members of a vaxxed supremacist group"

More garbage from the Free-Dumb brigade.

Vaxxed people have a commitment to their families, their community, and their nation. The unvaxxed, lack that level of connection to their communities. They've been lied to by so many for so long, they no longer know who to believe, and lack the ability to make sound decisions on their own behalf.

There are also a LOT of people who have been exploiting the fears and concerns of people through the pandemic, to push an anti-government agenda. It works in the USA because Republicans have been pushing an anti-government line for decades.

The message isn't getting through in Canada, because we have a long proud history of voting governments out of office if we don't like them. And when we don't trust them, we elect minority governments to keep them in line.

You foolishly re-elect your worst Presidents.
More garbage from the Free-Dumb brigade.

Vaxxed people have a commitment to their families, their community, and their nation. The unvaxxed, lack that level of connection to their communities. They've been lied to by so many for so long, they no longer know who to believe, and lack the ability to make sound decisions on their own behalf.

There are also a LOT of people who have been exploiting the fears and concerns of people through the pandemic, to push an anti-government agenda. It works in the USA because Republicans have been pushing an anti-government line for decades.

The message isn't getting through in Canada, because we have a long proud history of voting governments out of office if we don't like them. And when we don't trust them, we elect minority governments to keep them in line.

You foolishly re-elect your worst Presidents.

No, we're just smarter and more savvy than you and saw through the BS from the beginning.

The lockdowns have already been proven to be BS, but that was no big deal to the Zoom Class.

School closures, same. Many people don't have kids in school.

But now it gets as personal as our bodies. Masks are falling next. But wait--we had to wear masks on our mugs for TWO YEARS because of Covid Cult.

Next up: vaccines. Wait 'til you all find out about those.

Those white supremists are still there today. If they had their way they would have a lynching before church Every Sunday.
A few years ago they dragged a black guy until it killed him.
Love people and it was all done in gods name.
Easy to say.

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